Daily Archives: 14. August 2020

14.08.2020 - 23:37 [ The White House / Twitter ]

President @realDonaldTrump was able to get Israel to agree to a two-state solution with the Palestinian people—and, for the first time in history, agree to a map that outlined the territory.


14.08.2020 - 23:34 [ Times of Israel ]

UAE committed to Palestinian state, Arab Peace Initiative, spokeswoman tells ToI

The United Arab Emirates remains committed to the establishment of a Palestinian state and to the terms of the Arab Peace Initiative, a senior official from the Arab Gulf state told The Times of Israel on Thursday, in rare on-the-record remarks to Israeli media.

14.08.2020 - 23:31 [ israeltoday.co.il ]

Jordan’s King Does Not Want a Palestinian State


King Abdullah II of Jordan does not really want a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria, despite his repeated opposition to the extension of Israeli sovereignty to the so-called “West Bank.”

14.08.2020 - 23:20 [ Haaretz ]

The Netanyahu Crime Syndicate‘s Open Season on the Legal System

To understand what the crime syndicate that has taken over this country is after, one must first understand the goals of the man who leads it. The criminal defendant bunkered down in Balfour Street has three goals: to remain prime minister, to cancel his trial and to prevent the truth from coming out about the so-called steel shares and submarines affairs (which could result in charges that are much more serious than those in his current trial).

14.08.2020 - 23:15 [ i24news.tv ]

Poll: 78% of Israelis unsatisfied by current gov‘t performance

In the opposite camp, 19 percent said they are happy by the government’s performance while three percent answered they “don’t know.”

The group most unsatisfied are Blue and White party voters, with 91 percent of them unsatisfied by the unity government.

14.08.2020 - 18:53 [ Counterpunch ]

Selective Maritime Rules: The United States, Diego Garcia and International Law

August 12, 2020

The British authorities were true to their word: the indigenous population between 1967 and 1973 was forcibly relocated to Mauritius and the Seychelles, with the US paying $14 million for the effort. The way for the establishment of a military base was cleared but only after pockets of Chagossian resistance were crushed through threats and intimidation.

14.08.2020 - 17:10 [ Antiwar.com ]

US B-2 Bombers Deploy to Diego Garcia

Diego Garcia is subject to a territorial dispute from its native population, which was expelled by Britain before the island was leased to the US. Despite ongoing lawsuits, neither the US nor Britain has any intention of allowing the natives to return.

14.08.2020 - 12:13 [ Tagesschau ]

Keine Einreise für Online-Studenten

Erst vor Kurzem empörte sich die Bundesregierung, dass die USA ausländischen Studenten Visa verweigern wollten, die in der Corona-Krise nur Online-Kurse belegen können. Dabei geht sie ähnlich vor.

14.08.2020 - 11:13 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Chile: Aktivisten erstatten Anzeige bei EU

Während der Proteste waren mehr als 30 Demonstranten ums Leben gekommen, mehr als 450 Menschen verloren durch den Einsatz von Gummigeschossen und Tränengasgranaten ein Auge, zwei Personen erblindeten komplett.

14.08.2020 - 10:12 [ Kurier.at ]

Erdgasstreit mit Erdogan: Was Pompeo in Wien durchsetzen soll

Wenn der US-Außenminister heute in Wien seine offiziellen Treffen abhält, wird international vor allem eines große Beachtung erhalten: Jenes mit seinem griechischen Amtskollegen: Nikos Dendias ist spontan nach Österreich gereist, um mit Mike Pompeo über amerikanische Solidarität zu sprechen. Konkret: im Erdgasstreit im östlichen Mittelmeer. Dort wuchsen die Spannungen zwischen Athen und Ankara zuletzt von Stunde zu Stunde.

14.08.2020 - 10:02 [ Kathimerini ]

Dendias in Vienna for talks with Pompeo, EU foreign affairs council

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias will meet with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Vienna on Friday to discuss developments in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Dendias will also meet with Austrian counterpart Alexander Schallenberg,

14.08.2020 - 06:08 [ CNN ]

Bloomberg to speak at Democratic convention, angering some liberals

Bloomberg jumped into the Democratic presidential primary long after much of the field, arguing that he did so to stop the rise of more liberal candidates like Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. The former mayor and businessman, who has been a Republican, a Democrat and an independent in his career, ended up spending more than $1 billion on his campaign, an astonishing number that dwarfed every other candidate in the race.

14.08.2020 - 06:02 [ Ken Klippenstein / Twitter ]

A literal Republican, John Kasich, is going to get more speaking time at the DNC than every member of the squad combined

14.08.2020 - 05:57 [ Businessinsider.com ]

Andrew Yang added to DNC convention speaker lineup after tweeting about being left off it

„I‘ve got to be honest I kind of expected to speak,“ Yang, who has 1.6 million Twitter followers, tweeted on Tuesday after the initial DNC speaker lineup was unveiled. He later joked, „maybe I endorsed against one too many incumbents.“

The convention, which will be held almost entirely remotely, will begin Monday, August 17, and conclude on Thursday, August 20.

14.08.2020 - 05:52 [ jsonline.com ]

2020 Democratic National Convention: No delegates, no Biden and not many national TV news crews


Four years ago, more than 15,000 journalists covered the DNC in Philadelphia. At this year‘s DNC? Think double digits.

None of the major TV news operations plans to send a news anchor team to Milwaukee for the convention.

14.08.2020 - 05:27 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Viral Fake Footage Of “Chinese” Atrocities Shows The Power Of Narrative Spin

The only sane response to a situation that is swamped with propaganda and disinformation is to hold tight to skepticism and agnosticism until presented with hard proof. Get comfortable with not knowing, and don’t forget that the power structures presenting you with these narratives have lied to you in the past.

Stay skeptical. Stay critical. Demand hard, verifiable proof about any claim about any US-targeted nation, and if it isn’t given to you, don’t swallow it. This is how you keep your head clear of the propaganda.

14.08.2020 - 05:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Michael Cohen has offer to be a political consultant, his lawyer says


Michael Cohen hopes to accept the offer to work on the committee’s behalf, attorney Danya Perry told US District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein in a letter aimed at ensuring the judge does not object. She did not identify the committee.

14.08.2020 - 04:56 [ Michael Cohen / Twitter ]

The day has finally arrived. I have waited a long time to share my truth. To read the foreword and pre-order my book DISLOYAL, visit …

14.08.2020 - 03:32 [ Haaretz ]

After Netanyahu Commits to Future Annexation, Trump Says It‘s ‚Off the Table for Now‘

„Israel agreed not to annex parts of the West Bank. It is more than taking it off the table – they agreed not to do it. This is a very smart concession by Israel. It is off the table now,“ Trump said during a White House briefing.

14.08.2020 - 03:28 [ Fox News ]

Biden praises Israel-UAE peace deal announced by Trump, credits Obama administration

The former vice president praised the move as “a historic step to bridge the deep divides of the Middle East,” calling the UAE’s offer to “publicly recognize the State of Israel is a welcome, brave, and badly-needed act of statesmanship.”

“It is a critical recognition that Israel is a vibrant, integral part of the Middle East that is here to stay,” Biden said. “Israel can and will be a valued strategic and economic partner to all who welcome it.”

14.08.2020 - 03:23 [ Washington Post ]

Israel-UAE deal condemned by Palestinians, cheered by Egypt and Bahrain

Other Arab governments mostly stayed silent, as signs of anger from some of the region’s citizens trickled out.

14.08.2020 - 03:15 [ White House ]

Remarks by President Trump Announcing the Normalization of Relations Between Israel and the United Arab Emirates

Just a few moments ago, I hosted a very special call with two friends — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed of the United Arab Emirates — where they agreed to finalize a historical peace agreement. Everybody said this would be impossible. And, as you know, Mohammed is one of the great leaders of the Middle East.

After 49 years, Israel and the United Arab Emirates will fully normalize their diplomatic relations. They will exchange embassies and ambassadors, and begin cooperation across the board and on a broad range of areas, including tourism, education, healthcare, trade, and security.

This is a truly historic moment. Not since the Israel-Jordan peace treaty was signed more than 25 years ago has so much progress been made towards peace in the Middle East.

14.08.2020 - 01:55 [ Al Jazeera ]

Lebanon parliament approves sweeping powers for the army

The state of emergency allows the army to curb free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press, as well as to enter homes and arrest anyone deemed a security threat.