They discovered that Neptune‘s magnetic field was tipped on its side. They found a giant spot called the Great Dark Spot on the planet, similar to Jupiter‘s Great Red Spot. But the event was passing, because it was no longer there when the Hubble Space Telescope looked four years later.
Daily Archives: 26. August 2019
Netanyahu greift Irak, Syrien und Libanon an in verzweifeltem Versuch, Wählerstimmen zu erhalten
In der Tat, da die Wahl Israels weniger als einen Monat entfernt ist und Premierminister Netanyahu und seine Verbündeten in den meisten Umfragen einen erheblichen Rückstand aufweisen, scheint es, dass die Politik darin besteht, ihre Angriffe in der gesamten Region zu eskalieren, in der Hoffnung, mehr Stimmen aus der kriegslüsternen Rechten zu bekommen.
How Elizabeth Warren Is Courting the Democratic Establishment
With phone calls, texts and handwritten notes, the Massachusetts senator is continuing an unusually determined outreach effort to show party officials she is aligned with them.
„Rot-Grün-Rot“ in Bremen „Nach zwölf Jahren Opposition hätte man alles akzeptiert“
Für nicht wenige im Landesverband scheint Mobbing eine adäquate Form der politischen Auseinandersetzung zu sein.
Bundeswehr weitet Testbetrieb nach Moorbrand wieder aus
Am emsländischen Moor wird wieder geschossen und gesprengt.
Proteste gegen Kupferprojekt Tía María in Peru dauern an
Nach Protesten in den vergangenen Jahren war es wiederholt vorläufig suspendiert und später wieder aufgenommen worden.
Brände im Amazonasgebiet
Deutschland und die EU begünstigen die Abholzung und Brandrodungen im Amazonasgebiet mit ihren umfangreichen Agrarimporten aus Brasilien seit Jahren. Schon lange werden Proteste dagegen laut, zumal im Auftrag von Brasiliens Agrarunternehmen immer wieder auch Morde an Kleinbauern begangen werden. Deutschland sei daran „durch seine Importe von Produkten des brasilianischen Agro-Business mitschuldig“, kritisierten beispielsweise Vertreter indigener Gemeinschaften vor rund drei Jahren. Das unlängst geschlossene EU-Freihandelsabkommen mit dem Mercosur wird Brasiliens Agrarexporte weiter steigern und neue Anbauflächen erforderlich machen;
Anyone but Cowardly, Warmongering Kahol Lavan
Vote left, vote right, just don’t vote nothing. The nothing of Kahol Lavan isn’t merely nothing, it’s an actively destructive nothing. It suffocates any possibility of providing an alternative and eliminates any hope for change.
Zionist Blue & White Rejects Joint List Participation in Any Coalition
Joint List Chairman Ayman Odeh is prepared to recommend that Kahol Lavan’s Benny Gantz form a government, and that the united slate of Joint List would be willing to join a center-left coalition, he told in a long interview published by the Israeli daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper Friday morning.
MK Odeh’s comments drew ire from across the Zionist political spectrum, ranging from Kahol Lavan to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud. In the interview, Odeh formulated a list of demands with regard to the end of the occupation of the Palestinian territories, welfare issues and Arab public needs. If Kahol Lavan accepts these terms, it would prepare the grounds for Joint List to join the government, for the first time in Israeli history.
Nasrallah: Let the Israelis take note from now on, we will target any Israeli drone that enters Lebanese airspace. This is over. We will not wait for anyone in the universe.
More Israeli drones reported over south and east Lebanon
Multiple Israeli drones were reported to have flown over Lebanese airspace Monday, hours after Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah warned that his party would bring down Israeli unmanned aircraft entering Lebanese skies.
Lebanese President: Israeli Drone Strikes Amount to ‚Declaration of War‘
Lebanese President Michel Aoun discussed on Monday the „Israeli assault on the southern suburbs of Beirut“ with the country‘s United Nations Special Coordinator, Aoun‘s office said. The president said that the drone strikes amount to a „declaration of war.“
Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif in Beijing for talks
Zarif made a five-hour visit Sunday to the seaside resort of Biarritz, where he met with French President Emmanuel Macron and French, German and British diplomats.
He said he planned to brief Wang on „the latest developments as well as my tour of Europe and my discussions in Biarritz with our French colleagues“ in the nuclear agreement.
Trump claims serious trade negotiations with China to begin
Trump said his trade negotiators had received two “very good calls” from China on Sunday, hours after Trump waffled on whether he regretted the one-upmanship on tariffs Friday. Trump at first seemed to express regret over the escalating trade war, but the White House later said Trump’s only regret was that he didn’t impose even higher tariffs on China.
Iran says oil aboard tanker pursed by US sold; buyer unnamed
The announcement by government spokesman Ali Rabiei represent just the latest twist in the saga of the Adrian Darya 1, which had been known as the Grace 1 when authorities seized the vessel off Gibraltar on July 4, on suspicion of breaking European Union sanctions targeting Syria.
President Trump Participates in a Joint Press Conference with the President of France
Biarritz, France
Rule 1 at the G7 Meeting? Don’t Get You-Know-Who Mad
No one can say how the remainder of the meetings will go, or what will happen after he leaves. But everyone seemed determined to avoid the sort of blowup that marred last year’s Group of 7 meeting in Canada, when a stormy Mr. Trump refused to sign the final communiqué and lashed out at the host, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
“Thus far, this has been really a great G-7,” Mr. Trump gushed on Sunday, “and I want to congratulate France and your president because they have really done a great job.”
#Iran‘s Foreign Ministry says @JZarif, who had arrived in Iran after a short trip to Biarritz, has just left Tehran at the head of a delegation for #China
New Video of alleged Israel strikes in east Lebanon ~ an hour ago, targeting Palestinian Group PFLP. If true, this may be 4th military incident in Lebanon-Syria-Iraq involving Israel in 24 hours.
Via @tobiaschneider
Another potential stumbling block to compromise in Biarritz: Trump brought with him national security adviser John Bolton, the leading Iran hawk in his administration.
G7: Trump‘s demands for Russia‘s readmission cause row in Biarritz
US president argues Putin should be included in discussions on Iran, Syria and North Korea
Macron sparks confusion after inviting Iran‘s foreign minister to G7 summit
When Iran‘s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, landed in Biarritz Sunday afternoon it appeared France‘s Emmanuel Macron, this year‘s G7 host, had pulled off an end run around his most powerful guest, US President Donald Trump.