„Wir müssen in England einen Lockdown verhängen, um die neue Corona-Variante in den Griff zu bekommen“, sagte Premierminister Boris Johnson heute Abend in einer TV-Ansprache.
„Das bedeutet, dass Sie zu Hause bleiben müssen“, so Johnson.
„Wir müssen in England einen Lockdown verhängen, um die neue Corona-Variante in den Griff zu bekommen“, sagte Premierminister Boris Johnson heute Abend in einer TV-Ansprache.
„Das bedeutet, dass Sie zu Hause bleiben müssen“, so Johnson.
Therefore, the overall risk of an increased impact on health systems in the coming weeks is assessed as ????. 4/4
(22 Dec 2020)
Noting that the ECDC’s report on the new strain was published last night, Balik said “this mutant variant has been named SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01 [Variant Under Investigation, year 2020, month 12, variant 01] for now.”
Balik said the report points out the importance of a comprehensive examination of the new strain.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the weeks ahead would be the „hardest yet“ but added that he believed the country was entering „the last phase of the struggle“ with coronavirus
Clare Gardiner, head of cyber resilience and strategy at the UK National Cyber Security Centre — a branch of signals intelligence agency GCHQ — will become the centre’s first director-general, responsible for advising ministers on the “alert level” for the virus; which is similar to assessing the terror threat.
Ms Gardiner’s role at the NCSC involves advising businesses and public organisations on how to improve their cyber defences, and she will return to this post after her secondment at the centre. But her research background in epidemiology and medical statistics make her well-suited to the role, according to one person familiar with her appointment.
She will report to Dido Harding, who is in charge of the NHS test and trace service.
The decision to put a security official in charge is likely to cause consternation among public health experts, who have questioned whether the template of a terror analysis centre is appropriate for managing a viral pandemic,
(09 Dec 2020)
Vallance and chief medical officer Chris Whitty were asked if there was something that could be done in the structure in scientific advice that could be a bit more forensic about those restrictions on the sector that have a very big impact on certain people. The scientific advisers said they are trying very hard to get data but can´t give specific data on it, and nor can anyone else across the world.
Health secretary Matt Hancock has said that Boris Johnson’s tier system is “no longer strong enough” to deal with the new more virulent variant of coronavirus.
– Boris Johnson is set to announce a dramatic new national lockdown for England amid mutant Covid crisis
– Ex-health secretary Jeremy Hunt urged immediate closure of schools, borders with household mixing ban
– Matt Hancock said the tiers were no longer strong enough to deal with the mutant version of coronavirus
– Suggested public‘s failure to comply with all the rules was to blame for inability to control outbreaks in Tier 4
– PM warned that curbs are about to get ‚tougher‘ – and admitted he is considering further closures of schools
– Government‘s core ‚Covid-O‘ committee has met this morning to decide on the next steps in the response
Am Handeln des 49-Jährigen übte Baraitser freilich massive Kritik. Die Argumente seiner Verteidigung erkannte sie in großen Teilen nicht an. Weder habe diese belegen können, dass Assange in den USA kein faires Verfahren erwarte, noch, dass der Wikileaks-Gründer Opfer politischer Verfolgung sei,
Stella Morris and Chief Editor of Wiki Leaks Kristinn Hrafnsson speak, after Julian Assange extradition to the United States is blocked, by U.K District Judge. The Old Bailey.
The U.S. government will appeal to the High Court to reverse the judge’s ruling, a process that could take several months — perhaps even longer because of Assange’s poor health and the soaring outbreak of coronavirus in Britain, which has the capital city on near-lockdown.
No one has been brought to book for the crimes exposed by WikiLeaks. Instead, the Trump administration has launched a full-scale assault on the international criminal court for daring to investigate these and other offences, and is pursuing the man who brought them to light. It has taken the unprecedented step of prosecuting him under the Espionage Act for publishing confidential information. (Mike Pompeo, secretary of state and former CIA director, has previously described Wikileaks as a “non-state hostile intelligence agency”). In doing so, it chose to attack one of the very bases of journalism: its ability to share vital information that the government would rather suppress.
Alle zehn lebenden Ex-Verteidigungsminister der USA haben vor einem Einsatz des Militärs im Streit um die von Präsident Donald Trump angezweifelten Wahlergebnisse gewarnt. Entsprechende „Bemühungen“ würden das Land auf „gefährliches, rechtswidriges und verfassungswidriges Gebiet“ führen, heißt es in einem gestern veröffentlichten Beitrag der Ex-Minister für die „Washington Post“.
„Our elections have occurred. Recounts and audits have been conducted. Appropriate challenges have been addressed by the courts. Governors have certified the results. And the electoral college has voted. The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived,“ the group wrote.
Laut Alina Chan, Molekularbiologin am Broad Institute of Harvard und am MIT, kann man die Evolution von SARS-CoV-2 nicht mit der These eines zoonotischen Ursprungs in Einklang bringen, denn das Virus war bereits vollständig für die Mensch-zu-Mensch-Übertragung angepasst, als es zum ersten Mal auftrat.
Die renommierte medizinische Fachzeitschrift „Nature“ erlaubte anscheinend einigen Autoren, ihre Daten heimlich zu ändern, ohne auf diese Korrekturen in den Artikeln hinzuweisen.
Chans Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Autoren ihre Proben umbenannt, falsch zugeordnet und ein Genomprofil generiert haben, das mit keiner ihrer Proben übereinstimmt. In anderen Papers fehlen Daten.
Das Coronavirus RaTG13, zu 96 Prozent mit SARS-CoV-2 identisch und somit der engste Verwandte, ist in Wirklichkeit btCoV-4991. Dieses Genom wurde schon 2013 in Proben nachgewiesen und 2016 veröffentlicht.
Die 80-Jährige wurde gestern bei der konstituierenden Sitzung der Kongresskammer mit knapper Mehrheit für zwei weitere Jahre im Amt bestätigt.
We demand that every progressive in Congress refuse to vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House until she publicly pledges to bring Medicare for all to the floor of the House for a vote in January:
Heading into the vote, there were also open questions surrounding the intentions of several incoming progressive lawmakers — including Cori Bush (D-Mo.) and Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) — who had knocked off Democratic incumbents in the primaries and had declined to forecast how they‘d vote in the Speaker‘s race.
In the end, however, those newcomers declined to go after Pelosi, citing a need for Democrats to unite heading into the new Congress.
But that is what would happen if the UK decides to extradite Julian. It would rewrite the rules of what it is permissible to publish here. Overnight, it would chill free and open debate about abuses by our own government and by many foreign ones, too.
In effect, foreign countries could simply issue an extradition request saying that UK journalists, or Facebook users for that matter, have violated their censorship laws.
Reporters Without Borders and the National Union of Journalists have said that as long as Julian remains in prison facing extradition, the UK is not a safe place for journalists and publishers to work.
The press freedoms we cherish in Britain are meaningless if they can be criminalised and suppressed by regimes in Russia or Ankara or by prosecutors in Alexandria, Virginia.
If Westminster Magistrates‘ Court accepts the US arguments tomorrow, every other country can use them, too. It would place an impossible burden on you, me, everyone, not to violate foreign censorship laws.
Those who do not seek to meaningfully dissent or subvert power will usually deny — because they do not perceive — that such dissent and subversion are, in fact, rigorously prohibited. They will continue to believe blissfully that the society in which they live guarantees core civic freedoms — of speech, of press, of assembly, of due process — because they have rendered their own speech and activism, if it exists at all, so innocuous that nobody with the capacity to do so would bother to try to curtail it. The observation apocryphally attributed to socialist activist Rosa Luxemburg, imprisoned for her opposition to German involvement in World War I and then summarily executed by the state, expresses it best: “Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.”
– A UK judge will rule on Julian Assange’s extradition on January 4, 2021.
– The United States government wants to extradite Assange for publishing evidence of war crimes and illegal spying in 2010. He faces a 175-year sentence.
– All major free speech & free press organizations including Amnesty and Reporters Without Borders, major media (including The New York Times, The Guardian, Washington Post and The Times UK) and journalist organizations including US, British, and Australian journalist unions have condemned the U.S. government’s theory of the case as an unprecedented threat to the First Amendment right to publish.
– The decision is expected to be appealed and would then be referred to a higher court.
Elderly and infirm people in Oxford, London, Brighton, Morecambe in Lancashire and Nuneaton in Warwickshire are due to be first to receive the jab.
A total of 530,000 doses will be made available at 540 GP vaccination sites and 101 hospitals this week.
The NHS has ordered 100million doses which it is hoped will free the country from Covid-19.
Hospitals at six NHS trusts across London, Brighton, Oxford, Morecambe and Nuneaton will be the first to give the vaccine.
It will reach more than 500 GP surgeries and community centres by the end of the week — with PM Boris Johnson saying “we are going as fast as we can”.
The Sun joined forces with the NHS and the Royal Voluntary Service to urge readers to volunteer as stewards at the pop-up vaccination centres across the UK. It launched on New Year’s Day.
According to the latest figures, 7,744 have signed up to help, with most of those crediting The Sun.
Catherine Johnstone CBE, chief exec of the Royal Voluntary Service, said: “The response from Sun readers has been incredible.
Professor Sir Mark Walport, a member of the Government‘s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), said it would be difficult to keep the new, faster-spreading strain of the virus under control without ‚much tighter‘ social-distancing measures.
Speaking on The Andrew Marr Show, the former chief scientific adviser said: ‚It‘s clear that this variant is transmitting more readily – it‘s transmitting more readily in younger age groups as well.