Daily Archives: 29. September 2019

29.09.2019 - 20:49 [ Defense News ]

A new defense school could change American weapon sales abroad

Two years to the month from when the idea was first floated publicly, the Pentagon on Wednesday inaugurated its new Defense Security Cooperation University, with the aim of creating a workforce able to more quickly move security assistance for allies and partners.

At an event opening the new university location, located roughly a mile from the Pentagon, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Rood, Defense Security Cooperation Agency head Lt. Gen. Charles Hooper and Cara Abercrombie, the new president of the university, all praised the opening of the office as a new start for the Pentagon’s security assistance mission.

29.09.2019 - 20:19 [ Xinhuanet ]

8 IS militants killed in U.S.-led coalition airstrikes in Iraq

Acting on intelligence tip-off, a joint force from Salahudin‘s Operations Command, backed by Iraqi and U.S.-led coalition aircraft, conducted an operation to hunt down IS militants in a desert area in west of the provincial capital Tikrit, said a statement by the media office of the Joint Operations Command (JOC).

29.09.2019 - 20:06 [ The New York Times ]

Iraq‘s Removal of Counterterrorism Chief Sparks Controversy

The 56-year-old general, who in recent years led the fight against the Islamic State group working alongside the U.S.-led coalition, said he did not know the reason for the proposed transfer and would prefer to retire rather than be moved to the defense ministry.

29.09.2019 - 18:07 [ MDR ]

Landwirtschaft: Traktoren-Demo schlängelt sich durch Erfurt

Den Angaben zufolge sollte ein Zeichen gesetzt werden, dass viele Bauern bereit seien, ihre Höfe umzubauen. „Sie wollen mit einer umweltverträglichen Landwirtschaft auch langfristig ihre Existenz sichern und ein auskömmliches Einkommen erwirtschaften“, hatte Grolm vorab betont.

29.09.2019 - 17:59 [ MDR ]

NSU-Untersuchungsausschuss kritisiert Landesregierung

Am Ende lief dem Ausschuss die Zeit davon, so dass für den letzten Komplex nicht mehr viel Raum war. Die Abgeordneten wollten sich mit dem Mord an der aus Thüringen stammenden Polizeibeamtin Michèle Kiesewetter beschäftigten.

29.09.2019 - 17:51 [ Tagesschau ]

NSU-Ausschuss kritisiert Polizei und Justiz

So seien laut den Schilderungen eines Zeugen Computer, Handys und Festplatten, die aus einer Durchsuchung bei einem Rechtsextremen stammten, von BKA-Mitarbeitern mitgenommen worden, obwohl deren Daten noch nicht abschließend von der Landespolizei gesichert worden waren.

29.09.2019 - 17:40 [ ORF ]

Jubel bei ÖVP und Grünen

Die ÖVP geht als klarer Sieger aus der Nationalratswahl 2019 hervor. Laut der aktuellen Hochrechnung inklusive Briefwahlprognose kommt die Partei auf 37,2 Prozent der Stimmen. Auf dem zweiten Platz folgt trotz deutlicher Verluste mit 21,8 Prozent die SPÖ.

29.09.2019 - 17:31 [ teleSUR ]

Colombia: Police Suppress March Against Police Brutality

Students demonstrated against the anti-riot police that have been indiscriminately cracking down on university protests on-campus. They were met with more police repression.

29.09.2019 - 12:15 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Attorney General Agrees to Hold Netanyahu‘s Pre-indictment Hearing Over Four Days

After being asked by the attorney general to submit the basis of his plea in advance of the hearings last week, Netanyahu sent Mendelblit one page void of explanations to back his statement that he is innocent.

„We regret that instead of complying with this directive, you have found it appropriate to submit a very short document with no actual content,“ Mendelblit‘s office wrote in a letter published Thursday.

29.09.2019 - 11:59 [ Haaretz ]

If Center-left Forms Gov‘t With Haredis, We May Support It, Arab Israeli MK Says

MK Ofer Shelah of Kahol Lavan, who was interviewed after Tibi, said he did not rule out such a proposal.

29.09.2019 - 11:28 [ JoeFaz™® VetsResistSquadron ‏/ Twitter ]

„It doesn’t matter,“ Pelosi responded. „Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.“ Me: This is what a brave woman would say

Pelosi: Impeachment worth losing House in 2020

29.09.2019 - 11:21 [ theHill.com ]

Pelosi: Impeachment worth losing House in 2020

„It doesn’t matter,“ Pelosi responded. „Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.“

„People say you have to take a political risk doing that,“ she continued. „That doesn‘t matter. That doesn‘t matter.

29.09.2019 - 11:04 [ Newsweek ]

Americans Split on Trump Impeachment Inquiry but 73% Say Whistleblower Should Testify Before Congress: Polls

A NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, released on Thursday, shows that 49 percent of Americans approve of the impeachment proceedings, while 46 percent disapprove and five percent said they were unsure.

Despite the divide, an overwhelming portion of respondents—three quarters—including a majority of Republicans, want the whistleblower to testify before Congress so the public can receive more information on the allegations against Trump.

29.09.2019 - 10:44 [ ITV.com ]

Jo Cox Foundation urges MPs to sign code of conduct to protect parliamentarians

Following a week where the prime minister was accused of using“violent“ language, the charity set up in honour of murdered Labour MP Mrs Cox said it had been working with the Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL) to develop a Joint Standard of Conduct to help protect election candidates.

29.09.2019 - 10:33 [ PoliticsHome.com ]

Boris Johnson MP: We are leaving the European Union on 31st October – come what may

The United Kingdom can reclaim its natural and historic role as an enterprising, outward-looking and truly global country. But first we must restore trust in our precious democracy by leaving the EU on the 31st October, writes Boris Johnson

29.09.2019 - 10:24 [ NBC News ]

Democratic Senators renew questions about Rudy Giuliani‘s apparent work for foreign governments


Leading Democratic senators are renewing their calls for the Justice Department to review whether Rudy Giuliani is complying with a federal law requiring him to disclose his work on behalf of foreign governments, the latest sign of how the president’s personal lawyer is becoming a major focus of lawmakers.

29.09.2019 - 10:01 [ theSun.co.uk ]

‚FOREIGN PLOT‘ No10: launches probe into Remainers who ‘colluded with France and EU’ to write Brexit Surrender Act as MPs ‘plot for Bercow to bypass PM’

Former Cabinet Minister Oliver Letwin, former Chancellor Philip Hammond and ex-Attorney General Dominic Grieve are all suspected of being assisted by members of the European Commission, it was reported.

Another source added: “The Government is working on extensive investigations into Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin and Hilary Benn [who tabled the Bill] and their involvement with foreign powers and the funding of their activities.

29.09.2019 - 09:50 [ Tagesschau,de ]

Vor Tory-Parteitag: Johnson gegen das „Zombie-Parlament“

„Get Brexit done!“ – den Brexit durchziehen, das ist das Motto des Tory-Parteitags in Manchester. Die Konservativen setzen unter Boris Johnson noch mehr als zuvor auf den EU-Austritt. Am besten mit einem Abkommen, sagt Johnson, aber sonst auch ohne. Hauptsache, das Land tritt tatsächlich am 31. Oktober aus der Europäischen Union aus – egal wie.

29.09.2019 - 09:21 [ Telegraph ]

Tony Blair lobbied EU for Brexit delay as he led new referendum calls

Tony Blair personally urged the EU‘s chief negotiator to delay Brexit beyond March 29 as Theresa May was insisting to European leaders that she wanted the UK to leave on time, The Telegraph can disclose.

The former prime minister held a private meeting with Michel Barnier in February in which he declared that an extension of the Article 50 notice period would „provide the time required“ for „clarifying“ the type of relationship Britain wanted with the EU.

29.09.2019 - 09:11 [ Daily Mail ]

No 10 probes Remain MPs‘ ‚foreign collusion‘ amid plot to allow John Bercow to send ‚surrender letter‘ to Brussels asking for a delay to Brexit

Downing Street has launched a major investigation into alleged links between foreign governments and the MPs behind the ‚Surrender Act‘ which could force Boris Johnson to delay Brexit, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Sources said No 10 took the unprecedented action after officials received intelligence that the MPs, including former Cabinet Minister Oliver Letwin, had received help drafting the Bill from members of the French Government and the European Union.

29.09.2019 - 09:03 [ Spiked ]

‘People desperately want their vote to matter’: Kate Hoey talks to Brendan O’Neill about the political class’s refusal to deliver Brexit.

Maverick Labour MP Kate Hoey joins spiked’s editor for the latest episode of The Brendan O’Neill Show. They discuss the left-wing case for Leave, Jeremy Corbyn’s Brexit betrayal and Labour’s disconnect from its working-class heartlands.

29.09.2019 - 08:46 [ derStandard.at ]

Liveticker: Österreich wählt einen neuen Nationalrat

Schönen Wahlsonntag, liebe Userinnen und User!

Schon nach zwei Jahren sind die Österreicher heute wieder aufgerufen, den Nationalrat zu wählen. Auslöser war die Ibiza-Affäre, an der die türkis-blaue Regierung zerbrach. Somit müssen 6.396.796 Österreicher heute die 183 Abgeordneten küren – und damit die Weichen für die nächste Regierung stellen.

Die erste Hochrechung gibt es nach dem Wahlschluss kurz nach 17.00 Uhr, das vorläufige Ergebnis wird gegen 21.00 Uhr erwartet.