n Luxemburg hat heute der Prozess um eine Geheimdienstaffäre begonnen, die das Großherzogtum 2013 politisch tief erschüttert hatte.
Archiv: Juncker
In Luxemburg hat heute das Gerichtsverfahren gegen drei ehemalige Mitarbeiter des luxemburgischen Geheimdienstes begonnen
Der Prozess war zuvor bereits zweimal verschoben worden, weil Jean-Claude Juncker, damals Premierminister und Chef des Geheimdiensts, als Zeuge verhindert gewesen war.
EU zu Militäreinsatz in Syrien: Das Ringen um den richtigen Ton
Die EU will verhindern, dass ihre Gelder aus dem Flüchtlingspakt mit Erdogan zur Einrichtung einer Sicherheitszone in Syrien genutzt werden. Doch Ankaras mögliche Retorten erschweren klare Ansagen aus Brüssel.
British PM sends final Brexit plan to Brussels, insisting on exit on Oct. 31
Because if we fail to get an agreement because of what is essentially a technical discussion of the exact nature of future customs checks, when that technology is improving the whole time, then let us be in no doubt that the alternative is no deal.“
WATCH: Jean-Claude Juncker offers Boris Johnson Brexit lifeline by hailing ‚basis of a deal‘
Jean-Claude Juncker has offered Boris Johnson a Brexit lifeline by saying the „basis of a deal“ is in place.
‘Brexit will happen’ and UK ‘can get a deal’, says EU boss Jean-Claude Juncker after Boris Johnson finally sends his plan
Jean-Claude Juncker has now claimed ‚We can have a deal‘ in the latest Brexit development.
Speaking to Sky News, he said he was prepared to get rid of the so-called backstop from a withdrawal agreement as long as „the objectives are met – all of them“.
The EU Commission president told Sky‘s Sophy Ridge he‘d been sent documents by the British PM outlining draft ideas for a new Brexit deal.
Fury at Luxembourg PM Xavier Bettel after he ‚stitches up‘ Boris Johnson by holding press conference next to anti-Brexit protesters – and then humiliates him with empty podium when he refuses to take part
– Boris Johnson met EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker for talks over lunch in Luxembourg
– The Prime Minister was booed as he left restaurant after tense two-hour discussion with the EU chief
– Mr Johnson was again greeted with jeers from ex-pat protesters as he met Luxembourg PM Xavier Bettel
– Mr Bettel refused to move press conference inside and then ranted at Mr Johnson who refused to take part
Luxembourg Rejected Request for an Indoor Press Conference
The Luxembourgians rejected Number 10’s offer and insisted on holding it outside alone with two podiums to a baying Remainer audience. The opposite of diplomacy…
Johnson trifft Juncker zu Brexit-Gesprächen
Der britische Regierungschef Boris Johnson kommt heute in Luxemburg zu Gesprächen über den Brexit mit dem scheidenden EU-Kommissionspräsidenten Jean-Claude Juncker zusammen. Geplant ist ein Arbeitsessen. Auch der EU-Chefunterhändler für den Brexit, Michel Barnier, ist dabei.
Britain will break free of its ‚manacles‘ from the EU like the Incredible Hulk, Boris Johnson tells Brussels ahead of crunch meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker
In an exclusive interview with The Mail on Sunday, the Prime Minister says that if negotiations break down, he will ignore the Commons vote ordering him to delay the UK‘s departure, adding: ‚The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets.‘
Mr Johnson‘s bullish declaration comes ahead of a crunch meeting tomorrow with European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker.
EU summit: Centre-left Timmermans tipped for top post
EU leaders will gather in Brussels shortly for talks to decide who should get the EU‘s top jobs, including a new Commission president.
Reports say the current favourite to head it is Dutch centre-left politician Frans Timmermans. He is a Commission first vice-president.
EU-Tobjobs: Timmermans gilt als Favorit für Juncker-Nachfolge
Wird Timmermans neuer Kommissionschef, könnte EVP-Spitzenkandidat Manfred Weber Präsident des EU-Parlamentes werden. Timmermans und Weber seien jedenfalls „Teil der Lösung“, ließ die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel wissen.
„There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties“, Juncker neatly crystallises the EU‘s understanding of democratic votes and referendums, namely – they mean nothing. And the EU has shown that time and time again. #progressive #brexit
Juncker bringt Merkel für EU-Amt ins Spiel
„Hochqualifiziert wäre sie“, meint Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker über das „liebenswerte Gesamtkunstwerk“
„No deal on 12 April at midnight has become a scenario that looks more and more likely,“ says @EU_Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, telling MEPs that finding an alternative „depends entirely on the UK“
Brexit: What just happened?
– A shorter delay until 12 April if they reject it. By that time the UK must set out its next steps – either another extension or leaving without a deal
But the EU says a further extension beyond 12 April is only possible if the UK agrees to hold European elections on 23 May.
According to European Commission President Juncker, with European Council President Tusk at his side, „all options remain on the table … the UK government will still have a chance of a deal, no deal, a long extension or revoking Article 50“. Or of course a People‘s Vote!
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”
Albert Einstein apparently said. By that yardstick, the Prime Minister and the EU are are completely off their rockers.
#BREAKING View from Dublin: 1. Withdrawal Agreement is unchanged 2. Joint statement is a legal interpretations of what’s in the WA (agreed by both sides) 3. Unilateral statement is UK talking to themselves.
Mood in Gov Buildings described as “calm”. #Brexit
basically Government now hinges on whether its own Attorney General will unilaterally declare that Government’s unilateral declaration that it can unilaterally trigger an exit process from the backstop (subject to arbitration) now means the backstop will not “endure indefinitely”
All Eyes on DUP Now: May pulls a unilateral declaration out of the hat
May’s statement is here, the EU’s here – review them yourself. We await Cox’s legal review and the decision of the DUP critics tomorrow. If the DUP give it the thumbs up most Tory rebels will follow suit. The ERG’s lawyers are unlikely to be enthusiastic – that is already priced in. Guido suspects those Tory MPs that want to avoid the hell that will follow a delay to Brexit – for whatever reason – will choose to believe the rabbit is real.
Brexit: We have secured what MPs asked for, says May
UK Prime Minister Theresa May says she has secured „legally-binding changes“ to allay concerns over the Irish border backstop.
Speaking after last-ditch talks in Strasbourg, she called on MPs to back her „improved“ Brexit deal in a meaningful vote on Tuesday.
EU source ahead of May/Juncker meeting: „we don‘t expect any major breakthrough“. #brexit
Brexit: Juncker und May setzen auf Verzögerungstaktik
Britische Premierministerin und Kommissionschef schicken Verhandler in neue Gespräche –zur Sache soll es Ende Februar gehen
May‘s Brexit ‚Hell‘ in Brussels: Juncker says the EU WON‘T give ground on divorce deal as he holds bruising talks with PM – and warns it could be WEEKS before they meet again
– Theresa May is set for rough ride in Brussels as she fights for Brexit concessions on the Irish border backstop
– The Prime Minister will insist legally binding changes to the Withdrawal Agreement package must be made
– Body language between Mrs May and EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker was distinctly frosty
– Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has written to the PM with revised demands for backing a Brexit agreement
Brexit news latest: Jean-Claude Juncker tells Theresa May withdrawal deal will not be renegotiated at Brussels summit
European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has told Theresa May during „robust but constructive“ talks that the European Union will not renegotiate the Brexit deal.
Belgium: ‚Is this hell?‘ – May greeted by Juncker for talks on Brexit deal changes
During the handshake with Juncker, May was asked by several of the press whether she had alternative proposals, with another journalist jokingly asking the UK leader „Is this hell, Prime Minister?“ The question was presumably in response to Wednesday‘s comment by Tusk stating that there was „a special place in hell“ for „those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of plan how to carry it safely.“
EU‘s Jean-Claude Juncker tells UK: ‚Get your act together‘ on Brexit
The European Commission president denies attempting to keep the UK in the EU as Brussels waits for MPs to approve a Brexit deal.
EU-Kommissionspräsident: Jean-Claude Juncker zweifelt an Kompetenz Rumäniens für EU-Vorsitz
Zudem sei der interne Zustand Rumäniens derzeit so, dass das Land nicht als „kompakte Einheit“ in Europa auftreten könne. „Es braucht zu Hause eine geschlossene Front, um während der Ratspräsidentschaft auch die Einheit Europas zu fördern“, betonte Juncker.
Tories need to prepare the country now for potential ‘No Deal’ Brexit and its consequences
As Theresa May‘s tour of Berlin and Brussels ended in failure, it is more important than ever for the government to prepare for the potential damages of a ‚No Deal‘ Brexit
‚You called me nebulous!‘: Lipreaders reveal what furious Theresa May said to Jean-Claude Juncker as she handbagged him over his late-night jibe in Brussels following collapse of Brexit talks
– Theresa May seen on camera in tense standoff with EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker at summit
– Mr Juncker launched an extraordinary attack on the UK‘s new demands as ‚nebulous imprecise‘ last night
– Mrs May said she was ‚robust‘ with Mr Juncker and ‚crystal clear‘ with leaders about what she needs on Brexit
– The rescue mission came after she scraped through Tory vote of no confidence by a margin of 200 to 117 MPs
– She had hoped to wring more ‚legally binding‘ concessions from EU leaders over the Irish border backstop
Merkel: “integrity of the Good Friday Agreement must be respected”
FIGHT BACK: Moment Theresa May angrily confronts Juncker as he ignores Brexit plea – VIDEO
Theresa May confronted the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, during an intense talk in the European Council chamber. On Thursday evening the President of the European Commission insisted the Brexit Britain needed to make clear “what they want, instead of asking us to say what we want”.
What‘s the French for „trying to mug me off in front of my mates“?
Brexit: EU says no to May on renegotiating deal
The PM said the deal was „at risk“ if MPs‘ concerns could not be addressed.
European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said there could be clarifications but no renegotiation.
He urged the UK to set out more clearly what it wants, adding that the commission will publish information on 19 December on its preparations for a no-deal Brexit.
This doesn‘t exactly look like an exchange of pleasantries between Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker as the Brexit summit gets underway. #EUCO
Brexit: EU macht Zusicherungen, Stimmung „sehr schlecht“
De 27 bleibenden EU-Länder beteuerten, dass die Anwendung der Sonderregeln für eine offene Grenze in Irland vermieden werden sollen. Zuvor hatte die britische Premierministerin den Gipfel wortlos verlassen.
Theresa May Told Top EU Officials She Intended To Pull The Brexit Vote 24 Hours Before She Told Senior Cabinet Ministers
The prime minister spoke to EU officials about her thinking on Sunday, a senior source told BuzzFeed News, but the cabinet was not told until 11:30am on Monday.
France: Juncker warns ‘no room whatsoever‘ for Brexit deal renegotiation
Published on Dec 11, 2018
some timings today… #May – #Merkel meeting 1pm CET in Berlin May – #Tusk 5pm in Brussels May – #Juncker 7pmish in Brussels Then back to London… and back again to Brussels on Thursday for the summit
(now enriched with extra-added #Brexit) #carbonfootprint #airmiles
BREXIT LIVE: May in Europe to BEG Juncker and Merkel for EU concessions to salvage deal
The Prime Minister will meet EU President Jean-Claude Juncker this evening but not before she has met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for breakfast in the Hague.
“The power is with us,” said Martin Selmayr, according to one note of a “sherpa” meeting on Friday – from an analysis by @alexebarker on why the EU thinks it has leverage on future trade talks with UK after #Brexit
The Martin Selmayr affair displays the breathtaking arrogance of Brussels
(4.9.2018) The Martin Selmayr affair, which reveals much about attitudes to power and accountability at the top of the EU, is both depressing and depressingly familiar.
Martin Selmayr: EU-Parlament kritisiert „putschartige Aktion“
(16.4.2018) Der Ausschuss räumte aber auch ein, dass die Annullierung der Ernennung Selmayrs juristisch schwierig ist. Er forderte daher zugleich die EU-Kommission auf, ihre Beförderungsregeln zu ändern, damit Bewerbungsverfahren in Zukunft „offen und transparent“ ablaufen.
EU Parliament backs resolution criticising Selmayr appointment – but falls short of demanding his resignation
(18.4.2018) The non-binding text adopted in Strasbourg on Wednesday says ……..
Personalie Selmayr: Vernichtende Kritik von EU-Ombudsfrau
(4.9.2018) Selmayr, damals Kabinettschef von EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker, war nach einem Bewerbungsverfahren im Februar zunächst zum Vize-Generalsekretär der EU-Kommission berufen worden. Nur Minuten später beförderte das Kollegium der Kommissare den 47-Jährigen direkt zum Generalsekretär, als Juncker überraschend den Rückzug des Amtsinhabers Alexander Italianer bekannt gab.
‘Monster’ at the Berlaymont
For a true believer in democracy, Martin Selmayr runs the European Commission not as some curator of debate but like the merciless hand of a king, who will stop at nothing to protect his vision of the realm: Europe, united and free.
Make that an extremely heavy hand. Or maybe an armored bulldozer.
‚THE POWER IS WITH US‘: Brussels vows to bully Britain into submission during trade deal talks
Jean-Claude Juncker’s fearsome right-hand man Martin Selmayr told Member States they have little to fear because “the power is with us”.
The Commission’s top civil servant delivered the boast at a meeting of EU leaders’ top advisors in Brussels last week.
EU Is Not At „War“ With Italy, Juncker Says After Budget Row Meeting
„I made it very clear that we are not [at] war with Italy. Italia for me is a lifelong story because I grew up with young Italians, immigrants […] Ti amo Italia,“ Juncker said in Brussels.
The Italian part of his remarks translate as „I love you Italy“.
On Saturday, Juncker hosted a dinner with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who emerged from the meeting saying he hoped to avoid EU punitive action.
Juncker‘s attack on BREXITEERS: ‚Feel sad imagining the lives of your GRANDCHILDREN‘
“This is the best deal we could have achieved but if I was a British citizen I would be deeply sad imagining the life of my grandchildren.“
Jean-Claude Juncker puts a reassuring hand on Theresa May‘s shoulder as they arrive for talks ahead of tomorrow‘s summit. She ignored a shouted question about whether she had „compromised over Gibraltar“ #euco
May in Brüssel: Dieser Deal oder keiner
Vor dem EU-Sondergipfel am Sonntag trifft sich die britische Premierministerin May heute noch einmal mit EU-Kommissionschef Juncker. Dabei dürfte auch noch einmal Gibraltar zur Sprache kommen.