Technitium Mesh is a secure, anonymous, peer-to-peer (p2p), open source instant messenger designed to provide end-to-end encryption. Primary aim of developing this instant messenger is to provide privacy which is achieved using cryptography and anonymity using Tor network. It can be used over Internet and private LAN networks (without Internet) for instant messaging and file transfer with support for private chats and group chats.
Daily Archives: 31. Januar 2021
Tox – A New Kind of Instant Messaging
Whether it’s corporations or governments, digital surveillance today is widespread. Tox is easy-to-use software that connects you with friends and family without anyone else listening in. While other big-name services require you to pay for features, Tox is completely free and comes without advertising — forever.
Lockdown has ravaged the working class
From the moment this disastrous policy was instigated, it became immediately apparent that we were not all in it together. In every single aspect of life, the working class has suffered most during lockdown. Worse still, over the course of the past year, class inequalities have grown wider and have become more entrenched. And yet, at each turn, left-wing lockdown lovers have demanded ever-more severe restrictions on people’s lives.
Sterilizing Immunity and COVID-19 Vaccines
As game-changing as the Pfizer vaccine (and Moderna‘s equally effective mRNA-1273 vaccine) may be in affording protection against the COVID-19 illness, the results do not reflect complete „sterilizing immunity.“
This is the type of immunity that completely prevents a disease-causing pathogen like COVID-19 from establishing an infection. Sterilizing immunity differs from effective immunity in that the latter can prevent illness but still lead to asymptomatic infection.
Rep. Stephen Lynch Contracts COVID After Two Pfizer Vaccine Doses
Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) announced late Friday that he had tested positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.
The way ‘Covid deaths’ are being counted is a national scandal
(May 30, 2020)
Normally, two doctors are needed to certify a death, one of whom has been treating the patient or who knows them and has seen them recently. That has changed. For Covid-19 only, the certification can be made by a single doctor, and there is no requirement for them to have examined, or even met, the patient. A video-link consultation in the four weeks prior to death is now felt to be sufficient for death to be attributed to Covid-19.
Social distancing may remain in place ALL YEAR: Graphs show how UK could see huge spike in deaths if restrictions are lifted too early as vaccine would have to be 85% effective to stop a surge in fatalities
Grim new graphs lay bare the dilemma facing Boris Johnson‘s government as officials try to work out how to reopen the country without causing a third wave of coronavirus infections, as SAGE recommends keeping social distancing measures in place until 2022.
Manifestation contre les restrictions sanitaires à Amsterdam après une semaine d‘émeutes aux PaysBas
Police put an end to illegal parties in Gelderland and Flevoland
After a report about the party, officers went to the shed where the gathering took place. There the atmosphere changed and those present behaved aggressively towards the police. The guests were between 15 and 78 years old.
Was ist eigentlich rechtsradikal daran, wenn Demonstranten „Frieden, Freiheit, keine Diktatur“ und „Kurz muss weg“ rufen? Das ist ja fast schon linksradikal… #w3101 #w311 #CoronaProtest #Wien #CoronaVirusAT
.. Großdemonstration 31.01. Wien LIVE
Brüssel: 200 Festnahmen nach CoV-Demos
Unter den Anwesenden waren nach Polizeiangaben auch zahlreiche Fußballfans. Die Organisatoren der verbotenen Proteste hatten die Menschen in den Online-Netzwerken dazu aufgerufen, sich unter anderem vor dem Atomium, einem bekannten Wahrzeichen der Stadt, zu versammeln. Dort kamen einige Dutzend Menschen zusammen.
Digitale Selbstverteidigung
Kaum eine Woche vergeht, ohne dass neue Ungeheuerlichkeiten offenbart werden, wie Geheimdienste und Großkonzerne sich intimste Informationen über uns zusammenstehlen. Und was macht unsere Politik? Wenn sie nicht gerade eigene Datensammelprojekte anstößt, trägt sie in keinster Weise zum Schutz unserer Privatsphäre bei. Dann müssen wir uns wohl oder übel selbst schützen. Die gute Nachricht ist: Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, sich selbst zu schützen. Und nicht alle davon sind aufwändig oder kompliziert.
Der staatliche Raub der Lebenslust
Wir leben in der Diktatur der Demoskopen. Manipulative Fragen an 1.200 vermeintlich „repräsentativ ausgewählte” Menschen, die zufällig zu Hause sind, wenn sie angerufen werden, bestimmen maßgeblich unser Schicksal, weil die vermeintlichen Demokraten auf die Ergebnisse der „Umfragen” reagieren wie das Kaninchen, das auf die Schlange starrt.
Ärzte ohne Grenzen kritisiert Impfstoffhersteller: „Riesige Kapazitäten liegen brach“
Patientinnen bekommen nicht mehr die Arzneistoffe, die Diagnostik, die Impfstoffe, die sie benötigen. Sie und Interessenparteien wie die EU sitzen am unteren Ende einer schiefen Ebene. Am oberen sitzen sehr mächtige pharmazeutische Konzerne.
STANDARD: Gibt es Gegenmittel?
Bachmann: Die Pharmaindustrie war sehr erfolgreich darin, den Regierungen viele geistige Schutzrechte abzuverhandeln.
„Der Aufstieg der Unfähigen“: Gibt es ein Entrinnen?
Begünstigt werden die Mittelmäßigen, wegen Mangels an eigenen Gedanken Verfügbaren, zu „jeder Schandtat Bereiten“. Der 2009 verstorbene sowjetische Schriftsteller Grigorij Baklanow nannte dieses Phänomen innerparteilicher Auslese in den frühen achtziger Jahren „Aufstieg der Unfähigen“. Er diagnostizierte es für die damalige Sowjetunion und sah darin einen der Gründe ihres bevorstehenden Untergangs.
HEADS ON THE BLOC: Angela Merkel & Emmanuel Macron under fire over EU’s disastrous Covid vaccine rollout
Tory MP Peter Bone last night said: “The EU has long-term problems partly due to its its undemocratic nature.
“It’s clear that they are not serving the nations.
“It’s breakdown will depend on Germany and France and what the people in those countries think.
Police Arrest Two, Deploy Water Cannons at anti-Netanyahu Protest in Jerusalem
Police arrested two people and used water cannons against anti-Netanyahu protesters in Jerusalem for the first time in months on Saturday, as demonstrators rallied for the 32nd consecutive week.
Tens of thousands protest against new French security bill
Tens of thousands of protesters turned out in dozens of French cities on Saturday to oppose a security bill they say will restrict the filming and publicising of images of police brutality.
Demonstrators also protested against the restrictions imposed to halt the spread of coronavirus and to stand up for the cultural sector, which has been especially hard-hit by the measures.
Städte in Frankreich: Wieder Proteste gegen Sicherheitsgesetz
Unter den Demonstranten waren auch Anhänger der Gelbwesten-Bewegung sowie Menschen, die gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen der Regierung protestierten. „Ich bin heute aus zwei Gründen gekommen – wegen des umfassenden Sicherheitsgesetzes und auch, um die Kultur zu unterstützen“, sagte eine junge Demonstrantin.
‚Half-pregnant is not a concept‘: UK should decide who its allies are, says Macron
Asked about the cross-Channel blame game over not just vaccines, but Brexit and coronavirus controls, in which he is often personally named, Macron laughed off the personal attacks: “Whenever there’s a problem with the EU, the British just love to detest the French – and me – and say we are responsible.
“I have accepted this role. Sometimes when there are tensions, I ask ‘Why me?’ – perhaps making me out to be more important than I am!”
Iran lehnt Neuverhandlung von Atomabkommen ab
Saudi-Arabien und die mit ihm alliierten Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate fordern, dass die Golfstaaten in künftige Atomgespräche einbezogen werden. Diese sollten auch die ballistischen Raketen des Iran umfassen und seine Unterstützung für Stellvertreter in der Region.
Iran rejects new talks on nuclear deal after Macron suggests adding Saudi Arabia
“The nuclear accord is a multilateral international agreement ratified by U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, which is non-negotiable and parties to it are clear and unchangeable,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh was quoted by state media as saying.
Saudi Arabia must be involved in fresh talks on Iran deal, says Macron
Saudi Arabia and the UAE have said that Gulf states must be part of any JCPOA negotiations this time, and that the talks must also address Iran’s ballistic-missile program and its support for proxies across the Middle East.
Macron stressed the need to avoid repeating what he called the mistake of excluding other countries in the region from discussions when the 2015 deal was negotiated, according to Al Arabiya.
Saudi crown prince receives phone call from France’s President Macron
The crown prince and president reviewed relations between the Kingdom and France and opportunities for joint cooperation during the call.