Die Bundesregierung empfiehlt in vielen Ländern die Nutzung von Anonymisierungsinfrastrukturen und unterstützt auch Digital-Security-Trainings für Journalist:innen. Im Innern sägt der zuständige Minister Seehofer mit Gesetzentwürfen dagegen am Redaktionsgeheimnis und könnte das Betreiben von Tor-Knoten kriminalisieren.
Daily Archives: 17. August 2019
Fragwürdiger Einsatz der BKA-Drohnenabwehr
Die Justiz- und Innenbehörden rüsten ihr Arsenal zur Bekämpfung von kleinen Drohnen auf. Für die Abwehr stehen „weiche“ und „harte“ Methoden zur Verfügung, darunter Störsender und Netzwerfer.
Israeli spraying of herbicide near Gaza harming Palestinian crops
The work was undertaken by Forensic Architecture, a research agency based at Goldsmiths, University of London, which spent 16 months investigating the potential effects of the spraying.
Volatile presidential polls spark new round of anxieties
Some say the political amateurs and professionals should just give it a rest when it comes to polls.
“It’s August of 2019, the horse race polls are absolutely worthless,” said Chris Kofinis, a Democratic pollster.
Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.
Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.
Nevertheless, the Occupying Power may undertake total or partial evacuation of a given area if the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand. Such evacuations may not involve the displacement of protected persons outside the bounds of the occupied territory except when for material reasons it is impossible to avoid such displacement. Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased.
The Occupying Power undertaking such transfers or evacuations shall ensure, to the greatest practicable extent, that proper accommodation is provided to receive the protected persons, that the removals are effected in satisfactory conditions of hygiene, health, safety and nutrition, and that members of the same family are not separated.
The Protecting Power shall be informed of any transfers and evacuations as soon as they have taken place.
The Occupying Power shall not detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war unless the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand.
The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.
Genfer Abkommen über den Schutz von Zivilpersonen in Kriegszeiten
(12. August 1949)
Art. 49
Zwangsweise Einzel- oder Massenumsiedlungen sowie Deportationen von geschützten Personen aus besetztem Gebiet nach dem Gebiet der Besetzungsmacht oder dem irgendeines anderen besetzten oder unbesetzten Staates sind ohne Rücksicht auf ihren Beweggrund verboten.
Immerhin kann die Besetzungsmacht eine vollständige oder teilweise Evakuierung eines bestimmten besetzten Gebietes durchführen, wenn die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung oder zwingende militärische Gründe dies erfordern. Solche Evakuierungen dürfen nicht die Umsiedlungen von geschützten Personen in Gebiete ausserhalb der Grenzen des besetzten Gebietes zur Folge haben, es sei denn, eine solche Umsiedlung liesse sich aus materiellen Gründen nicht vermeiden. Unmittelbar nach Beendigung der Feindseligkeiten in dem in Frage stehenden Gebiet soll die so evakuierte Bevölkerung in ihre Heimstätten zurückgeführt werden.
Die Besetzungsmacht hat bei der Durchführung derartiger Umsiedlungen oder Evakuierungen im Rahmen des Möglichen dafür zu sorgen, dass angemessene Unterkunft für die Aufnahme der geschützten Personen vorgesehen wird, dass die Umsiedlung in bezug auf Sauberkeit, Hygiene, Sicherheit und Verpflegung unter befriedigenden Bedingungen durchgeführt wird und Mitglieder derselben Familie nicht voneinander getrennt werden.
Die Schutzmacht soll von allen Umsiedlungen und Evakuierungen verständigt werden, sobald sie stattgefunden haben.
Die Besetzungsmacht darf geschützte Personen nicht einer in besonders den Kriegsgefahren ausgesetzten Gegend zurückhalten, sofern nicht die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung oder zwingende militärische Gründe dies erfordern.
Die Besetzungsmacht darf nicht Teile ihrer eigenen Zivilbevölkerung in das von ihr besetzte Gebiet deportieren oder umsiedeln.
Kein Antrag auf U.N.-Vollmitgliedschaft: Abbas verrät Palästina erneut
Das bedeutet effektiv auch den Verzicht darauf, die Besatzungsmacht endlich wegen Bruch des Völkerrechts vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof zu verklagen.
Im Gipfel der Erbärmlichkeit warf sich Abbas in seiner Rede am Ende auch noch dem Sicherheitsrat zu Füßen und bezeichnet den Sicherheitsrat mit seinen Atommächten als „höchstes Gremium..der Völker der Welt“:
„Nach diesem (Sicherheits)Rat, übergeben wir unsere Sache dem Allmächtigen“.
Abbas weiß genau genau, wie abscheulich und verlogen seine Worte sind. Wie beschrieben, ist der Sicherheitsrat in der Sache der Vollmitgliedschaft dem Beschluss der Generalversammlung unterworfen. Abbas schauspielert hier wieder einmal das arme, christliche Opfer, was ja nichts machen könne außer wieder einmal, jahrzehntelang, die armen, armen Trottel zu verraten, deren „Präsident“ er sich nennt.
Die Palästinenser können wieder einmal konstatieren, dass die P.L.O., Fatah, die „Autonomiebehörde“, ihr Chefdiplomat Saeb Erekat und Präsident Mahmud Abbas wertlos sind und keines ihrer Worte irgendetwas außer Verrat und Heuchelei bedeuten.
The Whole World Now Witnessed Trump and Netanyahu’s Racist, Annexationist Synergy
It‘s therefore morally wrong and deceitful to portray Israel‘s occupation of Palestine within the definition of an „occupation,“ as specified in the Fourth Geneva Conventions, as temporary and for the benefit of the occupied population. The oppressive reality we live under is evident, as well as Israel‘s plan to turn its occupation into annexation for the expansion of its colonial-settlement enterprise – a war crime under international law that is being fully endorsed by the U.S. administration.
Trump and Netanyahu Put Bipartisan Support for Israel at Risk
By pushing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel into barring an official visit by the first two Muslim women in Congress, President Trump is doubling down on a strategy aimed at dividing the Democratic Party and pushing some Jewish voters into the arms of Republicans.
But people in both parties warn that over the long term, the president could further erode bipartisan support for Israel, which has long relied on the United States as its most important ally.
Der Testamentsvollstrecker
Für die Liberalen ist Scholz der Traumkandidat, denn er ist offen für ein »progressives Bündnis« auf Bundesebene mit Grünen und FDP. Ebenso frohlockte am Freitag der Sprecher des konservativen Seeheimer-Kreises, Johannes Kahrs: »Er kann unsere SPD-Anliegen durchsetzen.«
Es ist erschreckend, welch geringe Rolle das #Völkerrecht bislang in der Debatte um den iran.Tanker #Grace1 bei #Gibtaltar spielte. Niemand steht über dem Völkerrecht, nicht die #USA, nicht #China, #Russland oder der #Iran, und eben auch nicht die #EU
Festsetzung von „Grace 1“ vor Gibraltar war völkerrechtswidrig
New crew for Grace 1 could delay departure to Sunday
The Iranian supertanker Grace 1 is unlikely to sail from Gibraltar before Sunday, the Chronicle understands, with six crewmen including a new captain scheduled to arrive this weekend.
Logistical arrangements are currently being put in place by the vessel‘s owners after it was released on Thursday following six weeks detained under Gibraltar‘s sanctions legislation.
I welcome the UNSC meeting to discuss the serious situation in Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. It is for the first time in over 50 yrs that the world’s highest diplomatic forum has taken up this issue. There are 11 UNSC resolutions reiterating the Kashmiris right to self determination.
Peter Fonda, Star of ‘Easy Rider,’ Dies at 79
„In honor of Peter, please raise a glass to freedom.”
Families of Kashmir Detainees in the Dark About Where or Why They Are Locked up
According to a government official, at least 500 local leaders and activists have been arrested or detained across Kashmir since the beginning of last week.
Who detained Kashmiri politician Shah Faesal and under what law?
Faesal is not the first Kashmiri politician to be detained in Srinagar over the past week. Since the Centre revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s special status by nullifying Article 370 and divided the state into two Union Territories, two former chief ministers – Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti – have been arrested and a third, Farooq Abdullah, is said to be under house arrest.
The order to arrest Mufti, the leader of People’s Democratic Party, also held in a Srinagar guest house, said her activities were likely to cause a “breach of peace”.
Widespread illegal arrests by the Modi Govt all across J&K shows that the Govt doesn‘t care for civil liberties and democratic processes. #StopIllegalArrestsInKashmir
Our spokesperson in J&K Shri Ravinder Sharma was illegally arrested while conducting a press conference. And so was the PCC chief Shri Ghulam Ahmed Mir. We condemn this dictatorial move by the Modi Govt & demand that they be released immediately. #StopIllegalArrestsInKashmir
Independence Day 2019: No place for bigotry, fanaticism in India, says Congress president Sonia Gandhi
Interim Congress President Sonia Gandhi, who hoisted the tricolour at the party headquarters in New Delhi Thursday, said there is no place for bigotry and fanaticism in India. She said that if the nation wants to truly cherish freedom, then it will have to stand against every act of injustice, intolerance and discrimination. Addressing the party members, Gandhi cited the founding principles of India as ‘Truth, Non – Violence, Compassion and unwavering Patriotism.’
India’s Congress party appoints Sonia Gandhi interim chief
India’s main opposition Congress party on Saturday appointed Sonia Gandhi as interim president until it elects a new party chief.
The party accepted the resignation of her son Rahul Gandhi, who quit as party president in July after its crushing defeat in national elections.He continues to be a member of Parliament.
Erstschlag-Doktrin: Indien deutet Änderung an
Kaschmir gilt allgemein als umstrittenes Gebiet. Es wurde zwischen Indien und Pakistan seit ihrer Teilung im Jahr 1947 aufgeteilt. Die Länder haben drei Kriege um das Territorium geführt.
India was a miracle democracy. But it’s time to downgrade its credentials.
Kashmir sits on one of India’s foundational fault lines, that of religion. With the rise and consolidation of an aggressive Hindu majoritarianism, many rightfully worry about India’s future as a multicultural democracy.
Law & Crime Opinion Politics & Protest Lawmaker Charles Mok: Who needs the law when Hong Kong authorities no longer follow it?
Yes, the movement has evolved. The protesters and their wide base of supporters no longer simply want to see the complete withdrawal of the extradition bill and the establishment of an independent inquiry, and so on.
They want a real share of political power, the removal of the kind of governance that has plagued Hong Kong since the 1997 Handover to China — one where the government and their pro-establishment cronies ram through unwanted policies by manipulating an undemocratic political system that does not represent the wishes and the choices of the people.
Foreign forces must stop interfering in Hong Kong‘s affairs: Chinese ambassador to UK
Chinese ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming speaks during a press conference in London, Britain, Aug. 15, 2019. Hong Kong is part of China and foreign forces must stop interfering in Hong Kong‘s affairs, Liu said here Thursday. Evidence shows that the situation in Hong Kong would not have deteriorated so much had it not been for the interference and incitement of foreign forces, Liu told a press conference at the Chinese Embassy in Britain.
Neue Enthüllungen über die BAYER-Tochter MONSANTO: Neil Young im Visier
„Wenn Konzern-Macht mit so einer Intensität dazu genutzt wird, Menschen zum Schweigen zu bringen und die öffentliche Meinung zu manipulieren, dann wird die Wahrheit erstickt. Und davor sollten wir alle Angst haben“, mahnt Carey Gillam.
EPA Reverses Approval of Deadly ‘Cyanide Bombs’ After Public Outcry
The traps are deadly to both their intended and unintended targets. Of the more than 1.5 million native wild animals killed by Wildlife Services in 2018, around 6,500 of them were killed by the traps. In 2017, the traps killed around 13,200 wild animals, the Associated Press reported.
Colombia: Supreme Court Summons Alvaro Uribe for Manipulation
Colombia’s Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) requested that former President Alvaro Uribe appear on October 8 to answer for bribery and procedural fraud.
Pak, China trying to speak for world: India after UNSC closed-door meet on Kashmir
“Thwarted,” said a top UN diplomat in a one-word response about Pakistan’s request for a formal meeting of the Security Council that garnered the support of only one of the body’s 15 members: China.
Rajnath Singh’s hint on ‘no first use’ change is message to Pakistan
Soon after the nuclear blasts in 1998, India adopted the “no first use” policy in a bid to address global concerns of an impending nuclear arms race, especially as the Indian tests were followed by tit-for-tat tests by Pakistan.
The promise not to use nuclear weapons first, a policy adopted by several nations including China, addressed the escalation ladder. It also laid to rest apprehensions or misunderstandings about the possible use of nuclear weapons in a conflict.
‚No first use’ of nukes policy is open to review: Rajnath Singh
NEW DELHI: Defence minister Rajnath Singh’s suggestion that India’s no-first-use nuclear posture may not be sacrosanct sparked intense speculation in the midst of heightened India-Pakistan tensions in the wake of the abrogation of special status to Jammu & Kashmir.
The defence minister’s comment, which he also later tweeted, came at Pokhran — the site of India’s nuclear tests.
India makes veiled threat of nuclear war
Though Rajnath Singh didn’t name any country, it is understood the threat was directed at Pakistan. It shows Modi’s growing frustration at his ill-conceived move to strip Occupied Kashmir of its autonomy on August 5.
My friend Bibi, your wishes have touched all Indians: PM Modi to Israeli PM Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s greetings to Indians on Independence Day highlighting the „genuine friendship“ between the two countries drew an equally warm and cordial response from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who tweeted on Thursday saying that his wishes have touched all Indians.
China Blames India for Kashmir Tension as UN Action Blocked
The Security Council met on Friday to discuss Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decision to scrap autonomy for Kashmir, though the body was divided on how to proceed, with the U.S. and France blocking a Chinese attempt to get the 15-member body to publicly urge parties to refrain from actions that exacerbate tensions along the line of control, diplomats said.
PM Imran discusses Kashmir issue with Donald Trump ahead of crucial UNSC session
Prime Minister Imran Khan talked to US President Donald Trump and briefed him about Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir issue.
The telephonic contact took place on Friday, ahead of the United Nations Security Council meeting on the situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir.
UN Security Council discusses Kashmir, China urges India and Pakistan to ease tensions
The Security Council met to consider the volatile situation surrounding Kashmir on Friday, addressing the issue directly within the UN body dedicated to resolving matters of international peace and security, for the first time since 1965.
Although the meeting took place behind closed doors in New York, the Chinese Ambassador, Zhang Jun, spoke to reporters outside the chamber following deliberations, urging both India and Pakistan to “refrain from taking any unilateral action which might further aggravate” what was an already “tense and very dangerous” situation.
UPDATE 6-Iran tanker shifts position but still at anchor off Gibraltar
The Gibraltar Chronicle newspaper reported that the vessel was unlikely to sail before Sunday, citing an unnamed source who added that it was waiting for six new crew members including a captain to arrive that day.
A lawyer for the Grace 1‘s current captain also told the newspaper that his client had asked to be replaced.
Sepultura – Roots Bloody Roots
Congresswoman Tlaib’s Statement on Travel to Palestine & Israel
When I won the election to become a United States Congresswoman, many Palestinians, especially my grandmother, felt a sense of hope, a hope that they would finally have a voice. I cannot allow the Israeli government to take that away from them or to use my deep desire to see my grandmother, potentially for the last time, as a political bargaining chip. My family and I have cried together throughout this ordeal; they’ve promised to keep my grandmother alive until I can one day reunite with her. It is with their strength and heart that I reiterate I am a duly elected United States Congresswoman and I will not allow the Israeli government to humiliate me and my family or take away our right to speak out. I will not allow the Israeli government to take away our hope.
US-Abgeordnete Tlaib darf doch nach Israel einreisen – lehnt aber ab
Israels Innenminister Arie Deri hat diesem am Freitag stattgegeben. Die Einreise sei für einen „humanitären Besuch ihrer 90-jährigen Großmutter genehmigt“, hieß es in einer Stellungnahme des Ministeriums.
Wenig später schrieb sie allerdings auf Twitter, sie werde unter diesen „repressive Bedingungen“ nicht einreisen. Ihre Großmutter würde nicht wollen, dass sie „wie eine Kriminelle“ behandelt werde, schrieb sie auf Twitter.
Meet Rashida Tlaib’s grandma: ‘Who wouldn’t be proud of a granddaughter like that?’
For many Palestinians, the fact that Tlaib accepted these terms was itself an affront, a humiliating compromise in which she was made to forgo her opinions to see her loved ones.
“Israel is the oppressor and its racist attitude towards Palestinians is established policy,” Nour Odeh, a Palestinian journalist, wrote on Twitter. “Rashida should have known better. She should have acted with more dignity & pride.”
Tlaib appeared to agree by Friday morning.