Archiv: Super PACs

10.02.2024 - 11:03 [ CNN ]

Biden’s allies can’t agree on how to combat questions about his age and memory

One Democratic member of the House responded to being told of the questions about age and memory raised in the report with a morbid laugh and sullen shake of the head. Another started anxiously asking for a sense of how others were responding, palpably feeling at wit’s end.

10.02.2024 - 10:44 [ Washington Post ]

‘Hair on fire’: Democratic worries grow over claims about Biden’s memory lapses

The spectacle — at times chaotic, at times emotional — echoed around the country among the networks of Democratic donors and strategists who have been struggling for weeks to contain their concern about the state and direction of Biden’s campaign.

The broad conclusion, both inside and outside Biden’s inner circle, is that a dangerous and misleading caricature of the president’s performance is at risk of setting in, pushed by the biting prose of a special prosecutor they suspected of seeking political revenge.

06.11.2022 - 12:44 [ New York Times ]

Fueled by Billionaires, Political Spending Shatters Records Again

“We’ve broken records with our broken records,” said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the nonpartisan Open Secrets, which estimated on Thursday that total spending in 2021 and 2022 would reach $16.7 billion when tallied after Election Day, easily surpassing the previous midterm record of $14 billion set in 2018.

14.04.2022 - 06:24 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli-U.S. Billionaire Saban Donates $1 Million to AIPAC’s Super PAC

Long-term AIPAC supporter Haim Saban is the biggest individual donor to the super PAC since its establishment late last year. His contribution came weeks before the pro-Israel lobby’s traditional PAC endorsed Republican election deniers

24.10.2021 - 05:44 [ ]

Dominion Energy donated $200K to an anti-Youngkin group. Now, CEO says company wants the money back.

(Oct 19, 2021)

Youngkin’s campaign issued a statement Saturday attacking Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe and Dominion.

McAuliffe’s campaign declined to answer questions, including whether McAuliffe was aware of the PAC’s involvement.

24.10.2021 - 05:32 [ ]

Virginia Energy Giant Funds Fraudulent Attacks On Youngkin From The Right

(October 19, 2021)

The amount represents the company’s largest donation to any statewide political committee in Virginia this year — despite Youngkin opponent Terry McAuliffe having sworn that he would not take contributions from Dominion.

In its bid to weaken Youngkin’s support among conservative voters in the commonwealth, the Accountability Virginia PAC has been running social media ads questioning the Republican candidate’s record on gun rights.

24.10.2021 - 05:14 [ Axios ]

Virginia energy giant quietly boosts McAuliffe

(Oct 16, 2021 )

Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe has sworn off money from the Richmond company Dominion Energy. But the utility has found more subtle ways to back McAuliffe‘s gubernatorial bid, records show.

Driving the news: Dominion‘s political action committee has donated $200,000 to a murky political group called Accountability Virginia PAC, a group with ties to prominent Democrats that‘s been running ads attacking Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin from the right.

24.10.2021 - 04:42 [ ]

Democratic PAC Poses as Right-Wing Group to Turn Rural Virginians against Youngkin

(September 28, 2021)

In the tightening race to become Virginia’s next governor, Democrats are resorting to attacking Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin from the right in an effort to depress GOP turnout in rural parts of the state.

From behind the veil of the nondescript “Accountability Virginia PAC,” Democratic operatives are haranguing Youngkin for not having been endorsed by the National Rifle Association in ads popping up on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook among other mediums.

24.10.2021 - 04:35 [ Axios ]

Dems‘ sneaky sabotage

(Sep 28, 2021)

The intrigue: While clearly designed to hit Youngkin from the right, all indications point to Democrats behind the PAC.

Accountability Virginia‘s online donation page is hosted by the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue. Its bank account is at Amalgamated Bank, a labor union-owned financial institution popular with Democratic political groups.
The PAC was incorporated in Virginia by compliance consultants at the MBA Consulting Group, which works uniformly with Democrats.

04.08.2021 - 13:29 [ The People’s Party / Twitter ]

Nina‘s unfortunate loss is further proof that working with the Democrats is a dead end road for folks seeking to challenge the status quo. Democrats will spend millions of dollars (at a time like this!) and pull out all the stops to undermine candidates fighting for the people.

04.08.2021 - 12:48 [ Krystal Ball ]

Thank you @ninaturner for your fearlessness and your unrelenting commitment to truth telling. These are the qualities that make you powerful and there is no super pac that can change that.

04.08.2021 - 12:18 [ Secular Talk / Twitter ]

Nina lost for a very simple reason. In the closing stretch THIS happened: „Democratic Majority for Israel, a hybrid PAC/super PAC that has spent $1.2 million on ads supporting Brown and opposing Turner“ – & the ads viciously lied about her. The lies stuck

04.08.2021 - 12:13 [ MSNBC / Youtube ]

Turner Vs. Brown: A Showdown Between Progressive And Establishment Dems

The special election in Ohio featuring candidates Nina Turner and Shontel Brown has become a reportedly „acrimonious and bitter“ battle between the progressive and establishment wings of the Democratic party, as these factions go all out to support their preferred candidate. Journalists Eugene Robinson and Jeremy W. Peters join The ReidOut with their analysis.

04.08.2021 - 12:10 [ CNN ]

There‘s a fight for the future of the Democratic Party happening in Ohio

South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, told CNN recently that Biden needed all the allies he could get in the House, a clear shot at Turner‘s past negative comments about the 46th President.

Third Way, a centrist Democratic group, is spending $500,000 on a series of ads driving that same message.

21.10.2020 - 11:16 [ ]

Trump: ‚Joe Biden a servant of the globalists, lobbyists and Washington vultures‘

President Donald Trump says “big deals” are being done behind the scenes between the Democratic party and large companies in order rake in large donations for the campaign trail.

Mr Trump accused Democratic nominee Joe Biden of being a “servant of the globalists, lobbyists and Washington vultures who got rich bleeding America dry”.

21.10.2020 - 11:09 [ ]

Biden holds massive cash advantage over Trump ahead of Election Day

According to new filings with the Federal Election Commission, Biden entered October with over $177 million in the bank, compared with $63.1 million for the president, marking a sharp reversal from earlier in the cycle when Trump’s cash advantage seemed insurmountable.

10.08.2020 - 04:09 [ ]

Trump antagonizes GOP megadonor Adelson in heated phone call

Now, Republican leaders are pleading to billionaires for help. Trump advisers are pining for new outside groups to form, and the White House is growing anxious to see what Adelson, who has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into Republican super PACs over the past decade, will do.

10.08.2020 - 03:54 [ Haaretz ]

Trump Lashes Out at Mega-donor Adelson for Not Giving Enough to His Campaign, Report Says

Republican Party officials had to intervene in order to assess the damage to the key relationship. Sources close to Adelson said it‘s not clear whether this will dissuade Adelson from donating more to Trump‘s 2020 reelection campaign. Adelson was the largest single political donor during the 2018 mid-term elections in the U.S. – giving some $113 million dollars to conservative candidates.

09.08.2020 - 17:01 [ Alex Morse, Democratic candidate for #MA01 / Twitter ]

I’m honored to have the support of @MoveOn and their millions of members across the country. Richie Neal may have corporate PACs & lobbyists behind him, but the grassroots momentum and enthusiasm is on our side. Progressives are fired up and we’re going to bring change to #MA01.

09.08.2020 - 16:55 [ Washington Post ]

Left-wing candidates keep racking up wins in challenge to Democratic establishment


Neal is facing off against Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse on Sept. 1 in the Democratic primary, with Morse running hard to Neal’s left in another safe seat for Democrats. The liberal group Fight Corporate Monopolies, a new PAC formed after the end of the Sanders presidential campaign this year, has funded at least $300,000 in ads going after Neal for a history of financial support from corporate PACs.

02.07.2020 - 11:39 [ ]

Hundreds of Ex-George W. Bush Staffers to Back Biden Over ‘Dangerous’ Trump

The new super PAC will launch on Wednesday, according to Reuters.

20.06.2020 - 17:15 [ Jamaal Bowman, running for Congress / Twitter ]

Unbelievable! Engel’s Trump donor-funded Super PAC spent another $300,000 today against us. There’s now $5 million trying to stop our movement. Please rush a donation to help us push back.

20.06.2020 - 17:07 [ Jeremy Scahill / Twitter ]

Hillary Clinton and GOP donors are backing an old militaristic Democrat, Eliot Engel, who has been in office for 16 terms! over a progressive Black candidate @JamaalBowmanNY .

29.04.2020 - 18:28 [ New York Times ]

Former Aides to Bernie Sanders Form a Super PAC to Support Joe Biden

Jeff Weaver, who served as Mr. Sanders’s campaign manager in 2016 and as a top adviser in 2020, is leading the effort, which will focus on mobilizing the base of Sanders supporters — young people, liberals Latinos and “blue-collar progressives” — for Mr. Biden.

Other top Sanders officials from the 2020 race who will be involved include …

03.03.2020 - 09:06 [ The Rolling Stone ]

Operation Bernie Block Is in Full Effect

There’s a whiff of desperation to this move. It’s not hard to see why: If Sanders, who leads in the delegate count, performs well in delegate-rich states such as Texas and California, he might be unstoppable on his way to winning the nomination at the convention this summer.

That’s an unacceptable outcome to a powerful bloc of the Democratic Party. It’s why Buttigieg and Klobuchar have moved so quickly to endorse Biden. It’s why Sanders opponents started Super PAC called the Big Tent Project to run advertisements criticizing Sanders as a radical who would lose to Trump.

16.02.2020 - 16:19 [ ]

State-backed Alliance for Securing Democracy disinfo shop falsely smears The Grayzone as ‘state-backed’

Western government-funded German Marshall Project, falsely and hypocritically characterized The Grayzone and independent journalist Jordan Chariton as “state-backed media,” smearing them for their factual reporting on the shadowy network behind the controversial app that undermined the integrity of the Iowa caucuses.

The Grayzone has exposed the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) in a series of investigative reports as a neo-McCarthyite outfit prone to spreading disinformation, staffed by counter-terror cranks and national security hustlers.

05.02.2020 - 11:35 [ ]

New Details Show How Deeply Iowa Caucus App Developer Was Embedded in Democratic Establishment

Acronym, which includes a hybrid model of a 501(c)4 entity that does not disclose donors and a Super PAC that does, has been a favorite for deep-pocketed Democratic donors. Donald Sussman, the founder of Paloma Partners, and Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital, each donated $1 million to Acronym last year. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg gave $500,000. Investor Seth Klarman, once a major donor to Republican causes, gave $1.5 million to Acronym.

29.01.2020 - 12:20 [ ]

New campaign ad goes after Sanders by mentioning heart attack

A Democratic super PAC is expected to release a new ad campaign Wednesday that targets Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and the heart attack that he suffered late last year.

The ad from Democratic Majority for Israel features six Iowa voters and argues Sanders would be unable to beat President Trump in November, The New York Times reported.

25.10.2019 - 16:28 [ Nate's Liver - Commentary ‏ / Twitter ]

I don‘t get it. Why is Bernie even a Dem if he isn‘t going to be a puppet for a handful of donors?

30.09.2019 - 21:34 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

Today is the last day before our enormous fundraising deadline tonight. We need your help, because we don‘t have any billionaires or a super PAC supporting us—and we don‘t want one. We are a campaign for working people. Chip in now:

18.07.2019 - 16:28 [ ]

Campaign Finance: Obama and Clinton’s bundlers are betting on these 3 candidates

Big-money Democratic donors have jumped off the sidelines of the presidential race, and three candidates are the clear winners of their support: Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris.

Each of those three candidates received more than 220 donations from top fundraisers who helped raise at least $100,000 (and sometimes many multiples more) for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign or at least $50,000 for Barack Obama in 2012, according to a POLITICO analysis of Federal Election Commission data.

19.06.2019 - 17:06 [ CNN ]

Joe Biden announces massive $20 million raised as first debate approaches

Joe Biden revealed Monday that his campaign may have raised nearly $20 million since the former vice president entered the 2020 race — a figure that would surpass the amount raised by any of the Democratic presidential candidates in the first fundraising quarter.

19.06.2019 - 17:04 [ ]

2020 Elections: Trump raises $24.8 million in less than 24 hours, RNC says

President Donald Trump raked in nearly $25 million in campaign contributions for his re-election effort in less than 24 hours, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee said Wednesday.

11.06.2019 - 19:57 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

The Koch Brothers are preparing to try to buy the Democratic Party and buy the 2020 election. We cannot let them. The only way we will stop them is to build a grassroots progressive campaign that rejects their right-wing ideology.

11.06.2019 - 19:54 [ ]

Koch network opens its doors to Democrats as it expands political engagement

The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity is opening its doors to backing Democrats running for office in 2019 and 2020.
Historically the political network has only backed Republicans.

09.06.2019 - 15:44 [ ]

Democratic delegate rules, 2020

In 2020, there will be an estimated 4,532 delegates: 3,768 pledged delegates and 764 automatic delegates—more commonly known as superdelegates.[1]

To win the Democratic nomination, a presidential candidate must receive support from a majority of the pledged delegates on the first ballot—an estimated 1,885 pledged delegates. If the convention is contested and goes to a second ballot or more, automatic delegates will be able to vote and a candidate must receive majority support from all delegates—an estimated 2,267 delegates

29.04.2019 - 08:41 [ Bernie Sanders, US Senator / Twitter ]

The good news is that Trump is getting nervous, corporate America is getting nervous and the Democratic establishment is getting nervous. They‘re worried that we‘re going to win this thing, and they should be.

28.04.2019 - 18:35 [ ]

Bernie Sanders v the Democratic establishment: what the battle is really about

In 10 years of reporting about politics, almost every politician has told me their donors do not influence their behavior. If this were true, they would be the only individuals on planet Earth who are not tempted by money.

What Sanders is arguing is the opposite – if he started doing big-ticket fundraisers with corporate executive and lobbyists, he would be influenced by their money.

20.02.2019 - 17:47 [ CNN ]

DNC chair excited about what he calls ‚unprecedented‘ 2020 primary debate format

(15.2.2019) To qualify for the first two debates, candidates must meet 1% or more in three separate, DNC-approved polls and rake in campaign donations from at least 65,000 unique donors, with a minimum of 200 unique donors per state in at least 20 states.