Follow MailOnline‘s liveblog for updates today as the state funeral for the Queen is held at Westminster Abbey before the committal service at Windsor Castle, where Her Majesty will be buried:
Archiv: Queen Elizabeth II
The bombshell text that sparked ‚Fab Four‘s‘ shock reunion: RICHARD KAY reveals how William sent Harry a message asking if he and Meghan wanted to join him and Kate to view flowers left at Windsor – and how it was NOT an order from Charles
For 45 minutes, the two couples moved among the crowds, shaking hands, accepting condolences and flowers which they placed on the growing pile of tributes while thanking the public in turn for their kindnesses.
It was, of course, a powerful echo of similar images from a quarter of a century ago when, after the death of Princess Diana, the brothers greeted mourners outside Kensington Palace.
The Queen dies aged 96 after 70 years of remarkable service leaving Britain and the world in mourning
Queen Elizabeth II dies at 96 after historic 70-year reign, plunging Britain and a world that loved her into mourning for an unparalleled lifetime of ‚service, duty and devotion‘ – and making Charles the new King
– The death of Queen Elizabeth II is announced at the age of 96, ending the longest reign of any British monarch
– Doctors became concerned about her health today – with her children and grandchildren racing to Balmoral
– World joins Britain in mourning, and celebrating, devoted sovereign who ruled the country for 70 years
– Queen‘s son Charles, the former Prince of Wales, becomes King and is expected to address the nation shortly
– Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary became Queen on Feb 6 1952 aged just 25, when her father George VI died
– Her reign spanned 15 British Prime Ministers from Sir Winston Churchill to Liz Truss and 14 US Presidents- And on September 9, 2015, she became longest-reigning British monarch, surpassing Queen Victoria‘s record
– Queen dies aged 96: Follow for the latest updates from Balmoral as Britain‘s Elizabeth II passes
Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022
The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.
The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.
Thursday, 8 September 2022
Parade and pageant highlights final day of Queen‘s Platinum Jubilee
The fourth and final day of the Queen‘s Jubilee is underway in London.
Technical point for my int’l friends: Trudeau is not “head-of-state,” he is “head-of-gov’t.” As a monarchy within the realm of the UK, Canada’s head-of-state is Elizabeth II, represented in-country by Governor-General Mary Simon. This explains why we have no liberty.
Vor EM-Finale: Daumendrücken für die Three Lions
England ist im Fußball-Fieber, denn immerhin könnte ihr Team heute den ersten Titel seit 1966 nach Hause holen. Da lässt es sich sogar die Queen nicht nehmen, der Mannschaft ganz persönliche Glückwünsche zukommen zu lassen.
Merkel in Großbritannien: Abschiedsbesuch bei Queen und Johnson
Bei ihrer voraussichtlich letzten Reise nach Großbritannien als Bundeskanzlerin trifft Angela Merkel heute die britische Königin Elizabeth II. und Premierminister Boris Johnson. Es gehe um eine Vertiefung der deutsch-britischen Beziehungen, hieß es aus dem britischen Regierungssitz.
Merkel in Großbritannien: Abschiedsbesuch bei Queen und Johnson
Merkel werde von Chequers aus, dem Landsitz des britischen Premierministers, in einer virtuellen Sitzung direkt zum britischen Kabinett sprechen. Sie ist die erste ausländische Regierungschefin seit US-Präsident Bill Clinton vor 25 Jahren, die eine solche Rede halten darf.
The House: Is it past time Canada had an Indigenous governor general?
Last month, New Zealand appointed the first Indigenous woman to serve as governor general. Dame Cindy Kiro, a well-known children‘s advocate, is the third Māori to hold the post. The first, Sir Paul Reeves, was appointed in 1985.
The federal government is under enormous pressure right now to show some progress on Crown-Indigenous reconciliation — in the wake of this week‘s reports on undocumented deaths at the Kamloops Indian Residential School and fresh calls for Ottawa to move faster on implementing the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
Chagos Islanders Sue the Queen £1 Billion for Lost Fishing Rights
British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) is best known for the top secret US naval base on Diego Garcia Island and the forced deportation of the original Afro-Creole inhabitants from the Chagos Archipelago (1967-1973) and subsequent apartheid laws barring them from returning home.
Can we stop this lockdown inhumanity and get our lives back?
There were 250 in Westminster Abbey for Easter Day Eucharist. I know that Covid is a fiendishly clever critter, but can it really distinguish between normal congregants and mourners at a funeral? Why the harsher limit on the latter? Do those purse-lipped puritans on SAGE fear that grief might drive people to have a Covid-reckless sherry afterwards and start hugging the people they love? To borrow a favourite Prince Philip word, it’s bunkum.
The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoyed meeting Captain Sir Tom and his family at Windsor last year. Her thoughts and those of the Royal Family are with them.
Großbritannien: Die Queen setzt Brexit-Gesetz in Kraft
Der Weg für den Brexit-Handelspakt zwischen Großbritannien und der Europäischen Union ist frei. Königin Elizabeth II. als britisches Staatsoberhaupt setzte das Ratifizierungsgesetz in der Nacht in Kraft, wie der Sprecher des Unterhauses, Lindsay Hoyle, sagte. Zuvor hatten beide Kammern des Parlaments in London dem Dokument zugestimmt.
Brexit deal with EU becomes law as the Queen gives official Royal Assent
Her Majesty‘s approval paves the way for the deal to take effect at 11pm on Thursday when the current Brexit transition period, during which the UK has continued to follow EU rules, ends.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked Gov. Gen. Julie Payette to prorogue Parliament until Sept. 23, ..
.. putting a more than month-long pause on parliamentary business as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on.
Canada’s embarrassing governor general should resign — and no one should replace her
A Canada with more self-confidence would have the courage to revisit its governor general entirely on its own terms. If the country is truly the beacon of principled democratic liberalism it so often claims, eliminating a failed, undemocratic office should hardly be painful.
Can you fire a Governor General?
The Governor General is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the prime minister. An exit from this post can only occur through death or incapacitation, resignation, or if the Queen, acting on the advice of the prime minister, removes the Governor General from the role.
Kanada: Trudeau drückt den Reset-Knopf
Premierminister Trudeau kündigte es feierlich vor der Presse in Ottawa an: Seine liberale Regierung drückt den Reset-Knopf. „Heute habe ich die Generalgouverneurin darum gebeten, das Parlament auszusetzen.“
Inside Princess Beatrice‘s low-key wedding: No singing the national anthem, no hymns and a tiara from the Queen
“In accordance with government guidelines, no hymns were sung, but a selection of music was played,” said Buckingham Palace. “The National Anthem was played – but not sung.”
Gough Whitlam: Queen not told in advance of Australia PM‘s sacking, letters show
However, they also reveal Sir John – an Australian who was a judge before becoming governor-general – had discussed with Buckingham Palace whether he had the constitutional authority to dismiss Mr Whitlam.
Australia is a constitutional monarchy with the Queen as head of state. Before the dismissal, many Australians had little idea her representative had such power.
Dame Vera Lynn’s death – Queen to send private message of condolence to family of Forces’ Sweetheart
THE Queen is going to send a private message of condolence to the family of Dame Vera Lynn after she passed away today aged 103.
The Forces‘ sweetheart who became a national treasure during World War Two, sang iconic wartime classics We‘ll Meet Again and White Cliffs of Dover which not only inspired the nation but also generations to come.
The Queen calls Scott Morrison to wish Australians well amid pandemic
„Was very kind to receive Her Majesty’s call this evening to check in and see how we’re all getting on in Australia. The Queen was very interested to hear about our progress in combatting COVID-19 and was so pleased we have managed to prevent the terrible impacts.“
Boris Johnson meets Queen after election win and vows not to betray public’s trust
TRIUMPHANT Boris Johnson has met the Queen at Buckingham Palace after his historic election win.
The Prime Minister declared that his party has „smashed the roadblock“ and „ended the gridlock“ as he hailed the biggest Conservative majority since the 1980s.
Queen verliest Regierungspläne „Brexit am 31. Oktober hat Priorität“
Der Austritt aus der Europäischen Union am 31. Oktober habe höchste Priorität, sagte die Queen vor dem britischen Oberhaus. Es werde eine neue Partnerschaft mit der EU angestrebt. Neue Systeme für Handel, Fischerei und Landwirtschaft würden entwickelt.
How the U.K. Supreme Court’s Rebuke to Boris Johnson Remakes British Law
Not only did the court declare the prime minister’s action unlawful, it also declared the order itself, which Queen Elizabeth II issued at Mr. Johnson’s request, “unlawful, void, and of no effect.” The request, said the court’s president, Baroness Brenda Hale, might as well have been a “blank sheet of paper.”
Stephen Tierney, a professor of constitutional theory at Edinburgh University, said it was “astonishing” that the court had ruled decisively that it “can review something as fundamental as that, done by Her Majesty, as unlawful.”
The Supreme Court 2009
The last hearings and judgments in the House of Lords took place on 30 July and the new Supreme Court opened on 1 October 2009.
The Supreme Court comprises of 12 judges, known as „Justices of the Supreme Court“, they include a President and Deputy President, appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Judicial Appointments Commission.
The first members of the Supreme Court were the existing 12 Law Lords (Lords of Appeal in Ordinary) who now sit in the new Court which occupies the former Middlesex Guildhall, opposite the Houses of Parliament.
The Supreme Court’s decision is a constitutional outrage
What that means is that prorogation can be limited by statute and the courts would enforce that statute. I doubt anyone disputes that. What it does not mean, yet what has happened, is that in the absence of such a statute, the ‘Supreme’ Court can step in and invent one. So lawyers and judges have, step by step, decided to give themselves more and more power.
No one expected them to do what they did today. No one expected it to be unanimous – which perhaps hurts the most.
Jeremy Corbyn says Boris Johnson should ‚consider his position‘ as he demands recall of parliament
At the Labour conference Jeremy Corbyn has taken to the stage.
He says the supreme court judgment demonstrates Boris Johnson’s contempt for parliament.
He says he will write to the Speaker demanding an urgent recall of parliament.
He says a Labour government would want to be held to account. It would not bypass democracy.
And he says Boris Johnson should “in the historic words, consider his position”.
That means he thinks Johnson should resign.
Supreme Court unanimously rules Boris Johnson‘s suspension of Parliament was ‚UNLAWFUL, void and of no effect‘ and overturns the move leaving the PM‘s plans in tatters
– The Supreme Court handed down landmark judgment at 10.30am today
– Justices asked to decide whether Boris Johnson gave unlawful advice to Queen
– Judges had 4 options including forcing MPs to return to Parliament this week
– Lady Hale revealed all 11 unanimously agreed to nuclear option of recalling MPs
– PM won‘t resign and says MPs have had years to discuss direction of Brexit
Supreme Court rules Boris Johnson‘s advice to Queen to suspend Parliament was unlawful
Announcing the result, Lady Hale said: „The court is bound to conclude, therefore, that the decision to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament was unlawful because it had the effect of frustrating or preventing the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification.“
Oberstes Gericht: Zwangspause des britischen Parlaments illegal
Im Machtkampf mit dem Parlament hat der britische Premier Johnson eine schwere Schlappe erlitten: Die von ihm verhängte Zwangspause für das Parlament ist laut Oberstem Gericht unrechtmäßig.
Before everyone gets over-excited (too late, I know) the decision to prorogue Parliament for five weeks means MPs return on October 14 instead of October 7.
Boris Johnson is giving Remainers a taste of their own medicine with his Queen‘s Speech gambit
Remainers have had a painful reminder of what happens when they forget Mike Tyson‘s cardinal rule:: „Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.“
Harter Brexit droht – Queen genehmigt Parlamentsschließung
Hätte die Queen ablehnen können?
Theoretisch liegt es in der Macht von Königin Elizabeth II., den Antrag der Regierung abzulehnen. Doch das ist undenkbar.
I suspect that the decision to suspend parliament will be met with either support or indifference by most people up and down the country. Many MPs have been trying to subvert democracy for three years. This is where their antics have led us. People just want the thing sorted.
52% of MPs‘ constituents voted to Leave. MPs are blocking that result because they didn‘t agree with it. They think the views of 600 odd MPs should trump the largest democratic vote in British history. And they dare talk about ‚outrages‘. #brexit
Prorogation: How can the government suspend Parliament?
MPs do not vote to prorogue – it‘s a power that rests with the Queen, done on the advice of the prime minister.
A battle of two evils
Proroguing parliament to force through Brexit is wrong. But using parliament to stop Brexit is far worse.
The Queen agrees to let Boris Johnson shut down Parliament and thwart Corbyn’s anti-Brexit plot
THE Queen has approved Boris Johnson’s bombshell request to suspend Parliament and stop Jeremy Corbyn’s plans to block No Deal Brexit.
Her Majesty met with the Privy Council today at Balmoral and an order was greenlit to prorogue Parliament from any date between September 9 to October 14.
Buckingham Palace and Downing Street plan to keep the Queen out of looming constitutional crisis over Brexit
The conversation was prompted by growing speculation that politicians will try to force the Queen to get involved if Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister, loses a no-confidence vote early next month.
Queen ernennt Boris Johnson zum neuen Premierminister
Der Brexit-Hardliner Boris Johnson wurde am Mittwoch offiziell von Königin Elizabeth II. zum neuen Regierungschef Großbritanniens ernannt. Unmittelbar zuvor hatte Theresa May ihren Rücktritt bei der Queen eingereicht.
Live: ITV News special coverage as Boris Johnson becomes the #NewPrimeMinister | ITV News
Watch special coverage from ITV News as Theresa May resigns as prime minister and is replaced by Boris Johnson.
Is this Boris‘s first cabinet? As Johnson prepares to meet the Queen and be crowned PM TODAY names emerge of the Brexiteer-heavy, ethnically diverse top team tipped to help him deliver Brexit in 100 days
Another Mr Johnson backer, Gavin Williamson, who was sacked by Mrs May over alleged Huawei leaks, is also thought to be returning.
Whitehall staff are reportedly anxious that Mr Williamson could be given another security sensitive role. He is tipped for Northern Ireland secretary or deputy PM.
The only confirmed role was chief whip, taken by Mark Spencer, a low-profile figure who has been in the whips‘ office for years.
Brexit news latest: The Queen ‚could reject a new PM’s demands to suspend Parliament over no-deal‘
The Queen may reject a Brexiteer Prime Minister’s demand to suspend Parliament to ram through a crash-out from the EU, a Whitehall grandee said today.
Lord Armstrong, who was Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet secretary, said the monarch could decide to consult Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Speaker John Bercow and Lord Speaker Lord Fowler if she believed the Government was asking her to prorogue Parliament to neuter its “rights or duties”.
Time for afternoon tea with Charles! President Trump and Melania are welcomed to Clarence House after spectacular reception at Buckingham Palace including a 21-gun salute and lunch with the Queen
Donald Trump and Melania have enjoyed an afternoon tea with Prince Charles and Camilla on the first day of the US President‘s state visit to Britain where the Queen and the royals were out in force to give him an extraordinary welcome.
Mr Trump has started his three-day tour to strengthen the special relationship and commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day on Wednesday, with a state banquet being thrown in his honour at Buckingham Palace tonight.
Donald Trump meets Queen at start of UK state visit
US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have met the Queen on the first day of their state visit to the UK.
‚The sofa‘s up against the door‘: Tory MPs count the hours until May quits as she ‚barricades‘ herself in Downing Street after Leadsom resigns on eve of today‘s Euro elections that will see the party wiped out
However sources said meetings with senior ministers were postponed because Mrs May was having her regular audience with the Queen, who she was expected to brief on her intentions.
Donald Trump‘s state visit to the UK set for 3 June
The president and First Lady Melania Trump will be guests of the Queen and attend a ceremony in Portsmouth to mark 75 years since the D-Day landings.
He will also have official talks with the prime minister at Downing Street.
Brexit delay bill receives royal assent and is signed into law after it is raced through Parliament
Yvette Cooper‘s backbench Bill aimed at forcing Theresa May to request a Brexit extension rather than leave the EU with no deal has been signed into law.
The cross-party European Union (Withdrawal) (No 5) Bill received royal assent after it was backed by MPs and peers on Monday night.
Queen‘s speech calling for ‚common ground‘ seen as Brexit reference
As head of state, the monarch remains publicly neutral when it comes to political matters and does not express her views. But commentators were likely to see her words as a veiled reference the debate on Britain’s departure from the EU.
Similar in tone to her Christmas Day address, the Queen expressed the importance of “never losing sight of the bigger picture”.
Ruf nach Brexit-Stopp wird lauter: Queen soll eingreifen
Für die Anhänger eines harten Brexit sind all diese Vorstöße eine offene Herausforderung. Einige dieser Brexiteers überlegen sogar die Queen zu Hilfe zu rufen.
Sie soll Entscheidungen, die das Parlament gegen den Willen der Regierung trifft, nicht absegnen. Das steht der Herrscherin zwar zu, genutzt aber hat es einer ihrer Vorgänger zuletzt vor 300 Jahren .