The renowned poet and literature professor Refaat Alareer was killed by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City alongside his brother, sister, and nephews in December 2023. He was just forty-four years old, but had already established a worldwide reputation that was further enhanced when, in the wake of his death, the poem that gives this book its title became a global sensation.
Archiv: Poesie / Literatur / poetry / literature
If I must die
Refaat Alareer
(1979 – 2023)
Dr. Refaat Alareer was a Palestinian writer, poet, translator, university professor and activist from the occupied Gaza Strip. On December 6, 2023, he was murdered by an Israeli airstrike along with his brother, sister and their children in Israel‘s ongoing genocidal siege of Gaza of 2023.
Just five weeks prior to his killing, he shared his poem titled „If I must die“, and pinned it to his Twitter profile. Amidst the outpouring of grief, as news of his death spread online, many people from around the world paid tribute to Refaat by offering their own translations of his prophetic poem in to their local languages.
This website is a collection of some of these dozens of heartfelt translations in memory and honor of Refaat Alareer, @itranslate123, and in support of the the Palestinian struggle for liberation.
Elias Khoury on Writing
“Literature speaks in many ways. It speaks to the present, of course, and to the future, if it is good literature. But literature is also a way for the writer to make a dialogue with the dead. This is the power of literature. It is not like religion: religion gives you the feeling that you are eternal. Here, there is no eternity at all, but it opens the possibility of dialoguing with the dead.”
Lebanon mourns the loss of leading novelist Elias Khoury
“Never in my life have I felt that life gives you more than you deserve more than at that moment, where literature transforms into reality,” Khoury said in an interview at the time.
Khoury’s well-known love for Palestine meant even more to Itani when he was falsely accused of collaborating with Israel in Lebanon in 2017.
At the time, Khoury wrote a fierce piece defending Itani, and expressed his disgust towards those pursuing him.
When Itani went to thank Khoury, the latter told him, “Are you serious? I raised you!”
Download Book Earth Letters Pdf
Author: رشاد أبو سخيلة
Category: Literature [Edit]
Language: Arabic
Pages: 88
File Size: 6.01 MB
Extension: PDF
Creation Date: 04 Aug 2020
My cousin‘s poems were the heartbeat of Palestine. Israel killed him but his words live on
Rashad was killed for his talent and inspiration – for daring to be a voice of hope in a world that so desperately needs it. Israel is not just targeting individuals; it is trying to break us as a people, to erase Palestinian culture, identity and existence.
These efforts at erasure have been ongoing for 76 years, since the Nakba. They have targeted our leaders, intellectuals and artists. Indeed, Rashad’s story is not unique: Israel has killed thousands of Palestinians like him, people who dared to dream of a better world, and to use their talents to inspire others.
I don’t know what to say or do in the face of such grief. Rashad shone so brightly. I will not let his memory fade.
Der Panther
Sein Blick ist vom Vorübergehn der Stäbe
so müd geworden, daß er nichts mehr hält.
Ihm ist, als ob es tausend Stäbe gäbe
und hinter tausend Stäben keine Welt.
Der weiche Gang geschmeidig starker Schritte,
der sich im allerkleinsten Kreise dreht,
ist wie ein Tanz von Kraft um eine Mitte,
in der betäubt ein großer Wille steht.
Nur manchmal schiebt der Vorhang der Pupille
sich lautlos auf –. Dann geht ein Bild hinein,
geht durch der Glieder angespannte Stille –
und hört im Herzen auf zu sein.
Frankfurt – Germany, reciting the poem of poet, academic, and storyteller, the Palestinian martyr Professor Refaat Al-Areer @itranslate123 in several languages during a protest that called for #StopGazaGenocide #NotATarget #NotANumber
If I must die,
you must live
to tell my story
to sell my things
to buy a piece of cloth
and some strings,
(make it white with a long tail)
so that a child, somewhere in Gaza
while looking heaven in the eye
awaiting his dad who left in a blaze —
and bid no one farewell
not even to his flesh
not even to himself —
sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up
and thinks for a moment an angel is there
bringing back love
If I must die
let it bring hope
let it be a tale.
İzzet sizindir Gazze .. Zillet bizim #GlobalStrikeForGaza #StrikeForGaza #Strike_for_Gaza
Refaat wrote it in English for the world to read it. But let it live in Arabic too, Refaat’s mother tongue
tried my best in brazilian portuguese
In Greek:
Mi traducción (con mucha libertad creativa) y una pequeña ilustración del poema del Dr. Refaat Alareer al español. Rest in power, you will be free
Came across Dr. Refaat Alareer‘s poem „If I must die“ just a few days ago, I cried and couldn‘t help but translated it to Chinese without his permission. Now that he‘s gone.
„if I must die“ Japanese translation of Refaat Alareer‘s poem written in traditional Japanese calligraphy
If I must die, let it be a tale.
Beautiful tribute to Refaat Alareer in London this evening, as hundreds recite his poem “If I must die”
“If I must die…” Refaat Alareer | Gaza
Dostojewski Zitate – 27 inspirierende Sprüche des russischen Schriftstellers
„Das Schreckliche daran ist, dass die Schönheit sowohl geheimnisvoll als auch schrecklich ist. Gott und der Teufel kämpfen dort, und das Schlachtfeld ist das Herz des Menschen.“
„Es gibt ja nichts Schlaueres, als sich ohne jede Verstellung so zu geben wie man ist, denn das glaubt einem ja doch kein Mensch.“
„Schönheit wird die Welt retten.“
„Die beste Definition des Menschen lautet wohl: undankbarer Zweibeiner.“
Patrick Lawrence: Ellsberg and ‘The Process of My Awakening’
Imagine reading Kerouac, training to a place he writes of, and there meeting one of the novelist’s close friends. In the accounts I have read, the Vietnam War was a major topic of conversation. Ellsberg was still a dedicated supporter; Snyder, who by this time had the sturdy composure of the monks under whom he studied, talked of it from the other side. They liked one another, a little improbably from our perspective. They had lunch together the next day, continuing the conversation begun the previous evening.
A decade later Ellsberg identified the encounter with Snyder with his “awakening.” And so the defense technocrat drove a long way, we have to assume, to thank the poet. There is something in this to love.
A last, desperate, long-shot plea: Prime Minister Netanyahu, stop this madness
Some say you’ve unleashed this revolution to evade your trial. That makes no sense. You could drag it on for years or subvert it with less drastic legislative initiatives.
Others posit that you are intimidated by the extremists — those you have empowered politically, and the toxic commentators on TV, radio and social media, including some very close to home.
I hear that some people who know you well think you have convinced yourself that you are truly King Bibi, a great, historic national figure, wiser and more capable than all.
Stehende Ovationen für Drosten, Wieler und Lauterbach
Nach Ende der Vorstellung zurück auf der Straße und damit in der Wirklichkeit angelangt, war den meisten Gesichtern eine ungeheure Erleichterung anzusehen, die Erleichterung des „Beinahe“. Beinahe wären sie, die als aufgeklärte Welt- und Bildungsbürger aus der Geschichte gelernt hatten und hochsensibel waren für kleinste Anzeichen von Diskriminierung oder Ausgrenzung, selbst zum tobenden Lynchmob geworden. Beinahe wären sie hereingefallen auf die Einflüsterungen von Weißkitteln und fürsorglich tuenden Politikern. Zum Glück nur beinahe…
PROTESTNOTEN: Widerständische Lyrik & Musik
„Musik drückt das aus, was nicht gesagt werden kann
und worüber zu schweigen unmöglich ist.“
– Victor Hugo
Jens Fischer Rodrian – Wahn & Sinn
Was zählt ist der erlebbare, empathische Individualismus. Die persönliche Verletzbarkeit wird zum kategorischen Imperativ. Daran appelliert WAHN & SINN abwechselnd in Pianissimo und Fortissimo. Die Songs laden zur individuellen Interpretation ein, sie wollen mit dem Leben und dem Erlebten jedes einzelnen Zuhörers gefüllt werden. Alles zu jeder Zeit, an jedem Ort, ohne ersichtlichen Grund – so ist das Leben. Und so klingt seine Musik. Feinsinn kann so anregend sein, dass er zu geistigem Ausnahmezustand führen kann.
Vom „Soundtrack für die Fantasie der Leute“ ist die Rede, wenn Jens Fischer Rodrian seine Musik beschreibt. Das soll reichen.
Netanjahus Enkel zu Premierminister Israels: „Du schuldest uns Krieg“ – aus dem Zukunftsarchiv, 13.Oktober 2031
Wie wir alle wissen, wurde der rechtsradikale Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu vor 18 Jahren wegen einem maßgeblich durch seine Person organisierten drohenden Atomkrieg gegen den Iran, nachfolgend gegen Libanon, gegen Syrien sowieso und natürlich auch gegen den Gazastreifen und überhaupt die gesamte Region von einem linksradikalen Israeli erschossen. Ganz Israel reagierte seinerzeit wie Netanjahus eigene Likud Partei. Es sagte: „Oh. Das ist aber schade.“ Und dann kam alles ganz anders. Während der Attentäter zu einer Art Volksheld wurde und in allen Ehren im Gefängnis saß, beschloss nun die Likud Partei ab sofort genau das Gegenteil von dem zu machen was sie bisher getan hatte und alle Pläne von exzessivem Krieg und Kapitalismus über den Haufen und sich selbst einer bis zu dem Attentat gesellschaftlich vollkommen isolierten winzigen Gruppe der Gesellschaft zu Füßen zu werfen. Ab sofort wurde lauter intellektuelles, menschenfreundliches, pazifistisches ja sozialistisches Zeug geredet und auch getan. Sogar die Arbeitspartei fing – äußerst widerstrebend – damit an, diesem lästigen Trend zu folgen. Es fingen überhaupt alle damit an, alle Parteien…
Netanyahu‘s Plot Against Israel
If you share my misgivings, if you feel the foundations of Israel’s democracy fracturing as never before, go out and demonstrate, shout your defiance from every balcony, swamp social media with posts, cry out in every direction. Don’t give this government a moment’s rest. Not a second’s respite. While you still can.
Tyranny comes to Hyde Park
‘Can I ask what exercise you’re doing, sir, apart from exercising your thumbs?’ The copper is wearing a perfect sneer. I get the impression he has been waiting his entire jobsworth’s life to be able to reprimand someone for sitting on a park bench and writing a text message.
Lucid Living
Beneath all our evolutionary conditioning, beneath all our cultural mind viruses and power-serving, power-promulgated belief systems, beneath the chaos and confusion of life in an insane society, there is a deep stillness.
We all know deep down in our guts that that stillness is there, and that it is our natural condition. That’s why we all spend our lives trying out different strategies for coming to inner tranquility. Most of those strategies are unhealthy and doomed to fail, but that inner stillness at the root of our being is what we’re always reaching to experience.
For many years I ran a poets-in-the-schools organization for “inner-city” students. I fight for the children in overcrowded, under resourced schools, many of them homeless, almost all never given a real chance at a decent life. #IFightForThem
Netanyahu’s End: A Frightful Spectacle
Like an obstinate commander who refuses to internalize his terminal condition, he manufactures in his feverish mind divisions and squadrons and sends them to the front. The force commanders surrounding him, whether for fear of his wrath or out of empathy and pity, play along with him. They come and go, pretending to be doing things, pretending that as long as he’s there, there’s hope. He looks at their faces and wonders what’s going through their heads. Who will defect, who will betray. Who will rise against him. …
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: It’s time this squabbling, showboating, grotesque circus got out of town for good
Whoever said that politics is showbiz for ugly people has been proved more right than they could ever have imagined in their wildest dreams.