Archiv: Jamal Khashoggi / assassination in Saudi consulate in Istanbul 02-10-2018

21.08.2023 - 16:37 [ Sky News ]

Rishi Sunak accused of ‚rolling out red carpet‘ as Saudi crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman to visit UK

The US intelligence community concluded Saudi Arabia‘s crown prince had approved the killing of the well-known and respected journalist, while a UN expert who investigated the murder also said there was „credible evidence“ that MBS was responsible for the murder.

Any visit to the UK will be interpreted as the latest sign of Western countries softening their stance towards the controversial leader and follows a similar move by the US to integrate the crown prince back into the diplomatic fold.

30.05.2023 - 20:40 [ ]

Saudi crown prince a ‘psychopath’, says exiled intelligence officer

(25 Oct, 2021)

A former senior Saudi intelligence officer has claimed that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is a “psychopath with no empathy” who once boasted that he could kill the kingdom’s ruler at the time, King Abdullah, and replace him with his own father.

In an interview on US television, Saad Aljabri, who fled Saudi Arabia in May 2017 and is living in exile in Canada, also said he had been warned by an associate in 2018, after the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, that a Saudi hit team was heading to Canada to kill him.

08.12.2022 - 20:35 [ Reuters ]

Judge dismisses Khashoggi lawsuit against Saudi prince; Biden granted him immunity

(December 6, 2022)

A federal judge in Washington on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit filed by the fiance of slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi against Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, citing President Biden‘s grant of immunity.

U.S. District Judge John Bates suggested he was reluctant to throw out the lawsuit but had no choice given the Biden administration‘s decision.

23.11.2022 - 15:24 [ Middle East Eye ]

Biden administration sticks to ‚vague‘ wording on Saudi ties after immunity decision

US will continue to review its relationship with Saudi Arabia despite the administration saying the crown prince has immunity from Khashoggi lawsuit

22.11.2022 - 20:17 [ Pakistan Economic Net / Twitter ]

Oil rises after Saudis deny report of OPEC+ supply increase

22.11.2022 - 20:08 [ @echoreflection / Nitter ]

„late last night, the Biden administration quietly gave Saudi Arabia’s Prime Minister, Mohammed bin Salman, immunity from a lawsuit for the murder of Khashoggi, who had criticized the crown prince’s policies“

22.11.2022 - 20:03 [ ]

Saudis may boost oil production after Biden admin shields crown prince from punishment in death of Jamal Khashoggi

A production increase of up to 500,000 barrels a day is now under discussion for OPEC’s December 4 meeting, delegates said.

23.03.2021 - 19:18 [ Al Jazeera ]

Top Saudi official issued death threat against UN investigator

A senior official issued a death threat against UN investigator Agnes Callamard following her inquiry into the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Guardian reported on Tuesday.

03.03.2021 - 11:08 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

The mythology, that the US acts in the world to stop tyranny and punish despotism — as it ships arms and money to Saudi, Egypt, UAE, supports coups in Bolivia, etc. — is as glaringly false as it gets. Yet it remains vital for propagandizing Endless War:

03.03.2021 - 11:02 [ CNN ]

Biden and his top officials slammed Trump‘s lack of action against Saudi Arabia, MBS in years before taking office

In the years prior to taking office, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and many of their administration‘s top officials harshly criticized President Donald Trump‘s lack of action against Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the 2018 murder of Saudi journalist and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Biden is now facing criticism for not following through on campaign promises to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for the killing.

22.10.2020 - 01:27 [ France24 ]

45 lawmakers urge US to boycott Saudi-hosted G20

The letter from US Congress members to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo comes after European lawmakers passed a resolution this month calling for the European Union to downgrade its attendance at the summit, also over human rights.

21.10.2020 - 04:04 [ New York Post ]

Jamal Khashoggi’s fiancée sues Saudi crown prince in US court over his murder

The Saudi court ruled that the killing was not premeditated — though the CIA has previously concluded that the prince personally ordered Khashoggi’s murder.

21.10.2020 - 03:52 [ ORF ]

Khashoggis Verlobte klagt saudischen Kronprinzen

Zusammen mit Cengiz reichte die von Khashoggi gegründete Menschenrechtsorganisation Democracy for the Arab World Now (Dawn) Klage gegen bin Salman und 28 weitere Verdächtige ein.

14.11.2019 - 16:46 [ ]

Fall Khashoggi: UNO-Vorwürfe gegen Macron und Merkel

International sei nicht genug unternommen worden, um den Mord an dem saudi-arabischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi aufzuklären, kritisierte Callamard in einem heute veröffentlichten Interview mit der Plattform Business Insider Deutschland. Die nationalen Parlamente rief sie dazu auf, ihre Regierungen zu neuen Ermittlungen in dem Fall aufzufordern.

26.06.2019 - 10:59 [ ]

Why Is the Trump Administration So Eager to See a Nuclear Saudi Arabia?


The Trump administration twice approved the transfer of nuclear technical expertise to Saudi Arabia after last year’s murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to new revelations this week. The disclosures have fueled frustrations in Congress over the administration’s apparent eagerness to aid Riyadh and its nuclear ambitions, including repeatedly ignoring and blindsiding lawmakers.

23.06.2019 - 13:02 [ CNN ]

The Guardian says it was warned of cyber attacks by Saudi Arabia


The Guardian says that it was warned earlier this year about efforts by a cybersecurity unit in Saudi Arabia to „hack“ its computer networks.
The British newspaper published an article on Wednesday that says it was alerted by a source in Riyadh that it was being targeted by the unit following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

08.12.2018 - 13:24 [ Oliver Milne / Twitter ]

Despite the PM’s promises that the gov would stay away, UK officials met attendees at Saudi investment conference. Tonight @EmilyThornberry said “This is typical of the government’s hypocrisy over the Khashoggi murder”

27.10.2018 - 12:15 [ ]

Emmanuel Macron gegen Waffenembargo für Saudi-Arabien

Der französische Präsident will anders als die Kanzlerin weiter Waffen an das Königreich liefern. Forderungen nach einem Exportstopp seien „reine Demagogie“.

27.10.2018 - 09:14 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King Salman confirmed his invitation to Vladimir Putin to visit Saudi Arabia. It was agreed to work out the terms of such a visit through diplomatic channels.

The leaders exchanged views on the Syrian issue and the state of affairs in the Middle East in general. The situation around the ‘Jamal Khashoggi case’ was also addressed.

27.10.2018 - 08:26 [ ]

„Haben weitere Dokumente“ – Erdogan erhöht Druck auf Saudis

„Wir haben weitere Dokumente und Informationen über den Mord von Jamal Khashoggi und werden diese veröffentlichen, wenn die Zeit dafür reif ist“, tönte der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan am Freitag und verschärfte seinen Ton gegen das saudische Königshaus.

24.10.2018 - 07:29 [ Vanity Fair ]

“Jared Went from Running Point on the Mideast to Running”: With M.B.S. and the Khashoggi Murder, Trump Is in a Trap Kushner Helped Build

Insisting on thinking outside the box, Jared Kushner pushed Trump to build his Mideast strategy on M.B.S. and the Saudis. Now the West Wing is left with few good options. And some are joking that Kushner is probably going to take off soon for a well-timed vacation.

24.10.2018 - 07:19 [ Times of Israel ]

Khashoggi’s killing threatens Trump dreams for Israeli-Palestinian peace

Saudi Arabia’s powerful crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, was meant to be the linchpin of the plan, providing key diplomatic cover to both Israelis and Palestinians. But with the Saudi prince’s credibility facing serious questions following Khashoggi’s death, US President Donald Trump may soon have to rethink his Mideast strategy.

“It definitely complicates their plans to release their proposal, if indeed they have one,” said Dan Shapiro, who served as former US president Barack Obama’s ambassador to Israel.

24.10.2018 - 07:18 [ ]

Trotz Khashoggi-Affäre: Saudi-Arabien schließt Milliardenaufträge ab

Mohammed bin Salman wurde zum Auftakt der Konferenz mit dem Titel „Future Investment Initiative“ (FII) mit Applaus empfangen. Bilder des saudi-arabischen Senders Al-Ekhbariya zeigten, wie sich die Gäste erhoben, als der 33 Jahre alte Thronfolger den Veranstaltungssaal betrat. Der Kronprinz äußerte sich anschließend zufrieden über die Konferenz.

20.10.2018 - 09:01 [ New York Times ]

Trump, Breaking With U.S. Intelligence, Appears to Accept Saudi Explanation of Journalist’s Death

President Trump broke with his own intelligence agencies on Friday, appearing to accept Saudi Arabia’s explanation that the journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed by accident during a fistfight, while the United States’ spy agencies are increasingly convinced that he was assassinated on high-level orders from the Saudi royal court.

20.10.2018 - 09:00 [ New York Times ]

More Insulting Lies From Saudi Arabia

I had known Jamal for more than 15 years, and I’m appalled by every element of what happened: By what appears to have been his brutal torture-murder, by the cover-up afterward, by President Trump‘s downplaying of Jamal‘s killing, and now by the effort by the Saudi government to set up scapegoats to take the fall.

16.10.2018 - 19:34 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Mord im Konsulat

Saudische Repressionsbehörden werden dabei nicht nur von deutschen Firmen mit modernster Spionagetechnologie beliefert, sondern auch von deutschen Polizisten trainiert. Dies gilt nicht nur für die Ausbildung saudischer Grenzbeamter durch die Bundespolizei, die bis heute stattfindet und auch in Zukunft durchgeführt werden soll; Berichten zufolge nahmen daran auch saudische Geheimdienstoffiziere teil, und es wurde unter anderem der „Umgang mit sogenannten Großlagen wie Demonstrationen“ geübt.[10] Darüber hinaus ist vor allem das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) seit Jahren mit Trainingsmaßnahmen in Saudi-Arabien präsent. So wurden bereits im Jahr 2009 Mitarbeiter des saudischen Innenministeriums und des Geheimdienstes GID (General Intelligence Directorate) von BKA-Mitarbeitern zum Thema „Internetkriminalität im Terrorismus-Bereich“ geschult. Lehrgänge für den GID hat das BKA unter anderem auch im Juni 2013 und im Mai 2015 durchgeführt; daneben kam es mehrmals in Riad und in Wiesbaden zu einem fachlichen „Informationsaustausch“. Gegenstand des einwöchigen Lehrgangs von Ende Mai bis Anfang Juni 2015 in Riad war „Terrorismusbekämpfung“.

13.10.2018 - 15:04 [ Jerusalem Post ]

How the missing Saudi writer could affect Israel

(12.10.2018) The missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was an outspoken opponent of rumors that Saudi Arabia was considering increased ties with Israel. His disappearance while visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul may now result in a reduction of Washington’s support for Riyadh and have repercussions that affect Jerusalem.

12.10.2018 - 18:25 [ CNBC ]

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin ‚planning on going‘ to Saudi event despite journalist‘s disappearance

Several media companies and top executives have announced they are pulling out of the Future Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh on Oct. 23-25.
It comes after allegations were made about the kingdom‘s connection to Khashoggi‘s disappearance after he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2.
„We are concerned about what is the status of Mr Khashoggi … (But) I am planning on going at this point,“ Mnuchin tells CNBC‘s Geoff Cutmore.

11.10.2018 - 12:50 [ BBC ]

Jamal Khashoggi: Turkey‘s Erdogan urges Saudi Arabia to release images

„If a bird flew, or a fly or a mosquito appeared, the systems would capture this; they [Saudi Arabia] have the most cutting-edge systems,“ Hurriyet quoted him as saying.(…)
A critic of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Mr Khashoggi was living in self-imposed exile in the US and writing opinion pieces for the Washington Post before his disappearance.

11.10.2018 - 04:49 [ ]

„Wie aus einem Schundroman“

Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hält sich zu dem Fall weiterhin bedeckt. Doch hat es den Anschein, dass die Führung der Türkei durch ihre Informationspolitik den internationalen Druck auf den 33-jährigen Thronfolger Saudi-Arabiens erhöhen will – ohne dabei gleichzeitig als dessen Chefankläger aufzutreten. Offensichtlich will die Türkei ihre Beziehungen zu dem reichen Königreich in der akuten Wirtschaftskrise nicht gefährden.