Kamal Adwan was the last functioning hospital in North Gaza, as Israel continues to wall the region off from the rest of the Palestinian territory and from any kind of outside humanitarian assistance. Still, despite the resulting lack of resources and the increasing casualties, Abu Safiya managed to keep the hospital in Beit Lahia at least partially running ― expanding its bed capacity from 120 to 200, and regularly posting updates online to show the world what Kamal Adwan, its patients and its staff were enduring at the hands of the Israeli military.
Archiv: Brände / fires
WHO kritisiert Israels Militäreinsatz in Klinik scharf
Das Kamal-Adwan-Krankenhaus sei die letzte größere Gesundheitseinrichtung im Norden des Küstenstreifens gewesen und sei nun außer Betrieb, teilte die WHO auf X mit. Erste Berichte deuteten darauf hin, dass einige wichtige Abteilungen bei der Razzia stark verbrannt und zerstört worden seien.
Patienten in mittelschwerem bis schwerem Zustand seien ins zerstörte und nicht funktionstüchtige Indonesische Krankenhaus verlegt worden. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation mache sich „große Sorgen um ihre Sicherheit“, hieß es.
Israel detains director of one of last functioning hospitals in northern Gaza, Palestinians say
Gaza’s Health Ministry said Saturday that Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, was arrested by Israeli forces. The announcement comes a day after Israeli troops stormed the hospital, forcing many staff and patients outside to strip in winter weather, according to the ministry.
Israel’s army didn’t respond to questions about Dr. Abu Safiya.
Medics burned alive after Israel set fire to Kamal Adwan: Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera is reporting, citing medical sources, that several medical staff members were burned to death in the fires set by Israel‘s military in the Kamal Adwan Hospital on Friday.
Gaza hospital on fire: Israeli forces attack Kamal Adwan facility
Dec 28, 2024 #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #FreeGaza
The Israeli military has stormed the last operating hospital in Northern Gaza – setting it on fire. Operating rooms in the Hospital and its emergency department were destroyed. 350 people – including all the patients and staff – have been forced to evacuate. Their location is unknown and contact with the facility has been lost.
Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum reports.
Middle East latest: Israeli soldiers burn a hospital in Gaza
Israeli soldiers stormed and burned a hospital in isolated northern Gaza after forcibly removing staff and patients on Friday, Health Ministry officials said. The Israeli military said the hospital was being used by Hamas fighters as a base, although it did not provide evidence.
Gaza‘s Health Ministry said Israeli troops set fires in several parts of Kamal Adwan Hospital, including the lab and surgery department.
Israeli troops burn northern Gaza hospital after forcibly removing staff and patients, officials say
DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli troops stormed one of the last hospitals operating in northern Gaza on Friday, igniting fires and forcing many staff and patients outside to strip in winter weather, the territory’s health ministry said.
توثيق: مستوطنون يضرمون النار في محلات تجارية وسيارات على مدخل قرية دير شرف في محافظة نابلس، مقطع فيديو من قبل ساعة.
תיעוד: מתנחלים מציתים חנויות ומכוניות בכניסה לכפר דיר שרף באזור שכם, התיעוד מלפני שעה קלה
Video: settlers torching shops and cars at the entrance to the village Deir Sharf, Nablus area, a short while ago
(2 hours ago)
Extreme Risk of Fires for six Greek regions on July 26 (MAP)
Greece’s Civil Protection issued an ALERT warning of Extreme Fires Risk (category 5) for six regions across the country on Wednesday, July 26, 2023. At the same time, the Fires Risks WARNING lists another six regions at Very High Risk (category 4).
Two firefighting pilots confirmed dead
In a statement, the General Air Staff Air Force named the two officers as Captain Christos Moulas (34) and his co-pilot, Second Lieutenant Periklis Stefanidis (27).
Leading tributes to the two pilots, President Katerina Sakellaropoulou said: “Our sense of gratitude is immense and our sorrow for their loss profound.”
China’s Urumqi to ease Covid lockdown amid public anger over deadly fire
Speaking at a press conference on Saturday, local government officials promised they would ease lockdown measures in neighborhoods categorized as “low risk” by authorities “in stages.”
Residents in these areas will be allowed to leave their buildings in staggered periods of a day, but they won’t be allowed to leave their residential compounds until all compounds in the neighborhood are categorized as “low risk” areas.
Now-censored videos appear to show China‘s zero-Covid measures delaying response to deadly fire
At least ten people are dead and nine others injured after a fire at a residential building in China‘s Xinjiang Region, according to the local fire department‘s statement. The lockdown measures appeared to delay firefighters from getting through to the scene, based on videos circulating on social media reviewed by CNN. CNN‘s Selina Wang reports.
Fire out at large Ukraine nuclear plant, no radiation released
This image made from a video released by Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant shows bright flaring object landing in grounds of the nuclear plant in Enerhodar, Ukraine Friday, March 4, 2022. Russian forces shelled Europe’s largest nuclear plant early Friday, sparking a fire as they pressed their attack on a crucial energy-producing Ukrainian city and gained ground in their bid to cut off the country from the sea.
Fire destroys Brazil film archive
A film warehouse in Sao Paulo was partially destroyed by a fire Thursday just months after employees of the Cinemateca Brasileira had warned of such a disaster, accusing the government of deliberately neglecting the cultural institution.
Dubai fire crews respond to explosion at Jebel Ali Port
There are 8,000 companies based at the Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza), which contributed 23 per cent of Dubai‘s gross domestic product last year. It is the Middle East‘s largest trade zone.
Protesters in Guatemala Set Fire to Congress Building Over Spending Cuts
Thousands of protesters took to the streets in Guatemala’s capital on Saturday, setting fire to the nation’s congressional building in a show of anger over a budget bill passed this week that cut funding for health care and education.
The demonstrations in Guatemala City, which also included peaceful marches in the central plaza, rocked a nation still recovering from back-to-back hurricanes that displaced thousands of people, destroyed homes and obliterated critical infrastructure.
Guatemala: Demonstranten setzen Parlament in Brand
Die Demonstranten riefen den Staatschef zudem dazu auf, sein Veto gegen den Haushalt einzulegen. Das Parlament, das von Giammatteis Partei und deren Verbündeten dominiert wird, hatte diese Woche das Milliardenbudget im Schnellverfahren und ohne öffentliche Debatte verabschiedet. Es bürdet dem Land hohe Schulden auf.
Fire guts Uganda‘s top university, destroys main administration building block
Luke Owoyesigire, Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson, said in a statement that the police are actively investigating a fire at the country‘s largest and oldest institution in the capital Kampala, which started at around midnight, burning property and documents.
26 people have been killed and dozens more are missing as fires ravage the West Coast
Nintety-seven large fires were burning Saturday in the West overall, including 12 in Idaho and nine in Montana, the National Interagency Fire Center said.
Oregon town of Blue River reduced to ash, rubble by Holiday Farm firef
Sandi Elwood grew up in Detroit, Oregon and went back on Wednesday, September 9, the day after a destructive wildfire nearly leveled the town where her mom stills lives. Her mother escaped before the flames burned her entire home. „It didn‘t sink in to anyone that it was really happening,“ Elwood said of the wildfire which took out most of her hometown.
Drone footage of Portland during the Oregon wildfires
Brand in Kathedrale von Nantes
Vor fünf Jahren hatte es in Nantes schon einmal ein Großfeuer in einer Kirche gegeben. Damals wurden Teile der Basilika Saint-Donatien aus dem 19. Jahrhundert zerstört.
Bushfire royal commission told Aboriginal people routinely ignored in post-disaster commissions
Euahlayi man and ANU researcher Bhiamie Eckford-Williamson told the commission that the Black Summer bushfires created extraordinary public interest in Aboriginal people‘s land management practices, especially burning.
LIVE UPDATES: Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed engulfed in flames
On Saturday night, protesters congregated at the site where Brooks was killed, setting the Wendy’s on fire and blocking the highway for hours.
Fire on French nuclear submarine at Toulon extinguished
Some 100 firefighters had been called in to tackle the blaze on the Perle, which lasted 14 hours and ended at around 00:50 a.m. (2250 GMT). the ministry said. It confirmed an earlier statement that no nuclear material was aboard when the fire broke out on Friday.
Nashville police: Arrest made in historic courthouse fire
A fire is started outside the Metro Courthouse in Nashville, Tennessee, on Saturday, May 30, 2020, after the “I Will Breathe” rally to protest the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died after being pinned down by a white Minneapolis police officer on Memorial Day. Police identified the man shown as Wesley Somers, 25, and charged him with arson on Sunday.
STORY on St. John‘s fire. „A person sprayed graffiti: “The Devil is across [the] street.”
NEW: Fire was in basement of St. Johns, and is out, my @washingtonpost colleague @phscoop reports from DC fire department. Firefighters got there w/ a police escort and quickly put out the blaze. Did NOT appear to cause any significant damage, and it is unclear how it started.
NBC news has confirmed on Friday – the president was taken by secret service to the underground bunker at the WH. This is the same bunker that was used for former VP Cheney during the 9-11 attacks.
He was there for a “very short period” out of an abundance of caution.
Buildings near White House set ”ablaze — including St. John’s Church, a historic landmark opened in 1816 and attended by every president since James Madison. The basement fire, the cause of which remains unclear, was quickly extinguished.”
Indigenen-Kunst kehrt nach Brasilien zurück
Es ist weltweit die erste Schenkung, die nach dem verheerenden Brand im September 2018 im Brasilianischen Nationalmuseum in Rio de Janeiro erfolgt: Die Übergabe der Sammlung der Brüder Lukesch soll motivierend für den Wiederaufbau des Museums sein.
„Du hast keine Ahnung, Mann!“
Die Buschbrände rauben den Menschen den Atem – und die Feuer wüten weiter. Die Regierung will mit Geld helfen, aber die Menschen sind sauer. Australiens Premier Morrison wird übel beschimpft.
Massenevakuierungen mit militärischer Hilfe bei Buschbränden in Australien
Die Behörden haben zehntausende Menschen aufgefordert, die betroffenen Küstenstädte zu verlassen. „Es ist unerlässlich, es ist überlebenswichtig, dass wir alle gehen“, sagte der Verkehrsminister des Bundesstaates New South Wales (NSW), Andrew Constance, im australischen Fernsehen ABC.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian declares state of emergency, as thousands flee South Coast ahead of horror fire weekend
NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said Saturday is likely to bring conditions more dangerous than New Year‘s Eve, when bushfires left seven dead and thousands in peril.
„There‘ll be real challenges and very real risks associated with what‘s being forecast and predicted for fire spread under the sorts of weather conditions we‘re expecting as we head into Saturday,“ he said.
Dutzende Tote bei Fabriksbrand in Indien
Das Feuer war in einem dicht besiedelten Viertel der Millionenmetropole Neu-Delhi ausgebrochen. Bei den meisten Opfern handelt es sich laut der Feuerwehr um Arbeiter, die auf verschiedenen Stockwerken des Fabriksgebäudes geschlafen hatten.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot Fires Police Supt. Eddie Johnson
Mayor Lori Lightfoot has fired Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson, after reviewing an inspector general’s investigation into Johnson being found passed out behind the wheel of his car in October. CBS 2‘s Megan Hickey reports.
Shuri Castle: Fire engulfs world heritage site in Japan
A fire has ripped through Shuri Castle, a World Heritage Site in Okinawa, Japan, destroying the main building.
Japan: Weltkulturerbe Burg Shuri in Flammen
Die Burg brannte kurz vor Kriegsende 1945 während der Schlacht von Okinawa nieder. 200.000 Menschen kamen damals ums Leben, darunter viele Zivilisten.
Bundeswehr weitet Testbetrieb nach Moorbrand wieder aus
Am emsländischen Moor wird wieder geschossen und gesprengt.
Brände im Amazonasgebiet
Deutschland und die EU begünstigen die Abholzung und Brandrodungen im Amazonasgebiet mit ihren umfangreichen Agrarimporten aus Brasilien seit Jahren. Schon lange werden Proteste dagegen laut, zumal im Auftrag von Brasiliens Agrarunternehmen immer wieder auch Morde an Kleinbauern begangen werden. Deutschland sei daran „durch seine Importe von Produkten des brasilianischen Agro-Business mitschuldig“, kritisierten beispielsweise Vertreter indigener Gemeinschaften vor rund drei Jahren. Das unlängst geschlossene EU-Freihandelsabkommen mit dem Mercosur wird Brasiliens Agrarexporte weiter steigern und neue Anbauflächen erforderlich machen;
Munition liegen lassen und als Helfer wiederkommen
Wenn die Not allerdings so groß ist, dass der Bundeswehr das Feld geräumt wird, scheint der Verstand bei einigen auszusetzen.
Waldbrände Brandenburg: „Anti-Terror-Übung“ bei Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 5 in Lehnin
Das Manöver hat noch nicht begonnen und am gestrigen Tag mit einer Temperatur von über 30 Grad Celsius kam es zu einem nicht vorgesehenen Waldbrand auf dem Gelände des Truppenübungsplatzes Lehnin, der von Bundeswehr und mehreren örtlichen Feuerwehren gelöscht werden muss.
The Burning Cathedral and the Dead Turtle
Craig Murray connected the event to imperialism: “France is a country which has spent hundreds of billions of euros on nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction, and hundreds of billions of euros on other military capabilities. France possesses the technological capability to utterly flatten a city the size of Paris in minutes. Yet it does not possess the technological capability to prevent one of its greatest buildings from being destroyed by fire.”
War Drama vermeidbar? Brand erst 23 Minuten nach erstem Alarm entdeckt
Der französische Innenminister Laurent Nunez lobte die Arbeit der Feuerwehrleute, die ihr Leben bei dem Großeinsatz riskierten. Die Rettung der Kathedrale sei auf einen entscheidenden Zeitrahmen von 15 bis 30 Minuten zurückzuführen, berichtete der Politiker.
Notre Dame Cathedral Staff Couldn‘t Find The Fire For 23 Minutes After The First Alarm Went Off
When he left the building about 20 minutes later, Vexo said there was still no evidence of a fire, adding that he thought it was a false alarm.
Monsignor Patrick Chauvet, the rector of Notre Dame, told French radio station France Inter that the cathedral has fire supervisors who go up to the attic to examine the frame three times a day.
5 Other Historic Sites Lost or Damaged in the Last Decade
While many are mourning the partial destruction of this monument, this article highlights times during the last decade when multiple other equally important historical and cultural sites have also been lost or damaged due to wars, negligence or mere foolishness by human actions.
Twenty-three minutes that could have saved Notre Dame? Alarm was raised during mass at 6.20pm but staff could not find the fire until 6.43pm ….when the inferno was raging out of control
Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz announced on Tuesday that firefighters were called to the world-famous cathedral at 6.20pm CET, almost half an hour before the roof caught fire.
But after an initial inspection they said they were unable to find any evidence of fire.
Notre Dame fire: cathedral staff took 23 minutes to discover devastating blaze
Staff checked under the roof and saw nothing, according to a Paris judicial official, speaking anonymously.
But 23 minutes later a second smoke detector went off, at which point it was too late to stop the inferno.
Notre Dame fire alarm went off 23 MINUTES before staff found blaze raging out of control
„We are favouring the theory of an accident,“ he said, adding that 50 people were working on a „long“ and „complex“ probe into what caused the blaze.
He said they would be interviewing workers from five companies that had been hired to work on renovations to the cathedral‘s roof, which was where the fire is thought to have started.
Notre Dame cathedral spire collapses
Fire has engulfed the Notre Dame cathedral in the heart of Paris, and the cathedral‘s iconic spire has collapsed.
Live: Fire rages at iconic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
Firefighters are battling a massive blaze at the French capital‘s iconic Notre Dame Cathedral, where flames and black smoke were seen shooting from the base of the medieval church‘s spire on Monday.
Feuer in Notre-Dame ausgebrochen
Der Brand könnte nach Informationen der französischen Nachrichtenagentur AFP mit Renovierungsarbeiten zusammenhängen. Er sei auf dem Dachboden der Kathedrale ausgebrochen und gegen 18.50 Uhr entdeckt worden.
Tödlicher Brand in JVA Kleve: Was geschah in Zelle 143?
Amad A. starb infolge eines Feuers in seiner Zelle der JVA Kleve. Der Syrer soll das Feuer selbst gelegt haben. Doch Experten bezweifeln laut Monitor, dass der Brand so ablief, wie von den Behörden dargestellt.
Brazil Mourns Loss Of Its National Museum
Brazil‘s National Museum is burning to the ground as rescue workers try to salvage what they can of the building that housed a large collection of Amazonian history.
Großbrand zerstört Nationalmuseum in Rio de Janeiro
Millionen Artefakte aus der Geschichte Brasiliens sind verloren: Das Nationalmuseum des Landes ist durch Flammen verwüstet. Pannen erschwerten die Arbeit der Feuerwehr.