– Some Cabinet ministers believe ‚it feels like the end‘ for Mr Johnson‘s premiership because of Partygate chaos
– Downing Street suffered a day of chaos yesterday as four of Mr Johnson‘s most senior aides opted to resign
– Furious Conservative MPs have warned Mr Johnson that he must ‚shape up or ship out‘ amid mounting fur
Daily Archives: 4. Februar 2022
Der Totalitarismus-Prototyp
Die Politik zeichnet ein ambivalentes Bild vom Reich der Mitte. Einmal als totalitäres Regime, dann als Paradebeispiel für Effizienz und Prosperität. Zwei Narrative. Doch welche Rolle spielt China nun im geopolitischen Monopoly? Hierzu bedarf es eines Blickes in die Zeit vor der Gründung der noch sehr jungen Volksrepublik China. Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts finden sich Verquickungen angelsächsischer Bankiersfamilien mit den aufstrebenden Kommunisten in China. Diese wurden finanziell unterstützt und an den Eliteuniversitäten Amerikas ausgebildet. Anschließend kehrten sie in das Reich der Mitte zurück und wendeten ihr erworbenes Wissen in der politischen Führung Chinas an. Eine Überwachungsstruktur wurde errichtet, die weltweit ihresgleichen sucht. Das Menschliche wird in China unter der Decke der omnipräsenten Kontrolle gänzlich erstickt. Langfristig gesehen, wirkt das Zusammenspiel amerikanischer Globalisten und chinesischer Eliten wie ein auf lange Sicht ausgelegtes Pilotprojekt für eine globale Totalüberwachung. Ganz so, als wäre China ein Testfeld gewesen, in welchem man Überwachungsstrukturen wie das Social-Credit-System ausprobierte, auf Fehler und Schwächen hin prüfte, ehe man das System auf die gesamte Welt ausweitet. Mit der Initiierung der künstlichen Gesundheitskrise wird immer augenscheinlicher, dass das chinesische Modell nun vielerorts installiert wird. Gleichzeitig wird daran gearbeitet, die von Demokratie, Freiheit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit geprägte Mentalität des Westens auszuradieren, um Platz für ein neues Modell zu machen.
Impfpflicht vor dem Verfassungsgerichtshof: Der Weg zur Entscheidung
Bevor der VfGH ein Gesetz prüfen kann, muss es vom Bundespräsidenten beurkundet und kundgemacht werden – das Gesetz zur Impfpflicht nahm am Donnerstag die Hürde im Bundesrat, nun ist Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen am Zug.
Zuckerbrot und Peitsche – Österreich: Impfpflicht und Impfbonus fix
Grünes Licht für Corona-Impfpflicht und Impfbonus in Österreich: Sowohl Bundespräsident Van der Bellen als auch Bundeskanzler Nehammer haben das Gesetz unterschrieben.
Syrischer Außenminister im Interview: Für eine politische Lösung der Krise
Syrien leidet unter den Folgen des Krieges, unter Sanktionen und unter „Brain Drain“ durch Fluchtbewegungen. Unter anderem zu diesen Themen hat die Nahostkorrespondentin Karin Leukefeld in Damaskus ein Gespräch mit dem syrischen Außenminister Dr. Feisal Mekdad geführt.
Human rights organizations in Israel condemn vicious attacks on Amnesty International
Adalah, Breaking the Silence, B’Tselem, Combatants for Peace, Gisha, HaMoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual, Haqel: In Defence of Human Rights, Human Rights Defenders Fund, Ofek: The Israeli Center for Public Affairs, Parents Against Child Detention, Physicians for Human Rights Israel, The Public Committee Against Torture In
Israel, and Yesh Din
B‘Tselem welcomes Amnesty International‘s new report, calling the Israeli regime what it is: apartheid.
This is an essential step in the struggle to change this reality, towards a future where all people living here will enjoy justice, equality and respect for their human rights.
The panic sounded by Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid, as well as the false claims made by various Israeli “Hasbara” organizations, as if the report is an attempt to deny the State of Israel’s right to exist, reveal their stance – that a regime of Jewish supremacy is justifiable, and should be perpetuated. Yet, the demand for equality and for the protection of human rights for all, threatens only those opposed to these values. The claim that this demand causes them harm makes it abundantly clear which side they have chosen.
Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity
(February 1, 2022)
Israeli authorities must be held accountable for committing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, Amnesty International said today in a damning new report. The investigation details how Israel enforces a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights. This includes Palestinians living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), as well as displaced refugees in other countries.
The comprehensive report, Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity, sets out how massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to apartheid under international law. This system is maintained by violations which Amnesty International found to constitute apartheid as a crime against humanity, as defined in the Rome Statute and Apartheid Convention.
Pentagon says documents published by EL PAÍS show US is willing to negotiate with Russia
Kirby mentioned the documents in his opening remarks ahead of a news conference at the Department of Defense. “We did not make this document public, but now that it is, it confirms to the entire world what we’ve always been saying: there is no daylight between our public statements and our private discussions,” he said.
US offered disarmament measures to Russia in exchange for deescalation of military threat in Ukraine
(02 Feb 2022)
The United States and NATO reject signing a bilateral agreement on security in Europe with Russia and also closing the door on the future incorporation of Ukraine into the Atlantic Alliance. Those were two of the main demands presented by Moscow to put an end to the crisis in Ukraine at a moment of maximum tension between Russia and the West and that threatened Euro-Atlantic security. By contrast, both Washington and the Alliance offer Putin negotiations on disarmament agreements and trust-building measures in different forums – such as the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the US-Russia Strategic Stability Dialogue, and the NATO-Russia Council – the success of which are conditioned on the start of a deescalation of the Russian military threat to Ukraine.
U.S. intel suggests Russia is plotting false flag attack in Ukraine as pretext for invasion
(Feb 3, 2022)
The plan for the fake attack on Russian territory or Russian-speaking people was revealed in declassified intelligence shared with Ukrainian officials and European allies in recent days. It is the latest allegation by the U.S. and Britain that Russia is plotting to use a false pretext to go to war against Ukraine.
The White House in December accused Russia of developing a “false-flag” operation to create pretext for an invasion.
U.S. Intelligence Says Russia Is Planning ‘False-Flag’ Operation To Justify Ukraine Invasion
(Jan 14, 2022,)
Friday morning, multiple Ukrainian government websites were affected by a “massive cyber attack” launched by an unknown actor, a foreign ministry spokesperson said. The affected websites were taken offline and hackers reportedly left messages warning the Ukrainian public to “prepare for the worst.” Ukrainian officials noted Russia has a “long record” of cyberattacks against the country.
US officials step away from Iran nuclear talks after pushing for tougher stance
(January 25, 2022)
Richard Nephew, the State Department’s deputy special envoy for Iran who pushed for a tougher approach, has not been part of the talks in Vienna since early December, Wall Street Journal reported Monday. A State Department spokesman told Reuters late Monday that Nephew was no longer in the envoy role, though he was still at the department.
Two other unidentified team members have stepped back from the dialogue because they also sought a tougher stance toward Iran, according to the Journal.
Top Senate Democrat Slams Biden Administration for Negotiating With Iran to Revive the JCPOA
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the influential chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, slammed President Biden’s plans for reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, in a speech on the Senate floor on Tuesday.
Menendez said the administration was “clinging” to the deal for “nostalgia’s sake” in a rebuke to the US’s indirect negotiations with Iran. “At this point, we seriously have to ask what exactly are we trying to salvage?” he said.
Rishi Sunak announcement: Every measure the Chancellor has unveiled to tackle the cost of living crisis today
Speaking to MPs in the Commons this morning, the Chancellor announced a £9bn support package of loans and tax relief, including a £200 energy rebate for every British household in October.
It comes as the energy regulator confirmed this morning that the price cap on energy bills for 22m households will jump by 54 per cent from April to about £2,000 a year because of soaring gas costs.
The party’s over, Prime Minister – it’s time to resign
Matt Hancock did it. Allegra Stratton did it. Heck, even Priti Patel once did it, and she’s terrifying when cornered.
They’ve all said that magic phrase that makes the worries of the world, the expectation of their paymasters and the weight of public opinion suddenly lift from their slumped shoulders with a shuddering creak and an almighty groan. That phrase being something along the lines of: “I have become a distraction – and for that reason, I will be resigning with immediate effect.”
Total meltdown on Downing Street
The chief of staff, the chief of communications, the official who runs the prime minister‘s private office, and his policy chief – all gone. A quartet of departures from Number 10.
In the words of one senior backbencher, not just a nightmare on Downing Street but a total meltdown.
Boris Johnson under pressure after four top aides quit Number 10 in mass exodus amid partygate fallout
Number 10 reveals both Dan Rosenfield, the PM‘s chief of staff, and Martin Reynolds, Boris Johnson‘s principal private secretary, are leaving their roles. It comes just hours after two other key advisers to the PM – press chief Jack Doyle and policy chief Munira Mirza – also resign.