Daily Archives: 28. Januar 2019

28.01.2019 - 23:09 [ Trend.az ]

Investment in Israeli cyber exceeds $1 bln for first time in 2018

The country‘s 450 active cybersecurity companies raised a total of $1.19 billion last year, constituting a 47% increase since 2017 and a fourth consecutive record-breaking year of investments. Since 2014, the sector has witnessed a five-fold increase in investments.

28.01.2019 - 21:58 [ Jason Ditz / antikrieg.com ]

Pompeo fordert Länder auf, bei Venezuela „eine Seite zu wählen“

Man könnte sich fragen, ob Länder anderswo in der Welt das Gefühl haben, dass die Wahl der Regierung Venezuelas eine ihrer Angelegenheiten ist.

28.01.2019 - 21:48 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Weltenherrscher

Nach Kolonialherrenart

Mit einem Ultimatum fordert die Bundesregierung Neuwahlen in Venezuela und stellt bei Nichterfüllung die Anerkennung des Umstürzlers Juan Guaidó als „Interimspräsident“ in Aussicht. „Werden nicht binnen 8 Tagen Wahlen angekündigt“, teilte die stellvertretende Sprecherin der Bundesregierung Martina Fietz am Samstag auf Twitter mit, dann „sind wir bereit, Juan Guaidó als Interimspräsidenten anzuerkennen“.[1] Der Vorstoß Berlins, das es sich damit anmaßt, nach Kolonialherrenart die Oberhäupter fremder Staaten auszutauschen, ist gemeinsam mit der einstigen Kolonialmacht über das heutige Venezuela, Spanien, und mit Frankreich erfolgt.

28.01.2019 - 20:23 [ Spiked / Twitter ]

The Brexit crisis is down to one simple thing — the people want to leave the EU and the political class does not. Our representatives are flat-out refusing to act on the instruction we gave them in the referendum. It is an extraordinary situation. — Brendan O’Neill on Sky

28.01.2019 - 17:24 [ Bei-Abriss-Aufstand.de ]

Das Desaster aussitzen? Zum 450. Mal: NEIN!

Wir sagen heute zum 450. Mal laut und deutlich in Richtung Politik: Es ist sinnlos und destruktiv, das S21-Desaster weiter auszusitzen. Es ist Zeit für Umstieg 21, für eine positive Entwicklungsperspektive für die Landeshauptstadt inklusive zukunftsfähigem Verkehrsknoten.

28.01.2019 - 17:20 [ Green-Leaves.org ‏/ Twitter ]

The Cooper amendment. The political cost of extending A50 will be chaos. #LabourParty must not regard itself as pro-EU or it will continue to lose seats like Bolton W, Walsall, Stoke and Mansfield. And what is true of Labour is truer of the Green Party,

28.01.2019 - 17:12 [ Leave Means Leave ‏/ Twitter ]

We‘re all set for a BIG turnout at our protest tomorrow ?? MPs are doing all they can to undermine our democratic vote. This is your opportunity to tell them that no deal is no problem! #LetsGoWTO

28.01.2019 - 17:09 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Furious Jeremy Corbyn refuses to say if he will order his MPs to back Cooper plan to delay Brexit tomorrow in tense exchange

– Jeremy Corbyn was asked whether he would back Yvette Cooper‘s plan today
– He snapped ‚no comment‘ at reporters and stalked off away from questions
– Labour sources said there would be no official position from the party today
– Cooper‘s plan to delay Brexit instead of a no deal will be voted on tomorrow
– But it can only succeed if Corbyn tells all his MPs to vote for it in the Commons

28.01.2019 - 17:02 [ theGuardian.com ]

Brexit: No 10 refuses to specify amendments it may back in Commons

However, only some amendments will be picked for a vote by the Speaker, John Bercow. Asked which ones the government might back, May’s spokesman said it was impossible to say before they were selected.

28.01.2019 - 16:54 [ Washington Post ]

The divide on Venezuela: Who’s supporting Maduro and who’s following the U.S. lead in recognizing Guaidó

The 35-year-old Maduro rival Guaidó was largely unknown outside Venezuela until the beginning of this year, but he is now backed by the United States, Israel, Canada, and a number of South American countries, including Brazil, Argentina and Peru, as other governments are considering whether to throw their support behind the Venezuelan opposition, as well.

But Maduro isn’t yet as isolated as the United States would like him to be. The government’s key backers, Russia and China, continue to support him.

Here’s an overview over who is on which side, and why.

28.01.2019 - 16:48 [ Time / Youtube ]

Pope Francis Calls For A ‚Peaceful Solution‘ To Venezuela‘s Crisis, But Doesn‘t Pick Sides | TIME

Pope Francis called Sunday for a “just and peaceful solution” to Venezuela’s political crisis as he wrapped up a visit to Panama for a World Youth Day rally that was overshadowed by the upheaval unfolding nearby.

28.01.2019 - 16:42 [ Junge Welt ]

Putschversuch in Venezuela: Gewalt fordert 20 Menschenleben. USA scheitern im UN-Sicherheitsrat

In vielen Medien ist die Rede davon, dass es sich bei den Aktionen in Teilen der Hauptstadt Caracas und anderen Orten um »Demonstrationen« gegen die Regierung gehandelt habe. Tatsächlich aber stecken hinter den Plünderungen und Übergriffen in den meisten Fällen gewöhnliche Kriminelle, die sich die politische Krise zunutze machen. UN-Menschenrechtskommissarin Michelle Bachelet forderte deshalb, alle gewaltsamen Zwischenfälle, die Tote oder Verletzte forderten, unabhängig und unparteiisch zu untersuchen. Es müsse ermittelt werden, ob der Grund dafür überzogene Einsätze der Sicherheitskräfte waren oder Verbrechen bewaffneter Banden.

28.01.2019 - 14:46 [ Haaretz ]

Israel to Host Summit for Europe‘s Emerging Nationalist Bloc

Leaders of Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia to arrive in February as part of Netanyahu‘s efforts to shake up the EU consensus on issues related to the Palestinians and Iran

28.01.2019 - 14:29 [ Salالدين ‏ / Twitter ]

“Our defense relationship is critical to both nations, which is why I support the United State’s commitment to provide Israel with 38 billion dollars in military assistance over the next decade.” – @KamalaHarris at AIPAC 2017

No thank you. Next, please.

28.01.2019 - 14:25 [ InTheseTimes.com ]

Senate Democrats Offer Little-to-No Opposition to Trump’s Expansion of Syria Bombings

(16.4.2018) Ten Democratic and Independent senators raised procedural or legal concerns while supporting military intervention on substance. Among them are rising stars in the so-called Democratic “resistance” to Trump—Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.)—both of whom aired concerns about the lack of authorization and legal rationale after the bombings had already taken place.

28.01.2019 - 14:04 [ New York Times ]

Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’

SAN FRANCISCO — With the growing recognition that prosecutors hold the keys to a fairer criminal justice system, the term “progressive prosecutor” has almost become trendy. This is how Senator Kamala Harris of California, a likely presidential candidate and a former prosecutor, describes herself.

But she’s not.

28.01.2019 - 13:55 [ CNN ]

No, Kamala Harris is not a ‚female Barack Obama‘

Every politician — every person — is a product of their own time and place. In the coming months, it looks quite possible that Kamala Harris might win Obama‘s endorsement of her bid for president.

If she does, the comparisons between the two are likely to reignite. As with May and Kramp-Karrenbauer, those watching would do better to pay attention to the political landscape Harris is working within now, rather than any nostalgic connotations.

28.01.2019 - 13:49 [ CNN / Youtube ]

DNC interim chair: I apologized to Sanders‘ team

(24.7.2016) Incoming DNC Interim Chair Donna Brazile talks with CNN‘s Anderson Cooper about the convention and the email scandal.

28.01.2019 - 13:26 [ Real Clear Politics ]

Donna Brazile on Kamala Harris: In Post-Clinton Era People Are Looking For Someone Fresh And New

„I‘m excited, you know why I’m excited, because the Democratic party we’ve been in the wilderness for the last few years and after the 2018 election, people are coming from all corners of the universe to say they want to toss their hat into the ring, so this is a good time to be a Democrat,“ the veteran Dem said.

28.01.2019 - 12:42 [ Haaretz ]

Ex-IDF Chief Benny Gantz Is Killing It in the Israeli Elections. Literally

I, for one, did not mind Gantz’s prolonged political silence, and watching his first campaign videos shows he realizes what must be done to emerge victorious from this choking labyrinth: You must rise above it all so you can burn it all down with napalm.


„Israel before everything. Only the strong prevails. I kill mucho Arabs, green means army, army means strength, Star of David in yo’ face!“

28.01.2019 - 12:41 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Israeli ex-general Benny Gantz ‘uses stolen Palestinian film’ for campaign video boasting of destruction in Gaza

Benny Gantz was the head of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) during the 2014 conflict but has now entered politics and is running against Benjamin Netanyahu in April‘s elections.

The 59-year-old has said little about his political positions so far but released a series of videos burnishing his military credentials.

One boasts of killing 1,364 Palestinian terrorists during the war, while another says that under Mr Gantz’s command “parts of Gaza were sent back to the Stone Age.” The videos make no mention of the 1,462 civilians killed during the conflict, according to a UN count.

28.01.2019 - 12:41 [ Benny Gantz / Youtube ]

1,364 מחבלים הרוגים – 3.5 שנים של שקט בדרום

רק החזק מנצח –
1,364 מחבלי חמאס חוסלו. 3.5 שנות שקט בדרום.

28.01.2019 - 08:48 [ Tulsi Gabbard / Youtube ]

TULSI 2020: For The Country We Love – Tulsi Gabbard

When we stand united, motivated by our love for each other and for our country, there is no challenge we cannot overcome.

28.01.2019 - 08:34 [ theHill.com ]

Tulsi Gabbard to hold campaign launch rally Feb. 2

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) plans to hold a rally Feb. 2 in Hawaii to formally launch her 2020 White House bid, her campaign announced Friday.

Gabbard will use the rally in Oahu to „gather with friends, family, and supporters to share her vision for the future of our nation,“ her campaign said.

28.01.2019 - 07:53 [ Sky News ]

How MPs will try to change course of Brexit this week

So the important votes will not be based on Mrs May‘s plans, but on amendments to it.

The consequences could see Brexit delayed by nine months, a time-limit put on the backstop and calling a second referendum.

Bear with us, we‘ll take you through them all step by step.

28.01.2019 - 07:39 [ David Davis / Telegraph.co.uk ]

Anti-Brexit MPs must beware the dangers of upending centuries of Parliamentary tradition

The British constitution is based on four things: statute law, common law, works of authority, and Parliamentary conventions. These conventions exist for a reason. They’re unwritten understandings about how something in Parliament should be done which, although not legally enforceable, until now has been almost universally observed.

To the public, process is arcane, boring, and sometimes incomprehensible. But given that we lack a written constitution, it is important, and Parliament must be conducted in a manner which is recognised and respected.

28.01.2019 - 07:14 [ John Mann, Labour MP for Bassetlaw / theSun.co.uk ]

JOHN MANN: Why it would be catastrophic if Remainers Dominic Grieve, John Bercow, Keir Starmer and Amber Rudd succeed in delaying or halting Brexit

A country, proud and independent, standing on its own two feet, ­confident again in our democracy, bold enough to compete by being the best, British workers making high- quality products and delivering high-quality services.

A country that says it will be the best by having better pay, conditions and a healthier environment than anyone else in Europe or worldwide.

Is that not something to be confident in voting for, my fellow MPs? Let’s get on with it.

28.01.2019 - 06:58 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Jeremy Corbyn could lose Labour 23 Leave-backing seats by frustrating Brexit

Mr Corbyn has indicated that he is willing to support Yvette Cooper‘s Bill forcing the Government to seek an extension to Article 50 if no deal can be reached by February 26.

28.01.2019 - 06:48 [ Socialists for Britain ‏/ Twitter ]

Project OUT is now evolving into Socialists for Britain. A cross party, left wing campaign for a #Lexit. We believe the EU to be a neoliberal oligarchy that the UK must leave. We want to take back control of the money we send to the EU and invest in the UK. RT if you agree.

28.01.2019 - 06:39 [ Mirror.co.uk ]

Brexit: EU spy chiefs brand UK ‚unstable‘ and warn of violence including rioting

An EU source said: “Analysis of the threat levels in Britain is being shared at the top of the EU as we formulate policy for the years ahead. The assessment is that violence is almost inevitable no matter what.

“They are worried that if the current deal goes through the right-wing will kick off. If there’s no deal everybody will object and kick off. If there’s a second referendum, the right will kick off. The right kicking off is causing most concern.”

28.01.2019 - 06:26 [ Reuters ]

Venezuela opposition leader urges Britain not to give gold to Maduro

Since last year Maduro’s government has been trying to repatriate gold from the Bank of England, fearing it could be caught up in international sanctions against his administration.

28.01.2019 - 06:24 [ Florentino Montalvo ‏/ Twitter ]

The venezuelan economic crisis can‘t be blamed entirely on Maduro, this is standard coup procedure, to hit the economics by sanctions, create social unrest and offer a solution. Venezuela‘s gold has been help in the UK that assist in getting basic needs.

28.01.2019 - 05:34 [ Radio Utopie ]

Venezuela: Krisentreffen der Karibischen Gemeinschaft (CARICOM) mit Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen

Am heutigen Montag, dem 28.1.2019, kommt es zu einer Notfallsitzung mit fünf Vertretern von Mitgliedsländern der Karibischen Gemeinschaft wegen der aktuellen Situation um Venezuela im U.N.O.-Hauptquartier in New York in den U.S.A. mit U.N.O.-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres.

28.01.2019 - 05:29 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Venezuela: In Lateinamerika wächst die Kritik an Guaidó, Westen hält zu ihm

„Die meisten Länder des Regionalverbandes Caricom akzeptieren Juan Guaidó nicht als Interimspräsidenten“, sagte Antiguas Premierminister Gaston Browne gegenüber der US-Tageszeitung Miami Herald. „Wir halten es für einen äußerst gefährlichen Präzedenzfall (…) ohne jegliche Rechtsgrundlage, ohne verfassungsmäßige Unterstützung, ohne Unterstützung durch das Völkerrecht“, sagte Browne bei der Sitzung der Organisation der 15 Karibik-Staaten des Bündnisses. Das derzeitige Vorgehen der USA und ihrer Verbündeten sei „ein echter Affront gegen die Demokratie in der Region“.