Daily Archives: 17. Januar 2019

17.01.2019 - 22:33 [ Radio Utopie ]

Als das Bundesverfassungsgericht Deutschland zur elektronischen Kolonie erklärte

(15.6.2017) Mit diesen Beschlüssen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, durch die sich ein Betrafungs- und Kontrollwahn gekränkter, autoritärer Geister in entsprechender Tradition zog, verfolgt das Bundesverfassungsgericht eine kohärente Linie: die Erniedrigung und Zerstörung einer einst nur als „Etappe“ gedachten, aber nun souverän gewordenen Berliner Republik hin zu einer elektronischen Kolonie in der Hegemonie der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, die zusammen mit Dutzenden anderer europäischen Demokratien im Zuge jahrzehntealter Strategien und der Taktik des Terrorkrieges „Leak“ und „Whistleblower“ in die Subhegemonie der „Europäischen Union“ überführt, entdemokratisiert und entstaatlicht werden soll (wovor wir bereits zu Beginn der Veröffentlichungen von Edward Snowden im Juni 2013 gewarnt hatten).

17.01.2019 - 22:31 [ /notesdeseguretat.blog.gencat.cat ]

Artificial security and defence intelligence of the European Union

(16.1.2019) According to the study published by the European Union Institute for Security Studies, in the coming years artificial intelligence (AI) will be present in almost all areas of daily life: communication, healthcare and even security and defence.

17.01.2019 - 22:14 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Datensatz im Netz entdeckt: Millionen Log-in-Daten abgegriffen

(17.1.2019) Der IT-Experte bietet im Netz unter haveibeenpwned.com die Möglichkeit, zu prüfen, ob auch die eigene E-Mail-Adresse abgegriffen wurde. Diese wird laut Hunt mit Abermillionen Informationen aus Datenlecks abgeglichen.

17.01.2019 - 22:04 [ Arthur V. Molt, Editor at treffpunkteuropa.de. Retweet is no endorsement / Twitter ]

„Ein Treffen von Gauland und Maßen ist verbürgt“. Und Gauland („wir werden sie jagen!“) hält den obersten Verfassungsschützer für einen „korrekten Spitzenbeamten“. Mir wird ganz flau… Das muss dieser „Linksstaat“ sein, von dem alle reden. #Verfassungsschutz


17.01.2019 - 21:56 [ Tagesschau.de ]

„Martina H. soll den ihr persönlich bekannten hessischen Polizeibeamten demnach zweimal gebeten haben, interne Daten der Polizei über ihren rechtsradikalen Freund Carsten M. für sie abzurufen.“ Krass. #Hessen #Polizei

17.01.2019 - 21:51 [ ORF.at ]

D: Amt für IT-Sicherheit wusste schon früh von Datendiebstahl

Der FDP-Digitalpolitiker Manuel Höferlin sagte, man müsse sich über die Informationspolitik der Behörde wundern.

17.01.2019 - 21:50 [ Tagesschhau.de ]

Datendiebstahl: Handelte Johannes S. doch nicht allein?

(16.1.2018) Nach stundenlangen Vernehmungen durch das BKA hatte er ein umfängliches Geständnis abgelegt.

17.01.2019 - 21:21 [ KON News ]

Samstag, 19. Januar: Auf zur Demo nach Lingen!

Die AG Schacht KONRAD ruft gemeinsam mit mittlerweile über 20 Organisationen und Gruppen dazu auf, am 40. Jahrestag der Inbetriebnahme der Brennelementefabrik – Samstag, 19. Januar 2019 – in Lingen für die sofortige Schließung der Brennelemenetefabrik und den sofortigen Atomausstieg zu demonstrieren.

17.01.2019 - 06:55 [ Paul Mason ‏/ Twitter ]

So let‘s get this right: May offers talks. Corbyn says remove No Deal threat, then we talk. Within an hour, Hammond rings 330 businesspeople and promises to remove No Deal threat because May faces revolt in Cabinet. But Corbyn is the „wrecker“. Tories lie thru their teeth.

17.01.2019 - 06:52 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Exclusive: The Hammond phone call – full transcript of his conversation with 11 business leaders

The Telegraph has obtained a leaked audio recording of a briefing that Philip Hammond gave 330 business leaders during a conference call in the aftermath of Theresa May‘s historic Brexit defeat on Tuesday.

Log-in or subscribe to read the full transcript, including Mr Hammond‘s account of how Article 50 could be extended and no deal could be taken „off the table“:

17.01.2019 - 06:42 [ Lewis Goodall / Sky News ]

Why Jeremy Corbyn is unlikely to seek a second referendum anytime soon

I‘m also told that Mr Corbyn is extremely unlikely to back another referendum any time soon. They will not abandon seeking an election as Brexit is likely the only opportunity to force one until 2022. That‘s a long march ahead.

Secondly, I‘m told there‘s genuine concern of shadow cabinet walkouts and a backbench rebellion. Scores of Labour MPs represent Leave seats and many are sceptical about any such a move.

17.01.2019 - 06:20 [ Owen Jones / theGuardian.com ]

Labour must pursue a better Brexit deal, not a second referendum

But Labour started the last election campaign 24 percentage points behind the Tories in the polls, and ended two points behind six weeks later. Today, the polling average has Labour slightly ahead. Conservatives fear that a Corbyn-led administration would not be like a “normal” Labour government, and would upend an economic consensus established by Margaret Thatcher. And they would be right.

The media will now attempt to shift the narrative, claiming that it is Labour under pressure. This is absurd.

17.01.2019 - 06:16 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

Labour MPs threaten to push Corbyn into supporting a second referendum

(15.1.2019) Pressure is now growing on Sir Keir Starmer to consider his position as Shadow Brexit Secretary, with a number of People’s Vote-supporting Labour MPs saying that he should resign by the end of this week if the party hasn’t turned to a second referendum by then.

17.01.2019 - 06:09 [ BBC ]

Jeremy Corbyn should meet Theresa May, says Labour MP Owen Smith

Jeremy Corbyn should take up the offer of Brexit talks with Theresa May, a senior Welsh Labour MP has said.

17.01.2019 - 06:05 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

May challenges to MPs to put aside their differences on Brexit: The PM tells politicians from ALL parties to forget their self-interest and give the people what they voted for as she calls out Corbyn for refusing to meet her

– The Labour leader flatly refused an offer from the PM for talks on how to find a way through on Brexit
– Mrs May appealed for consensus and said she was ‚disappointed‘ by the snub in statement in Downing Street

17.01.2019 - 05:57 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

Watch: ‘Shame on you’: Labour MPs shout down Michael Gove

Michael Gove ended the no confidence debate in the Commons by denouncing Jeremy Corbyn. But perhaps unsurprisingly his criticism of the Labour leader did not go down well with those on the opposite benches.

17.01.2019 - 05:52 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

Transcript: Michael Gove’s barnstorming speech in no-confidence debate

„He wants to leave NATO. He wants to get rid of our nuclear deterrent. And recently in a speech he said: why do countries boast about the size of their armies? Why don’t we emulate Costa Rica that has no army at all?

No allies, no deterrent, no army – no way can this country ever allow that man to be our Prime Minister in charge of our security.

If he can’t support our fighting men and women, who does he support? Who does he stand beside? Well, it was fascinating to discover that that he was there when a wreath was laid to commemorate those who were involved in the massacre at the Munich Olympics of Israeli. Now, he says he was “present, but not involved”.

“Present but not involved” sums him up when it comes to national security. When this House voted to bomb the fascists of ISIS after an inspirational speech by the Member for Leeds Central in which 66 people voted with this government in order to defeat fascism. I’m afraid that the honourable gentleman the Leader of the Opposition was not with us. In fighting fascism, he was present but not involved.“

17.01.2019 - 05:45 [ Jo W / Twitter ]

The fact they’re trying to smear Corbyn just shows how bad the infighting is. Wannabe PM Gove is the worst for this

17.01.2019 - 05:41 [ Sky News ‏/ Twitter ]

„No way can this country ever allow this man to be our prime minister“ – @michaelgove accuses @jeremycorbyn of not being fit to replace @theresa_may as the head of government.

17.01.2019 - 05:34 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Griechenland: Parlament spricht Tsipras Vertrauen aus

151 Ja-Stimmen am späten Abend im Athener Parlament für Alexis Tspiras – der griechische Ministerpräsident hat die Vertrauensfrage gewonnen.

17.01.2019 - 05:33 [ ZeroHedge ]

Federal Judge Orders Rhodes, Rice, & Other Obama Officials To Respond Over Clinton Benghazi/Email Scandal

Judicial Watch announced last night that United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that discovery can begin in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides will now be deposed under oath. Senior officials – including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap – will now have to answer Judicial Watch’s written questions under oath.

17.01.2019 - 05:08 [ defence.az ]

Israel, Great Britain air forces to conduct first joint drill

The RAF and IAF will participate in joint air defense exercises for the first time history.

17.01.2019 - 02:48 [ U.S.News ]

Norway PM Solberg Succeeds in Forming Majority Government Platform: TV2

Norway‘s minority center-right government has struck a deal with the small Christian Democratic Party to form a four-party majority coalition government after weeks of negotiations, broadcaster TV2 reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed sources.

17.01.2019 - 02:22 [ WSWS ]

French worker sentenced to six months’ jail over Facebook call for demonstrations

A local reporter tweeted a photo of police photographing the ID cards of protesters, quoting a demonstrator who noted that police were creating a database of political opponents.

17.01.2019 - 00:35 [ KBS ]

Kim Jong-uns Unterhändler besucht voraussichtlich morgen Washington

Wie der KBS-Korrespondent in Peking am Mittwochvormittag berichtete, hätten drei ranghohe nordkoreanische Politiker, darunter der Vizechef der Arbeiterpartei Kim Yong-chol und Vizeaußenministerin Choe Son-hui für 18.25 Uhr am Donnerstag Flüge von Peking nach Washington mit United Airline gebucht.