Archiv: millionaires

15.03.2024 - 16:30 [ ]

The 9 Richest People in Haiti (Updated 2023)

Once upon a time, Haiti was called the Jewel of the Antilles because it was the richest colony in the world. However, much of this wealth was built through slave labor, and the roots of Haiti’s French colonial past put in place a caste system of the “elites and noirs,” which grew into the socioeconomic disparity that Haiti struggles with today. The richest Haitian families hold most of the wealth, while a much larger portion of the population struggles with poverty, resulting in food insecurity, health problems, and educational deficiency.

15.07.2023 - 08:20 [ Patriotic Millionaires ]

It’s the inequality, stupid

(June 15, 2023)

Economic inequality has exploded in the US since Bill Clinton took office. (It started to tick up after Clinton’s predecessor Ronald Reagan came on the scene, but Clinton’s tenure witnessed a continuation of this trend.) Today, there are 735 billionaires in the US, three of whom – Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, and Jeff Bezos – hold wealth more than 1 million times (!) the median American household wealth. Meanwhile, nearly 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, 1/3 of workers make less than $15 an hour, and roughly 38 million Americans live below the poverty line.

15.07.2023 - 08:08 [ ]

Millionaires Are Begging Governments to Tax Them More

(Jun 23, 2023)

On both sides of the Atlantic, the Patriotic Millionaires are notable for being unusually public and unusually frank—US chair Morris Pearl, a former MD at investment firm BlackRock, has described how the Covid-19 pandemic made him personally wealthier, and how he doesn’t check his bank balance because he doesn’t need to. (…)

The richest 1 percent of Brits hold more wealth than the poorest 70 percent combined. “I see it as a problem if you’ve got so much money that you no longer need a functioning society,” she says.

05.03.2023 - 14:30 [ ]

Millionaires urge Democrats to include billionaire tax in spending bill


A group of about 250 millionaires on Monday urged top Democrats to include a proposal to tax billionaires‘ investment gains annually in their social-spending package, after the proposal was left out of a framework the White House released last week.

17.01.2023 - 19:24 [ ]

Millionaires urge Democrats to include billionaire tax in spending bill


A group of about 250 millionaires on Monday urged top Democrats to include a proposal to tax billionaires‘ investment gains annually in their social-spending package, after the proposal was left out of a framework the White House released last week.

01.01.2023 - 19:23 [ ]

Millionaires urge Democrats to include billionaire tax in spending bill


A group of about 250 millionaires on Monday urged top Democrats to include a proposal to tax billionaires‘ investment gains annually in their social-spending package, after the proposal was left out of a framework the White House released last week.

18.11.2022 - 10:26 [ Jimmy Dore / Nitter ]

She’s going down as someone who amassed over $100 million dollars while in office.

“Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook” – Harry Truman

06.11.2022 - 12:28 [ ]

Millionaires urge Democrats to include billionaire tax in spending bill


A group of about 250 millionaires on Monday urged top Democrats to include a proposal to tax billionaires‘ investment gains annually in their social-spending package, after the proposal was left out of a framework the White House released last week.

02.11.2021 - 10:02 [ ]

Millionaires urge Democrats to include billionaire tax in spending bill

A group of about 250 millionaires on Monday urged top Democrats to include a proposal to tax billionaires‘ investment gains annually in their social-spending package, after the proposal was left out of a framework the White House released last week.

26.04.2021 - 21:31 [ junge Welt ]

Neoliberaler Umbau: Ecuador auf IWF-Kurs

Ecuadors Präsident Lenín Moreno setzt den Umbau des Landes im Sinne des Kapitals auch zum Ende seiner Amtszeit fort. Nachdem am 11. April mit Guillermo Lasso ein Bankier und Multimillionär zum künftigen Staatsoberhaupt gewählt wurde, verabschiedete das Parlament des Andenstaates am Freitag mit 86 Jastimmen bei 41 Ablehnungen und sieben Enthaltungen das »Gesetz zur Verteidigung der Dollarisierung«.

07.02.2021 - 14:22 [ ]

Covid ‚is a gift that keeps on giving‘: Labour shadow attorney general is caught on tape saying pandemic is GOOD for rich City lawyers – leaving Keir Starmer facing furious backlash

In a recording obtained by The Mail on Sunday, Lord Falconer can be heard introducing a Gibson Dunn ‚webinar‘ on ‚how the law has been changed by Covid‘ by saying: ‚This is a gift that keeps on giving, the law keeps on changing, keeps on getting more complicated, and is always interesting.‘

29.06.2020 - 15:48 [ Haaretz ]

Like Trump, Netanyahu Suddenly Seems Out of Touch and Off the Rails

Others see a cynical political gambit at play, as with the return of the coronavirus: Netanyahu is either aiming for a crisis that will allow him to call for an early election while blaming Gantz and other rivals on the left for the failure of his annexation move – or is actually banking on a crisis, foreign, domestic or both, that will allow him to seize emergency powers, delay his trial, seize control of the legal system and so on and so forth.

27.03.2020 - 11:32 [ Patriotic Millionaires ]

A COVID-19 Economy: I’m Not Worried About the 1%. I’m Terrified for the Bottom 50%.


I am worried about all of the people who are usually standing behind the counter asking me what vegetables I want with my tofu, and putting carrots or broccoli or whatever into my bowl. I am worried about the people who clean this restaurant, who prepare the food in the back, who deliver the food to staff here every day.

I am worried about the millions of Americans in millions of restaurants and bars and retail shops like this one living paycheck-to-paycheck, facing the potential of cut hours, full closures, no sick leave, no benefits, and no outside income to cushion them through this disaster whatsoever. That is the reality of over half our country.

If these people – millions and millions of us – are not working, are they going to be paying their cell phone bills? Their credit card bills? Are they going to be bringing their kids to music class? Are they going to be able to pay for even the most basic necessities like groceries or rent?

17.11.2019 - 13:24 [ ]

Bolivia coup led by Christian fascist paramilitary leader and millionaire – with foreign support


Bolivian coup leader Luis Fernando Camacho is a far-right multi-millionaire who arose from fascist movements in the Santa Cruz region, where the US has encouraged separatism. He has courted support from Colombia, Brazil, and the Venezuelan opposition.

By Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton

23.08.2019 - 19:46 [ Taiwan News ]

Hong Kong millionaires eye Australia as haven amid unrest

A notable rise in applications for the Significant Investor Visa (SIV) program, which grants direct residency to applicants, has been filed with the New South Wales state migration department over the past months, reported Reuters. Interested individuals have to invest at least A$5 million (US$3.4 million) to be eligible for the program.

15.06.2019 - 14:17 [ ]

Millionaires say they are more likely to vote for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in 2020 elections

American millionaires would elect Joe Biden over President Donald Trump if the former vice president becomes the Democratic nominee, according the CNBC Millionaire survey.

12.12.2018 - 12:51 [ Neil Harding ‏/ Twitter ]

I think it is between Dominic Raab and Sajid Javid. If it goes to party members, Raab as a committed brexiteer will win. But MPs might try & block Raab from getting on the ballot, perhaps with another Remainer like Hammond, in which case Javid would win.

12.12.2018 - 12:47 [ ]

Who is Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary among favourites to replace Theresa May as prime minister?

The self-made millionaire, raised a Muslim, grew-up on Stapleton Road and went to Downend School, and voted Remain in the Brexit referendum

12.12.2018 - 12:37 [ Matt Dathan / Twitter ]

DUP leader Arlene Foster signals she would back Sajid Javid in a Tory leadership contest. She met him yesterday and told @BBCr4today: “I think that he understand where we come from in relation to the backstop.“