Laut BND könnten sich Überwachungs-Ziele vor Pegasus schützen, wenn der BND offiziell zugibt, dass er Pegasus nutzt.
Archiv: DNS (Domain Name System) / Synonym „Metadaten“ / „metadata“ / invented in 1983 by Paul Mockapetris (later IETF) for Pentagon ARPANET
BND muss Kommunikations-Überwachung einschränken
Die entsprechende Grundlage (Artikel 10-Gesetz) für den deutschen Auslandsgeheimdienst muss bis spätestens Ende 2026 neu geregelt werden, bis dahin dürfe die Überwachung mit Einschränkungen weitergehen.
„Derzeit fehlt eine hinreichende Regelung zur Aussonderung von Daten aus rein inländischen Telekommunikationsverkehren“, so das Gericht.
Der „Schutz des Kernbereichs privater Lebensgestaltung“ sei demnach unzureichend. Konkret weist das Gericht auf die Begriffe hin, mit denen der Geheimdienst nicht-öffentliche Kommunikation filtert.
Die G10-Kommission müsse laut Verfassungsgericht besser ausgestattet sein. So bringt das Verfassungsgericht zum Ausdruck: Das ist kein Job, den man nebenbei macht. Es genüge nicht, „dass die Mitglieder der G10-Kommission lediglich ein öffentliches Ehrenamt innehaben statt wie verfassungsrechtlich geboten hauptamtlich tätig zu sein.“ Zudem stelle die aktuelle Regelung nicht sicher, dass der Kommission Mitglieder mit richterlicher Erfahrung angehören.
Human Rights Expert Sounds Alarm Over Israeli Firm‘s ‚Dystopian‘ Video-Altering Tech
(December 27, 2022)
Haaretz continued:
Twenty years on, this is no longer the stuff of movies: Toka‘s tech allows clients to do just that and more—not just diverting a live feed but also altering old feeds and erasing any evidence of a covert op.
Technical documents reviewed by an ethical hacker prove that Toka‘s tech can alter both live and recorded video feeds—all without leaving any forensics or telltale signs of a hack (in contrast to NSO‘s Pegasus spyware, or Intellexa‘s Predator, which leave a digital fingerprint on targeted devices).
Israeli Firm Plans Expanding Its Deployment of Video-Altering Tech
(December 27, 2022)
Co-founded by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) cyber chief Yaron Rosen, Toka “sells technologies that allow clients to locate security cameras or even webcams within a given perimeter, hack into them, watch their live feed, and even alter it — and past recordings,” Haaretz reported, citing internal documents it obtained and reviewed with a technical expert.
The company, whose activities are overseen by the Israeli Defense Ministry, “was set up in 2018 and has offices in Tel Aviv and Washington,” Haaretz reported.
Revealed: The Israeli Firm Selling ‘Dystopian’ Hacking Capabilities
(December 23, 2022)
According to a company pitch deck obtained by Haaretz, Toka offers what it terms “previously out-of-reach capabilities” that “transform untapped IoT sensors into intelligence sources,” and can be used “for intelligence and operational needs.” (IoT stands for Internet of Things and refers here to web-connected cameras and even car media systems.)
Millions of wireless security cameras are at risk of being hacked: What to do
(16 June 2020)
Bevan also called on lawmakers to take action, saying: “The government must push forward with their plans for legislation to require connected devices to meet certain security standards and ensure this is backed by strong enforcement.“
Alexa, Are You A Spy? Israeli Startup Raises $12.5 Million So Governments Can Hack IoT
(July 15, 2018)
Coming out of stealth Monday, Tel Aviv-based Toka says it‘ll provide spy tools for whatever device its clients require. But while it‘ll try to hack devices like Apple iPhones, it has a special focus on the so-called Internet of Things (IoT), covering tech like Amazon Echo, Nest connected home products, as well as connected fridges, thermostats and alarms. (…)
Two of Toka’s investors, Dell Technologies Capital and Andreessen Horowitz, for instance, have put millions of dollars into defensive companies beforehand. (The other seed investors are Entrée Capital, Launch Capital and Ray Rothrock, CEO of cyber-analytics firm RedSeal).
TLS 1.3: Slow adoption of stronger web encryption is empowering the bad guys
(April 6, 2020)
Asymmetric encryption is used during the “handshake”, which takes place prior to any data being sent. The handshake determines which cipher suite to use for the session – in other words, the symmetric encryption type – so that both browser and server agree. The TLS 1.2 protocol took multiple round trips between client and server, while TLS 1.3 is a much smoother process that requires only one trip. This latency saving shaves milliseconds off each connection.
DNS over TLS (DoT) auf FritzBox aktivieren
Zu guter Letzt können wir die Einstellungen noch prüfen. Bei der FritzBox sollte unter Internet -> Online-Monitor hinter den genutzten DNS-Servern jetzt (DoT verschlüsselt) stehen.
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
What is DNS over TLS? Everything you need to know
DNS over TLS keeps Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from spying on users.
How to Change Your DNS on Any Device
A Domain Name System (DNS) matches human-friendly domain names to computer-friendly IP addresses.
When you type in a domain name like, for example, your web browser sends the request to your ISP via your router. Your ISP refers the request to its default DNS server. The DNS server then supplies the relevant IP address so your browser can load the appropriate page.
A DNS also saves a local copy or cache of sites you’ve recently visited on your device for quick and easy reference.
It seems like a streamlined service; what could go wrong? Check the following reasons why you should change your DNS. – inspect your dns resolvers
Brief History of the Domain Name System
Jan. 7, 1958 – President Eisenhower requested funds to start ARPA.
Summer 1975 – The Defense Communications Agency (DCA) took over the management of ARPANET.
· November 1983 – The rapid growth of the internet caused massive problems in bookkeeping. To deal with this problem a group including Jon Postel, Paul Mockapetris and Craig Partrige published RFC 882 which created the domain name system (DNS) to make Internet navigation easier. With DNS, users can type host names such as “USC-ISIF” instead of “” Every Address would have information from specific to general. – inspect your dns resolvers
OpenNIC Public Servers
Hostname (Click for details)
Added Status
OpenNIC – Looking for an open and democratic alternative DNS root? Concerned about censorship?
OpenNIC might be the solution for you!
Your closest servers: (view all)
TLS 1.3: Slow adoption of stronger web encryption is empowering the bad guys
(April 6, 2020)
Asymmetric encryption is used during the “handshake”, which takes place prior to any data being sent. The handshake determines which cipher suite to use for the session – in other words, the symmetric encryption type – so that both browser and server agree. The TLS 1.2 protocol took multiple round trips between client and server, while TLS 1.3 is a much smoother process that requires only one trip. This latency saving shaves milliseconds off each connection.
Testa – Interactive Map
Who is using TESTA?
To see which EU countries are already using our TESTA solution, click on a country in the map below. This is not an exhaustive list of public administrations but already demonstrates the value of TESTA in each country. You will get a list of currently identified national/local public authorities connected via their in-country national governmental network to reach TESTA – associated with the applications being used by these public administrations through TESTA;
The other groups using TESTA consist of
– The EU Institutions : European Parliament / European Council / Council of the European Union / European Commission / Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) / European Central Bank (ECB) / European Court of Auditors (ECA) / European External Action Service (EEAS) / European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) / European Committee of the Regions (CoR) / European Investment Bank (EIB) / Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) / Publications Office.
– the EU Agencies.
Trans European Services for Telematics between Administrations
The Trans European Services for Telematics between Administrations (TESTA) system is the private IP-based network of the European Union. TESTA is a telecommunications interconnection platform for secure information exchange between the European and member states administrations. It is currently handled within the ISA² European programme.
1st generation (TESTA): 1996–2000
CDU und SPD verlängern freiwillige Chatkontrolle durch Big Tech-Konzerne
Das EU-Parlament hat heute grünes Licht für eine Verlängerung der umstrittenen Chatkontrolle durch US-Internetkonzerne bis 2025 gegeben. Dagegen stimmten Piraten, Linke, FDP, Grüne, AfD und zwei SPD-Abgeordnete, während CDU und fast alle SPD-Abgeordneten zustimmten. Das Parlament will sich mit dem Rat noch in der nächsten Woche einig werden, um die Verlängerung im Schnellverfahren noch vor der Europawahl zu verabschieden.
TLS 1.3: Slow adoption of stronger web encryption is empowering the bad guys
(April 6, 2020)
Asymmetric encryption is used during the “handshake”, which takes place prior to any data being sent. The handshake determines which cipher suite to use for the session – in other words, the symmetric encryption type – so that both browser and server agree. The TLS 1.2 protocol took multiple round trips between client and server, while TLS 1.3 is a much smoother process that requires only one trip. This latency saving shaves milliseconds off each connection.
DNS leak test
Standard test
Extended test
DNS over TLS (DoT) auf FritzBox aktivieren
Als erstes müssen wir in die DNS-Server Einstellungen der FritzBox wechseln unter Internet -> Zugangsdaten -> DNS-Server. Die alternativen DNSv4- und DNSv6-Server können angepasst werden, …
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
Public DNS Servers by country
Download valid nameservers as CSV | Plaintext
Download all nameservers as CSV | Plaintext
Correct Answer: C. DNS over TLS (DoT) Explanation: DNS over TLS (DoT) is a security protocol that forces all connections between the DNS client and DNS resolver to be encrypted using TLS (Transport Layer Security), ensuring secure and authenticated DNS queries.
Die 5 großen DNS-Angriffe und wie man sie abwehrt
(9. März 2022)
Die Aufgabe des DNS besteht darin, den Begriff, den Sie in ein Suchfeld eingeben (den so genannten menschenlesbaren Namen), in die entsprechende Zahlenfolge (IP-Adresse) zu übersetzen, die Ihr Gerät benötigt, um auf eine Website zuzugreifen oder eine E-Mail zu senden. Angriffe auf diese unverzichtbaren Systeme können sehr schädlich sein.
Digitale Bürgerrechte sind keine Bürgerrechte zweiter Klasse. Es ist nicht in Ordnung, wenn jede private Kommunikation im Netz staatlich anlasslos überwacht werden soll. Daher lehnen wir eine #Chatkontrolle ab. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass digitale Kommunikation privat bleibt.
Verlängerung der freiwilligen Chatkontrolle ist Eingeständnis des Scheiterns von Zensursula!
Am 4. Dezember 2023 will die EU-Kommission die Justiz- und Innenminister informieren.
Chatkontrolle: EU-Kommission zweifelt an Einigung und geht mit Zwischenlösung in die Verlängerung
Die EU-Kommission glaubt offenbar nicht mehr daran, dass die umstrittene Chatkontrolle so schnell kommen wird wie geplant. Sie schlägt vor, die bisher geltende Interimsregelung des freiwilligen Scannens um zwei Jahre zu verlängern.
DNS leak test
Standard test
Extended test
Public DNS Servers by country
Download valid nameservers as CSV | Plaintext
Download all nameservers as CSV | Plaintext
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
A complete Guide to Changing your DNS Settings
The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to translate the easy-to-understand and remember web addresses that we are familiar with, to their „true“ numerical IP addresses that computers understand: for example translating the domain name to its IP(v4) address of
What is DNS over TLS? Everything you need to know
DNS over TLS keeps Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from spying on users.
DNS over TLS (DoT) auf FritzBox aktivieren
Als erstes müssen wir in die DNS-Server Einstellungen der FritzBox wechseln unter Internet -> Zugangsdaten -> DNS-Server. Die alternativen DNSv4- und DNSv6-Server können angepasst werden, …
AVM darf Modifikation von Router-Firmware nicht verbieten
AVM muss es grundsätzlich dulden, dass andere Unternehmen Software anbieten, mit der Besitzer einer Fritzbox die Linux-basierte Firmware des Routers modifizieren können.
Wie viele Millionen Firmen, Kanzleien, Praxen, Clubs, Ideen-, Privatspären- und Vertrauuuuenshaber, etc, benutzen die FritzBox?