Daily Archives: 19. März 2020

19.03.2020 - 21:57 [ Haaretz ]

Raise the Black Flag at Home. Stand Up to the Tyrant Netanyahu

For years and years, we wondered when the occupation would come home.

It happened this week.

As the settlers once said in a different context: Yesha Zeh Kan – Judea, Samaria and Gaza are here.

One set of laws for the tyrant’s allies. Another set of laws for everyone else. Innocent civilians hounded. Their persecutor – never held accountable.

Raise the black flag. Stand up to the tyrant.

This is the fitting flag for this new Israel.

19.03.2020 - 21:53 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Is Using Coronavirus to Hold Onto Power

Panic over the coronavirus, justified as it may be, mustn’t blind the public from seeing how the temporary prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and members of his party are exploiting the crisis to hold onto power. Through their management of the coronavirus crisis, Netanyahu and his government are neutralizing the justice system and quarantining the legislature.

19.03.2020 - 21:50 [ Haaretz ]

‚Total Suspension of Individual Freedom‘: Inside Israel‘s Secret Coronavirus Debate

These special means include gathering data about a person’s location via their cellphone and additional technological information using secret tools, and cross-referencing all of the data.

The process identifies all of the contacts coronavirus patients have had and the places they were, whether they are aware of it or not.

19.03.2020 - 18:26 [ teleSUR ]

Chile’s Communist Mayor to Import Cuban Meds to Fight COVID-19

“We started import procedures for Interferon 2b, a Cuban medicine used successfully in China and Spain. This will be for high-risk infected people,” the Mayor from Communist Party said on Twitter.

19.03.2020 - 17:20 [ Trend.az ]

Turkmenistan donates humanitarian aid to Iran to help battle coronavirus

Turkmenistan has donated humanitarian aid consisting of essential goods, including medical tools to Iran to help battle coronavirus, Trend reports with reference to Turkmenistan’s embassy in Azerbaijan.

19.03.2020 - 16:30 [ Aerzteblatt.de ]

Grippewelle: Starke Schwankungen der Exzess-Mortalität


Die schlimmste Grippewelle gab es 1995/96, als es zu 29.000 (nach konser­vativer Schätzung 24.900) zusätzlichen Todesfällen kam. An zweiter Stelle folgte die Saison 2011/12 mit 28.900 (20.600) Exzess-Todesfällen. Die wenigsten Todesfälle gab es in den Saisons 2000/01 und 2009/10, als es nach den Berechnungen des RKI überhaupt keine Exzess-Mortalität gab.

19.03.2020 - 16:23 [ Nature.com ]

Estimating clinical severity of COVID-19 from the transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China

As of 29 February 2020 there were 79,394 confirmed cases and 2,838 deaths from COVID-19 in mainland China. Of these, 48,557 cases and 2,169 deaths occurred in the epicenter, Wuhan. A key public health priority during the emergence of a novel pathogen is estimating clinical severity, which requires properly adjusting for the case ascertainment rate and the delay between symptoms onset and death. Using public and published information, we estimate that the overall symptomatic case fatality risk (the probability of dying after developing symptoms) of COVID-19 in Wuhan was 1.4% (0.9–2.1%), which is substantially lower than both the corresponding crude or naïve confirmed case fatality risk (2,169/48,557 = 4.5%) and the approximator1 of deaths/deaths + recoveries (2,169/2,169 + 17,572 = 11%) as of 29 February 2020.

19.03.2020 - 16:21 [ ORF.at ]

Sterberate in Wuhan niedriger als gedacht

Die Wissenschaftler gingen in ihren Schätzungen zu den tatsächlichen Zahlen in Wuhan auch von Infektionsdaten von Reisenden aus der Stadt aus und rechneten die frühen Infektionszahlen hoch, als dort das Gesundheitssystem noch nicht überlastet war.

Auf dieser Datenbasis kamen sie auch für Wuhan auf eine deutlich niedrigere Sterberate von insgesamt 1,4 Prozent.

19.03.2020 - 16:21 [ CNBC / Youtube ]

WATCH LIVE: Trump‘s coronavirus task force holds briefing amid deepening crisis – 3/19/2020

Members of the task force created to address the deadly coronavirus outbreak hold a briefing Thursday at the White House as state and local authorities take drastic measures to slow the spread of the disease.

19.03.2020 - 16:11 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

US-Südkommando will Militärpräsenz in Lateinamerika verstärken

In der Praxis eröffnet der Vertrag für Brasilien den Zugang zum US-Rüstungsmarkt und ermöglicht gleichzeitig brasilianische Rüstungskäufe in den USA.

19.03.2020 - 16:01 [ MSNBC ]

Supreme Court postpones oral arguments over coronavirus pandemic

The United States Supreme Court is postponing oral arguments until an undetermined date due to the coronavirus pandemic which is spreading across the country.

19.03.2020 - 16:01 [ The Hill ]

Gabbard drops out of 2020 race

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) dropped out of the 2020 presidential contest after failing to gain much traction in a race in which she was overshadowed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden.

19.03.2020 - 15:54 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Unter Beschuss (II)

Berlin weitet Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Irak aus.

Wegen der Coronakrise soll das deutsche Kontingent nun zwar vorläufig abgezogen werden; laut Berichten gilt dies nicht nur für die mehr als 40 Soldaten in der Nähe von Bagdad, sondern auch für die über 90 Militärs im kurdischsprachigen Nordirak.[7] Allerdings ist die Aussetzung des Einsatzes lediglich befristet – bis zum 11. Mai. Anschließend sollen die deutschen Soldaten im Rahmen der Anti-IS-Koalition in den Irak zurückkehren.

19.03.2020 - 15:53 [ El Pais ]

At least 19 dead at Madrid senior home due to a coronavirus outbreak

On Tuesday morning, officials announced 706 new cases in the last 24 hours, for a total of 4,871 since the beginning of the epidemic. According to Health Ministry figures, 43% of positive cases and 72% of coronavirus deaths in Spain have occurred in Madrid.

19.03.2020 - 15:25 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

IWF verweigert Venezuela Hilfe gegen Corona-Pandemie

Maduro betonte in seinem Schreiben an die Direktorin des IWF, Kristalina Georgiewa, dass „die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) die Epidemie vor kurzem als Pandemie eingestuft und damit einen öffentlichen Gesundheitsnotstand von internationaler Bedeutung erklärt hat, der die vereinigten Anstrengungen aller Länder erfordert“.

19.03.2020 - 15:06 [ Noa Landau נעה לנדאו / Twitter ]

Israeli police tries to stop thousands of cars raising black flags on their way to Jerusalem, to protest anti-democratic measures in midst of #Covid_19 outbreak, such as closure of Knesset. When asked ‘why’, this policeman said ‘because!’

19.03.2020 - 15:04 [ Haaretz ]

Police Arrest Protesters Against ‚Assault on Democracy‘ at Knesset

Protesters said they were angry at anti-democratic measures being taken to fight the coronavirus outbreak, such as this week’s decision to use cyber measures to track the location of people diagnosed with the virus as well as suspected coronavirus patients, in addition to strict restrictions to achieve social distancing, such as barring thousands of people from leaving their homes.

Further, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein dispersed parliament on Wednesday, deepening the paralyzation of Israel‘s legislative body, which critics have seen as an attack on the checks and balances within Israel‘s democratic institutions.

19.03.2020 - 14:44 [ Bloomberg / Twitter ]

Israel’s Mossad spy agency reportedly obtains 100,000 coronavirus test kits from unidentified sources, and is expected to lay its hands on millions more

19.03.2020 - 14:41 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Mossad brings 100,000 ‚unusable‘ coronavirus test kits to Israel

A spokesperson for Magen David Adom explained to The Jerusalem Post that specifically, the tests were missing a patented liquid into which the testing sticks need to be dipped before a screening can be administered. Without it, the test cannot be done.

The spokesperson explained that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is „using his connections around the world now“ to try to obtain this liquid as early as Friday.

19.03.2020 - 14:23 [ ABC News ]

Government response updates: Trump calls himself a ‚wartime president,‘ promises ‚total victory‘

President Donald Trump on Wednesday started his latest briefing to the nation on the government response to the coronavirus crisis by saying, „I would like to begin by announcing some important developments in our war against the Chinese virus,“ again casting the effort in military terms and referring to the disease with a term that has sparked backlash.

At one point, Trump called himself „in a sense, a wartime president.“

19.03.2020 - 14:20 [ NPR.org ]

Trump Invokes A Cold War Relic, The Defense Production Act, For Coronavirus Shortages

The DPA is a law that has its origins in the War Powers Acts of World War II, which granted the executive branch broad powers to direct industrial production for the war effort. Those authorities were allowed to expire when the war was over, but in 1950, after Soviet-backed North Korea invaded South Korea, President Harry Truman revived those lapsed powers by persuading Congress to enact the DPA.

19.03.2020 - 14:16 [ Seyed Mohammad Marandi / Twitter ]

Sadistic. The new US sanctions can only be interpreted as an attempt to spread #COVID2019 in Iran. The Trump regime seeks an uncontrollable situation where #COVID overwhelms Iran‘s health care system & hospitals. The silence of western reporters, pundits, media & govts is evil.

19.03.2020 - 14:12 [ jordan / Twitter ]

Iran‘s healthcare system is on the brink of collapse. The country is being decimated by coronavirus & one of the main reasons why is because of crippling sanctions. There were calls to lift sanctions to alleviate the pain. The US just added more instead. Absolutely repugnant.

19.03.2020 - 14:11 [ Alli Hedges Maser / Twitter ]

JUST IN: @sanjaygupta says CDC has loosened its guidelines to allow health care workers who have been exposed to COVID-19 to continue working as long as they wear a mask. …and if they run out of masks, use a scarf or bandana. „This is concerning.“

19.03.2020 - 10:57 [ Independent.co.uk ]

Coronavirus: UK schools closed indefinitely from Friday and exams cancelled, government says

Schools in the UK will close from Friday until further notice and all exams have been cancelled, the government has announced.

19.03.2020 - 10:31 [ ORF.at ]

China liefert EU mehr als zwei Millionen Schutzmasken

„Im Jänner hat die EU China mit einer Spende von 50 Tonnen Material geholfen“, erklärte von der Leyen. „Heute sind wir dankbar für Chinas Unterstützung.“ Demnach liefert China zwei Millionen einfache Mundschutzmasken sowie 200.000 N95-Atemschutzmasken.

19.03.2020 - 10:22 [ Xinhua ]

Medizinische Hilfsgüter aus China in Paris eingetroffen

Dem Botschafter zufolge stehen die wissenschaftlichen Institutionen beider Länder seit dem Ausbruch der Epidemie in engem Kontakt und arbeiten an Studien zur Entwicklung von Antikörpern. Was die klinische Behandlung betrifft, so ist Anfang Februar ein Fernkonsultationsmechanismus etabliert worden.

19.03.2020 - 10:03 [ ORF.at ]

China erstmals ohne inländische Neuinfektionen

Insgesamt seien bisher 189 importierte Fälle festgestellt worden, wie die Kommission mitteilte.

Um eine Ausbreitung der eingeschleppten Fälle möglichst zu verhindern, gelten strenge Quarantänemaßnahmen für Menschen, die aus dem Ausland ankommen.

19.03.2020 - 09:56 [ Xinhua ]

China‘s Wuhan reports zero increase in novel coronavirus infections

With no new cases in Wuhan, the Chinese mainland on Wednesday reduced the increase in domestic transmissions to zero. The country now faces a greater threat of infections imported from overseas, which jumped by 34 on Wednesday.

19.03.2020 - 07:37 [ yna.co.kr ]

(Yonhap Interview) COVID-19 vaccine, drugs on fast track for development: IVI chief

Phases 3 studies of Remdesivir made by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Gilead could take place in South Korea soon.

19.03.2020 - 07:31 [ Haaretz ]

LISTEN: Will Israel‘s Cyber Spies Let Bibi Use Coronavirus to Kill Democracy?

Israel, paralyzed by the global COVID-19 crisis and by permanent political crisis, has passed a series of worrying measures to stem the spread of the virus. LISTEN FREE.

19.03.2020 - 07:30 [ yna.co.kr ]

S. Korea sees uptick in new virus cases as new clusters pop up

Of the 152 new cases, 97 are in Daegu and 12 are in North Gyeongsang, the KCDC said. The total number of confirmed cases in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province, the two epicenters of the virus outbreak here, stood at 6,241 and 1,190, respectively.

Officials in Daegu said 75 new cases have been discovered from a nursing hospital named Hansarang Convalescent Hospital in the city.

19.03.2020 - 07:16 [ NDR ]

Coronavirus: Bundeswehr beendet „Defender Europe 2020“

Man habe eine besondere Verantwortung für die Gesundheit der Soldatinnen und Soldaten sowie der Zivilbevölkerung, hieß es Mitte März aus dem Bundesverteidigungsministerium in Bonn.

19.03.2020 - 07:13 [ Spiegel.de ]

Bundeswehr will Soldaten aus dem Irak abziehen


Das Verteidigungsministerium will wegen der Coronakrise alle Soldaten aus dem Irak abziehen. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen wurde zudem auch ein Awacs-Überwachungsjet aus der Türkei zurückgeholt.

19.03.2020 - 00:40 [ Ulla Jelpke / junge Welt ]

Demokratieabbau: Corona macht’s möglich

Sind alle Maßnahmen, wie vom Gesetz gefordert, wirklich »verhältnismäßig«? Im Moment ist noch nicht einmal die Frage danach zu hören. Die Parlamente, die doch Regierungshandeln kontrollieren sollen, spielen bei den gegenwärtigen Entwicklungen noch nicht einmal eine Statistenrolle. Auch in den führenden Medien findet sich nur eine Mischung aus Krisenberichterstattung und fatalistischer Ergebenheit. Dem Volk sind alle Versammlungen, also auch kritische, sowieso verboten. Es solle sich, heißt es unisono, brav die Hände waschen und ansonsten bitte Abstand halten – auch von jeglicher Einmischung

19.03.2020 - 00:04 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Solidarität der EU (II)

Wie gestern bekannt wurde, hat inzwischen mit Spanien ein zweites großes EU-Land China um Hilfe im Kampf gegen den Covid-19-Virus gebeten. Demnach erfolgte die Bitte schon vergangene Woche, nachdem Deutschland ein Exportverbot für medizinische Schutzausrüstung verhängt hatte. War bereits am Donnerstag ein chinesisches Expertenteam mit 31 Tonnen Hilfsgütern in Rom eingetroffen, so bereitet Beijing mittlerweile laut Berichten eine Lieferung von Testkits, Atemschutzmasken und weiterer Schutzausrüstung vor.