Daily Archives: 1. Februar 2020

01.02.2020 - 22:08 [ junge Welt ]

Mit der Gewerkschaft, gegen die Gewerkschaft

Der folgende, gekürzte Aufsatz von Stefan Ripplinger »Mit der Gewerkschaft, gegen die Gewerkschaft. Die Geschichte von ›Salt of the Earth‹ (1954)« entstammt dem Sammelband »The Sound of Fury. Hollywoods Schwarze Liste«, der in den kommenden Tagen im Berliner Verlag Bertz und Fischer erscheint.

01.02.2020 - 21:52 [ Briahna Joy Gray / Twitter ]

“The problems that we have did not come down from the heavens. They are made by human decisions. And good human decisions can change them.” – @BernieSanders

We are powerful. We can do this. Let’s let them know what this is all about. #NotMeUs

01.02.2020 - 19:28 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Bundestag gegen Ächtung autonomer Waffensysteme

31.01.2020 – Der Bundestag hat sich heute gegen die internationale Ächtung von autonomen Waffensystemen ausgesprochen. Eine breite Mehrheit der Abgeordneten stimmte gegen entsprechende Anträge von Grünen und Linken.

01.02.2020 - 19:07 [ SBS ]

Kenya’s new digital IDs may exclude millions of minorities

Millions face hurdles in obtaining documents to get a biometric ID card that will be required to function in the country. Without one, “you are totally a living dead,” a human rights advocate said.

01.02.2020 - 18:56 [ SBS ]

As the United Kingdom leaves the EU, Maldives re-joins the Commonwealth

Maldives has re-joined the Commonwealth, bringing the total number of nations in the global organisation to 54, it has been announced.

The change came into effect at midnight on Saturday – just over an hour after the United Kingdom left the European Union.

01.02.2020 - 18:23 [ Trend.az ]

Ashgabat, Delhi discuss TAPI gas pipeline project

The Turkmengas State Concern is the leader of the TAPI Pipeline Company Ltd. international consortium. It acts as the main financier and manager of the project. The consortium also includes Afghan Gas Corporation, Pakistan’s Inter State Gas Systems (Private) Limited Company and India’s GAIL Company.

01.02.2020 - 12:37 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER VERFALL DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (XIII): Rausgeworfen von Großbritannien

Gestern nun, am 31. Januar 2020, feierte die Mehrheit für alle Briten den neuen „Independence Day“ des Vereinigten Königreichs. Es brauchte dazu erst ……..

01.02.2020 - 09:59 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Boris Johnson plans to impose full customs and border checks on European goods

Boris Johnson is preparing to impose full customs and border checks on all European goods entering the UK after Brexit, in a ramping up of pressure on the coming EU-UK trade talks, the Telegraph has learned.

01.02.2020 - 09:24 [ theSun.co.uk ]

Britain FINALLY leaves the EU sparking euphoric scenes as Boris pledges to unleash UK’s full potential

BRITAIN has finally left the EU tonight as millions celebrate one of the biggest moments in the nation‘s history.

The UK is at last an independent country again, sparking wild scenes of joy across our United Kingdom.

01.02.2020 - 09:19 [ ZDF ]

Brexit-Blog zum Nachlesen – Großbritannien verlässt die EU

Die britische EU-Mitgliedschaft ist Geschichte. Nach den Feiern beginnen die Gespräche über die künftigen Beziehungen. Alles rund um den historischen Moment zum Nachlesen im Blog.

01.02.2020 - 09:01 [ NZZ.ch ]

Der «Mythos Iowa» und warum die amerikanischen Vorwahlen auch ein Kampf der Parteibosse mit ihrer Basis sind

In den zehn Vorwahlzyklen seit 1976 war der Sieger in Iowa acht Mal auch der spätere Nominierte der Demokratischen Partei.

01.02.2020 - 07:57 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

Together, we can win this election and transform the country. Watch our first Caucus Concert featuring @boniver , live in Clive, Iowa!

01.02.2020 - 07:48 [ theGazette.com ]

See the candidates one last time before the Iowa caucuses on Monday



• Elizabeth Warren: 12:30 p.m., Kohawk Arena, Coe College, 1220 First Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids. Rally with Congresswomen Ayanna Pressley. Doors open at 11 a.m.

• Joe Biden: 1:30 p.m., Roosevelt Creative Corridor Business Academy, 300 13th St. NW, Cedar Rapids. Doors open at 1 p.m.

• Bernie Sanders: 6 p.m., U.S. Cellular Center, 370 First Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids. Concert with Vampire Weekend. No tickets required.

• Pete Buttigieg: 6:30 p.m., The Hotel at Kirkwood Center, 7725 Kirkwood Blvd. SW, Cedar Rapids. Doors open at 6 p.m.

01.02.2020 - 07:23 [ Washington Post ]

Senate set to acquit Trump next week after bid for witnesses in impeachment trial is defeated

In declining to add to the case presented by House Democrats, the Senate delivered a victory for the White House that all but guaranteed that Trump will remain in office. With a final vote on the articles of impeachment set for Wednesday at 4 p.m., Democrats argued that Trump’s expected acquittal will be illegitimate, an acknowledgment of their looming defeat.

01.02.2020 - 05:05 [ The Hill ]

Tlaib boos Clinton at Sanders event, says ‚haters will shut up on Monday when we win‘ Iowa

Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D) booed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a live campaign event for presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in Iowa on Friday.

The moment happened toward the end of a panel discussion with Tlaib and Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) and Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) at Sanders‘s first „Caucus Concert,“ which featured a performance by Bon Iver in Clive, Iowa, ahead of Monday‘s caucus.

01.02.2020 - 04:55 [ Ramona Wadi / Strategic Culture Foundation ]

The Exploitation of Pascua Lama Is One Example of Chile’s Neoliberal Exploitation

In 2006, Barrick Gold had proposed moving the glacier ice from the Toro 1, Toro 2 and the Esperanza glaciers to facilitate their exploitation of the region’s resources.

01.02.2020 - 04:43 [ Philip M. Giraldi / antikrieg.com ]

Die Folterer und die ‚tickende Bombe‘: wie Folter zur Routine im globalen Krieg gegen den Terror wurde

Letzte Woche fand in einem Gerichtssaal in Guantanamo Bay eine Anhörung statt, bei der einer der Psychologen, die das Folterregime der Central Intelligence Agency entwickelt haben, unter Eid aussagte.

01.02.2020 - 04:40 [ Philip M. Giraldi / Strategic Culture Foundation ]

The Torturers and the ‘Ticking Bomb’: How Torture Became Routine in the Global War on Terror

Last week there was a hearing at a Guantanamo Bay courtroom in which one of the psychologists who devised the Central Intelligence Agency torture regime testified under oath.

01.02.2020 - 03:35 [ Reuters ]

‚We are free‘: Flag-waving Britons cheer in Brexit

Singing patriotic songs and waving Union Jacks, thousands of Britons flocked to a muddy patch of grass outside parliament on a damp Friday night to toast their moment of history: Britain’s departure from the European Union.

01.02.2020 - 02:50 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Is Impeachment Officially OVER?; Bernie Leads; DNC Bends the Knee To Bloomberg


01.02.2020 - 02:49 [ junge Welt ]

Biometrische Massenüberwachung: Fahnder wollen Upgrade

BKA plant Modernisierung seiner automatisierten Gesichtserkennung. Zahl der Abfragen beim Polizeibestand steigen seit Jahren stark an

01.02.2020 - 02:35 [ rbb ]

Linke Demo gegen Polizeigewalt bleibt weitgehend friedlich

In Berlin-Friedrichshain haben am Freitagabend Demonstranten aus dem linken Spektrum gegen den Europäischen Polizeikongress am 4. und 5. Februar in Berlin-Mitte protestiert.

Nach einer Auftaktkundgebung am Wismarplatz zogen die Menschen durch das südliche Friedrichshain.

01.02.2020 - 02:26 [ teleSUR ]

Chile: One Dead and 124 Arrested During a Violent Early Morning

On Friday, the Military Police caused the death of Ariel Moreno, a 24-year-old who was also a fan of the Colo-Colo team.

He was shot in the head while protesting in the vicinity of the Military Police‘s Subcommissioning Department located in Padre Hurtado, a neighborhood in ​​Santiago.

01.02.2020 - 01:55 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

SHOCK POLL: Bernie takes the lead nationally

Team Rising examines the latest polling in the Democratic Presidential Primary.

01.02.2020 - 00:26 [ Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs - Gov.uk ]

PM address to the nation: 31 January 2020

Tonight we are leaving the European Union

For many people this is an astonishing moment of hope, a moment they thought would never come

And there are many of course who feel a sense of anxiety and loss

And then of course there is a third group – perhaps the biggest – who had started to worry that the whole political wrangle would never come to an end

I understand all those feelings, and our job as the government – my job – is to bring this country together now and take us forward

And the most important thing to say tonight is that this is not an end but a beginning

This is the moment when the dawn breaks and the curtain goes up on a new act in our great national drama

And yes it is partly about using these new powers – this recaptured sovereignty – to deliver the changes people voted for

01.02.2020 - 00:14 [ euronews (in English) / Youtube ]

Leave Means Leave Brexit Party at Parliament Square

A Brexit Party in Parliament Square as the UK officially leaves the EU.

01.02.2020 - 00:01 [ The Sun / Youtube ]

Brexit Day – The UK leaves the European Union

Forty-seven years and 30 days after we joined. Three decades since the rot set in with the drive towards a United States of Europe. Seven years after David Cameron promised a referendum and 3½ traumatic years since Leave won it. It is hard to exaggerate the magnitude of this moment.