Daily Archives: 12. Oktober 2019

12.10.2019 - 22:23 [ teleSUR ]

Ecuador‘s Conaie Releases Policemen After Leader‘s Funeral

The group released the officers on Thursday evening after the funeral of leader Inocencio Tucumbi, who was killed on Wednesday during protests.

The Conaie leaders made the four officers carry the coffin because, according to the Indigenous justice system, they represented the violent repression that forced Tucumbi to become a victim of the week’s protests.

The officers were handed over to representatives of the United Nations in Ecuador.

12.10.2019 - 22:15 [ teleSUR ]

Ecuador: Supposed ‚Peace Zone‘ Looks Like A ‚War Zone‘ in Quito

The National Assembly President will host a meeting of all lawmakers next Monday in Guayaquil, the right-wing-controlled city where President Moreno moved the seat of government.

12.10.2019 - 22:04 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Ecuador zwischen Protest und Ausnahmezustand: Jetzt spricht die Opposition!

Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Regierung und bewaffnete staatliche Kräfte. Unabhängige Medien unter Druck. Ruf nach Neuwahlen

12.10.2019 - 11:59 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Iran Policy Has Collapsed

Netanyahu built his foreign affairs and defense policy on two foundations: complete identification with Trump and escalating the conflict with Iran and its allies, with a series of attacks that have intensified in recent months, striking at a distance as far as Iraq. He believed, and marketed to the public, that Trump was attentive to his counsel and would take steps to bring down the Iranian regime. But to his great disappointment Trump broke off contact with him after the election and is brazenly acting to thaw relations with Iran.

12.10.2019 - 11:49 [ Haaretz ]

Trump‘s Syria Withdrawal Is a Strategic Disaster for Netanyahu

If anything is left of the ‚defense alliance‘ between Washington and Israel, it‘s on paper only

12.10.2019 - 11:15 [ Nils Schmid, Außenpolitischer Sprecher der @spdbt ‏/ Twitter ]

„Die aktuelle Lage ist höchst besorgniserregend, hat aber keine Auswirkungen auf das Bundeswehr-Mandat“, habe ich dem @RND_de gesagt. „Die Regeln für die Auswertung der Daten aus den Tornadoflügen gelten.“


12.10.2019 - 10:58 [ Radio Utopie ]

Internationale Kriegskoalition marschiert von Türkei in Syrien ein

(25. August 2016)

Während die seit 2011 vom U.S.-Imperium und seiner Hegemonie betriebene Invasion und Zerschlagung Syriens weiter voranschreitet, herrschen weit und breit Verrat, Verwirrung und Heuchelei. Außer in der seit Beginn des Terrorkrieges in 2001 expandierenden „Supermacht“ verstecken und verkriechen sich die Verantwortlichen.

Der gestern begonnene Einmarsch regulären türkischen Militärs, der im September 2014 auf dem N.A.T.O.-Gipfel in Wales gegründeten internationalen Kriegskoalition, sowie deren Proxy-Milizen unter der Flagge „Freie Syrische Armee“ („F.S.A.“) erfolgte zumindest mit „der Billigung Russlands“, wie „RT“ kleinlaut in einem Nebensatz verlautbarte. Auch die syrische Regierung, mit ihrem Außenminister Walid al Muallem, schwieg gestern zum offenen Einmarsch der „westlichen“ Kriegskoalition im eigenen Land.

12.10.2019 - 10:51 [ Junge Welt ]

NATO im Dschihad

Bei den Angriffen der türkischen Armee und ihr angegliederter bewaffneter Gruppen seien zivile Infrastruktur und wichtige Einrichtungen wie Wasserpumpstationen, Dämme, Kraftwerke und Ölfelder angegriffen worden, erklärte der Sprecher der Hochkommissarin für Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen, Rupert Colville, am Freitag.

12.10.2019 - 10:44 [ Kreml ]

Vladimir Putin will pay a state visit to Saudi Arabia on October 14

During the talks with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the current state of and prospects for multifaceted Russia-Saudi Arabia cooperation, including in trade, the economy and investment, are expected to be reviewed.

There will be an exchange of views on pressing issues on the international agenda, primarily the situation in the Middle East and North Africa.

12.10.2019 - 10:19 [ China Global Television Network ]

Will Putin succeed in selling Russia‘s S-400 to Saudi Arabia?


Russian President Vladimir Putin will begin his visit to Saudi Arabia, which has suffered from an attack on its oil facilities a month ago. He has one thing in his mind – touting Russia‘s missile defense system.

12.10.2019 - 10:04 [ Pentagon ]

DOD Statement on Deployment of Additional U.S. Forces and Equipment to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

At the request of U.S. Central Command, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper authorized the deployment of additional U.S. forces and the following equipment to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

12.10.2019 - 10:02 [ theHill.com ]

US to deploy additional troops, aircraft, missile systems to Saudi Arabia

Defense Secretary Mark Esper had authorized the deployment last month at the request of U.S. Central Command and informed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the country‘s defense minister of the action earlier Friday.

12.10.2019 - 09:42 [ AlMasdarNews.com ]

Turkish-backed militants capture new towns amid push to encircle Tal Abyad

According to reports from northern Syria, the Turkish Army and their militant allies are attempting to encircle Tal Abyad before making the push to capture the city from the Syrian Democratic Forces.

If they are successful in capturing Tal Abyad, the Turkish Army will be only a short distance away from Raqqa city.

12.10.2019 - 09:09 [ CBSNews.com ]

Turkish blast lands close to U.S. outpost in Syria

The Turkish Defense Ministry said the artillery fire was not aimed at the Americans but at nearby Kurdish fighters.

„Earlier today, Turkish border outposts south of Suruç came under Dochka and mortar fire from the hills located approximately 1,000 meters southwest of a U.S. observation post. In self-defense, reciprocal fire was opened on the terrorist positions of the attack. Turkey did not open fire at the U.S. observation post in any way. All precautions were taken prior to opening fire in order to prevent any harm to the U.S. base,“ the ministry said.

12.10.2019 - 09:06 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Nordsyrien: Pentagon fordert Rückzug türkischer Truppen

Seit dem türkischen Einmarsch in Nordsyrien sind mehr als 100.000 Menschen auf der Flucht. Die USA fordern die Türkei zum Rückzug auf. Ankara hingegen verlangt Solidarität der NATO-Partner.

12.10.2019 - 09:03 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Abgang im US-Kabinett: Trumps Heimatschutzminister geht

Präsident Donald Trump begründete den Abgang McAleenans auf Twitter damit, dass es den 48-Jährigen nach vielen Jahren in der Regierung in die Privatwirtschaft ziehe und er künftig auch mehr Zeit mit seiner Familie verbringen wolle. McAleenan habe als amtierender Heimatschutzminister „einen herausragenden Job gemacht“.

12.10.2019 - 03:50 [ teleSUR ]

Ecuador: Riot Police Fire Tear Gas, Live Ammo at Protesters

Ecuadorean social scientist, Aquiles Hervas, said over social media from the scene: “We have just witnessed a vile betrayal. [Authorities] accepted the crowd’s arrival outside the assembly in order to talk shortly after the president’s announcement. Once they had approached [the building], the police fired at close range while people were eating soup. Several children were trampled by the terrified crowd. It is a war scene with unarmed people, several were injured.”

Video capturing the attacks show hundreds of people running eastward from the assembly, trying to escape the tear gas grenades and armored vehicles.

„Let‘s sit down to talk, let‘s sit down and talk about decree 883, let‘s talk about where your resources should go, and make sure they go to those who need it most,“ Moreno said in a 20 second message to the nation at 3:00 p.m. local time. The violent incident outside the National Assembly occurred at around 4:30 p.m.​​​​​​​

12.10.2019 - 03:34 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Oberstes Gericht verurteilt 22 Ex-Agenten der Militärdiktatur in Chile

Das oberste Gericht hat zum wiederholten Mal Miguel Krasnoff verurteilt, ehemals Teil des Geheimdienstes DINA, sowie die DINA-Agenten César Manríquez Bravo und Pedro Espinoza Bravo – alle jeweils zu zehn Jahren Haft. In der selben Sache wurden Alejandro Astudillo Adonis, Demóstenes Cárdenas Saavedra, Manuel Avendaño González, Nelson Paz Bustamante und José Aravena Ruiz zu jeweils fünf Jahren und einem Tag Haft verurteilt.

12.10.2019 - 02:19 [ Press TV ]

Iran, Caspian Sea littoral states ink military cooperation agreement

Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi signed the agreement in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg along with his Russian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh and Turkmen counterparts on Friday.

12.10.2019 - 02:04 [ Reuters ]

Trump says acting Homeland Security Secretary McAleenan is stepping down

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan was stepping down and a new acting chief of the agency would be named next week.

12.10.2019 - 01:52 [ Reuters ]

Top aide to U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo resigns

“I protect every single State Department employee,” Pompeo said. “When the State Department employees are doing things right, when they’re behaving in ways that are consistent with the rule of law and working on President Trump’s and America’s mission, I’ll always stand with them; I’ll always have their back.”