Daily Archives: 6. September 2019

06.09.2019 - 16:07 [ Matt Taibbi / The Rolling Stone ]

The Pentagon Wants More Control Over the News. What Could Go Wrong?

It includes terrifying pronouncements by unnamed “intelligence officials,” unprovable, overblown, or outright fake statistical assertions about the threat (like the oft-cited claim that fake election news had more engagement than real news), open conflation of legitimate domestic dissent with foreign attack, and routine dismissal of experts downplaying the problem (here are two significant studies suggesting the “fake news” phenomenon is overstated).

Of course, the final, omnipresent ingredient in most major propaganda campaigns is the authoritarian solution. Here, it’s unelected, unsupervised algorithmic control over media. We’ve never had a true news regulator in this country, yet the public is being conditioned now to accept one, without thinking of the consequences.

06.09.2019 - 15:07 [ Matthias Jakubowski, Referent der @Linksfraktion im #UA1BT / Twitter ]

Der PUA im AGH #Berlin ist weiterhin fleißig dabei Zeug*innen vom Geheimdienst zu befragen. Das würden wir im #UA1BT auch gerne. Allerdings wird die Zulieferung relevanter P-Akten des Verfassungsschutz weiterhin durch die BReg verzögert. Aufklärung anyone? #Breitscheidplatz

06.09.2019 - 15:01 [ Niklas Schrader, Mitglied des Berliner Abgeordnetenhauses / Twitter ]

Heute ist Verfassungsschutztag im Untersuchungsausschuss #Breitscheidplatz! Wir befragen den damaligen Berliner VS-Leiter, Bernd Palenda, und einen hohen Mitarbeiter des BfV.

06.09.2019 - 14:47 [ BBC ]

Brexit: Opposition parties to reject PM election move

Labour, the Lib Dems, the SNP and Plaid Cymru say they will vote against the government or abstain in Monday‘s vote on whether to hold a snap poll.

06.09.2019 - 14:37 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

Yes, this is Labour‘s official position. An incoherent shambles. Just listen to it. Anyone who has ever negotiated anything in their lives knows why this strategy is totally bonkers.

06.09.2019 - 14:33 [ Guido Fawkes ]

50 Times Labour Promised to Deliver Brexit

Labour didn’t just hint at respecting the EU referendum result during the 2017 General Election, it was a central pledge that they repeated over and over again, as Change Britain have forensically exposed.

06.09.2019 - 14:15 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Labour’s Galactic One Day U Turn

Just yesterday, Ian Lavery demanded the Prime Minister “call a General Election without delay” in his local paper The News Post Leader, a day after refused to vote for one in Parliament and the same day the party announced it would again vote against an October election on Monday.

06.09.2019 - 08:10 [ Daily Mail ]

Labour‘s secret ‚Stop Boris‘ deal with the Scots: ‚Hypocrite‘ Corbyn holds talks with SNP to push General Election back to NOVEMBER to guarantee No Deal Brexit is dead (and because they believe they‘d lose if it was any earlier)

– Labour and SNP chiefs met last night to agree a pact to prevent No Deal Brexit
– Jeremy Corbyn and Ian Blackford said to have agreed no election before Oct 20
– Senior colleagues are petitioning Mr Corbyn to seek an election in November
– Sources say it is because Labour MPs do not think they could win a snap election
– Mr Johnson said he would rather ‚die in a ditch‘ than ask the EU for an extension

06.09.2019 - 06:29 [ Haaretz ]

Poodles of the Autocracy

Over the past few days, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s intentions and modus operandi have been exposed. It once again turns out that he seeks to get rid of all the checks and balances that he views as impediments to his continued rule, and also to annex the settlements to Israel, including even the most isolated and extreme ones, under a new system of government he has invented – “Jewish sovereignty.”

06.09.2019 - 04:41 [ ZDF ]

Irak-Mandat der Bundeswehr – SPD gibt Widerstand auf

Aus der SPD wurde der Weg nun freigemacht.

06.09.2019 - 04:35 [ SWR ]

Bundeswehr diskutiert über intelligente Waffensysteme

Unklar sei zum Beispiel, wer die Verantwortung für die Entscheidungen eines Computers übernehme, erklärte das Ausrüstungsamt der Bundeswehr. Bislang steckten solche Waffensysteme noch in den Kinderschuhen. Dennoch müsse man sich bereits jetzt mit technischen, militärischen oder ethischen Fragen zu ihrem möglichen Einsatz auseinander setzen.

06.09.2019 - 04:23 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]


Wir haben eine Sonderseite mit allen Infos zur Mitgliederkampagne eingerichtet. Es gibt auch ein Banner, das diejenigen, die möchten, auf ihrer Homepage schalten können. Es wäre toll, wenn ihr über ggf. vorhandene Mailverteiler oder soziale Medien auf die Sonderseite (www.imi-online.de/Mitgliederkampagne2019) und die Möglichkeit zur Online-Mitgliedschaft (www.imi-online.de/mitglied-werden/imi-mitglied-werden) verweisen könntet;

06.09.2019 - 03:44 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Remembering Gene Crick, Digital Rights Pioneer

We pause this week to celebrate our longtime friend Gene Crick, a digital rights activist and former president of EFF-Austin, who passed away August 14 in Texas at age 73. Gene was a tireless advocate for free speech, a free, open, and inclusive Internet, and digital rights for everyone in the state of Texas. He worked for many years to bring free Internet access to communities, especially rural and underserved areas, and advocated for broadband access for rural communities.

06.09.2019 - 03:19 [ Fefes Blog ]

Ja super! Soweit muss man erstmal kommen als Zivilisation, dass der Drang zur Zensur so stark wird, dass man das automatisieren muss, und zwar nicht nur die Zensur selbst, sondern sogar schon die Zensurentscheidung.

06.09.2019 - 02:26 [ Reuters ]

Amazon‘s Ring camera raises civil liberties concerns: U.S. senator

Facial recognition technology has been shown to disproportionately misidentify people of color. In a 2018 American Civil Liberties Union study, Rekognition incorrectly matched 28 members of Congress, including Markey, to a database of 25,000 publicly available arrest photos.

06.09.2019 - 01:47 [ SFGATE ]

Four more Northern Californians named as victims in Conception dive boat fire

Carrie McLaughlin and Kristian Takvam, coworkers who lived in Northern California, were on the Conception, which was anchored in Platt‘s Harbor off Santa Cruz Island when it became fully engulfed in flames as passengers slept below deck.

They both worked for San Francisco-based Brilliant, a website that creates interactive science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses. McLaughlin was a senior software engineer and Takvam was vice president of engineering.

06.09.2019 - 01:41 [ Office of Governor Gavin Newsom ]

Governor Newsom Responds to Developments in Conception Boat Fire Investigation

We are saddened to learn that Adrian Dahood-Fritz, who worked for the Ocean Protection Council under the California Natural Resources Agency since April as a senior environmental scientist, and her husband Andrew Fritz, were aboard the boat and are presumed dead. Adrian led the state’s efforts to manage California’s network of marine protected areas, and she cared deeply about the ocean and biodiversity. She embodied marine conservation and was a highly accomplished and respected scientific researcher.

06.09.2019 - 01:11 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Einflusskämpfe im Südkaukasus

In Abchasien spiegeln sich die Einflusskämpfe zwischen den großen Mächten in der Region wie in einem Brennglas wider: Russland sucht seine Stellung zu halten; China baut seine Position mit Hilfe der „Neuen Seidenstraße“ aus; Deutschland und die EU scheinen nach einer Phase harter Blockadepolitik zu neuen Versuchen einer kulturell-ökonomischen Einflussnahme überzugehen. Aus der ersten Runde der Präsidentenwahl sind der Amtsinhaber Raul Chadschimba und der Oppositionspolitiker Alchas Kwitzinia als Sieger hervorgegangen.