Daily Archives: 17. Juni 2022

17.06.2022 - 21:44 [ Radio Utopie ]

Die „Authorization For Use of Military Force“ vom 14. September 2001 im Wortlaut

(29. August 2014)

Die nach den Attentaten vom 11. September in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika dem Präsidenten vom Kongress persönlich ausgestellte Vollmacht, der ein nun fast dreizehn Jahre andauernder weltweiter Terrorkrieg a.k.a. „war on terror“ folgte, ist in Deutschland immer noch weithin unbekannt.

Radio Utopie dokumentiert dieses in jeder Hinsicht verheerende historische Ermächtigungsgesetz im Wortlaut.

17.06.2022 - 21:35 [ Justin Amash, libertarian, member of Congress, 2011-2021 / Nitter.net ]

Pres. Biden has deployed troops to Yemen under the guise of fighting al-Qaeda and ISIS. He falsely claims authority under the 2001 AUMF. There is no such authority. The 2001 AUMF is an authorization against the 9/11 perpetrators, not anyone considered a terrorist in perpetuity.

17.06.2022 - 19:38 [ Justin Amash, libertarian, member of Congress, 2011-2021 / Nitter.net ]

Julian Assange faces prosecution for publishing materials revealing war atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. government is trying to criminalize journalism, endangering everyone. The freedom of the press, the freedom of speech, and all rights are at stake. Free Assange.

17.06.2022 - 19:22 [ Glenn Greenwald ]

The UK‘s Decision to Extradite Assange Shows Why The US/UK‘s Freedom Lectures Are a Farce

The eleven-year persecution of Julian Assange was extended and escalated on Friday morning. The British Home Secretary, Priti Patel, approved the U.S.‘s extradition request to send Julian Assange to Virginia to stand trial on eighteen felony charges under the 1917 Espionage Act and other statutes in connection with the 2010 publication by WikiLeaks of thousands of documents showing widespread corruption, deceit, and war crimes by American and British authorities along with their close dictatorial allies in the Middle East.

This decision is unsurprising — it has been obvious for years that the U.S. and UK are determined to destroy Assange as punishment for his journalism exposing their crimes — yet it nonetheless further highlights the utter sham of American and British sermons about freedom, democracy and a free press.

17.06.2022 - 19:12 [ WikiLeaks / Nitter.net ]

„We‘re going to fight this… I‘m going to spend every waking hour fighting for Julian until he is free, until justice is served“ | Julian Assange‘s wife responding to decision to approve his extradition to the US for publishing, where he faces a 175 year sentence @StellaMoris1

17.06.2022 - 19:06 [ WikiLeaks / Nitter.net ]

BREAKING: UK Home Secretary approves extradition of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to the US where he would face a 175 year sentence – A dark day for Press freedom and for British democracy The decision will be appealed

17.06.2022 - 18:22 [ ZDF ]

Reiche werden immer reicher


Auch im zweiten Jahr der Corona-Pandemie sind die Vermögen dank des Börsen-Booms gestiegen. An dieser Entwicklung wird wohl auch der Ukraine-Krieg wenig ändern.

17.06.2022 - 18:16 [ Capital.de ]

Privatvermögen in Deutschland steigt auf mehr als 20 Billionen Dollar


Mehr als 3000 Superreiche besitzen in Deutschland ein Fünftel des Privatvermögens. Eine neue Studie prognostiziert: Ihre Zahl wird weiter deutlich steigen.

17.06.2022 - 05:47 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Bank of England und SNB: Weitere Notenbanken erhöhen Zinsen

n der Schweiz ist die Inflation allerdings wegen des starken Frankens vergleichsweise gering. Im Mai lag sie bei 2,9 Prozent. Für das Gesamtjahr 2022 wird nun nach SNB-Angaben eine Teuerung der Verbraucherpreise um 2,8 Prozent erwartet. Ohne die Leitzinserhöhung würde die Prognose „deutlich höher“ ausfallen, so die SNB.

„Es wäre fahrlässig, wenn man inflationäre Entwicklung nicht berücksichtigt“, sagte SNB-Präsident Thomas Jordan.

17.06.2022 - 05:42 [ SRF.ch ]

SNB vollzieht Wende – Warum heben Sie die Zinsen an, Herr Jordan?

Eigentlich sind die Notenbanken schon vor Jahren dazu übergegangen, die Finanzmärkte nicht zu überraschen. Es wurde immer angedeutet, wohin die Reise geht. Sie haben die Finanzmärkte jetzt aber doch überrascht, mit einer früheren und stärkeren Zinserhöhung als man das gedacht hätte. Ist das ein Indiz dafür, dass der Entscheid erst in den letzten Stunden gereift ist?


17.06.2022 - 05:32 [ NewStatesman.com ]

Is recession the Bank of England’s only choice?

With inflation still climbing, today the Bank of England has brought out the big guns, raising interest rates by 0.25 percentage points to 1.25 per cent – pushing the cost of borrowing to its highest since February 2009. It joins the US Federal Reserve, its cousin across the Atlantic, which yesterday raised rates by 0.75 percentage points – its biggest rise in almost 30 years.

17.06.2022 - 05:14 [ theHill.com ]

Democrats face congressional rout amid historically terrible headwinds

Democrats knew the first midterm election of President Biden’s tenure in office would be a challenge.

But the cascade of catastrophe that has so dented what little American optimism remained in the waning days of the pandemic and the associated economic recovery has even the most optimistic Democratic Party strategists and pollsters staring into an unprecedented abyss. Their standing, about five months before voters head to the polls, is worse than it has been for any president in modern times, by almost any indicator.

17.06.2022 - 05:02 [ theHill.com ]

Mortgage rates hit 5.78 percent in record spike

That means a monthly mortgage payment on a roughly median-valued $400,000 home, after a 20 percent down payment, would now be $1,874. Last year, the monthly payment on the same home would have been $1,335 — a difference of more than $500.

17.06.2022 - 04:59 [ theHill.com ]

On The Money — Biden tamps down recession fears as Dow plunges

President Biden on Thursday said that a recession is not inevitable in the wake of the Federal Reserve’s decision to raise interest rates at the quickest pace in nearly 30 years.

“First of all, it’s not inevitable,” Biden told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview. “Secondly, we’re in a stronger position than any nation in the world to overcome this inflation.”

17.06.2022 - 04:15 [ ABC News ]

Fed‘s aggressive rate hikes raise likelihood of a recession

Each rate hike means higher borrowing costs for consumers and businesses. And each time would-be borrowers find loan rates prohibitively expensive, the resulting drop in spending weakens confidence, job growth and overall economic vigor.

“There’s a path for us to get there,“ Powell said Wednesday, referring to a soft landing. „It’s not getting easier. It’s getting more challenging”

It was always going to tough: The Fed hasn’t managed to engineer a soft landing since the mid-1990s.

17.06.2022 - 04:10 [ CNN ]

Opinion: The Fed‘s latest rate hike will be a disaster for the economy

Using the Federal Reserve‘s rule of thumb that for every $1 loss in wealth, households reduce spending by 4 cents, the decline in asset prices to date will almost certainly result in consumers cutting back spending.
Such a prospectively large decline in consumer spending is the last thing that an already slowing US economy needs. This is especially the case at a time when consumer spending is already being constrained by sky high gasoline and food prices.

17.06.2022 - 03:56 [ theHill.com ]

Fed hikes rates by 75 basis points for first time since 1994


“The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is causing tremendous human and economic hardship. The invasion and related events are creating additional upward pressure on inflation and are weighing on global economic activity. In addition, COVID-related lockdowns in China are likely to exacerbate supply chain disruptions,” the FOMC said in a statement announcing the interest rate hike.

17.06.2022 - 03:50 [ Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania / Nitter.net ]

We are here together with President @ZelenskyyUa because we know it‘s our duty to act. It‘s our responsibility to keep this momentum & help our Ukrainian friends forge a new future. Focus on the need for peace, the reconstruction effort & the rebuilding of this country’s future.