Daily Archives: 18. Mai 2022
Nitter Redirect
Redirects Twitter requests to Nitter, the privacy friendly alternative.
If I asked governments across the globe to sign an agreement stating that if I ever decide there‘s an emergency, all their powers must be handed over to me, I would rightly be viewed as a total lunatic. But that‘s exactly what the WHO are doing. No thanks. #StopTheTreaty
The WHO To Discuss Global Pandemic Treaty At World Health Assembly May 22-28
That’s why the World Health Organization (WHO) will be discussing a possible Global Pandemic Treaty at the upcoming 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 22 to 28. Yet, despite the clear need for more global coordination, some politicians, some celebrities, and a bunch of social media accounts have been trying to, guess what, argue against such a treaty. They even started a hashtag #StopTheTreaty.
Laufen wir in eine totalitäre Gesellschaft?
Was ist in den letzten zwei Jahren mit unserer Demokratie passiert? Durch die sogenannte Pandemie wurde klar, wie schnell Parlament und Grundrechte ausgehebelt werden können. Und womöglich geht es im Herbst so weiter. Meinungsfreiheit ist inzwischen ein kostbares und seltenes Gut geworden. Laufen wir in eine totalitäre Gesellschaft?
Moskau: 959 Soldaten haben sich in Asow-Stahl-Werk ergeben
Russland hat nach eigenen Angaben fast 700 weitere ukrainische Soldaten aus dem belagerten Asow-Stahl-Werk in Mariupol gefangen genommen. In den vergangenen 24 Stunden hätten sich 694 Kämpfer ergeben, unter ihnen 29 Verletzte, teilte das russische Verteidigungsministerium heute mit. Insgesamt hätten sich seit Montag somit 959 ukrainische Soldaten auf dem Werksgelände in Mariupol ergeben, darunter 80 Verletzte.
Statement Digitalminister Dr. Volker Wissing zur Chatkontrolle
Einige der Vorschläge der Kommission beunruhigen mich, weil sie einen Eingriff in den geschützten Raum der Vertraulichkeit der Kommunikation darstellen könnten: Ich verweise auf den besonderen Schutz der Vertraulichkeit der Kommunikation, die in Deutschland als Fernmeldegeheimnis ein Grundrecht ist. Ich denke dabei auch an das Berufsgeheimnis, insbesondere für Anwälte, Ärzte und Opferberatungsstellen.
Es gibt darüber hinaus viele offene Fragen:
Wie sollen die betroffenen Anbieter die zunächst erforderliche Risikoeinschätzung vornehmen, ohne sich von den Inhalten der Kommunikation Kenntnis zu verschaffen?
Und wie ist damit umzugehen, wenn aufgrund von technischen Verfahren eine Vielzahl von Verdachtsmeldungen eingeht, die sich im Nachhinein als offensichtlich falsch herausstellen. Es darf nicht passieren, dass unbescholtene Bürgerinnen und Bürger unbegründet des Kindesmissbrauchs verdächtigt werden.
People’s Party Blocks Liberal Takeover Attempt
Other members of the board and I were told that any attempt to intervene in the hijacking of the party’s message and purpose, including holding a party-wide vote on vaccine mandates, would be construed as “retaliation” against the accuser, in further acts of collusion between her and those on the board.
When the hostile members of the board and contractors realized that the investigation was not going their way, they encouraged the accuser to escalate her claims. The accuser’s original complaint had not even used the words “sexual harassment,” but they told her to allege rape. This shocked the investigative committee, and one of the members later told me, “Every time I spoke with her, I got a different story. Every time I spoke with you, I heard the same thing.” Another member of the investigative committee put together a list of dozens of inconsistencies between her own accounts.
The original investigation was supposed to last about a week, but because it had not arrived at the predetermined conclusion sought by the hostile board members, they prolonged it week after week for two months, pressuring committee members to alter their conclusions, attempting to censor and expel committee members who objected to the political motives behind the allegations, fabricating new charges of “retaliation” for supporting a party-wide vote on vaccine mandates, and most seriously, engaging in a sustained campaign to replace the legal board of the organization with a partial one that subtracted Rodrigo and me, an attempt that our General Council affirmed was illegal.
Had there been any actual evidence, the investigation would have concluded quickly. Because there was none, they resorted to manufacturing the new charges, further revealing their political motives. But the more her allegations fell apart, the more brazen the hostile faction on the board became. They abandoned their responsibilities in other areas of the party, including organizing, tech, and finance, and focused obsessively on attempting to remove me.
Meanwhile, they were also trying to enact their liberal agenda on the National Organizing Committee. They inserted a provision into the draft charter of the People’s National Committee which would have allowed registered Democrats to control every seat on about forty People’s Party state committees and a supermajority on our national committee, effectively inviting Democratic Party infiltrators. When populist delegates overwhelmingly struck down their provision, they were furious.
Ever since Dems became the majority party in DC — controlling the WH, Exec branch agencies and both houses of Congress — they‘re repeatedly abused that power to summon tech CEOs and threaten them with punishment if they don‘t censor more as Dems want:
Biden just sent hundreds of troops to Somalia in a conflict Congress hasn’t authorized. We just broke the record for border crossings. Democrats’ focus? Cable news programming. They’re more interested in silencing their opponents than doing their jobs.
Progressives Silent on American Hostility in Somalia
BREAKING: Gaetz calls out „progressives“ for not opposing American hostility in Somalia
Schweden, Finnland besiegeln Weg in NATO
Schweden und Finnland nähern sich ihren NATO-Beitritten in großen Schritten an. Die schwedische Außenministerin Ann Linde unterzeichnete am Dienstag den Mitgliedsantrag. Kurz darauf stimmte das finnische Parlament mit überwältigender Mehrheit einem Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft zu. Am Abend unterzeichnete dann schließlich Finnlands Außenminister Pekka Haavisto den Antrag.
Finland and Sweden to walk „hand-in-hand“ into NATO
At a joint press conference in Stockholm, prime minister Magdalena Andersson and Finland‘s President Sauili Niinistö spoke about the long historic relations and co-operation between the two countries, and the importance of taking this step together.