Daily Archives: 16. Juni 2021

16.06.2021 - 17:41 [ politischer Beobachter / Twitter ]

Und wenn die LINKE jetzt noch Wagenknecht rausmobbt, ihre intelligenteste Spitzenpolitikerin, gehen sie den gleichen Weg: steil abwärts. Die LINKE droht sogar an der 5%-Hürde zu scheitern. Wenn ihnen dann auch noch 3 Direktmandate fehlen, fliegen sie aus dem Bundestag.

16.06.2021 - 17:35 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

„Objektiver“ Journalismus: Wenn Til Schweiger sich mit einem „Corona-Schwurbler“ trifft.

Was soll bitte ein „Corona-Schwurbler“ sein? Ist ein Corona-Schwurbler jemand, der die These vertritt, das Virus könnte aus einem Labor stammen? Ist ein Corona-Schwurbler ein Bürger, der die ja nicht so völlig in Abrede zu stellende Auffassung vertritt, auch in einer Pandemie dürften „Grundrechte keinen Ausschalter“ haben – so wie unsere ehemalige Bundesjustizministerin Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger? Genauso die Bezeichnung „Querdenker-Journalist“. Was soll das denn jetzt sein?

16.06.2021 - 17:22 [ Reitschuster.de ]

Starpianist Martin Stadtfeld: „Wer möchte in einer solchen Dystopie leben?“

Als der Schauspieler, Filmemacher und Produzent Til Schweiger am Sonntag seinen knapp 500.000 Instagram-Followern mitteilte, dass er mit Boris Reitschuster befreundet und dieser sein Held sei, trat er damit postwendend eine breit angelegte und massenmedial begleitete Diffamierungskampagne gegen sich und den Gründer von reitschuster.de los.

Dieses Risikos war sich sicherlich auch der deutsche Starpianist Martin Stadtfeld bewusst, als er seinen Gastbeitrag für das Magazin „Cicero“ schrieb…

16.06.2021 - 17:16 [ Reitschuster.de ]

Die Hetzjäger – Medien auf totalitären Abwegen: Til Schweigers Foto mit mir und der Sturm im Medienglas

Nur eines ärgert mich an der Sache: Dass man, statt schönen Analysen, gelegentlich Artikel wie diesen schreiben muss. Die Hetzjäger sind Zeitdiebe. Und damit sie damit nicht wirklich erfolgreich sind, beende ich diesen Text hier. Ich könnte die ganze Hetze selbst nicht einmal annähernd so gut beschreiben, wie sie das durch ihre Hetze selbst tun.

16.06.2021 - 16:51 [ Glenn Greenwald ]

Yet Another Media Tale — Trump Tear-Gassed Protesters For a Church Photo Op — Collapses

The IG‘s conclusion could not be clearer: the media narrative was false from start to finish. Namely, he said, “the evidence did not support a finding that the [U.S. Park Police] cleared the park on June 1, 2020, so that then President Trump could enter the park.” Instead — exactly as Hemingway‘s widely-mocked-by-liberal-outlets article reported — “the evidence we reviewed showed that the USPP cleared the park to allow a contractor to safely install anti-scale fencing in response to destruction of Federal property and injury to officers that occurred on May 30 and May 31.” Crucially, “the evidence established that relevant USPP officials had made those decisions and had begun implementing the operational plan several hours before they knew of a potential Presidential visit to the park, which occurred later that day.“

16.06.2021 - 16:35 [ ORF.at ]

Zwei Kandidaten für Präsidentenwahl im Iran geben auf

Die Macht des Präsidenten im Iran ist begrenzt, über ihm steht der auf Lebenszeit ernannte geistliche Führer. Der Wächterrat hatte ursprünglich sieben Kandidaten von mehr als 300 Bewerbern zugelassen – fünf Ultrakonservative und zwei Reformorientierte.

16.06.2021 - 16:32 [ PressTV.com ]

Presidential candidate Zakani quits Iran’s election race in favor of Raeisi

Principlist candidate Alireza Zakani has resigned from the 2021 presidential election in support of fellow contender Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi, who enjoys the highest support among voters, according to opinion polls.

16.06.2021 - 16:30 [ PressTV.com ]

Reformist Mehr-Alizadeh drops out of Iran’s presidential election, likely boosting fellow Hemmati’s chances

Mohsen Mehr-Alizadeh, one of the Reformist candidates in Iran’s presidential election, has dropped out of the race, in what will likely boost the chances of fellow Reformist candidate Nasser Hemmati for election.

16.06.2021 - 16:00 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Britain is still paying the price for the original sin of locking down

I remind you of these things not to mock the Government’s lack of foresight, but to question whether it has ever been straight with us. Suppose that back in March 2020 the Prime Minister had said that he would micro-manage our lives by law, not for at least three weeks but for at least 17 months. Would the British people would have submitted as meekly as they did? I doubt it.

16.06.2021 - 15:55 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

It doesn’t matter what you say, Prime Minister – June 21 will still be our Freedom Day

No wonder the Brothers Grim, Whitty and Vallance, looked ill at ease as they attempted to pass off hugely encouraging charts as looming calamity. Because the physical Covid numbers are now so low, they resorted to percentages instead. Hospital admissions had increased “by 50 per cent in a week”, warned the Chief Medical Officer.

A 50 per cent increase in Covid patients sounds really bad, doesn’t it? Well, it isn’t. NHS England reported 137 Covid admissions on June 12

16.06.2021 - 15:50 [ lbc.co.uk ]

‚Hammer blow‘: PM‘s Freedom Day delay ‚devastating‘ for country

LBC has been inundated with calls from people furious at the announcement.

Last night one contributor told Iain Dale the entire political class were „utterly ruining“ the economy, hospitality and aviation industries.

Shadow Home Secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds said in a speech today the blame lies squarely with Downing Street.

16.06.2021 - 14:51 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Facemasks forever, WFH, self-isolation and travel quarantine to stay, and MORE restrictions in winter? Leaked Step 4 Whitehall document reveals how ‚new normal‘ could look even AFTER July 19 new Freedom Day – as Boris faces Commons revolt in vote tonight

– Boris Johnson is facing the prospect of a damaging revolt by dozens of MPs in crucial lockdown vote tonight
– Government all-but guaranteed victory as Labour is backing the move but opposition seems to be growing
– Leaked Whitehall document has suggested that a number of restriction will stay even after new July 19 date

16.06.2021 - 14:30 [ .srf.ch ]

Biden und Putin in Genf – Putin und Biden reichen sich die Hand – der Gipfel beginnt

Russlands Staatschef Putin ist in Genf gelandet: Um 13:30 Uhr kommt er mit US-Präsident Joe Biden zum ersten Gipfeltreffen zusammen.
Das weltweit mit Spannung erwartete Treffen soll rund vier bis fünf Stunden dauern. Gemäss Kreml-Angaben könnte es aber auch länger gehen.

16.06.2021 - 09:33 [ i24news.tv ]

IDF chief Kohavi to make postponed Washington trip; discuss Gaza, Iran

Kohavi was initially set to meet with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, head of the US Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., and head of the US Special Operations Command Gen. Richard D. Clark, according to The Jerusalem Post.

16.06.2021 - 09:19 [ Ynetnews.com ]

Israel strikes Hamas sites in Gaza after incendiary balloon attacks

The attacks from Gaza came in response to the controversial flag parade in Jerusalem on Tuesday that had drawn threats of action by Hamas. The overnight airstrikes gave way to calm by morning, and there were no reports of casualties on either side.

16.06.2021 - 08:36 [ עומדים ביחד نقف معًا Standing Together / Twitter ]

The „March of Flags“ in Jerusalem isn‘t a peacful protest. It is a VIOLENT SPREE, where racist settlers attack Palestinian bystanders, burst into homes, all while shouting „DEATH TO ARABS!“ The new Minister of Public Security @omerbarlev from Labor Party was WRONG to allow it

16.06.2021 - 08:21 [ Yair Wallach ‏/ Twitter ]

As the Jerusalem reporter for Haaretz confirms: nearly 100% of Palestinian demonstrations in East Jerusalem are violently dispersed by police not because they turn violent, but because of chanting or the raising of the Palestinian Flag.

16.06.2021 - 08:11 [ Tom Bateman ‏/ Twitter ]

#Israeli police beating a #Palestinian man who manages to escape – filmed by a colleague at #DamascusGate

16.06.2021 - 08:05 [ Times of Gaza / Twitter ]

The slogans used by Israeli settlers at Damascus Gate today:- *”Death to Arabs“ * “May your village burn” * “A second Nakba is coming“


16.06.2021 - 08:00 [ Haaretz ]

Seventeen Palestinian Protesters Arrested as Thousands Attend Jerusalem Right-wing March

Thousands of people took part in the controversial right-wing Flag March in Jerusalem on Tuesday, with police clashing with hundreds of Palestinian protesters near the Old City‘s Damascus Gate as tensions with Gaza run high after last month‘s fighting.

Mounted police and skunk water were used to disperse them, while at Herod’s Gate, police fired sponge-tipped bullets at protesters. Police arrested 17 Palestinian protesters.