Daily Archives: 27. November 2020

27.11.2020 - 22:14 [ France24 ]

Cyprus rocky testing ground for Mars

The CSEO is taking part in a major international research project on Mars, in collaboration with three other European countries as well as the United States.

27.11.2020 - 19:48 [ teleSUR ]

Mexico: Senate Passes a Reform Set To End Presidential Immunity

„With this profound modification we will make an avant-garde transformation not only with respect to Mexico‘s history, but also in the international sphere, and we will set an example of a new political structure,“ Morena Party senator Marti Batres said.

27.11.2020 - 19:26 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Politische Krise in Peru: Rufe nach neuer Verfassung reißen nicht ab

Im Fadenkreuz all dieser Vorwürfe steht die berüchtigte Gruppe „Terna“ – eine Spezialeinheit, die ohne Amtskennzeichen und als Zivilist:innen getarnt aktiv ist.

27.11.2020 - 18:12 [ Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran / Twitter ]

Terrorists murdered an eminent Iranian scientist today. This cowardice—with serious indications of Israeli role—shows desperate warmongering of perpetrators Iran calls on int‘l community—and especially EU—to end their shameful double standards & condemn this act of state terror.

27.11.2020 - 18:09 [ CNN ]

Iran‘s top nuclear scientist killed in apparent assassination, state media reports

Iran‘s top nuclear scientist was reportedly killed Friday in an apparent assassination that the country‘s foreign minister linked to Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s office has not responded to CNN‘s request for comment.

27.11.2020 - 18:05 [ DNSViz.net ]

DNSViz is a tool for visualizing the status of a DNS zone. It was designed as a resource for understanding and troubleshooting deployment of the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC).

It provides a visual analysis of the DNSSEC authentication chain for a domain name and its resolution path in the DNS namespace, and it lists configuration errors detected by the tool.

27.11.2020 - 13:59 [ addons.mozilla.org ]

Disable WebRTC

WebRTC leaks your actual IP addresses from behind your VPN, by default.

27.11.2020 - 13:58 [ Browserleaks.com ]

WebRTC Leak Test

To disable RTCPeerConnection and protect IP addresses leakage, go to about:config and toggle media.peerconnection.enabled to false.

To disable Media Devices, toggle media.navigator.enabled as well as media.peerconnection.enabled both to false.

27.11.2020 - 13:55 [ SpyOff.com ]

Turn off WebRtc and surf anonymously


This little practical test proves that a simple script on a web page is sufficient to find out the actual IP address of a user.

27.11.2020 - 13:48 [ addons.mozilla.org ]

uBlock Origin

Finally, an efficient wide-spectrum content blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.

27.11.2020 - 13:37 [ HowToGeek.com ]

How to See (and Disable) the Telemetry Data Firefox Collects About You

Type about:config into the address bar and then hit the Enter key. The page loads with a warning about the impacts of changing these preferences and the effect it can have on Firefox. Click the “Accept the risk and continue” button.

In the search bar, type each of the following preferences and then set them to the value provided to the right:

devtools.onboarding.telemetry.logged = false
toolkit.telemetry.updatePing.enabled = false
browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.telemetry = false
browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.telemetry = false
browser.ping-centre.telemetry = false
toolkit.telemetry.bhrPing.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.firstShutdownPing.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.hybridContent.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.newProfilePing.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.reportingpolicy.firstRun = false
toolkit.telemetry.shutdownPingSender.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.unified = false
toolkit.telemetry.updatePing.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.reportingpolicy.firstRun = false
toolkit.telemetry.unified = false
toolkit.telemetry.archive.enabled = false
devtools.onboarding.telemetry.logged = false
toolkit.telemetry.bhrPing.enabled = false
datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled = false
datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled = false
datareporting.sessions.current.clean = true
datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled = false
datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled = false
datareporting.sessions.current.clean = true

27.11.2020 - 13:01 [ Loopsider / Twitter ]

DOCUMENT: la séquence intégrale des 13 minutes de l‘agression policière contre un producteur de musique parisien. Attention: images difficiles de violences et d‘insultes racistes.

27.11.2020 - 12:59 [ Heise.de ]

Frankreich: Sicherheitsstaat Nummer 1

Die Version, die der Musikproduzent erzählt, erklärt das Gerangel an der Tür. Er sei am Samstagabend gegen 19 Uhr 40 auf dem Weg zu seinem Studio gewesen, ohne eine Nasen- und Mundschutzmaske zu tragen, wie sie vorgeschrieben ist, und dabei an einem Polizeiauto vorbeigekommen, weswegen er sich beeilt habe, ins Haus zu kommen, wo sich sein Studio befindet. Die Polizisten seien ausgestiegen und seien ihm bis zum Eingang des Studios gefolgt, wo das Gerangel begann.

27.11.2020 - 12:28 [ Martina Renner, Mitglied des Bundestages / Twitter ]

Der Zeuge kommt nochmal in die nächste Sitzung. Außerdem werden Staatssekretär Lenz und Ex-Innenminister Caffier geladen. Über ein Ordnungsgeld für die willkürliche Aussageverweigerung des LfV-Leiters wird #UA1BT gesondert befinden.

27.11.2020 - 11:13 [ Tagesschau ]

Fall Amri: „Affront“ im Untersuchungsausschuss


Immer wieder hatte Reinhard Müller, Leiter des Verfassungsschutzes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, die Aussage in der öffentlichen Sitzung verweigert, immer wieder hatte er dafür die ähnliche Begründung angegeben: Er wolle sich zu innerdienstlichen Angelegenheiten nicht öffentlich äußern.

27.11.2020 - 00:13 [ France24 ]

Paris police officers suspended over brutal beating of Black man

In a Twitter message posted hours after Loopsider published the video, Darmanin said he asked the Paris police prefect to suspend the police officers concerned as a precautionary measure. “I hope the disciplinary proceedings can be conducted as soon as possible,” said Darmanin.