Daily Archives: 27. März 2020

27.03.2020 - 23:54 [ KBS ]

Südkorea stoppt vorerst Auslandswahl in 17 Ländern und Gebieten

Dies bedeutet, dass Wahlberechtigte in den betroffenen Regionen ihre Stimme für die Parlamentswahl am 15. April nicht abgeben können.

Zu den 17 Ländern zählen unter anderem Italien, Deutschland, Spanien, Irland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Ghana, Südafrika, Nepal und das US-Außengebiet Guam.

27.03.2020 - 22:57 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Argentinien: Gedenken an Militärputsch im Zeichen der Corona-Epidemie

Am 24. März 1976 putschte in Argentinien das Militär gegen die demokratische Regierung von María Estela Martínez de Perón. In knapp acht Jahren Diktatur wurden rund 30.000 Menschen ermordet oder zum „Verschwinden“ gebracht.

27.03.2020 - 19:33 [ Aarhus University Hospital ]

Does a Japanese medication for heartburn work on corona patients?

At the moment, the researchers are waiting for the actual drug to arrive from Japan.

27.03.2020 - 19:32 [ Kopenhagen Post ]

Coronavirus Round-Up: Eight more deaths in Denmark

Researchers at the University of Aarhus are assessing an already established drug that could prevent the coronavirus from spreading into the human lungs and perhaps slow down the pandemic. Camostat mesylate was developed several years ago for the treatment of heartburn and pancreatitis in Japan, where it was approved by the Japanese Medicines Agency. A trial is planned to test it on 180 coronavirus patients across Denmark as early as next week.

27.03.2020 - 19:14 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Labor Party Leader Mulls Joining Netanyahu Government

Peretz‘s decision to join the government does not dramatically alter the political balance, as there are only three Labor lawmakers in the new Knesset, and one of them, Merav Michaeli, might decide to defect to Meretz, which sits further left on the political specturm, if Labor joins Netanyahu.

27.03.2020 - 18:49 [ Washington Post ]

Gouged prices, middlemen and medical supply chaos: Why governors are so upset with Trump

Masks that used to cost pennies now cost several dollars. Companies outside the traditional supply chain offer wildly varying levels of price and quality. Health authorities say they have few other choices to meet their needs in a ‘dog-eat-dog’ battle.

27.03.2020 - 18:21 [ Washington Post / Youtube ]

WATCH LIVE: House debates $2 trillion coronavirus emergency relief bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) agreed to approve the measure with a voice vote Friday that would not require all 430 current members of the House to travel to the Capitol, given that two lawmakers have contracted the disease and others are self-quarantining due to exposure to confirmed carriers.The leadership also is taking meticulous steps to change the protocol for debate and voting to ensure the safety of lawmakers.

One lawmaker, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) is threatening to stymie swift passage of the stimulus bill, potentially delaying a vote until the weekend.

27.03.2020 - 18:18 [ Sunrise Movement / Twitter ]

House Dems have their hands tied, they can either: 1)Vote yes for a corporate bailout that does little to help working people or 2) Vote no on the stimulus bill that‘s the only plan on the table before Congress goes on recess for a month As @AOC said, these options are shameful

27.03.2020 - 18:05 [ courier-journal.com ]

Trump calls for ousting GOP congressman from party ahead of coronavirus relief vote

„Looks like a third rate grandstander named (Thomas Massie), a congressman from, unfortunately, a truly GREAT state, Kentucky, wants to vote against the new Save Our Workers Bill in Congress,“ Trump tweeted early Friday.

Massie‘s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but the congressman signaled he was moving forward despite bipartisan calls to forgo calling for a roll call vote.

27.03.2020 - 17:55 [ Thomas Massie, Abgeordneter im US Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

(8/11) This bill creates even more secrecy around a Federal Reserve that still refuses to be audited. It allows the Federal Reserve to make decisions about who gets what, how much money we’ll print. With no transparency.

27.03.2020 - 17:50 [ investing.com ]

US-Repräsentantenhaus entscheidet über Billionen-Hilfspaket

Derweil waren die US-amerikanischen Aktienmärkte in der Hoffnung auf das Konjunkturpaket sowie der scheinbar unerschöpflichen geldpolitischen Maßnahmen, die die Federal Reserve treffen kann, gestern erneut gestiegen.

27.03.2020 - 17:12 [ The Hill / Twitter ]

Rep. @AOC : „What did the Senate majority fight for? One of the largest corporate bailouts with as few strings as possible in American history. Shameful!“

27.03.2020 - 11:54 [ Justin Amash, Abgeordneter im US Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

Just ten years after the Tea Party movement, Republicans in Congress are defending a $500 billion corporate welfare fund for a select group of large companies.

27.03.2020 - 11:32 [ Patriotic Millionaires ]

A COVID-19 Economy: I’m Not Worried About the 1%. I’m Terrified for the Bottom 50%.


I am worried about all of the people who are usually standing behind the counter asking me what vegetables I want with my tofu, and putting carrots or broccoli or whatever into my bowl. I am worried about the people who clean this restaurant, who prepare the food in the back, who deliver the food to staff here every day.

I am worried about the millions of Americans in millions of restaurants and bars and retail shops like this one living paycheck-to-paycheck, facing the potential of cut hours, full closures, no sick leave, no benefits, and no outside income to cushion them through this disaster whatsoever. That is the reality of over half our country.

If these people – millions and millions of us – are not working, are they going to be paying their cell phone bills? Their credit card bills? Are they going to be bringing their kids to music class? Are they going to be able to pay for even the most basic necessities like groceries or rent?

27.03.2020 - 09:33 [ Ansa.it ]

Conte, 8 EU leaders call for ‚Coronabonds‘

The letter was signed by Spain, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Greece, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy, the Italian premier‘s office at Palazzo Chigi said.

27.03.2020 - 09:31 [ ZDF ]

Gipfel der EU-Länderchefs – Corona-Krise: Merkel bittet um Geduld

Sechs Stunden tagten die EU-Länderchefs per Videokonferenz. Auf Finanzhilfen für angeschlagene Staaten wie Italien konnte man sich nicht einigen. Merkel bittet Deutsche um Geduld.

Eigentlich hätte die Videokonferenz der 27 Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU nur zwei Stunden dauern sollen.

27.03.2020 - 09:27 [ Kathimerini ]

EU leaders fail to agree on coronavirus economic rescue

European Union leaders failed to agree on Thursday on the scale of support for their economies battered by the coronavirus, but gave themselves two more weeks to work out details in a dispute between the ailing south and the fiscally conservative north.

Highlighting how the pandemic is testing the bloc’s cohesion, Germany and the Netherlands blocked a call from Italy, Spain and France to issue joint debt to help finance a recovery.

27.03.2020 - 09:26 [ ORF.at ]

EU-Gipfel einig: Vorschläge in zwei Wochen

Die EU-Staats- und -Regierungschefs begrüßten zudem die Entscheidung, Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Nordmazedonien und Albanien aufzunehmen, wie aus der gemeinsamen Gipfelerklärung hervorgeht.

27.03.2020 - 08:20 [ i24news.tv ]

After Blue & White split, Lapid slams Gantz for ‚betraying‘ voters, ‚capitulating‘ to Netanyahu

Lapid, who heads Yesh Atid, told journalists at a press conference that „Benny Gantz decided today to break apart Blue and White and crawl into Netanyahu‘s government.“

„What‘s being formed today isn‘t a unity government and not an emergency government. It‘s another Netanyahu government. Benny Gantz surrendered without a fight,“ he added.

27.03.2020 - 08:19 [ p2a.co ]

Congress must remove the Mnuchin corporate slush fund and put the American people first.

On March 25th, The Senate voted to pass the 3rd coronavirus relief package based on the proposal from Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans that features, among other provisions, a nearly $500 billion slush fund that would be controlled by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Mnuchin, who is best known for making millions off running a notorious foreclosure mill, would be able to direct corporate bailouts with limited, after-the-fact oversight. This is absolutely unacceptable.

27.03.2020 - 08:11 [ CommonDreams.org ]

‚Looting of America by Big Corporations‘: Progressives Appalled as Senate Unanimously Passes Largest Bailout Bill in US History

By a vote of 96-0, the United States Senate Wednesday night passed an enormous coronavirus stimulus package that would provide some desperately needed economic relief to struggling workers and the unemployed while establishing a $4.5 trillion fund to bail out large corporations—with little to no enforceable restrictions.

Progressives didn‘t mince words in response to the unanimous vote, which sends the largest bailout legislation in U.S. history to the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, where it could pass as early as Friday before heading to President Donald Trump‘s desk for his signature.

27.03.2020 - 07:07 [ Huffington Post ]

Democrats Are Handing Donald Trump The Keys To The Country – The Senate coronavirus bill is shocking.

Democrats control the House. They can pass any bill they like and dare Senate Republicans and the president to oppose a serious bill for a serious problem.

Or they can rubber-stamp the Senate bill and help Donald Trump foreclose on the next generation of American democracy.

27.03.2020 - 05:36 [ Sarah Mucha, for @CNN covering the 2020 election and @JoeBiden / Twitter ]

Joe Biden put on a Phillies hat during his @jimmykimmel appearance in honor of opening day. Kimmel told him that‘s not a way to win voters, to which Biden replied, „It’s the way to be able to sleep with my wife. She’s a Philly girl.“

27.03.2020 - 05:30 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Krystal and Saagar: Biden CRASHES AND BURNS in multiple TV appearance


Krystal and Saagar take a look at some of Joe Biden‘s cringey coronavirus responses on CNN, MSNBC.

27.03.2020 - 03:42 [ Tiroler Tageszeitung ]

Meinl-Reisinger alarmiert wegen Big Data: „Nicht Daten der Bürger abzapfen“

Inakzeptabel in so einem sensiblen Bereich wäre es, „von den Regierungsparteien einen Antrag auf den Tisch geknallt zu bekommen – nach dem Motto: Vogel friss oder stirb.“

27.03.2020 - 03:25 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Abandoned the Camp

Gantz was a source of hope to millions of Israelis yearning to put an end to Netanyahu’s rule, which is crushing democracy while tearing the population to shreds. On Thursday their hope was shattered, to the laughter of the opposing camp, the one that led the country into moral corruption and that has now added another soldier to its ranks and bought about the disintegration of the alternative.

27.03.2020 - 02:43 [ 972 Magazine ]

Gantz chooses Netanyahu’s incitement over Arab-Jewish partnership

Benny Gantz could have made history by forming a minority government with the support of the Palestinian parties. Instead he dismantled his own political camp and joined his rival.

27.03.2020 - 02:09 [ Ynet ]

Lapid: Gantz stole votes, gave them to Netanyahu

Lapid lambasted Gantz‘s actions as „a betrayal to voters and a theft of votes.“