Daily Archives: 15. August 2019
The role of the United States must be to bring parties together to resolve conflict. When we are in the White House we will push the leadership on both sides to reach an agreement that creates peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.
@RashidaTlaib @IlhanMN I am blessed to serve alongside you and your voices & leadership matter deeply my sisters. We won’t stand for this.
I’m calling this like I see it: bigoted, short sighted and cruel. Any leader committed to advancing democracy would welcome with open arms two democratically elected United States Congresswomen. And every single member of Congress should be calling this out.
Netanyahu Backtracks After Pressure From Trump, Bars Omar, Tlaib From Entering Israel
Barring Congresswoman would greatly damage Israel‘s relations with Democratic party, Israeli diplomats warn ■ Trump tweets allowing their visit is ‚great show of weakness‘
Israel bars Democratic congresswomen from entering country
The spokesman did not specify when the decision was made or who made the final decision, but the announcement comes shortly after US President Donald Trump said Israel would be showing „great weakness“ by allowing them to enter the country.
Jeffrey Epstein had broken bones in his neck and suffered injuries commonly linked to hanging OR strangulation, autopsy reveals – as billionaire‘s mystery ‚associate‘ claims the body
– Jeffrey Epstein‘s autopsy report reveals that the pedophile had broken bones in his neck, consistent with a hanging
– Sources tell The Washington Post that he had a broken hyoid bone – a break seen in those who hang themselves but more common in strangulation victims
– The autopsy was completed Sunday, but the New York City‘s chief medical examiner listed the 66-year-old‘s cause of death as pending and not a suicide
– A source says Epstein was in ‚great spirits‘ before his death in jail Saturday
– He met daily with lawyers at Metropolitan Correctional Center and believed his legal team would win an appeal to get him bail
– Epstein told his lawyer Friday, ‚I‘ll see you Sunday‘, but was found dead Saturday
– He was taken off suicide watch and given his own cell after allegedly telling his lawyers that his cellmate Nicholas Tartaglione inflicted the neck injuries on him
„From the minute that the judge made his order, the ship is no longer any compulsion to stay within the jurisdiction,“ lawyer Charles Gomez says outside the Supreme Court of Gibraltar of the supertanker at the center of a standoff with Tehran
Gibraltar erlaubt Auslaufen von iranischem Tanker
Das Oberste Gericht des britischen Überseegebiets Gibraltar hat das Auslaufen des seit Anfang Juli dort festgesetzten iranischen Öltankers „Grace 1“ erlaubt. Ein Antrag der US-Regierung, das Schiff dauerhaft zu beschlagnahmen, wurde damit heute verworfen.
JUST IN: A Gibraltar judge has agreed to release Grace 1, the Iranian oil tanker seized near the British overseas territory
Aufruf gegen No-Deal-Brexit Corbyn findet keine Unterstützung
Der Chef der größten britischen Oppositionspartei soll eine Revolte gegen Premierminister Boris Johnson planen. Doch Corbyn fehlen die Unterstützer. Seine Idee sei „nonsense“, so das Echo.
Full text of President Moon‘s Liberation Day address
Liberation was not just a cause for celebration for us alone. It was a day that marked the end of longstanding wars that had raged for over 60 years, including the First Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, the Manchurian Incident, the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War. It was also the day of liberation for East Asia. The Japanese people were also able to cast off the yoke of imperialistic oppression and were liberated from wars of aggression.
(3rd LD) S. Korea expresses ‚deep concerns‘ over Abe‘s offering to controversial war shrine
„The government expresses deep concerns over responsible leaders of the Japanese government and parliament sending offerings and paying respects again at the Yasukuni Shrine that glorifies Japan‘s past colonial plunder and war of invasion and enshrines war criminals,“ Seoul‘s foreign ministry said in a press release.
Japan‘s Abe skips Yasukuni shrine visit but sends offering
Past visits by Japanese leaders to Yasukuni have outraged South Korea and China because the shrine honours 14 Japanese wartime leaders convicted as war criminals.
Korea feiert 74. Tag der Unabhängigkeit
In Anwesenheit von etwa 1.800 Personen, darunter Präsident Moon Jae-in, sind 178 Unabhängigkeitskämpfer und deren Hinterbliebene mit Preisen und Orden ausgezeichnet worden.
Nach Angaben des Ministeriums für Inneres und Sicherheit sind die heutigen Zeremonien und Begleitprogramme zum 74. Unabhängigkeitstag und zum 70. Jubiläum der Regierungsgründung vom dem Leitthema „Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel und in allen Ländern auf der Erde“ geprägt.
China requests closed UNSC meeting on Kashmir
Last week, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that Beijing was very concerned regarding the situation surrounding Kashmir, stressing that the issue should be resolved by peaceful means and in accordance with the UN Charter, the Security Council’s resolutions and bilateral agreements.
In a separate statement, Yi said that India had changed the status quo in the Kashmir region by amending the Indian Constitution.
Galápagos: vom Weltnaturerbe zum Flugzeugträger der USA?
Mit der Begründung der „Zusammenarbeit“ sind die US-Streitkräfte ein Jahrzehnt nach ihrer Ausweisung nach Ecuador zurückgekehrt. Damals stimmte die Regierung von Rafael Correa nach der Mobilisierung und Forderung verschiedener sozialer Organisationen zu, das Abkommen mit den USA über die Nutzung der Basis von Manta (1999 unterzeichnet und bis 2009 gültig) nicht zu verlängern.
Skandal um Itaipú-Kraftwerk: Präsident von Paraguay droht Prozess
Itaipú ist nach dem Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm in China das größte Wasserkraftwerk der Erde. Es liegt an der Grenze zwischen Paraguay und Brasilien.
Präsidentschaftswahl: Haushoher Favorit – in der ersten Runde
Boliviens Staatschef Evo Morales geht als Favorit in die für den 20. Oktober vorgesehenen Präsidentschaftswahlen. Nach einer aktuellen Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts »Via Ciencia« im Auftrag mehrerer privater Fernsehsender liegt er mit gut 39 Prozent Unterstützung weit vor dem wichtigsten Oppositionskandidaten Carlos Mesa.
Pakistan’s response to Kashmir is only helping Modi. It should stay out of this.
Its response has been knee-jerk, unfathomable — and, above all, ironic. Every outburst and flailing against India only validates the Modi government and rallies Indian public opinion behind it. In other words, while claiming to lash out at him, Pakistan is only making Modi look better, even among those Indians who do not agree with the prime minister’s handling of Kashmir.
Gibraltar source: Iran tanker likely to be allowed to leave after court decision
A court in Gibraltar will on Thursday decide whether to extend the detention of the ship which was seized on June 4.
Ermittlungen zu Zusammenhang von Ibiza-Video und ÖVP-Schredder-Affäre
Da der Konnex nicht ausgeschlossen werden könne bzw. „nach Ansicht der WKStA mit der für die Annahme einer Konnexität (….) erforderlichen Wahrscheinlichkeit anzunehmen ist, wird das Verfahren bis zur Klärung, ob ein derartiger Konnex besteht, von der WKStA geführt“, heißt es unter Verweis auf die entsprechende Rechtslage für die Zuständigkeit der Korruptionsermittler.
„Ibiza“ und „Schreddern“: Ermittlungen zu möglicher Verbindung
Die Wirtschafts- und Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft (WKStA) vermutet einen Konnex zwischen dem (ehemalige FPÖ-Granden belastenden) „Ibiza-Video“ und dem Schreddern von Festplatten des Bundeskanzleramts durch einen ÖVP-Mitarbeiter. Das geht aus Anfragebeantwortungen von Justizminister Clemens Jabloner an NEOS hervor, die der ZIB2 vorliegen
ASIA MARKETS: Asian Markets Retreat On Global Recession Fears
Japan‘s Nikkei dropped 1.2% while Hong Kong‘s Hang Seng Index was last in positive territory after sharply recovering from early losses. The Shanghai Composite fell 0.8% while the smaller-cap Shenzhen Composite slipped 1%. Benchmark indexes in Taiwan , Singapore and Indonesia all retreated, and Australia‘s S&P/ASX 200 slumped 2.2%. South Korea‘s Kospi was closed for a holiday.
Dow tumbles 800 points in biggest one day fall of year on global economic growth slowdown
Bank stocks led the decline Wednesday as the inversion of the yield curve is seen making it harder for banks traditional business model to work when short term borrowing costs are higher than longer term lending rates.
Bank of America BAC, -4.69%, Citigroup CITI, -5.40% and J.P. Morgan JPM, -4.15% all ended sharply lower.
Jeremy Corbyn has sought the support of Tory MPs to form a national government. Ramsay MacDonald was the last Labour Leader to enter into government with Tories. At the subsequent election, Labour was devastated and lost 225. #NoNationalUnityGovernment
Hong Kong crisis: Trump moots ‘personal meeting’ with China’s Xi
In a tweet Mr Trump said he was confident Mr Xi could deal with Hong Kong‘s increasingly fractious protests „quickly and humanely“.
He wrote that Mr Xi „is a great leader who very much has the respect of his people“.
The president signed off the tweet with a question: „Personal meeting?“
Chinese paramilitary members are gathered near Hong Kong border
CNN saw uniformed members of the People‘s Armed Police Force (PAP) with riot shields and batons at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center.
The PAP is the 1.5 million-member paramilitary force the government regularly deploys to quell protests within its borders. It is under the command of China‘s central military commission, headed by Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Corbyn will Johnson stürzen
Britische Medien berichten, Oppositionsführer Corbyn wolle Premierminister Johnson per Misstrauensvotum stürzen. Als Chef einer Übergangsregierung will er so den No-Deal-Brexit verhindern und anschließend ein zweites Referendum.
Jeremy Corbyn‘s Number 10 coup: Labour leader writes to rebel Tory MPs offering to fight for a new referendum IF they help to make him caretaker Prime Minister to stop No Deal immediately
– Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been accused of plotting a ‚desperate‘ coup
– He pleaded for support in bringing a no confidence vote to prevent No Deal
– Embarrassingly Mr Corbyn‘s plans have been rejected by the Lib Dems already