Archiv: IBM (monopolies)

11.09.2023 - 23:04 [ Federation of American Scientists - ]

CRITICAL FOUNDATIONS: PROTECTING AMERICA’S INFRASTRUCTURES – The Report of the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection


Existing Information Sharing Efforts

(…) We also found a great deal of information sharing already underway. Trade associations, consortia, and other groups exchange information among their members and, in some cases, directly with government. Many federal, state and local government agencies have existing relationships with infrastructure owners and operators. Within all the infrastructure sectors, at least some portions are subject to regulatory control by government agencies, and information is shared, albeit sometimes within carefully defined constraints. Several federal agencies provide information to infrastructure owners and operators. The FBI’s Awareness of National Security Issues and Response (ANSIR) program gives over 25,000 industry members information that provides threat and vulnerability insights. More narrowly focused programs are the Department of Transportation’s terrorist threat notification to the civil aviation industry and the National Security Agency’s INFOSEC Vulnerability Assessment Program, which provides information systems-related data to private sector partners. The Comptroller of the Currency operates another system providing advisories on information integrity and security risks to financial institutions.


The third and least predictable threat to the infrastructure comes from deliberate attack. Depending on their objectives, attackers may seek to steal, modify, or destroy data stored in information systems or moving over networks, or to degrade the operation of the systems and net-works themselves, denying service to their users. Attackers include national intelligence organizations, information warriors, terrorists, criminals, industrial competitors, hackers, and aggrieved or disloyal insiders. While insiders constitute the single largest known security threat to information and information systems, controlled testing indicates that large numbers of computer based attacks go undetected, and that the unknown component of the threat may exceed the known component by orders of magnitude.


The air traffic control system of the FAA is based on decades old technology. The replacement system, while doubtless more efficient, will be more vulnerable unless special security measures are incorporated.


The Commission recommends the Secretary of Transportation:

1) Fully evaluate actual and potential sources of interference to, and vulnerabilities of, GPS before a final decision is reached to eliminate all other radiovnavigation and aircraft landing guidance systems.

2) Sponsor a risk assessment for GPS-based systems used by the civilian sector, projected from now through the year 2010.

3) Base decisions regarding the proper federal navigation systems mix and the final architecture of the NAS on the results of that assessment. The DOT and FAA must develop a better understanding of interference and other vulnerabilities of GPS before a final decision is reached concerning the status of all other radionavigation and landing guidance systems. A federally sponsored thorough, integrated risk assessment would lay a sound foundation for decisions on future courses of action.

The National Airspace System

The Commission recommends the FAA act immediately to develop, establish, fund, and implement a comprehensive National Airspace System Security Program to protect the modernized NAS from information-based and other disruptions, intrusions and attack. Program implementation should be guided by the recommendations found in the Vulnerability Assessment of the NAS Architecture, prepared for the Commission. The Vulnerability Assessment included the following recommendations: (…)

3) The FAA should consider the implementation of full “trusted” hardware and software security capabilities for only the FAA’s most vulnerable future subsystems, since the software cost for embedded applications, together with full audit, tracking, and monitoring, may be too great if applied to all subsystems. Relaxation of the full capabilities, such as less rapid revalidation (e.g., a slower fifteen minutes down time) and less constant vigilance of data integrity, should be considered on a case-by-case basis for less critical subsystems, particularly in situations where existing air traffic control recovery procedures exist.

4) The FAA should conduct a comprehensive investment analysis of NAS INFOSEC in order to determine the degree of security protection that is needed


Transportation: A critical infrastructure characterized by the physical distribution system critical to supporting the national security and economic well-being of this nation, including the national airspace system, airlines and aircraft, and airports; roads and highways,trucking and personal vehicles; ports and waterways and the vessels operating thereon; mass transit, both rail and bus; pipelines, including natural gas, petroleum, and other hazardous materials; freight and long haul passenger rail; and delivery services.

22.05.2023 - 00:34 [ IBM ]

IBM Launches $100 Million Partnership with Global Universities to Develop Novel Technologies Towards a 100,000-Qubit Quantum-Centric Supercomputer

Over the next decade, IBM plans to work with university partners and its worldwide quantum ecosystem to evolve how its quantum processors can be connected via quantum interconnects. This work will aim to enable high-efficiency, high-fidelity inter-processor quantum operations and a reliable, flexible, and affordable system component infrastructure to allow scaling to 100,000 qubits.

IBM‘s collaboration with the University of Chicago will build upon the Chicago area‘s strengths in quantum research. The University of Chicago seeded the region‘s quantum ecosystem more than a decade ago with the decision to make quantum technology a focus of what is now the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering.

22.05.2023 - 00:10 [ ]

IBM hat seinen ersten 1.000-Qubit-Computer für den On-Premises-Einsatz verkauft


Der Schutz der Qubits vor Störeinflüssen aus der Umgebung stand bei der Entwicklung von Anfang an an erster Stelle. Die empfindliche Instrumentierung wird in einem neun Fuß mal neun Fuß großen, luftdichten Gehäuse untergebracht, das aus einem halben Zoll dicken Borosilikatglas besteht, wobei der Kryostat, die Steuerelektronik und der Rahmen strukturell von den Kernkomponenten isoliert sind.

22.05.2023 - 00:05 [ ]

IBM begins installing on-premise quantum computer at Ohio’s Cleveland Clinic

(October 24, 2022)

Cleveland Clinic will also be home to the world’s first on-premise Q System Two – IBM’s ‘next generation 1,000+ qubit‘ system – in the future. The company‘s most powerful quantum chip is currently the 127-qubit Eagle, announced last year; the 433-qubit Osprey is due to launch sometime this year.

04.02.2023 - 10:17 [ ]

IBM now has 18 quantum computers in its fleet of weird machines

(May 6, 2020)

Eighteen quantum computers might not sound like a lot. But given that each one is an unwieldy device chilled within a fraction of a degree above absolute zero and operated by Ph.D. researchers, it‘s actually a pretty large fleet. In comparison, Google‘s quantum computers lab near Santa Barbara, California, has only five machines, and Honeywell only has six quantum computers.

04.10.2022 - 19:53 [ ]

Quantencomputer in Deutschland


Seit Januar 2021 kann sich auch Deutschland mit einem ersten funktionsfähigen Quantencomputer brüsten. Doch zumindest seine Produktion fand noch im Ausland statt: Fast ein Jahr dauerte der Bau des IBM Q System One in den USA. Dabei war der Zeitaufwand für den physischen Aufbau mit einer Dauer von knapp zwei Monaten recht überschaubar. Das Gros der Arbeitszeit nahm, wie bei Quantencomputern üblich, die Kalibrierung der Qubits ein, um Fehlerraten zu verringern und Kohärenzzeiten möglichst zu verlängern. Zudem wurde die tatsächliche Installation des Systems in Ehningen durch die Coronapandemie erschwert.

04.10.2022 - 19:42 [ ]

What Angela Merkel and IBM’s CEO have in common…

(October 2, 2019)

Instead, the German government’s backing for Quantum Computing research sealed between Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ginni Rometty (IBM CEO) indicates that both are excited about the latest technology and how it can improve the world we live in. Ultimately solving problems that seemed completely impossible just a few years ago – also from Europe.

The goal for Merkel and Germany? To catch up with China and the USA in the global technology race.

04.10.2022 - 19:24 [ Cnet ]

IBM now has 18 quantum computers in its fleet of weird machines

(May 6, 2020)

Eighteen quantum computers might not sound like a lot. But given that each one is an unwieldy device chilled within a fraction of a degree above absolute zero and operated by Ph.D. researchers, it‘s actually a pretty large fleet. In comparison, Google‘s quantum computers lab near Santa Barbara, California, has only five machines, and Honeywell only has six quantum computers.

27.01.2022 - 09:56 [ Birgit Naujeck / Rubikon ]

Der codierte Mensch

IBM arbeitet mit dem Covid-19-mRNA-Impfstoffhersteller ModeRNA zusammen, um die Impfstoffverabreichung in Echtzeit über seine verschiedenen Blockchain-, künstlichen Intelligenz- und Hybrid-Cloud-Services zu verfolgen. Die Zusammenarbeit wird sich „darauf konzentrieren, den Nutzen von IBM Funktionen in den USA zu untersuchen“, wie beispielsweise ein kürzlich vorgestelltes Projekt für einen Covid-19-Digital-Health-Pass im Bundesstaat New York. Ziel ist es, den Einwohnern von New York eine einfache, freiwillige und sichere Methode zum Nachweis eines negativen Covid-19-Testergebnisses oder einer Impfbescheinigung zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Nur wenige Tage später wurde in der Tagesschau vom 9. März 2021 verkündet, dass IBM den deutschen Impfpass entwickeln wird.

11.09.2021 - 16:15 [ Federation of American Scientists - ]

CRITICAL FOUNDATIONS: PROTECTING AMERICA’S INFRASTRUCTURES – The Report of the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection


Existing Information Sharing Efforts

(…) We also found a great deal of information sharing already underway. Trade associations, consortia, and other groups exchange information among their members and, in some cases, directly with government. Many federal, state and local government agencies have existing relationships with infrastructure owners and operators. Within all the infrastructure sectors, at least some portions are subject to regulatory control by government agencies, and information is shared, albeit sometimes within carefully defined constraints. Several federal agencies provide information to infrastructure owners and operators. The FBI’s Awareness of National Security Issues and Response (ANSIR) program gives over 25,000 industry members information that provides threat and vulnerability insights. More narrowly focused programs are the Department of Transportation’s terrorist threat notification to the civil aviation industry and the National Security Agency’s INFOSEC Vulnerability Assessment Program, which provides information systems-related data to private sector partners. The Comptroller of the Currency operates another system providing advisories on information integrity and security risks to financial institutions.


The third and least predictable threat to the infrastructure comes from deliberate attack. Depending on their objectives, attackers may seek to steal, modify, or destroy data stored in information systems or moving over networks, or to degrade the operation of the systems and net-works themselves, denying service to their users. Attackers include national intelligence organizations, information warriors, terrorists, criminals, industrial competitors, hackers, and aggrieved or disloyal insiders. While insiders constitute the single largest known security threat to information and information systems, controlled testing indicates that large numbers of computer based attacks go undetected, and that the unknown component of the threat may exceed the known component by orders of magnitude.


The air traffic control system of the FAA is based on decades old technology. The replacement system, while doubtless more efficient, will be more vulnerable unless special security measures are incorporated.


The Commission recommends the Secretary of Transportation:

1) Fully evaluate actual and potential sources of interference to, and vulnerabilities of, GPS before a final decision is reached to eliminate all other radiovnavigation and aircraft landing guidance systems.

2) Sponsor a risk assessment for GPS-based systems used by the civilian sector, projected from now through the year 2010.

3) Base decisions regarding the proper federal navigation systems mix and the final architecture of the NAS on the results of that assessment. The DOT and FAA must develop a better understanding of interference and other vulnerabilities of GPS before a final decision is reached concerning the status of all other radionavigation and landing guidance systems. A federally sponsored thorough, integrated risk assessment would lay a sound foundation for decisions on future courses of action.

The National Airspace System

The Commission recommends the FAA act immediately to develop, establish, fund, and implement a comprehensive National Airspace System Security Program to protect the modernized NAS from information-based and other disruptions, intrusions and attack. Program implementation should be guided by the recommendations found in the Vulnerability Assessment of the NAS Architecture, prepared for the Commission. The Vulnerability Assessment included the following recommendations: (…)

3) The FAA should consider the implementation of full “trusted” hardware and software security capabilities for only the FAA’s most vulnerable future subsystems, since the software cost for embedded applications, together with full audit, tracking, and monitoring, may be too great if applied to all subsystems. Relaxation of the full capabilities, such as less rapid revalidation (e.g., a slower fifteen minutes down time) and less constant vigilance of data integrity, should be considered on a case-by-case basis for less critical subsystems, particularly in situations where existing air traffic control recovery procedures exist.

4) The FAA should conduct a comprehensive investment analysis of NAS INFOSEC in order to determine the degree of security protection that is needed


Transportation: A critical infrastructure characterized by the physical distribution system critical to supporting the national security and economic well-being of this nation, including the national airspace system, airlines and aircraft, and airports; roads and highways,trucking and personal vehicles; ports and waterways and the vessels operating thereon; mass transit, both rail and bus; pipelines, including natural gas, petroleum, and other hazardous materials; freight and long haul passenger rail; and delivery services.

15.06.2021 - 16:14 [ ]

Quantensprung: In Ehningen wird Europas erster kommerzieller Quantencomputer vorgestellt


In Ehningen (Kreis Böblingen) wird am Nachmittag der erste kommerzielle Quantencomputer Europas eingeweiht. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) wohnt dem Festakt online bei. Das Projekt geht auf ein Gespräch zwischen Merkel und IBM-Chefin Ginni Rometty am Rande des Weltwirtschaftsforums in Davos zurück: …

15.06.2021 - 15:44 [ Cnet ]

IBM now has 18 quantum computers in its fleet of weird machines

(May 6, 2020)

Eighteen quantum computers might not sound like a lot. But given that each one is an unwieldy device chilled within a fraction of a degree above absolute zero and operated by Ph.D. researchers, it‘s actually a pretty large fleet. In comparison, Google‘s quantum computers lab near Santa Barbara, California, has only five machines, and Honeywell only has six quantum computers.

13.03.2021 - 16:12 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

IBM, der digitale Impfnachweis und die dunkle Vergangenheit. Dazu ein älterer Artikel von Werner Rügemer

BM, 1922 in New York mit Firmenhymne und Führerprinzip gegründet, ist seitdem ein Vorreiter des internationalen, aggressiven Kapitalismus. IBM-Chef Watson bewunderte autoritäre Politiker wie Mussolini und Hitler, womit er freilich weder in den USA (Henry Ford) noch in Europa alleinstand. Die Dehomag (Deutsche Hollerith-Maschinen-Aktien-Gesellschaft), von fanatischen Nazis geleitet, zu 90 Prozent in IBM-Besitz, wurde bis Kriegsende die erfolgreichste IBM-Tochter. Von der ersten NS-Volkszählung 1933 bis zum letzten Judentransport 1945: IBM war immer dabei. Tausende Hollerith-Maschinen wurden bei Reichsbahn, Statistik und Finanzämtern, Polizei und Post eingesetzt, nicht zuletzt in den KZ. Ahnenforschung und Rassenkunde wurden automatisiert. Mit ebensolcher Geschwindigkeit automatisierten Großunternehmen ihre Produktion, Buchhaltung und Lagerhaltung mit der neuen Datenverarbeitung aus den USA.

09.03.2021 - 18:43 [ ]

IBM soll deutschen Impfpass entwickeln

Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn hatte bereits vor Wochen einen digitalen Impfpass angekündigt. Auch Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas hatte sich für ein digitales Dokument ausgesprochen. Nun nimmt ein digitaler Nachweis, der das gelbe Impfheft ergänzen und ersetzen kann, Gestalt an.

11.09.2020 - 13:34 [ Federation of American Scientists - ]

CRITICAL FOUNDATIONS: PROTECTING AMERICA’S INFRASTRUCTURES – The Report of the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection


Existing Information Sharing Efforts

(…) We also found a great deal of information sharing already underway. Trade associations, consortia, and other groups exchange information among their members and, in some cases, directly with government. Many federal, state and local government agencies have existing relationships with infrastructure owners and operators. Within all the infrastructure sectors, at least some portions are subject to regulatory control by government agencies, and information is shared, albeit sometimes within carefully defined constraints. Several federal agencies provide information to infrastructure owners and operators. The FBI’s Awareness of National Security Issues and Response (ANSIR) program gives over 25,000 industry members information that provides threat and vulnerability insights. More narrowly focused programs are the Department of Transportation’s terrorist threat notification to the civil aviation industry and the National Security Agency’s INFOSEC Vulnerability Assessment Program, which provides information systems-related data to private sector partners. The Comptroller of the Currency operates another system providing advisories on information integrity and security risks to financial institutions.


The third and least predictable threat to the infrastructure comes from deliberate attack. Depending on their objectives, attackers may seek to steal, modify, or destroy data stored in information systems or moving over networks, or to degrade the operation of the systems and net-works themselves, denying service to their users. Attackers include national intelligence organizations, information warriors, terrorists, criminals, industrial competitors, hackers, and aggrieved or disloyal insiders. While insiders constitute the single largest known security threat to information and information systems, controlled testing indicates that large numbers of computer based attacks go undetected, and that the unknown component of the threat may exceed the known component by orders of magnitude.


The air traffic control system of the FAA is based on decades old technology. The replacement system, while doubtless more efficient, will be more vulnerable unless special security measures are incorporated.


The Commission recommends the Secretary of Transportation:

1) Fully evaluate actual and potential sources of interference to, and vulnerabilities of, GPS before a final decision is reached to eliminate all other radiovnavigation and aircraft landing guidance systems.

2) Sponsor a risk assessment for GPS-based systems used by the civilian sector, projected from now through the year 2010.

3) Base decisions regarding the proper federal navigation systems mix and the final architecture of the NAS on the results of that assessment. The DOT and FAA must develop a better understanding of interference and other vulnerabilities of GPS before a final decision is reached concerning the status of all other radionavigation and landing guidance systems. A federally sponsored thorough, integrated risk assessment would lay a sound foundation for decisions on future courses of action.

The National Airspace System

The Commission recommends the FAA act immediately to develop, establish, fund, and implement a comprehensive National Airspace System Security Program to protect the modernized NAS from information-based and other disruptions, intrusions and attack. Program implementation should be guided by the recommendations found in the Vulnerability Assessment of the NAS Architecture, prepared for the Commission. The Vulnerability Assessment included the following recommendations: (…)

3) The FAA should consider the implementation of full “trusted” hardware and software security capabilities for only the FAA’s most vulnerable future subsystems, since the software cost for embedded applications, together with full audit, tracking, and monitoring, may be too great if applied to all subsystems. Relaxation of the full capabilities, such as less rapid revalidation (e.g., a slower fifteen minutes down time) and less constant vigilance of data integrity, should be considered on a case-by-case basis for less critical subsystems, particularly in situations where existing air traffic control recovery procedures exist.

4) The FAA should conduct a comprehensive investment analysis of NAS INFOSEC in order to determine the degree of security protection that is needed


Transportation: A critical infrastructure characterized by the physical distribution system critical to supporting the national security and economic well-being of this nation, including the national airspace system, airlines and aircraft, and airports; roads and highways,trucking and personal vehicles; ports and waterways and the vessels operating thereon; mass transit, both rail and bus; pipelines, including natural gas, petroleum, and other hazardous materials; freight and long haul passenger rail; and delivery services.

29.10.2018 - 01:43 [ The New York Times ]

IBM to Buy Red Hat, the Top Linux Distributor, for $34 Billion

In June, Microsoft acquired GitHub, a major code-sharing platform for software developers, for $7.5 billion.

With the deal for Red Hat, IBM is trying to position itself as a kind of corporate “Switzerland” in cloud computing — a trusted partner of businesses that are moving to the cloud, but are leery of becoming dependent on one major cloud supplier.

11.09.2018 - 08:15 [ Radio Utopie ]

15 JAHRE TERRORKRIEG UND 11. SEPTEMBER: „Stehen die Befehle noch?“

(11.9.2016) Der Verkehrsminister (wörtlich: Transportminister, „Secretary of Transport“) Norman Mineta sitzt an diesem Morgen des 11. September zusammen mit Vizepräsident Dick Cheney im „Situation Room“, also der Zentrale des PEOC Bunkers. Minetas Aussage vor der 9/11-Kommission zufolge – die untenstehend in der Dokumentation als Aufzeichnung zu sehen ist – betritt mehrfach ein Mann den „Situation Room“ und berichtet Vizepräsident Dick Cheney über die Entfernung eines sich Washington nähernden Flugzeugs.

„Das Flugzeug ist 50 Meilen entfernt“, dann: „Das Flugzeug ist 30 Meilen entfernt.“ Als der Mann schließlich dem Vizepräsidenten meldet: „Das Flugzeug ist 10 Meilen entfernt“ fragt der Mann den zu diesem Zeitpunkt amtierenden Oberkommandierenden der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Dick Cheney:

„Stehen die Befehle noch?“ („Do the orders still stand?“)

Laut Mineta wendet Cheney dem Mann nun den Kopf zu und sagt:

„Natürlich stehen die Befehle noch! Haben Sie irgendetwas Gegenteiliges gehört?“

Minuten später erfolgt der Einschlag im Pentagon.