Music & Lyrics written by Daniel Neun
Vocals Daniel Neun & Monica Pokorna
Produced & mixed by James Cook at Deepsee Studios Berlin
Mastered by Milan Adamik at Masterworks Audio
Directed by Monica Pokorna
Music & Lyrics written by Daniel Neun
Vocals Daniel Neun & Monica Pokorna
Produced & mixed by James Cook at Deepsee Studios Berlin
Mastered by Milan Adamik at Masterworks Audio
Directed by Monica Pokorna
Was Kanzler und Länderchefs heute beschließen
The statements, described by one source as “extremely damning”, are expected to form a key part of Ms Gray’s report, which is due to be published within days.
The senior civil servant has also spoken to the Prime Minister, civil servants and political advisers, and accessed security pass logs and even Boris Johnson’s official diary.
Dominic Cummings, Mr Johnson’s former chief aide turned hostile adversary, will be interviewed by Ms Gray on Monday, according to report
Senior Conservative William Wragg sensationally revealed that he had received reports of Johnson loyalists threatening to place smear stories in the press about Tories considering declarations of no confidence in the prime minister.
And he said that MPs had told him of warnings that investment in their constituencies would be at risk if they failed to back Mr Johnson in battle to save his political life.
The British PM is discovering that his supporters are not quite as loyal as Netanyahu‘s
Olmert’s lawyer Amir Titonovich told the Haaretz newspaper that they believe that the Netanyahu family has records showing that they are not mentally sound.
The request needs to be approved by the court, but it is thought unlikely that it will do so.
Earlier this month, Olmert rejected out of hand the idea that he could apologize to the Netanyahus, arguing that he was expressing a widely held opinion.
(Jan. 10, 2022)
At the start of the hearing, Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court Judge Amit Yariv asked Olmert what he based his claim on when he said “what can’t be fixed is the mental illness of the prime minister and his wife and son. That’s not fixable.”
Olmert responded that “I followed their actions, I listened to recordings of the family members, I consulted with experts and with people close to them who know them well. They described to me behavior that … is known as abnormal behavior, crazy behavior.”
Former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is negotiating a plea deal to escape prison and end his corruption trial. According to a spokesman for the Ministry of Justice of Israel and two sources involved in the talks, court terms could be announced before the end of the month.
A court on Sunday accepted the prosecution‘s request to extend the deadline due to corona protocols, delaying the next hearing until January 31.
If today’s ruling went against Assange, he would not be able to appeal to the Supreme Court, and the extradition request would be sent to home secretary Priti Patel for approval.
Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett, sitting with Lord Justice Holroyde, said Assange could go to the Supreme Court itself and ask to bring the appeal.
Plötzlich sah ich: Darum geht es, wir sind in einem Heiligen Krieg. Es geht nicht um Gesundheit und um vernünftigen Schutz, auch nicht um Politik oder um Karriere, Ruhm und Ehre, noch nicht einmal um Macht und Geld – es geht, auch wenn dies alles wichtige Motive der handelnden Personen, Firmen und Institutionen sind, um Religion. Beim Kampf gegen Corona handelt es sich um einen Gottesdienst. Ob Drosten, Merkel, Lauterbach, ob Macron, Johnson, Biden, ob diese oder jene Zeitung, Fernsehanstalt oder andere „progressive“ Medien: Sie sind Kreuzritter in einem Krieg, den die Menschheit schon lange heimlich führt und der jetzt von der kalten in die heiße Phase geht, der jetzt offen ausgebrochen ist.
Angesichts der raschen Ausbreitung der hochansteckenden Omikron-Variante wollen in Deutschland Bund und Länder heute über die Schutzvorschriften beraten.
In Frankreich treten heute drastische Einschränkungen für nicht CoV-Geimpfte und nicht Genesene in Kraft. Sie haben nun etwa keinen Zugang mehr zu Restaurants, Bars, Kultureinrichtungen, Sportveranstaltungen und Fernzügen. Grund ist die Einführung des „pass vaccinal“ (Impfpass) in Frankreich.
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World Wide Rally for #Freedom
No vax mandates & passports!
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World Wide Rally for #Freedom
No vax mandates & passports!
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World Wide Rally for #Freedom No vax mandates & passports!
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World Wide Rally for #Freedom
No vax mandates & passports!
#wewillALLbethere #WorldwideDemonstration #worldwiderallyforfreedom #NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #NoAlPaseSanitario #PassaporteSanitárioNÃO #GeenQR #Manifs22janvier
#wewillALLbethere #WorldwideDemonstration #worldwiderallyforfreedom #NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #NoAlPaseSanitario #PassaporteSanitárioNÃO #GeenQR
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