Daily Archives: 15. Mai 2021

15.05.2021 - 16:36 [ France24 ]

Ethiopia postpones elections indefinitely over logistical issues

The head of Ethiopia‘s election board said Saturday it would be impossible to hold a planned June 5 vote due to mounting logistical issues and postponed it without giving a new date.

„The vote will not happen on June 5 … we can‘t tell you the date as the board has to examine the inputs it received from parties,“ said election board chairwoman Birutkan Mideksa.

15.05.2021 - 16:16 [ Xinhuanet ]

Sierra Leone approves China Kingho railway, port lease agreement

The agreement will allow Kingho Railway and Port Company Limited to manage and operate the infrastructure of the railway and Pepel Port for haulage and export of Kingho Mining Company‘s iron ore out of the country, it said.

15.05.2021 - 16:06 [ Augen geradeaus! ]

Bundeswehr soll in den Einsätzen bei KFOR und UNIFIL bleiben

Weitere zwölf gehören dem so genannten NATO Advisory and Liaison Team (NALT) an, das den Aufbau eigener kosovarischer Sicherheitskräfte begleitet. Langfristig soll diese Unterstützung auch nach einem absehbaren Ende der KFOR-Mission fortgeführt werden.

15.05.2021 - 15:37 [ junge Welt ]

In fremden Gewässern

Das Kriegsschiff wird laut aktuellem Planungsstand nach einer Beteiligung an der NATO-Operation »Sea Guardian« im Mittelmeer und an der EU-Operation »Atalanta« am Horn von Afrika durch den Indischen Ozean nach Australien, anschließend weiter bis Japan fahren

15.05.2021 - 15:11 [ teleSUR ]

Chileans Know Little About This Weekend‘s Elections, Polls Say

Besides the traditional mayors and councilmen positions, voters will elect for the first time 16 governors and 155 members of the Constituent Convention.

The consulting firm IPSOS on Thursday revealed a recent study showing high levels of uncertainty and lack of information among Chile‘s electorate as 57 percent of interviewees had no precisions over the subnational elections to take place on May 15 and 16.

15.05.2021 - 15:02 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil Joins Humboldt Project for Continental Fiber Optic Cable

Thus far, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil have supported the project, cast as „extraordinarily significant for regional integration.“ The officials expect that Paraguay and Bolivia will also participate.

15.05.2021 - 14:16 [ teleSUR ]

Colombian State Denounced to ICC Over Crimes Against Humanity

„We denounce today before the International Criminal Court the President of the Republic, the Minister of Defense, former Senator Uribe, Generals Zapateiro and Vargas, for allegedly committing crimes against humanity against participants in the demonstrations.“

15.05.2021 - 11:55 [ Haaretz ]

Bennett Flees to His Masochistic Comfort Zone: Under Netanyahu‘s Sway

The facts are simple: Hamas is good for Netanyahu, and Netanyahu is fabulous for Hamas. He never intended to “topple” its rule. He keeps strengthening this organization, intentionally, to weaken Israel’s interlocutors in the PA.

Hamas-Gaza is a perfect exemplar of the basic concept Ehud Barak coined in his day, and which has kept the left in the political margins for the past 20 years: There is no partner for peace on the Palestinian side. This is exactly what Netanyahu wants. Hamas and Netanyahu are a long, stable, profitable romance.

15.05.2021 - 09:45 [ Arash Azizi / Twitter ]

Acco Theater Center in #Israel, run by my friends’ parents, a site of Palestinian-Israeli coexistence, a beautiful center for Palestinian youth to make & promote their art, is burnt by God knows who I’ve long believed that art can save the world; and only fascists burn theaters

15.05.2021 - 09:28 [ Henriette Chacar هنريت شقر, Palestinian journo from Jaffa, deputy editor at @972mag / Twitter ]

Ibrahim Souri was documenting Israeli police activity in Ajami, Jaffa last night. An officer told him to look away. „I‘m filming, is that prohibited? You want to shoot, go ahead,“ he says. „You’ve been aiming at me for an hour. Shoot, it’s all documented.“ Police then shot him.


They fired a rubber bullet that hit his face. The name might conjure up this image of a bouncy little ball, but rubber bullets can be as big as your palm, and they are very much still bullets.

That same night, Israeli police shoot again down that same road.

„Don‘t shoot, there are children there! My son is there!“ a Palestinian man yells.

„Whoever is out at this time is not a child,“ an officer replies, while another fires a stun grenade for no apparent reason.

15.05.2021 - 08:50 [ Ben Reiff / Times of Israel ]

OPINION: To end the violence, we must end the occupation

We reject the suggestion that it is only certain kinds of Jews of certain nationalities who abhor the violence of the occupation. Our members include rabbis, youth movement leaders, Jewish professionals and others who are deeply committed to Jewish communal life.

We come from every mainstream denomination and our conviction for justice is informed by our commitment to Judaism.

We care profoundly about our community and feel compelled to actualise the Jewish values by which we have been taught to live; values such as chesed (loving-kindness), tzedek (justice) and pikuach nefesh (the sanctity of each human life).

15.05.2021 - 08:32 [ Ynetnews.com ]

Eight Palestinians dead in clashes with IDF as unrest spreads to West Bank

Thousands of Palestinians clash with Israeli security forces across several locations; Hamas stokes the flames and calls to ‚set fire to the ground underneath the occupation‘s feet‘; rioters attack Palestinian police station in protest of PA‘s silence

15.05.2021 - 07:45 [ Najla Shawa / Twitter ]

Navy shelling is intense – 5 each round so far more than 5 rounds across the coast. #GazaUnderAttack

15.05.2021 - 07:33 [ @amoreyedam / Twitter ]

Loud Explosion Warning! Civilian settlements in Western Gaza were shaken after the Flag of Israel warship bombed a residential area.


15.05.2021 - 07:28 [ Basant Hameed / Twitter ]

#Urgent : Shehab correspondent: An Israeli warship bombarded the beaches of the southern Gaza Strip, making big explosions.


15.05.2021 - 07:25 [ Najla Shawa / Twitter ]

Heavy shelling from Israeli warship #gazaunderattack #PalestineUnderAttack


15.05.2021 - 07:06 [ Agencia AJN / Twitter ]

.. #IDF release video of Spike ATGM strikes by IDF Special Navy Forces against Gazan targets belonging to Hamas’ Naval forces

15.05.2021 - 06:57 [ defensenews.com ]

Israeli Navy welcomes new generation of German-made warships

( December 3, 2020 )

“Behind me is one of the most advanced war machines in the world, which poses a significant leap forward in the Israeli military’s ability to ensure our strength at sea and in naval operations,” said the military’s chief, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi.

Israel agreed to buy the vessels in a 2015 deal valued at roughly €430 million (U.S. $480 million at the time), with the German government covering about one-quarter of the cost.

Several Israeli businessmen, including confidants of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a former commander of the Navy, are suspects in a graft scandal connected to the purchase of the warships and submarines from German conglomerate ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

15.05.2021 - 06:32 [ Mohamed Hashem @mhashem_ Journalist @MiddleEastEye / Twitter ]

Latest #Gaza death toll: – At least 137 dead, including 36 children – At least 920 injured

Early Saturday, Israeli air strikes killed 7 Palestinians, including at least 5 children, in an attack on the overcrowded al-Shati camp, west of Gaza city. #Gaza_Under_Attack

15.05.2021 - 06:30 [ i24news.tv ]

Germany brands Hamas rocket fire on Israel ‚terror attacks‘

„These are terrorist attacks that have only one goal: to kill people indiscriminately and arbitrarily and to spread fear,“ Chancellor Angela Merkel‘s spokesman Steffen Seibert told a press conference.

Merkel‘s government defended „Israel‘s right to self-defense against these attacks“, he added.

15.05.2021 - 05:59 [ עומדים ביחד نقف معًا Standing Together / Twitter ]

האלימות מתחילה אצל ראש הממשלה“ – @dovhanin בהפגנה בכיכר הבימה בת“א, נגד האלימות וההסלמה.

15.05.2021 - 05:48 [ Standing Together ]


We organize a wide range of people from across the country around pressing issues that affect us all. We recognize the interconnectedness between struggles including the growing social and economic disparities in Israeli society, the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories, attacks on democratic freedoms, and the hardships faced by minorities such as Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, the LGBTQ community, women, and immigrants. Our analysis spans across issues: we know that we cannot address one of these challenges without solving the others.

15.05.2021 - 05:35 [ עומדים ביחד نقف معًا Standing Together / Twitter ]

This is the airtime we got today in the mainstream Israeli media. We represent the majority of people living here and our message for peace and justice needs to be heard! Amplify our voice wherever you can!

15.05.2021 - 05:28 [ Haaretz ]

Arab, Jewish Activists Call for Calm Amid Violent Attacks in Israel‘s Mixed Cities

Two NGOs, Arab-Jewish Center for Empowerment, Equality and Cooperation in the Negev Institute and Sikkuy – the Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality, are backing initiatives in an effort to promote equality and partnership between Jews and Arabs. Following their initiatives, nearly 60 municipalities have pledged to end the violence and protect the delicate social fabric in their communities.

15.05.2021 - 00:53 [ junge Welt ]

Glyphosat: Bayer unterliegt im zweiten Berufungsverfahren

Bayer ist in den USA mit zahlreichen Glyphosat-Klagen konfrontiert, die das Unternehmen mit einem milliardenschweren Vergleich beilegen will. Nur drei Fälle wurden bislang vor Gerichten verhandelt, alle drei verlor der Dax-Konzern.