Demnach hat Chinas Außenminister Wang Yi nicht nur sein traditionelles Arbeitsfrühstück mit seinem deutschen Amtskollegen am Rande der UN-Generaldebatte in der vergangenen Woche abgesagt. Er wird außerdem in der zweiten Oktoberhälfte zwar Europa bereisen, seinen geplanten Besuch in Berlin anlässlich des deutsch-chinesischen Strategischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitischen Dialogs aber nicht durchführen.
Daily Archives: 30. September 2019
House Subpoenas Giuliani, Trump’s Lawyer, for Ukraine Records
Democrats said they had also sent letters requesting documentary evidence and to schedule depositions in the coming two weeks with three associates of Mr. Giuliani: Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman and Semyon Kislin. They were signed by the chairmen of the House Intelligence Committee, in consultation with the House Foreign Affairs and Oversight and Reform Committees.
Bernie Sanders pushes new tax targeting large companies where CEOs earn far more than workers
Under Sanders’s plan, the government would increase a firm’s corporate tax rate if its highest-paid employee earns more than 50 times what its average worker does — an attempt to encourage companies to distribute their profits more equitably.
The plan would apply only to companies with more than $100 million in annual revenue.
INTERESTING meeting today in Burlington, VT: @BernieSanders sat down with @AOC. The two were spotted at a diner in town and AOC’s team confirms they met. No word on what they discussed….
Today is the last day before our enormous fundraising deadline tonight. We need your help, because we don‘t have any billionaires or a super PAC supporting us—and we don‘t want one. We are a campaign for working people. Chip in now:
Gabbard announces support for Trump impeachment inquiry
She called for a quick and focused probe rather than a prolonged investigation.
“This inquiry must be swift, thorough, and narrowly-focused,“ Gabbard said. „It cannot be turned into a long, protracted partisan circus that will further divide our country and undermine our democracy.“
The lawmaker told Hill.TV on Wednesday that an impeachment inquiry would be „terribly divisive.“
Candidates for POTUS who are fundraising off „impeachment“ are undermining credibility of inquiry in eyes of American people, further dividing our already fractured country. Please stop. We need responsible, patriotic leaders who put the interests of our country before their own.
Pelosi tells Democrats to focus on Constitution, not Trump
The aide said the Speaker told members the inquiry “isn’t about politics” or partisanship — “It’s about patriotism,” she said.
“The idea that this has anything to do with whether you like him or not — forget that. That’s about the election. This is about the Constitution,” Pelosi said, according to an aide.
We had no choice but to move forward with an impeachment inquiry, And our focus will be on the president’s fundamental breach of his oath office. Coercing a foreign nation to interfere in our election is never ok, No matter what the president and his defenders say.
Trump circulates quote invoking ‚civil war-like fracture‘ if he‘s removed from office
President Donald Trump spent the weekend on Twitter defending himself against Democrats‘ upcoming impeachment inquiry by quoting his supporters on cable news, including a pastor‘s inflammatory prediction that the country could be destroyed and a civil war would ensue if the President was removed from office.
Evangelical pastor and Fox News contributor Robert Jeffress claimed on the network, „Democrats don‘t care if they burn down and destroy the nation in the process“ of impeachment.
Trump Raises Idea of Arresting House Chairman for Treason
President Trump on Monday questioned whether the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Adam B. Schiff, should be arrested for treason for his description of a phone call Mr. Trump had with the president of Ukraine during a recent congressional hearing.
A day earlier, Mr. Trump called for Mr. Schiff — the California Democrat who is the de facto head of an impeachment inquiry into the call — to be “questioned at the highest level for Fraud & Treason.”
Van der Bellen startet am Mittwoch Gespräche mit Parteichefs
Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen wird morgen die Übergangsregierung mit der vorläufigen Fortführung der Amtsgeschäfte betrauen. Am Mittwoch und Donnerstag wird das Staatsoberhaupt die Parteichefs der fünf Parlamentsparteien empfangen und danach ÖVP-Obmann Sebastian Kurz mit der Regierungsbildung beauftragen.
Heute haben wir im @europarl_DE zwei #Kommissare wegen #Interessenkonflikten endgültig abgelehnt. Das EP macht damit die Arbeit, die #VdL hätte machen müssen. Näheres im Video hier
Anhörung der EU-Kommissare: Umbauten im Team von der Leyen
Es holpert zwar bei der Besetzung der neuen EU-Kommission. Aber es scheint so, als ließen sich die Personalsorgen Ursula von der Leyens womöglich schneller lösen als gedacht.
Palestinian Tortured by Israel‘s Shin Bet in Critical Condition
Israel media reported that a judge gave the domestic intelligence agency permission to “use exceptional ways to investigate” Samir Arbeed.
Rüstungsfonds außer Kontrolle
Für das EU-Parlament bleibt nun voraussichtlich nur noch eine Gelegenheit, die eigene Selbstentmachtung abzuwenden, nämlich bei der für kommendes Jahr anstehenden Abstimmung zum nächsten MFR. Doch so wünschenswert es wäre, wenn dort dem gesamten Budget und damit auch dem EVF die Zustimmung verweigert würde, so wahrscheinlich ist es, dass eine Mehrheit das alles pflichtschuldig abnicken wird.
Bernie Sanders calls for higher taxes on companies with wide pay gaps
U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Monday laid out a plan to hike taxes on big companies with wide pay gaps between executives and rank-and-file workers.
Iraq reopens Syria crossing in win for mutual ally Iran
Iraq reopened its Qaim border-crossing with Syria on Monday after eight years of closure amid regional turmoil, in the latest sign of normalization between Baghdad and Damascus and a win for their mutual ally Iran.
Jihadists ‚attack US Baledogle training base in Somalia‘
Al-Shabab launched a „daring raid on the US military base“, the group said in a statement.
„After breaching the perimeters of the heavily fortified base, the mujahideen [holy warriors] stormed the military complex, engaging the crusaders in an intense firefight.“
Shocked that U.S. did not unilaterally bomb Iran, MBS says Saudi will not Shooty Shooty Iran by themselves.
This entire narrative stinks. Seems to me that Trump‘s continued refusal to start a unilateral military attack against Iran (despite implied Saudi urging) has stumped MBS (Saudi Defense Minister), and the whole war scenario now seems to be de-escalating.
Oil falls as China‘s economic outlook remains weak
Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia has restored capacity to 11.3 million barrels per day after an attack on its processing facilities this month, sources told Reuters last week, although Saudi Aramco has yet to confirm it is fully back online.
Oil will hit levels ‚we haven‘t see in our lifetimes‘ if Iran isn‘t stopped, Saudi Crown Prince says
„Oil supplies will be disrupted and oil prices will jump to unimaginably high numbers that we haven‘t seen in our lifetimes,“ in the event of greater conflict with Iran, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told CBS 60 Minutes.
The warning comes two weeks after a drone and missile attack on Saudi Arabia‘s oil facilities that Riyadh and Washington blame on Iran.
The alliance between America and Saudi Arabia is over
He would have nothing to gain — and every-thing to lose — by jumping into another Gulf quagmire, not least when it comes to his chances of re-election. He is in tune with the overwhelming majority of Americans horrified at the prospect of war with Iran in defence of the House of Saud. Opinion polls show huge majorities — among both Democrat and Republican voters — opposed to any such action. Evangelical Christians support war, because they believe it would make Israel safer. But they would vote for Trump come what may.
For Saudi Arabia, this spells disaster.
Westminster voting intention: CON: 33% (-) LAB: 22% (-) LDEM: 21% (-1) BREX: 13% (-1) via @YouGov, 26 – 27 Sep Chgs. w/ 25 Sep
This would be a government of national betrayal
They’re openly, shamelessly talking about forcing out Boris Johnson and creating a ‘government of national unity’ whose job would be to delay Brexit – again – and then hold a second referendum or a General Election. That the political class is casually chatting about taking such a drastic, emergency, anti-democratic measure as setting up an unelected government to stop Brexit is the most worrying sign of the times yet.
Remainer alliance goes on the attack: Opposition parties plot to bind Boris Johnson during Tory conference by bringing forward deadline for him to beg Brussels for Brexit extension to SATURDAY
– Labour, the Scottish National Party, and the Lib Dems will hold emergency talks
– Ministers on standby to travel back to London if an attempt is made to topple PM
– Rebels could try to force Boris Johnson to seek Brexit delay as early as Saturday
Brexit latest: Opposition leaders to meet again to discuss stopping No Deal and Jo Swinson‘s plan to ask for another extension
Parliament has already passed the so-called Benn Act requiring him to request a further extension to the Article 50 withdrawal process if he cannot get a new agreement by October 19.
But some on the opposition side fear that could leave too little time to take action through the courts if Mr Johnson tries to circumvent the legislation and push through a no-deal break.
Liveticker: Der Tag nach der Nationalratswahl
Reaktionen der Politiker und Analysen des Wahlergebnisses – Wir tickern auch am Tag nach der Wahl live
Sunday shows — Impeachment grips Washington
A House impeachment inquiry into President Trump dominated the Sunday political talk shows.
Featured guests included Trump‘s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, current and former White House aides and top Democrats.
The Biden campaign wants Rudy Giuliani off TV news. Good luck with that.
The Biden campaign letter is a well-phrased appeal that will in all likelihood go nowhere.
Biden Campaign Urges TV Networks to Stop Booking Giuliani
“Giving Rudy Giuliani valuable time on your air to push these lies in the first place is a disservice to your audience and a disservice to journalism,” the advisers wrote.
The note, which was obtained by The New York Times, was sent to executives and top political anchors at ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News and NBC, including star interviewers like Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd and Chris Wallace.
Mr. Giuliani could not immediately be reached on Sunday for comment.
Netanyahu, Gantz agree to meet Wednesday in final effort before PM surrenders mandate
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rival Benny Gantz will meet on Wednesday evening in a last effort by the encumbered leader to form a coalition through a national unity government, as his pre-indictment hearings in three corruption cases begin the same day.
President Rivlin, What in the World Is a ‘Parity Government’?
On what planet is President Reuven Rivlin living?
KPÖ will mit Wandel und JETZT kooperieren
Die KPÖ will trotz ihres schwachen Ergebnisses bei der Nationalratswahl weitermachen. Außerdem kündigte KPÖ-Sprecher Thomas Hörl gestern gegenüber der APA ein „ganz klares Gesprächsangebot“ an die an der Vierprozenthürde gescheiterte Partei JETZT sowie an den Wandel an. Man wolle konstruktiv am Aufbau einer starken, modernen Linkspartei arbeiten.
Kurz-Triumph und FPÖ-Absturz: Wahlergebnis lässt viel Koalitionsspielraum
Die Nationalratswahl ist geschlagen, die Sieger und Verlierer stehen fest. Klare Nummer eins wurde mit deutlichen Zugewinnen die ÖVP mit Spitzenkandidat Sebastian Kurz. Er wird von Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen den Auftrag zur Regierungsbildung erhalten – und angesichts des Wahlergebnisses stehen ihm zumindest rechnerisch mehrere Varianten offen.
Biden campaign demands news channels stop booking Giuliani
Recipients of the letter included NBC President Noah Oppenheim, CBS News President Susan Zirinsky, CNN President Jeff Zucker, CNN‘s Jake Tapper, NBC‘s Chuck Todd and Fox News‘s Chris Wallace, according to The Daily Beast.
Trump demands to meet whistleblower, warns of ‚Big Consequences‘
Schiff, who as the House Intelligence Committee chairman is helping oversee the probe into the phone call, has said the whistleblower is likely to testify behind closed doors on Capitol Hill. Mark S. Zaid, one of the lawyers representing the whistleblower, confirmed on Sunday evening that they were continuing to coordinate with lawmakers but that no time or date had yet been set for testimony.