Daily Archives: 15. Januar 2019
BREAKING May invites the Opposition to table a Confidence vote to be debated tomorrow. If Labour don’t Govt will allow the other Opposition parties. She has deftly nicked Corbyn’s thunder.
UK PM Theresa May loses MPs’ #BrexitVote on her deal by 432 votes to 202 – the biggest government defeat since 1924
Latest: http://bbc.in/2DaADGH
Meaningful Vote on Withdrawal Deal DEFEATED Ayes 202 Noes 432 Massive historic worst government defeat in modern times
MPs are now voting on Theresa May’s Brexit deal, this is the #MeaningfulVote – result circa 1940
John Bercow has got to have the best job in Parliament. Would love to get paid a fortune for yelling at MPs.
Main question (main #brexitdeal vote) being put forward by Speaker John Bercow now. #brexitvote. Lobby being cleared so MPs can go to doors.
Amendment F in the name of John Baron defeated 24 to 600 majority 576!
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford and Conservative Brexiteer Sir Edward Leigh did not put their amendments to the vote at the end of five days of debate on Prime Minister Theresa May‘s Brexit deal
Corbyn and Blackford pulled amendments in secret last minute talks – live updates
BREAKING – Brexit deal vote result moved forward to 7.30pm
Conservative MP John Baron‘s amendment Gives the UK the right to terminate the Northern Ireland backstop without the agreement of the EU #BrexitVote
MPs are voting on John Baron’s Amdt to the #MeaningfulVote – result circa 1920.
Calls of ‚resign‘ from opposition benches as @theresa_may concludes that this is the most significant vote MPs will take part in (the most significant until Plan B/Plan A-plus presumably)
Theresa May closes MPs‘ #Brexit debate, saying they face „an historic decision that will set the future of our country for generations“
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn‘s message to the EU during the #BrexitVote: „If Parliament votes down this deal, then reopening negotiations should not and cannot be ruled out“
Live updates: http://bbc.in/2DaADGH
Jeremy Corbyn arrives in the chamber clutching his speech #BrexitVote
Zugang zu Abgeordneten: Pharmalobby verpflichtet enge Mitarbeiter von Gesundheitspolitikern
Der Pharmakonzern Roche hat seit 1. Januar einen besonders guten Draht in den Deutschen Bundestag: Sein neuer Cheflobbyist war bislang Büroleiter des für Arzneimittel zuständigen CDU-Bundestagsabgeordneten Michael Hennrich. Das Ganze hat offenbar Methode: abgeordnetenwatch.de-Recherchen zeigen, dass Lobbyverbände und Konzerne immer wieder Referenten und Büroleiter unter Vertrag nehmen – und sich deren Kontakte in die Politik sichern.
Neue Hausausweisliste: Diese Lobbyisten können jederzeit in den Bundestag
Das geht aus einer Übersicht hervor, die die Bundestagsverwaltung auf Antrag von abgeordnetenwatch.de nach dem Informationsfreiheitsgesetz herausgegeben hat. In der Liste werden insgesamt 500 Verbände, Vereine und sonstige Organisationen aufgeführt, unter anderem:
What time is the Brexit meaningful vote in Parliament tonight, and when will we know the result?
Although exact timings are yet to be confirmed, voting is expected to start from 7pm and the main vote is expected at 8.30pm.
House of Commons: Tuesday 15 January 2019
Meeting started at 11.33am
Theresa May‘s Brexit deal set for devastating historic defeat in Commons vote
Mrs May made clear she would not back away from Brexit in response
Hundert Jahre seit der Ermordung Rosa Luxemburgs und Karl Liebknechts
Heute jährt sich zum hundertsten Mal eines der schwersten und folgenreichsten Verbrechen der Weltgeschichte. Am 15. Januar 1919 verhafteten Freikorpssoldaten der Garde-Kavallerie-Schützen-Division in Berlin Rosa Luxemburg und Karl Liebknecht, die führenden Köpfe der zwei Wochen zuvor gegründeten Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands. Sie verschleppten die beiden ins Hotel Eden, das Hauptquartier des Freikorps, wo sie verhört, schwer misshandelt und anschließend abgeführt und ermordet wurden.
Democracy in the UK is hanging by a thread – Today’s Brexit ‘debate’ in parliament will make a mockery of democracy.
May’s dodgy deal would reduce the UK to a vassal state, a bossed-about colonial outpost of the Brussels oligarchy. The people voted for Leave and yet May offers us Remain-by-another-name: a ‘Brexit deal’ that sells out Brexit. For a prime minister so wilfully to ignore the cry of her people is a sucker-punch to the most basic principles of democracy.
Kein Vergeben, kein Vergessen!
Die beim Vorstand angesiedelte »Historische Kommission«, das höchste geschichtspolitische Gremium der Partei, wurde im Juli 2018 »aus Kostengründen« abgewickelt. Deren Aufgabe soll nun die Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung übernehmen. Ihre Umbenennung steht allerdings nicht auf der Agenda – als Kriegs- und Sozialraubpartei bleibt man traditionsbewusst.
Bitte hier aussteigen
Mit dem eigens für vermeintliche »Linksextremisten« eingerichteten Aussteigerprogramm, das den Titel »Left« trägt, will der NRW-Geheimdienst »Ausstiegswillige auf ihrem Weg zurück in die demokratische Gesellschaft« unterstützen und damit »das extremistische Personenpotential« reduzieren. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, scheinen dem Inlandsgeheimdienst, aber auch Innenminister Reul nahezu alle Mittel recht.
Vom Ende der „Seeblindheit“
„Jahrzehntelang“ habe man Militäreinsätze vorrangig „aus der Landperspektive“ betrachtet, erklärte Vizeadmiral Andreas Krause in der vergangenen Woche auf der „Historisch-Taktischen Tagung“ („HiTaTa“), der zentralen Jahresveranstaltung der Marine; dies solle sich nun ändern. Schließlich hätten die Seestreitkräfte zentrale Funktionen bei der „Landes- und Bündnisverteidigung“, wie sie im Machtkampf gegen Russland zur Zeit ausgebaut wird. Krause wies darauf hin, dass die Deutsche Marine im Rahmen der NATO nicht nur für Einsätze in der Ostsee zuständig ist, sondern etwa auch für den Schutz von Truppentransporten aus Nordamerika über den Atlantik nach Europa, die von feindlichen Kriegsschiffen, U-Booten oder Kampfjets attackiert werden könnten.
Polizei will in deiner Wohnung filmen
Unter dem Vorwand, bei einem Einsatz der Polizei, die wegen eines häuslichen Streites zu dem Einsatzort gerufen wird, Ton- und Videoaufnahmen mit Hilfe der Bodycams der Polizisten einzuschalten, wird die verfassungsrechtlich geschützte Privatsphäre gestört. Die Polizisten könnten in jeden Raum eindringen und alle Ecken filmen mit der Begründung, sich selber oder das „Opfer“ schützen zu müssen, falls sich dort eine „gewalttätige“ Person befindet.
Pompeo’s Anti-Iran Tour Faces Obstacles of a Fractious Middle East
Mr. Pompeo has not yet proposed that Arab nations outside the war zones send troops to fight the militias, though he has left open the possibility of the United States helping piece together an Arab military coalition to move into northeastern Syria as the United States withdraws.
John Bolton is under attack
The first report seeks to portray Bolton as a bumbler whose undiplomatic attempt to soothe both Netanyahu and Erdogan made the withdrawal harder to implement. This could be the work of someone trying to diminish Bolton’s influence within the administration. When the president asks why his administration has yet to fully withdraw from Syria, these people can use the report as evidence that Bolton is the problem.
From Trump tweets to Pentagon leaks, infighting leaves US Middle East policy in tatters
At the same, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and New York Times all carried major damaging stories targeting White House Middle East policy, all sourced to unnamed American diplomats and defence officials, targeting Mr Trump’s handpicked adviser Mr Bolton for pushing the country towards the brink of war with Iran and trying to maintain the US military presence in Syria as a bulwark against Iranian influence.
According to the Sun, May will submit her deal a second time if defeated, having been assured of more concessions by Angela Merkel.
Theresa May will force SECOND vote on her Brexit deal despite facing huge defeat
She will tell her divided Cabinet when it meets for a fiery discussion on Plan B this morning that the German leader suggested the EU could grant extra concessions once the troubled agreement is shot down.
And that could include persuading Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to agree to an end date to the hated Irish backstop – which the DUP and dozens of Tory MPs have demanded as their price.
A senior Government figure said the PM and Mrs Merkel agreed there needs to be “a blood-letting moment” first.
Boris Johnson warns of Brexit betrayal backlash against ‘deep state’
(14.1.2018) Mr Johnson said that voters would feel betrayed if Parliament tried to thwart EU withdrawal.
He said: “I think that people will feel betrayed.
“And I think they will feel that there has been a great conspiracy by the deep state of the UK, the people who really run the country.”
Brexit deal vote day: May facing huge defeat and vote of no confidence in the government
Senior MPs are predicting a defeat for the prime minister of between 100 and 200 votes, which is likely to be followed by Jeremy Corbyn calling a vote of no confidence in the government.
Mrs May‘s allies insist that whatever the scale of the defeat she has no intention of quitting or calling a general election, but she will come under enormous pressure to unveil a Brexit Plan B.
PM @theresa_may only spoke to #German Chancellor Angela Merkel this weekend. They discussed about #Brexit and assurances yesterday morning. PM Spokesman did no elaborate on the assurances saying the discussion was private and that they would remain in contact. #Brexitvote
Theresa May’s hated Brexit deal suffers huge Lords defeat just 24 hours before the crunch Commons vote
THERESA May‘s Brexit deal has suffered a huge defeat in the House of Lords – just 24 hours before the momentous vote in the Commons.
Peers backed by 321 to 152, majority 169, an opposition motion warning the deal would damage the UK‘s economic prosperity, internal security and global influence.
Greek new defense minister sworn in ahead of confidence vote to gov‘t
Former head of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff admiral Evangelos Apostolakis was sworn in on Monday as the country‘s new Defense Minister ahead of a confidence vote to the government which is scheduled for Wednesday evening, Greek national news agency AMNA reported.
Duque: Colombia Will Create Prosur To Replace Unasur
Right-wing Colombian President Ivan Duque announced on Monday that he and several South American leaders, including billionaire Chilean President Sebastian Piñera, are in talks to develop a diplomatic group, Prosur, to counter Unasur (Union South American Nations) begun by former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez.