Daily Archives: 9. Dezember 2018

09.12.2018 - 22:38 [ Spaceflight Now ]

Delta 4-Heavy countdown aborted moments before launch

A dramatic automatic abort 7.5 seconds before the planned liftoff of a United Launch Alliance Delta 4-Heavy rocket Saturday night kept the towering launcher on the pad at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, with a top secret spy payload for the National Reconnaissance Office.

09.12.2018 - 21:10 [ Xinhuanet ]

Egypt holds joint anti-terror military exercises with African states

Held at Egypt‘s Mohamed Naguib military base, the largest in the Middle East and Africa that is located in Egypt‘s Mediterranean province of Matrouh, the joint exercises will last until Dec. 14.

09.12.2018 - 20:33 [ stol.it ]

Gouverneur und Geheimdienstchef sterben bei Absturz im Sudan

Der Gouverneur, der Wirtschaftsminister, der stellvertretende Polizeichef und der Leiter des Geheimdienstes des Staates seien umgekommen.

09.12.2018 - 20:22 [ Reuters ]

Jordan to rethink controversial cybercrimes law

The bill has angered broad swathes of public opinion, including demonstrators who took to the streets in the last 10 days to protest against IMF-backed austerity measures, who say the proposed law will silence dissent in social media.

09.12.2018 - 19:01 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

UN-Menschrechtsbeauftragter nennt Situation in Kolumbien „dramatisch“

Jedoch wies Forst in seiner Pressekonferenz auch darauf hin, dass mehrere Aktivisten und Aktivistinnen Drohungen von internationalen Unternehmen erhalten hätten. Er nannte die Namen zunächst nicht, kündigte aber an, die Firmen öffentlich anzuklagen und riet der Regierung Duque, tätig zu werden.

09.12.2018 - 18:55 [ KBS ]

USA ziehen Antrag auf UNO-Sitzung zu Nordkoreas Menschenrechtslage zurück

Die USA hatten angestrebt, dass der Weltsicherheitsrat am Montag wegen der Angelegenheit zusammenkommt. Bei der verfahrenstechnischen Abstimmung hätten aber nur acht der 15 Mitglieder den Antrag unterstützt. Mindestens neun Stimmen wären erforderlich gewesen.

09.12.2018 - 18:43 [ Danny Sjursen / antikrieg.com ]

Der tragische Beginn des US-Imperialismus

Imperium. Das ist ein Wort, das die meisten Amerikaner verabscheuen. Schließlich sind die Vereinigten Staaten durch ihre Rebellion gegen das große (britische) Reich von damals entstanden. Amerikanische Politiker, Entscheidungsträger und die Öffentlichkeit ziehen es seit langem vor, sich die USA als ein Leuchtfeuer der Freiheit in der Welt vorzustellen, das Licht für diejenigen bringt, die in der Finsternis des Despotismus leben. Europäer, nicht Amerikaner, so glaubt man, hatten Imperien. Eine Version dieses Mythos hat die Republik von ihren frühesten kolonialen Ursprüngen an durchdrungen, und nichts könnte weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt sein.

09.12.2018 - 18:40 [ Danny Sjursen / Antiwar.com ]

Tragic Dawn of Overseas Imperialism

Empire. It is a word that most Americans loathe. After all, the United States was born through its rebellion against the great (British) empire of the day. American politicians, policymakers and the public alike have long preferred to imagine the U.S. as, rather, a beacon of freedom in the world, bringing light to those in the darkness of despotism. Europeans, not Americans, it is thought, had empires. Some version of this myth has pervaded the republic from its earliest colonial origins, and nothing could be further from the truth.

09.12.2018 - 13:37 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Nigel Farage unveils plan to form new party to fight ‚biggest battle yet‘ for independence from EU

Nigel Farage has said it is his „destiny“ to fight for Brexit as he unveils his plans to launch a new political party to fight next year‘s European Parliament elections if the Government delays Britain‘s exit from the European Union.

The former leader of the UK Independence Party told The Sunday Telegraph that he believed he had „not fought my biggest battle yet“ and would relish the battle at May‘s Euro elections, which he expects to be held if Brexit is delayed.

09.12.2018 - 13:35 [ theSun.co.uk ]

NEVERENDUM: Brexit betrayal as Theresa May’s Cabinet allies hold secret talks with Labour MPs about a second referendum

The Prime Minister‘s deputy David Lidington, and Justice Secretary David Gauke, have been in talks with Labour politicians to see if there was support for a second vote – or a Norway-style deal.
Allies told the Sunday Times that most MPs are likely to get behind a second Brexit referendum, further dividing Britain.

09.12.2018 - 13:06 [ Brendan Chilton ‏/ Twitter ]

If Labour supports a second referendum and campaigns to remain it will be in opposition for decades to come. Millions of voters will abandon it. Labour will no longer be the party of ‘labour’ but of capital. It will cease to represent working class communities.


09.12.2018 - 13:03 [ Wikipedia ]

Party of European Socialists


France: Socialist Party PS
Germany: Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD
Greece: Panhellenic Socialist Movement PASOK


09.12.2018 - 12:55 [ Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party / Twitter ]

Ahead of Tuesday‘s Brexit vote, I travelled to Lisbon to meet members of the Party of European Socialists. Labour is ready to step in and negotiate a deal that can work for our whole country.

09.12.2018 - 12:52 [ John Joseph Friary ‏/ Twitter ]

Politics Scotland getting Scottish Labour position on Brexit! They want a General Election which if they were to win they would leave the EU and if they can’t have it they want a People’s Vote in which they would vote to stay in the EU! All clear now?

09.12.2018 - 12:47 [ Brendan Chilton ‏/ Twitter ]

Todays march in London is not a Brexit march. Its a clowns parade led by a thug and a jester. Brexiteers should not be marching with these fascists. To the media- the football hooligans bouncing up and down today are not in any sense representative of Leave voters.

09.12.2018 - 12:35 [ Spiked ]

They are all in contempt of the people

From May to the Corbynite Momentum lobby, what all the Remainers want is to narrow things down to that false choice between the government’s Remain-by-another-name and outright remaining in the EU. The meaningful Brexit which millions of Leave voters backed can thus be erased from the agenda and history, as if it never happened. And they talk about defending democracy.

09.12.2018 - 12:24 [ Paul Embery , firefighter. Trade union official. Socialist. Pro-Brexit. Blue Labour / Twitter ]

I remember the days when the British Left would take the side of the people fighting back against the system. Now it takes the side of the system fighting back against the people.

09.12.2018 - 12:19 [ theSun.co.uk ]

THE POSH PEOPLE‘S VOTE: The loaded, leftie elites are conspiring to steal Brexit from Brits – while pretending to represent ‘the people’

The People‘s Vote campaign group is funded by a circle of rich contacts who want to overturn the decision to leave

09.12.2018 - 12:15 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

JEREMY PAXMAN: My dog could have won a better Brexit deal than those forelock tugging drones we sent out to battle Brussels

The outcome of the 2016 referendum was clear.

By a margin of more than one million votes, the British people said they wanted to leave the EU. Yet more than two years later we are in paralysis, faced with a piece of paper that no one wants – and with seemingly no way forward other than to take the Prime Minister’s Deal.

09.12.2018 - 12:14 [ Will Quince / Telegraph.co.uk ]

I am resigning from the Government because May‘s Brexit deal means obeying EU rules for years to come

I do not want to be explaining to my constituents why Brexit is still not over and we are still obeying EU rules in the early 2020s or beyond. Unless and until this is amended, the Withdrawal Agreement cannot receive my support. How can we realistically expect to secure a good deal under such circumstances, with such a power imbalance?

09.12.2018 - 11:51 [ Neue Zürcher Zeitung ]

Die Barone von Bercy

(20.9.2018) Der Journalist Vincent Jauvert beschreibt in seinem Buch, wie sich die französische Ministerialbürokratie unter Präsident Macron in einen Staatsadel verwandelt hat.

09.12.2018 - 11:49 [ Zeit.de ]

Frankreich: Und Macron schweigt

„Man wählt nicht zwischen dem Ende der Welt und dem Ende des Monats“, zitiert die Zeitung Le Monde einen der Slogans der Protestierenden und macht damit deutlich, dass es bei den Protesten nicht nur gegen die Erhöhung der Energiesteuer ging, die Präsident Emmanuel Macron inzwischen zurückgenommen hat. Es ging am gestrigen Samstag gegen die Klimapolitik, gegen die Sozialpolitik. Vor allem: gegen Macron.

09.12.2018 - 11:39 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Proteste in Frankreich: „Gelbwesten“ warten auf Antworten Macrons

In Frankreich gehen die „Gelbwesten“-Proteste in die vierte Woche, wieder gab es viele Verletzte und Festnahmen. Die Regierung setzt auf Abschreckung, sucht aber auch den Dialog – und kündigt Antworten des Präsidenten an.

09.12.2018 - 11:34 [ Spiegel.de ]

Macron in der Krise: Wenn den Star-Reformern das Volk wegläuft

Europa hat in den vergangenen Jahren einige große Wirtschaftsreformer hervorgebracht. Den Tony Blair zum Beispiel. Oder den Gerhard Schröder. Und Mario Monti und Matteo Renzi in Italien. In Spanien den Mariano Rajoy. Und seit gut einem Jahr in Frankreich Emmanuel Macron.

Alle haben in ihren Ländern mehr oder weniger eifrig gemacht, was die Päpste der Ökonomie so empfahlen:

09.12.2018 - 11:22 [ Donald J. Trump, Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten / Twitter ]

It is being reported that Leakin‘ James Comey was told by Department of Justice attorneys not to answer the most important questions. Total bias and corruption at the highest levels of previous Administration. Force him to answer the questions under oath!

09.12.2018 - 11:19 [ House Judiciary Committee ]



Friday, December 7, 2018
Washington, D.C.

The interview in the above matter was held in Room 2141, Rayburn House Office Building, commencing at 10:12 a.m.

09.12.2018 - 11:06 [ Newsweek.com ]

Russia Investigation: Donald Trump Warned by British MI6 That Declassifying Documents Would Undermine Intelligence

(29.11.2018) British intelligence agency MI6 is secretly pressuring President Donald Trump to avoid publishing classified information related to the Russia investigation and a surveillance warrant for his former campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page, according to reports.

09.12.2018 - 10:48 [ theHill.com ]

Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant

He didn’t seem to know that his own FBI was using No. 4 Justice Department official Bruce Ohr as a conduit to keep collecting intelligence from Christopher Steele after the British intel operative was fired by the bureau for leaking and lying. In fact, Comey didn’t seem to remember knowing that Steele had been terminated, according to sources in the room.

“His memory was so bad I feared he might not remember how to get out of the room after the interview,” one lawmaker quipped.

09.12.2018 - 10:45 [ Zeit.de ]

US-Kongress befragt erneut Ex-FBI-Direktor Comey

Der US-Kongress hat am Freitag erneut den früheren FBI-Direktor James Comey befragt.