Archiv: Walla! Communications Ltd. (media)

05.10.2023 - 12:50 [ Barak Ravid, Political reporter for Axios covering foreign policy & the 2024 election. Washington correspondent for Walla. Author of Trump's Peace. / Twitter ]

Scoop: Former Israeli minister of defense Benny Gantz is on a low profile visit to Washington & met today at the White House with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, two U.S. sources told me. His visit comes amid White House efforts to reach a mega deal with Saudi Arabia

12.09.2023 - 20:02 [ Times of Israel ]

Ex-Walla editor at Netanyahu trial: News staff underwent ‘aggressive coercion’ on Netanyahu coverage

As national attention is on the High Court hearing on the reasonableness law, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial is continuing at the Jerusalem District Court.

Avi Alkalay, the former editor of the Walla news site, says that in 2015-2016, the outlet’s editorial staff underwent “very aggressive mental coercion regarding the content relating to the Netanyahu family.”

23.06.2023 - 12:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Film mogul Milchan to testify at Netanyahu trial Sunday, as AG said to mull deal

Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan, a key witness in one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption cases, is set to testify at the premier’s corruption trial via video link from Brighton, England, beginning on Sunday.

The film producer is a witness in Case 1000 — one of three in which Netanyahu faces charges — involving suspicions that the premier illicitly accepted gifts including cigars and champagne from Milchan and another billionaire, James Packer.

23.06.2023 - 12:29 [ Haaretz ]

Top News Editor at Netanyahu Trial: ‘No One Got the Treatment Like He Did’


At the start of the hearing in Netanyahu’s ongoing trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust, the three judges summoned both sides’ lawyers to their chamber for a private consultation. However, they declined to say what the discussion had been about.


He also said that then-editor in chief Avi Alkalay routinely altered articles in ways that benefited Netanyahu. “There were also articles that were shelved,” he added.

Asked by prosecutor Yael Shahaf how Alkalay explained his behavior, Borochov said Alkalay told him “that he coordinates things with the Prime Minister’s Office,” and that if “things didn’t go the way they should,” he would be replaced with an editor in chief chosen by Netanyahu

19.07.2022 - 18:30 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Zelensky received PR advice from Netanyahu aides


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky consulted in recent weeks with a pair of public relations advisers to Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu in a bid to galvanize military support for his country as it defends itself from Russia’s invasion, according to a report Tuesday.

Walla news said Zelensky received advice from Srulik Einhorn, who was a senior adviser for Netanyahu’s Likud party during the last election. He also reportedly consulted with Jonatan Urich, a longtime Netanyahu aide who continues to serve as the former prime minister’s spokesman.

14.06.2022 - 05:18 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Zelensky received PR advice from Netanyahu aides


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky consulted in recent weeks with a pair of public relations advisers to Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu in a bid to galvanize military support for his country as it defends itself from Russia’s invasion, according to a report Tuesday.

Walla news said Zelensky received advice from Srulik Einhorn, who was a senior adviser for Netanyahu’s Likud party during the last election. He also reportedly consulted with Jonatan Urich, a longtime Netanyahu aide who continues to serve as the former prime minister’s spokesman.

16.05.2022 - 18:53 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Zelensky received PR advice from Netanyahu aides


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky consulted in recent weeks with a pair of public relations advisers to Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu in a bid to galvanize military support for his country as it defends itself from Russia’s invasion, according to a report Tuesday.

Walla news said Zelensky received advice from Srulik Einhorn, who was a senior adviser for Netanyahu’s Likud party during the last election. He also reportedly consulted with Jonatan Urich, a longtime Netanyahu aide who continues to serve as the former prime minister’s spokesman.

04.05.2022 - 16:05 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Zelensky received PR advice from Netanyahu aides


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky consulted in recent weeks with a pair of public relations advisers to Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu in a bid to galvanize military support for his country as it defends itself from Russia’s invasion, according to a report Tuesday.

Walla news said Zelensky received advice from Srulik Einhorn, who was a senior adviser for Netanyahu’s Likud party during the last election. He also reportedly consulted with Jonatan Urich, a longtime Netanyahu aide who continues to serve as the former prime minister’s spokesman.

04.05.2022 - 15:59 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Netanyahu trial: For 4 years I’ve had mark of Cain on my head – Filber

(May 2, 2022)

Part of what Filbert was trying to do on Monday was explain statements he has made in court regarding the Bezeq-Walla Affair that were helpful to Netanyahu, despite his being a prosecution witness.

In Filber’s narrative, he has only testified for the prosecution about meetings and phone calls he had with Netanyahu that the prosecution wants to highlight for Case 4000.

23.11.2021 - 19:11 [ ]

Former aide says Netanyahu obsessed with press coverage


„Who did not see with his own eyes the level of control he exercised in this area can not realize it.“

The ex-adviser called his former employer „someone who would be beyond obsession with control. His entourage knows he should never be disturbed, except for anything related to the media. He wants to know everything, down to the smallest detail. Even when he was in security meetings, he demanded that he be passed notes.“

23.11.2021 - 18:57 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu excused from rest of ex-aide’s testimony, leaves courtroom


Former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu asks for permission to be excused from the remainder of the testimony of Nir Hefetz, his former aide-turned-state’s witness, in his criminal trial.

23.11.2021 - 18:53 [ Times of Israel ]

Nir Hefetz: Bezeq boss said his news site was ‘gift’ for Netanyahus to control


Detailing how the then-prime minister tried to use Elovtich’s “gift” of the Walla site, Hefetz said that Netanyahu was a “control freak” when it came to his public image, and that “he could not be more controlling in all matters relating to the media and his social media channels.”

“He demands to know everything, down to the smallest detail,” Hefetz said, confirming that Netanyahu himself made the requests to change coverage at Walla.

16.11.2021 - 09:30 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Arrives in Court in First Since February, but Trial Could Yet Be Delayed

Netanyahu‘s defense team requested that the hearing be postponed.

15.11.2021 - 18:49 [ Haaretz ]

Key Testimony in Netanyahu Trial May Be Postponed Amid New Allegations

According to the prosecution’s statement, the new information is not directly connected to the testimony of state witness Nir Hefetz, a former aide of Netanyahu’s. In the wake of the announcement, Hefetz’s lawyers asked the Jerusalem District Court to postpone their client’s testimony scheduled for Tuesday.

13.11.2021 - 18:00 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu‘s Ex-spin Doctor Is About to Reveal How the Corrupt System Works

The man who will take the witness stand in Jerusalem’s District Court on Tuesday is a refined embodiment of the Israeli power structure. Nir Hefetz was once the right-hand man of the country’s three dominant alpha males: former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Yedioth Ahronoth publisher Arnon Mozes and one-time tycoon Nochi Dankner.

There’s no better indicator of the judgment and moral compass of the men who presided over the nation’s government, media and economy.

07.11.2021 - 08:10 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Bezeq-Walla Affair: Nir Hefetz to testify against Netanyahu November 16

Put simply, Hefetz is expected to testify that Netanyahu gave him orders dozens of times over several years in 2013-2016 to order former Walla CEO Ilan Yeshua to direct coverage the way the former prime minister wanted – and that Netanyahu gave him orders to ensure that Communications Ministry policy benefited Bezeq and Walla owner Shaul Elovitch.

07.11.2021 - 07:57 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Netanyahu trial: Bezeq, Avi Berger issues could determine Bibi’s fate – analysis


There are two parts to Case 4000, the Bezeq-Walla Affair.

One part is the accusation that Netanyahu got control over Walla coverage; and the other is that the then-prime minister and communications minister influenced government policy to favor Bezeq.
The connector between Walla and Bezeq was Shaul Elovitch, who owned both.

14.10.2021 - 09:23 [ Haaretz ]

Six Months, Only One Witness: In Netanyahu‘s Trial, the Wheels of Justice May Be Turning Too Slowly

The current case is just one of three that Netanyahu is facing in Jerusalem District Court on a range of corruption charges stemming from his alleged conduct as prime minister. He denies any wrongdoing.

In the case currently being heard, dubbed Case 4000, the former prime minister is charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust, arising from allegations that he traded favorable coverage from the Walla website for government regulatory concessions to Walla’s parent company, the Bezeq telecommunications firm.

04.05.2021 - 19:59 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Trial: PM Asked to Remove Stories About Bereaved Families, Key Witness Says

Netanyahu‘s trial resumed Monday after a two-week hiatus.

Defense attorneys began cross-examining Ilan Yeshua, who testified he was pressured to skew coverage on Walla in favor of Netanyahu and his family. Yeshua linked it to the alleged expectation of the then-controlling shareholder of Bezeq telecommunications, Shaul Elovitch, to receive regulatory concessions from Netanyahu in return for the favorable coverage. Walla was owned by Bezeq at the time.

02.05.2021 - 09:52 [ ]

Netanjahu-Prozess: „Der Große“ und die Zähmung der Medien

In Israel läuft seit Wochen der erste Korruptionsprozess gegen Regierungschef Benjamn Netanjahu. Der zentrale Zeuge schilderte dabei im Detail, wie ein Regierungschef versucht, sich Medien gefügig zu machen: mit dem Versprechen, dem Inhaber via Medienbehörde lukrative Vorteile zu verschaffen, und gleichzeitigen Drohungen, ständigen Interventionen zu Artikeln und enormem internem Druck – dokumentiert in Telefonaufzeichnungen und Chatverläufen, in denen Netanjahu als „der Große“ bezeichnet wird.

07.04.2021 - 10:52 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Trial: PM Aides Vetted Senior Appointments at News Site, Key Witness Says

The testimony of former Walla CEO Ilan Yeshua, who alleges that Benjamin Netanyahu sought favorable coverage in exchange for regulatory relief for Walla‘s owners Bezeq, is set to continue in the third day of the prime minister‘s trial, just 24 hours after President Reuven Rivlin reluctantly tasked him with forming a government.

06.04.2021 - 18:53 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Trial: Key Witness Says He Was ‚Instructed to Destroy Evidence, Coordinate Versions‘

They told him that Nir Hefetz, Netanyahu‘s former media advisor, told them that an investigation had been opened and that „all of them needed to coordinate their stories.“

„They proposed that I say that I initiated everything, that it was for ideological reasons, that I didn‘t want the site to be leftist,“ Yeshua said.

„They said that I needed to erase all of our correspondence,“ to which Yeshua objected, and said he told Elovitch that he was concerned that he would accidentally lose private photos. According to Yeshua, the two pressed him to delete the photos and said it critical that he did it.

06.04.2021 - 10:13 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Trial: Key Witness Says He Received Threats After Testimony

At the start of the session, the prosecution told Judge Rivka Friedman-Feldman that Yeshua complained before them he received threatening messages after his testimony on Monday, and that Israel Police were informed.

Friedman-Feldman told prosecutor Liat Ben-Ari that the defense should have been notified as well as the police. „We don‘t want to create drama or an impression that we‘re contacting the witness,“ Ben-Ari said, to which Friedman-Feldman replied that it could influence his testimony.

05.04.2021 - 17:12 [ ]

Vom Gerichtstermin zur Regierungssuche

Der Premier soll regulatorische Gefälligkeiten von Behörden im Wert von rund 500 Millionen Dollar gewährt haben im Gegenzug für eine bessere Berichterstattung über Netanjahu und seine Frau Sara auf der konzerneigenen Website Walla.

05.04.2021 - 13:07 [ ]

Anklägerin wirft Netanjahu Machtmissbrauch vor

Vor Beginn der Zeugenbefragung sprach Liat Ben Ari heute im Bezirksgericht in Jerusalem von einem schwerwiegenden Korruptionsfall.

Netanjahu habe seine große Macht zu persönlichen Zwecken missbraucht und zentralen Medien im Land Vergünstigungen gewährt, unter anderem, um wiedergewählt zu werden.

05.04.2021 - 12:47 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Trial: PM, His Family Asked to Make Negative Articles ‚Disappear,‘ Ex-news Site Chief Says

Yeshua, the first witness, is testifying on the claims that Walla gave favorable coverage to Netanyahu at the request of Walla owner Shaul Elovitch. The latter, who was the controlling shareholder of the telecommunications giant Bezeq, is accused of bribing the prime minister, which, according to the indictment against Netanyahu and Elovitch, he did in exchange for regulatory benefits the prime minister gave Bezeq when he was communications minister.

25.03.2021 - 16:54 [ ]

Report: Incoming lawmakers planning to legislate against Netanyahu

In turn, Likud party members have begun talks with Mansour Abbas, leader of the Islamist party Ra‘am and likely kingmaker in Israel‘s March 23 election, who has not ruled out supporting a Netanyahu-led government.

According to online outlet Walla, citing Likud party officials, Abbas is not in favor of passing laws aimed at targeting individuals, but their position is not yet finalized.

05.01.2021 - 17:50 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu‘s Amended Indictment Reveals a Web of Corruption

The amended indictment against Benjamin Netanyahu in Case 4000 (the Bezeq-Walla case) is a hair-raising document that details no fewer than 230 demands by the prime minister and members of his immediate family for more favorable coverage from the Walla news website – 150 of them by Netanyahu himself, either directly or via an intermediary. It shows yet again how Walla became a propaganda tool for Netanyahu in the guise of an independent media outlet.

13.06.2020 - 15:21 [ ]

Israel: Likud calls for jailing of journalist reporting on Netanyahu graft case


Drucker‘s investigative report broadcast Wednesday on the Hebrew-language Channel 13, included a recording of Shaul Elovich, a personal friend of Netanyahu and a majority shareholder in the Bezeq telecommunications company, appearing to discuss with with former Walla news CEO Ilan Yeshua how to frame news coverage of Netanyahu so as to present the leader in a positive light.

Bezeq fully owns the Hebrew-language Walla website.

29.08.2019 - 08:36 [ Jerusalem Post ]

State defends greater restrictions on protests near A-G’s house

Protests have continued for over two years near Mandelblit’s home in Petah Tikva to pressure him to take a stronger stance in the various probes against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

29.08.2019 - 08:31 [ Haaretz ]

A Leak That Leaves No Doubts About Netanyahu‘s Role in the Bezeq-Walla Case

Any doubts about illicit deals between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and fallen telecom tycoon Shaul Elovitch in the police’s Case 4000 should be put to rest after the details of Shlomo Filber’s statements to police investigators were leaked this week.

This is the case where the police believe Netanyahu traded friendly coverage by Bezeq’s Walla news site in exchange for help with regulations for the company, Israel’s dominant telecom provider. Filber, who had been appointed director general of the Communications Ministry in 2015 shortly after Netanyahu took over the portfolio, was the point man for the alleged trade-offs.

20.08.2019 - 19:44 [ Times of Israel ]

Pre-indictment hearing held for tycoon at center of Netanyahu corruption probe

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit’s lengthy description of Netanyahu’s alleged illicit dealings with Elovitch, known as Case 4000, took up the majority of the 57-page document released in February in which Mandelblit set out the allegations that prompted him to announce a criminal indictment against the prime minister, pending a hearing.

Netanyahu is scheduled to attend his own pre-indictment hearing in the case on October 2-3,

02.04.2019 - 11:22 [ Haaretz ]

Yair Netanyahu Called Police ‚Gestapo‘ When Questioned in Media Quid-pro-quo Affair

Yair Netanyahu, the son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, called the police “Gestapo” when he was questioned as a suspect in the favorable-news-coverage affair last year, Israel‘s Channel 13 News reported Monday.

In the affair, known as „Case 4000,“ Netanyahu allegedly took steps that benefited Shaul Elovitch, who controlled telecom giant Bezeq, in return for favorable coverage in Bezeq‘s Walla News website.

01.03.2019 - 15:50 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Four top revelations from Netanyahu‘s charge sheet

We thought top Netanyahu aide Shlomo Filber was only involved in the Case 4000 Bezeq-Walla! media bribery affair. But Netanyahu is accused of using him as a middleman in more cases.