Archiv: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)

31.12.2023 - 18:29 [ UNIFIL, United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon / Twitter ]

Last night, a peacekeeper was hurt after a patrol was attacked by a group of young men in Taybeh, south Lebanon. A vehicle was also damaged. Attacks on men & women serving the cause of peace are not only condemnable, but they are violations of Resolution 1701 and Lebanese law.


08.10.2023 - 10:49 [ UNIFIL / Twitter ]

Early this morning, UNIFIL peacekeepers detected several rockets fired from southeast Lebanon toward Israeli-occupied territory in the general area of Kafr Chouba, and artillery fire from Israel to Lebanon in response.

We are in contact with authorities on both sides of the Blue Line, at all levels, to contain the situation and avoid a more serious escalation.

Our peacekeepers remain in their positions and on task. They continue to work, some from shelters for their safety.

We urge everyone to exercise restraint and make use of UNIFIL’s liaison and coordination mechanisms to de-escalate to prevent a fast deterioration of the security situation.

08.10.2023 - 10:43 [ ]

UN-Truppe fordert Hisbollah und Israel zur Zurückhaltung auf

el und die schiitische Hisbollah-Miliz zur Zurückhaltung aufgerufen. Alle Beteiligten sollten die Verbindungs- und Koordinierungsmechanismen der Truppe nutzen, um die Lage zu entschärfen, mahnte die UNIFIL. Sie stehe mit Vertretern beider Seiten auf allen Ebenen in Kontakt, um die Situation einzudämmen und eine ernstere Eskalation zu vermeiden.

07.04.2023 - 09:36 [ ]

Bundeswehr setzt Einsatz im Libanon fort

(23. Juni 2022)

Insgesamt können bis zu 300 deutsche Soldatinnen und Soldaten der Bundeswehr eingesetzt werden.

Das besondere Augenmerk der Maritime Task Force liegt darauf, die libanesischen Sicherheitskräfte langfristig in die Lage zu versetzen, den Schutz sowie die Bewachung des See- und Luftraums selbst zu übernehmen.


Die libanesische Regierung hat mit Schreiben an die Vereinten Nationen vom 6. September 2006 unter Verweis auf Resolution 1701 (2006) unter anderem um Unterstützung bei der Absicherung der seeseitigen Grenzen des Libanons gebeten.

07.04.2023 - 09:07 [ United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon ]

UNIFIL statement on artillery response to rocket fire, 07 April 2023

Early this morning, the IDF informed UNIFIL that they will begin an artillery response to yesterday’s rocket launches.

Immediately after, UNIFIL personnel heard loud explosions around the city of Tyre.

21.09.2020 - 22:44 [ Al Arabiya ]

UN calls on Israeli army to halt overflying Lebanese air space

Nevertheless, Del Col criticized the Israeli aggressions as being “in contravention of our objectives.” He warned that these actions could “trigger incidents endangering the cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel.”

07.05.2020 - 14:59 [ ]

Israel demands more access for UN peacekeepers in Lebanon

The new measures reportedly have the backing of the United States, according to The Times of Israel.

Israel‘s envoy, Danny Danon, made the demands during a video press briefing, adding that the UN Security Council must be immediately informed if Lebanon moves to block any of the new measures.

18.12.2019 - 00:59 [ ]

Lebanese president urges UNIFIL to investigate Greek vessel‘s violation of Lebanese waters

President Michel Aoun on Tuesday urged the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to investigate the reasons behind the Greek oil exploration vessel‘s violation of, operating for the Israeli army, Lebanon‘s territorial waters for seven hours, a statement by the President‘s office reported.

„Lebanon rejects any violation of its legitimate rights within its territorial waters; Israeli naval violations of Lebanese sovereignty are no less dangerous than land and air violations which Israel continues to carry out,“ Aoun said during his meeting at Baabda Palace with UNIFIL Chief Stefano Del Col.