Archiv: Operation Condor

18.12.2023 - 18:15 [ Le Monde ]

„Operation Condor“ – neue Erkenntnisse über einen schmutzigen Krieg


Erst die zufällige Entdeckung von zwei Tonnen Aktenmaterial aus der Stroessner-Diktatur hat eine erste Rekonstruktion der kriminellen Machenschaften dieses internationalen Netzwerks ermöglicht. Ende Dezember 1992 wurden sie in einer Polizeistation von Lambaré gefunden, einem Vorort der paraguayischen Hauptstadt Asunción. Auf Grund der Freigabe bis dahin als geheim eingestufter CIA-Dokumente über Chile am 13. November 2000 konnte der Inhalt dieser „Akten des Terrors“ überprüft und präzisiert werden.

Seit der panamerikanischen Konferenz von Chapultepec, die im Februar 1945 in Mexiko stattfand, schwören die USA die südamerikanischen Militärs auf den Kampf gegen den Kommunismus ein. In Chapultepec war beschlossen worden, dass das 1942 geschaffene Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) seine Tätigkeiten weiterführen sollte.

DAS aus Offizieren der Unterzeichnerstaaten zusammengesetzte Gremium sollte nach Möglichkeiten suchen, die im Krieg begonnene militärische Zusammenarbeit weiterzuentwickeln. In seinem Rahmen wurden im Jahr 1951 bilaterale Militärhilfeabkommen unterzeichnet: ….

18.12.2023 - 18:02 [ UN humanitarian affairs coordination office (OCHA) ]

Chile: Operation Condor judgment major win for accountability – Türk

GENEVA (15 December 2023) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk today hailed Chile’s Supreme Court judgement on Operation Condor – a notorious campaign coordinated among South America’s dictatorships in the 70s and 80s to persecute political opponents and dissidents – as a major step towards accountability for thousands of victims.

The former dictatorships in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay implemented Operation Condor to search for, persecute, torture, summarily kill and forcibly disappear people perceived as dissidents across the region. They used a myriad of tactics to eliminate them, including throwing people out of aeroplanes and helicopters.

On 14 December, in a unanimous ruling, Chile’s Supreme Court confirmed the convictions of 22 agents of the dissolved Directorate of National Intelligence (DINA) for the kidnappings and qualified homicides of some victims of the Operation Condor, and ordered reparation measures.

11.09.2023 - 18:44 [ George Washington University ]

Chile and the United States: Declassified Documents Relating to the Military Coup, September 11, 1973

(September 11, 1998)

Since the coup, however, few U.S. documents relating to Chile have been actually declassified- -until recently. Through Freedom of Information Act requests, and other avenues of declassification, the National Security Archive has been able to compile a collection of declassified records that shed light on events in Chile between 1970 and 1976.

These documents include:

– Cables written by U.S. Ambassador Edward Korry after Allende‘s election, detailing conversations with President Eduardo Frei on how to block the president-elect from being inaugurated. The cables contain detailed descriptions and opinions on the various political forces in Chile, including the Chilean military, the Christian Democrat Party, and the U.S. business community.

– CIA memoranda and reports on „Project FUBELT“–the codename for covert operations to promote a military coup and undermine Allende‘s government. The documents, including minutes of meetings between Henry Kissinger and CIA officials, CIA cables to its Santiago station, and summaries of covert action in 1970, provide a clear paper trail to the decisions and operations against Allende‘s government

– National Security Council strategy papers which record efforts to „destabilize“ Chile economically, and isolate Allende‘s government diplomatically, between 1970 and 1973.

– State Department and NSC memoranda and cables after the coup, providing evidence of human rights atrocities under the new military regime led by General Pinochet.

– FBI documents on Operation Condor–the state-sponsored terrorism of the Chilean secret police, DINA. The documents, including summaries of prison letters written by DINA agent Michael Townley, provide evidence on the carbombing assassination of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt in Washington D.C., and the murder of Chilean General Carlos Prats and his wife in Buenos Aires, among other operations.

These documents, and many thousands of other CIA, NSC, and Defense Department records that are still classified secret, remain relevant to ongoing human rights investigations in Chile, Spain and other countries, and unresolved acts of international terrorism conducted by the Chilean secret police. Eventually, international pressure, and concerted use of the U.S. laws on declassification will force more of the still-buried record into the public domain–providing evidence for future judicial, and historical accountability.

20.08.2023 - 00:05 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s ‚Dirty War‘: The Dark Side of the Abraham Accords – and Why Saudi Arabia Wants to Join

In view of conflicting media reports about the chances of success of the tripartite negotiations between the Biden administration, the State of Israel and Saudi Arabia to draw up a normalization agreement between the latter two countries, one should look at the last decades and understand that such an accord is inevitable – but has a dark underside to it. A historical examination of how other countries have severed and renewed their relations with Israel indicates that the danger to the rights and freedoms of hundreds of millions of civilians should normalization be achieved.

13.07.2021 - 13:30 [ teleSUR ]

‚A New Condor Plan Is Underway in Latin America‘, Morales Warns

These far-right politicians supplied Jeanine Añez’s Interim government with weaponry to repress the pro-democracy protests in Bolivia.

Argentina’s Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI) and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were also found to gather information on Morales to destabilize his government.

10.07.2021 - 07:05 [ teleSUR ]

Italy Confirms 14 Life Sentences for Operation Condor Killers

On Friday, Italy‘s Supreme Court confirmed life imprisonment for 14 former officials and military personnel from Chile and Uruguay who were charged with the murder of citizens during Operation Condor, a U.S. counterinsurgency strategy implemented in Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s.

11.12.2019 - 03:29 [ teleSUR ]

‘We Lied, Cheated and Stole’: Pompeo Comes Clean About CIA

(24 April 2019) “When I was a cadet, what’s the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment,” Pompeo boasted as the audience laughed and celebrated the statement.

28.11.2019 - 17:45 [ Democracy Now! / Youtube ]

Operation Condor Trial Tackles Coordinated Campaign By Latin American Dictatorships To Kill Leftists


A historic trial underway in Argentina is set to reveal new details about how Latin American countries coordinated with each other in the 1970s and ‘80s to eliminate political dissidents. The campaign known as „Operation Condor“ involved military dictatorships in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. They worked together to track down, kidnap and kill people they labeled as terrorists: leftist activists, labor organizers, students, priests, journalists, guerilla fighters and their families. The campaign was launched by the Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, and evidence shows the CIA and former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger were complicit from its outset.

28.11.2019 - 17:34 [ ]

Operation Condor 2.0: After Bolivia coup, Trump dubs Nicaragua ‘national security threat’ and targets Mexico

After presiding over a far-right coup in Bolivia, the US dubbed Nicaragua a “national security threat” and announced new sanctions, while Trump designated drug cartels in Mexico as “terrorists” and refused to rule out military intervention.

19.11.2019 - 03:22 [ The Nation ]

Secret US Intelligence Files Provide History’s Verdict on Argentina’s Dirty War

More than 7,000 CIA, FBI, Pentagon, and National Security Council (NSC) records—now posted on a specially created US government website at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence—shed considerable light on the state of terror that existed in Argentina from 1976 to 1983, when the military held power. The detailed documents provide extensive new evidence on the infrastructure of repression, Argentina’s role in the international terrorism campaign known as Operation Condor, and most important, the fate of hundreds of desaparecidos who were kidnapped, tortured, and murdered—among them Hidalgo Solá.

18.07.2019 - 23:24 [ ]

SOA – Schule des Terrors

Am 8. Juli verurteilten Richter des römischen Berufungsgerichtshofs ehemalige bolivianische, chilenische, peruanische und uruguayische Regierungs- und Militärbeamte, nachdem sie sich der Entführung und Ermordung von 23 italienischen Staatsangehörigen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren während der Operation Condor schuldig gemacht hatten, einer koordinierten Aktion rechter Militärdiktaturen in Chile, Argentinien, Uruguay, Bolivien, Paraguay, Brasilien und später Peru und Ecuador gegen vermeintliche linksgerichtete Bedrohungen. Die Kampagne, die von Entführungen, Folter, Verschwinden und Mord geprägt war, forderte nach Angaben von Menschenrechtsgruppen schätzungsweise 60.000 Menschenleben. Zu den Opfern gehörten Linke und andere Dissidenten, Geistliche, Intellektuelle, Akademiker, Studenten, Bauern und Gewerkschaftsführer sowie indigene Völker.

18.07.2019 - 23:21 [ ]

Five Men Sentenced to Life for Operation Condor Killings Trained at School of the Americas

Five of the 24 men sentenced last week by an Italian court to life in prison for their roles in a brutal and bloody US-backed Cold War campaign against South American dissidents graduated from a notorious US Army school once known for teaching torture, assassination and democracy suppression.

09.07.2019 - 11:45 [ teleSUR ]

Italy Orders 24 to Life for Disappearing Italians During Operation Condor in South America

The present ruling changed the January 2017 judgment which sentenced only eight people to life in prison and 19 others were acquitted.

09.07.2019 - 11:39 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

Italy: Court jails 24 for roles in Operation Condor

24.04.2019 - 13:15 [ Portal ]

Uruguay fordert von Argentinien Akten zur Operation Condor

Speziell von der CIA ausgebildete Geheimdienstagenten und Soldaten durften sich auf dem Territorium der anderen Staaten frei bewegen, um politische Gegner, die ins Exil gegangen waren, zu entführen, verschwinden zu lassen und zu ermorden.

21.04.2019 - 17:08 [ teleSUR ]

CIA Declassified Info: Europe Wanted Own „Operation Condor“

Declassified information from the United States government shows that European governments during the 1970s wanted to learn how to conduct their own ‘Operation Condor’ from South American dictators who were systematically torturing and killing dissidents in the region.

In the documents opened to the public April 12, official statements from the United Kingdom, France, and then West Germany were looking for advice from South American dictators in mainly Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, and Chile to combat the “dangerous level (of) subversion“ from the left.

21.04.2019 - 17:05 [ The Guardian ]

European spies sought lessons from dictators’ brutal ‘Operation Condor’

(16.4.2019) Exactly how many people died as a result is unknown, but the conspiracy led to the deaths of at least 100 people in Argentina. And according to the CIA document dated 7 April 1978, European spies were keen to find out how it worked.