Archiv: holy sh*t

22.11.2023 - 07:03 [ Asaf Ronel / Twitter ]

Today in the bizzare and sick statements by our government: the Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi wants the army to collect all the *foreskins* of Hamas members in Gaza

22.11.2023 - 06:53 [ Dimi Reider | / Twitter ]

Today in what the actual, Israeli media minister @shlomo_karhi asks the IDF to bring him foreskins. ALL THE FORESKINS. Of every Hamas, er, member, apparently.

28.08.2023 - 15:43 [ Radio Utopie ]

“Was ist Europa?”: Experte über die heute “größte Macht der Welt”

(18. März 2017)

„In dem Maße aber, in dem das Abendland, beleuchtet von griechischer Kultur, erfüllt vom Eindruck der gewaltigen Überlieferungen des Römischen Reichs, durch die germanische Kolonisation seine Räume erweiterte, dehnte sich räumlich jener Begriff, den wir heute Europa nennen. Ganz gleich ob nun deutsche Kaiser an der Unstrut oder auf dem Lechfeld die Einbrüche aus dem Osten abwehrten, oder Afrika in langen Kämpfen aus Spanien zurückgedrängt wurde, es war immer ein Kampf des werdenden Europas gegenüber einer ihm im tiefsten Wesen fremden Umwelt.

Wenn einst Rom seine unvergänglichen Verdienste an der Schöpfung und Verteidigung dieses Kontinents zukamen, dann übernahmen nunmehr auch Germanen die Verteidigung und den Schutz einer Völkerfamilie, die unter sich in der politischen Gestaltung und Zielsetzung noch so differenziert und auseinanderweichend sein mochte: im Gesamtbild aber doch eine blutmäßig und kulturell teils gleiche, teils sich ergänzende Einheit darstellt.”

Quelle: Experte an der Fernbedienung.

22.08.2023 - 15:14 [ Washington Post ]

A Saudi-Israeli Peace Deal? Who Wants What and Why

The main thing the Saudis would get in exchange — security guarantees — wouldn’t come from Israel but from its closest ally — the US. Israel, a high-tech power, would play a major role in ambitious Saudi plans to move its economy beyond oil. It would also be expected to make concessions to the Palestinian self-ruling authority in the West Bank. The US would regain some of its influence over Saudi Arabia, stemming efforts by China to expand its sway in the Middle East. The deal offers significant rewards to all four governments, not least of them additional ways of dealing with Iranian military activity in the region. But the prospect of the pact stirs populist forces among all of their constituencies, posing risks to those in power.

27.02.2021 - 15:44 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Estimates Ship Explosion in Gulf of Oman Was Iranian Attack

A ship owned by an Israeli firm, the MV HELIOS RAY, was hit by an explosion in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) and a maritime security firm said on Friday. The current assessment in Israel is that the explosion was a targeted attempt against an Israeli-owned ship by Iran.

13.05.2020 - 17:31 [ New York Times ]

In a Fatal Error, C.I.A. Picked a Bombing Target Only Once: The Chinese Embassy

(July 23, 1999)

WASHINGTON — The director of the CIA disclosed Thursday that the agency had selected just one target in the 11-week air war over Yugoslavia, and its decision led to the accidental bombing of the Chinese embassy in May.

„It was the only target we nominated,“ the director, George Tenet, said at a rare public hearing of the House Intelligence Committee.

13.05.2020 - 17:25 [ AP Archive / Youtube ]


(video from July 1999)

The C-I-A has revealed it had accurate maps and some agency employees knew the correct location of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade mistakenly bombed in May during NATO‘s air campaign against Yugoslavia.

The C-I-A Director George Tenet made the announcement on Thursday while testifying before the House Intelligence Committee in Washington D-C.

10.05.2020 - 03:08 [ ]

Reports: 11 US Secret Service members currently positive for COVID-19

A spokesperson for DHS reportedly declined to comment on the number of cases.

10.05.2020 - 02:59 [ The Hill ]

Fauci to enter ‚modified quarantine‘: report

He will be staying at home and teleworking while wearing a mask continually for 14 days.

10.05.2020 - 02:41 [ Financial Post ]

U.S. CDC, FDA chiefs in self-quarantine following COVID-19 exposure -statement, report

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn is in self-quarantine for a couple of weeks after coming into contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, an FDA spokesman told Reuters late on Friday.

10.05.2020 - 02:36 [ CTV News ]

CDC director self-quarantining after COVID-19 exposure at White House

Dr. Robert Redfield, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will self-quarantine for two weeks after he was exposed to a person at the White House who tested positive for Covid-19, a CDC spokesperson confirmed to CNN.

09.05.2020 - 06:38 [ ]

Amb. Friedman: Asking Israel to give up its ‚biblical heartland‘ is ‚unreasonable‘

Israel‘s withdrawing from the West Bank city of Hebron is an absurd proposition tantamount to the idea of the United States abandoning the Statue of Liberty, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman told Israeli media Friday.

Speaking to Israel Hayom, Friedman stressed the importance to Israel of Jewish communities outside the large settlement blocs in Area C of the West Bank, which is widely expected to remain under Israeli control.

09.05.2020 - 06:34 [ Mark Dubowitz, CEO @FDD , sanctions, nukes, Iran / Twitter ]

Whatever you think of Israel’s decision on the West Bank, let’s be clear: The Trump peace plan leaves open the possibility of a two-state solution. Israelis will never accept withdrawal to ‘67 border, uprooting of hundreds of thousands of people.


09.05.2020 - 05:59 [ CNN ]

Trump sought a reopening but found the virus in the White House instead

President Donald Trump hoped this would be the week he emerged into a nation recovering from pandemic. Instead the pandemic came to him.

09.05.2020 - 05:39 [ ]

Sprecherin von US-Vizepräsident Pence positiv getestet

„Sie wurde kürzlich getestet, und der Test war negativ, und dann wurde sie heute aus irgendeinem Grund positiv getestet“, sagte Trump gestern im Weißen Haus bei einem Treffen mit republikanischen Senatoren und Abgeordneten. Pence sei seither erneut negativ getestet worden und treffe alle nötigen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, sagte er weiter.

09.05.2020 - 05:33 [ the Hill ]

Positive coronavirus cases shake White House

Miller’s positive test prompted the vice president to delay his takeoff for a trip to Iowa. Six staffers who may have had contact with her deplaned, and all six later tested negative for the virus.

The positive tests reflect the dangers of the virus spreading inside the White House complex, and it further called into question what measures are being taken to try and limit the exposure of the top two elected officials in American government.

09.05.2020 - 05:17 [ the Hill ]

Pence press secretary Katie Miller tests positive for coronavirus

Miller is one of Pence‘s closest aides and is married to Stephen Miller, one of Trump‘s senior advisers.

08.05.2020 - 18:53 [ New York Times ]

White House Rattled by a Military Aide’s Positive Coronavirus Test


President Trump said he and Vice President Mike Pence, as well as the White House staff, would now be tested on a daily basis.

11.03.2020 - 07:46 [ ]

every man is the architect of his own fortune

Each person is the chief cause of their success or failure in life.