Daily Archives: 19. Oktober 2021

19.10.2021 - 20:34 [ pep.security ]

Privacy by Default: p=p security

Support for all established encryption methods. And all your devices. Fully automatic. For your peace of mind. And your convenience.

19.10.2021 - 08:58 [ henrypp.org ]



– Simple interface without annoying pop ups
– Rules editor (create your own rules)
– Internal blocklist (block Windows spy / telemetry)

19.10.2021 - 08:36 [ Ultrasurf.us ]


Why Use Ultrasurf?
– Circumvent internet censorship
– Encrypt online communications
– Hide your IP from websites visited
– Fast page loads
– Easy to use

19.10.2021 - 08:18 [ Internet Society ]

Make the Switch on Global Encryption Day – 21 October 2021

Increasing the use of end-to-end encrypted platforms not only keeps you and the people you love safe from hackers and thieves, but also improves the security of the Internet as a whole. That is why this Global Encryption Day every person, business and organization should make the switch to using strong encryption.

Global Encryption Day is an opportunity to tell governments around the world that protecting and strengthening encryption is crucial to making the Internet safer for their citizens. It will send a message to governments to abandon plans that will weaken encryption, and the Internet as a whole, by granting law enforcement agencies special powers to access your private data on encrypted platforms.

19.10.2021 - 08:10 [ GlobalEncryption.org ]

Global Encryption Coalition

Encryption safeguards the personal security of billions of people and the national security of countries around the world.

However, some governments and organisations are pushing to weaken encryption, which would create a dangerous precedent that compromises the security of billions of people around the world.

The Global Encryption Coalition (GEC) was founded in 2020 by the Center for Democracy & Technology, Global Partners Digital and the Internet Society and now has over 200 members.

19.10.2021 - 07:50 [ Erich Moechel / ORF.at ]

EU-Auftakt für kommende Nachschlüssel-Verordnung


Diese geplanten Maßnahmen der Union sind allerdings nicht auf europäischem Mist gewachsen, die Blaupause dafür stammt nämlich vom britischen Militärgeheimdienst GCHQ aus dem Jahr 2018, nachdem sich die globale „Five Eyes“-Spіonageallianz darauf geeinigt hatte. All diese geplanten Maßnahmen hatten nach ihrem Bekanntwerden so heftige Proteste aus Industrie und Zivilgesellschaft zur Folge, dass die Überwachungspläne vorerst schubladisiert werden mussten. Das große Schweigen nach der Aussprache im Ministerrat zielt also nur darauf ab, Proteste und Kritik schon im Vorfeld zu vermeiden.

19.10.2021 - 07:24 [ theRegister.com ]

EU and US seek ‚common principles‘ for data governance and AI


Launched by president Joe Biden, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, and European Council president Charles Michel at the U.S.-EU Summit in June 2021, the Council held its first meeting yesterday.

At the meeting, the United States and European Union decided to closely coordinate on an expansive set of critical economic and technology issues over the coming months and achieve concrete outcomes by the next meeting. These include joint work on the semi-conductor supply chain and Artificial Intelligence, as well as data governance, the joint statement said.

19.10.2021 - 07:15 [ techcrunch.com ]

ProtonMail, Threema, Tresorit and Tutanota warn EU lawmakers over ‘anti-encryption’ push


Four European apps which secure user data via end-to-end encryption, ProtonMail, Threema, Tresorit and Tutanota, have issued a joint-statement warning over recent moves by EU institutions that they say are setting lawmakers on a dangerous path to backdooring encryption.

End-to-end encryption refers to a form of encryption where the service provider does not hold keys to decrypt the data, thereby enhancing user privacy — as there’s no third party in the loop with the technical capability to access data in a decrypted form.

19.10.2021 - 07:03 [ techcrunch.com ]

On encryption and counter-terrorism, EU lawmakers say they’ll work for ‘lawful’ data access


At the same time, such pressure isn’t exactly new. Albeit, the rule of crypto wars history is the access issue must roll around afresh again and again. And last month a draft resolution from the Council of the European Union triggered a fresh wave of anxiety that an EU ban on e2e encryption might be in the works.

Today’s Commission agenda is unlikely to lay such fears to rest entirely.

Perhaps mostly for its tortured language — with oxymoronical talk of “‘improved access” to encrypted information in a text that’s simultaneously peppered with caveats about “respecting the right to privacy”.

19.10.2021 - 06:54 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Orders from the Top: The EU’s Timetable for Dismantling End-to-End Encryption


The last few months have seen a steady stream of proposals, encouraged by the advocacy of the FBI and Department of Justice, to provide “lawful access” to end-to-end encrypted services in the United States. Now lobbying has moved from the U.S., where Congress has been largely paralyzed by the nation’s polarization problems, to the European Union—where advocates for anti-encryption laws hope to have a smoother ride. A series of leaked documents from the EU’s highest institutions show a blueprint for how they intend to make that happen, with the apparent intention of presenting anti-encryption law to the European Parliament within the next year.

19.10.2021 - 06:26 [ Haaretz ]

Not Without a Warrant

The bill adds another justification for searching without a warrant – if, in the police’s view, there are reasonable suspicions that evidence will be found there that will prove a serious crime has been committed, and there are also grounds for fearing that this evidence will be destroyed by the time a search warrant is obtained. The Ministerial Committee for Legislation did insist that in any such situation, the police officer entertaining this suspicion will need approval from a senior officer. But in practice, the police can always claim that a reasonable suspicion existed, even it if turns out the officer in question was wrong.

19.10.2021 - 02:49 [ RND / Twitter ]

Die „epidemische Lage nationaler Tragweite“ soll nach dem Willen von Gesundheitsminister Jens #Spahn auslaufen. Er begründet es damit, dass das Risiko für geimpfte Personen laut #RKI inzwischen moderat is


19.10.2021 - 02:48 [ @Korrektheiten / Twitter ]

Tichy:Spahn will epidemische Notlage auslaufen lassen: Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn sprach sich in einer Konferenz der Gesundheitsminister der Länder dafür aus, die „epidemische Lage von nationaler Tragweite“ – Grundlage zahlreicher…


19.10.2021 - 02:47 [ SWR Aktuell BW / Twitter ]

Die #Gesundheitsminister der Länder wollen wissen, wie es zu den Datenfehlern des Robert Koch-Instituts #RKI bei den Impfzahlen gekommen ist. RKI-Chef Lothar #Wieler soll bei der nächsten Konferenz dazu befragt werden.


19.10.2021 - 02:41 [ RND / Twitter ]

Den Stand der #Corona-Impfungen musste das #RKI kürzlich nach oben korrigieren. Bayerns Gesundheitsminister Klaus #Holetschek pocht nun auf einen Bericht des Instituts. „Wir brauchen da Klarheit und Wahrheit in der Frage der Daten“, sagt er.
