Daily Archives: 13. November 2020

13.11.2020 - 22:20 [ The Hill ]

Australia uses drones to ensure social distancing at the beach

Drones will begin flying at over 20 beaches and parks on Saturday and are expected until the end of February.

13.11.2020 - 20:47 [ International Telecommunication Union / Internationale Fernmeldeunion ]

The ITU 2020 Global CyberDrill, September-November 2020

– Regional D​ialogues, 15 to 24 September 2020
– Webinar Sessions, 6 October to 24 November 2020
– Training Sessions, 13 October to 19 November 2020
– Scenario Based Exe​rcises​, 27 October to 5 November 2020​

13.11.2020 - 20:43 [ Ron / Twitter ]

Having election voting data as an open standard makes it easy to develop programs that can input election data and output election data. With knowledge of these data types, you could theoretically make black box programs that could modify election data.

Something to look for is whether the Image Cast Central (ICC) system stores this JSON data as plaintext or in an encrypted form.
If this json is stored as plain text, then modifying election data before it is turned into the custody of the county is trivial.

13.11.2020 - 20:36 [ National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ]

NIST Special Publication 1500-100: Election Results Common Data Format Specification

(December 2019)

1.1 Why this specification is needed The purpose of this specification is to provide a comprehensive, flexible, and interoperable pre-election setup and post-election results reporting XML and JSON format for manufacturers to integrate into their voting equipment and for election offices, the media, and other groups to use in their own software. Some advantages of using this specification are that:

• election results can be reported directly from election offices in this format regardless of voting system manufacturer, thus enabling interoperability;

• the need for custom software and custom reporting formats is greatly reduced;

• jurisdictions that use multiple versions of EMSs and tabulators can more easily combine and transfer information between systems

13.11.2020 - 20:33 [ Ron / Twitter ]

It seems election votes are tallied then stored as a DOUBLE in JSON. „can include a factional [sic] component in special cases“

If it is proven that Dominion uses this standard in their machines, then that is proof that votes are stored ultimately as double length floating point numbers.

13.11.2020 - 20:22 [ Craig Keshishian / CaliforniaGlobe.com ]

The Sleight of Hand Election of 2020

I’m no magician but I know a couple of great ones, including my broker, who is famous in both professions (welcome to LA), but I doubt even my friend Stan can pull off the sort of trick I saw taking place at, oh, 2:00 in the morning of November 4th as I was watching the live feeds from Michigan and Pennsylvania roll in.

I’m pretty good at counting votes before and after an election. Did it for Presidents and Prime Ministers, Senators and Governors as a pollster and strategist, so watching returns, doing the splits, figuring out the precincts that come in favorably for your guy or girl versus the ones that don’t, all come second nature to me. Mostly because I’ve been doing it for forty years, and when I’m not counting votes, I’m counting cards ( that’s another article). So when you see – in the middle of the night – a “dump” of votes of about 28,000 come in for one candidate, Joe Biden, and NOT one single offsetting vote for Trump, then it raises more than just my eyebrow.

13.11.2020 - 19:55 [ Bloomberg ]

Expensive, Glitchy Voting Machines Expose 2020 Hacking Risks

(November 8, 2019)

Cybersecurity experts are baffled by local election officials choosing the computerized voting machines. “It’s a mystery to me,” said Rich DeMillo, a Georgia Tech computer science professor and former Hewlett-Packard chief technology officer. “Does someone have 8 x 10 glossies? No one has been able to figure out the behavior of elections officials. It’s like they all drink the same Kool-Aid.”

13.11.2020 - 19:49 [ conservativedailypost.com ]

Dominion Election Machines Used In Every Contested State


State Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill, R-York, says she started getting calls shortly after the polls opened Tuesday morning that the machines were jamming and causing delays. She said those problems could affect voters’ confidence in the election.

“If that ballot is rejected, for example if they over-voted for county commissioner, and that ballot is rejected, then that person has no way of knowing that their vote has been invalidated. That’s not acceptable,” she said.

“One machine per polling place was simply not enough to move smoothly,” county spokesman Mark Walters said in a statement. “The county also misjudged the time it would take to scan two ballot sheets per person.”

Walters said if ballots could not be immediately scanned by the machines, there is a way to store them so they can be counted later. In his emailed statement Tuesday night, he said ballots that were put in “emergency holding boxes will be scanned at the polling places.”

13.11.2020 - 19:32 [ Adam Crigler / Twitter ]

7 minutes alone and a screwdriver.


13.11.2020 - 19:30 [ @CNNSotu / Twitter ]

Crush of mail-in ballots slows count in 4 key states #CNNElection

& @fschouten

13.11.2020 - 19:29 [ USA Today ]

Fact check: Democrat-led states did not stop counting votes for no reason


USA TODAY could find no evidence to suggest any Democrat-run state stopped counting ballots intentionally.

13.11.2020 - 19:09 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Dokumentation: Rüstung vor Richtlinien

Die Studie ‚Machtpolitik und Rüstungsexporte der Europäischen Union‘ von IMI-Vorstand Jürgen Wagner ist als Band 2 der von Özlem Alev Demirel herausgegebenen Reihe ‚Europäische Studien zur Außen- und Friedenspolitik‘ erschienen. Die Studie kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

13.11.2020 - 18:28 [ Al Arabiya ]

Strong US ties to be focus of Pompeo to visit Saudi Arabia, UAE

Prior to Saudi Arabia, Pompeo is set to visit the United Arab Emirates.

13.11.2020 - 17:59 [ teleSUR ]

Polisario Front Declares War on Morocco

Western Sahara is a territory occupied by Morocco since 1975 when the African ex-colony was abandoned by Spain. Since then, an armed dispute between Morocco and the Saharawis was maintained, ending in 1991 with a peace treaty that would lead to a referendum on self-determination, which to date has not taken

13.11.2020 - 17:34 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Kommunalwahl in Brasilien: Halbzeitbilanz für Bolsonaro?

Wie auch schon 2016 sind die Kommunalwahlen von zahlreichen, zum Teil tödlichen Angriffen auf Kandidat:innen und ihre Wahlhelfer:innen überschattet. Teilweise werden die Angriffe direkt ins Internet gestreamt, weil sie während einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung stattfinden.

13.11.2020 - 17:21 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Pedro Pierluisi ist neuer Gouverneur von Puerto Rico

Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte des Freistaates Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico) konnte keine der beiden großen Parteien mehr als 40 Prozent der Stimmen auf sich vereinigen.

13.11.2020 - 15:44 [ arstechnica.com ]

Crooks have acquired proprietary Diebold software to “jackpot” ATMs


In previous jackpotting attacks, the attached devices, known in the industry as black boxes, usually invoked programming interfaces contained in the ATM operating system to funnel commands that ultimately reached the hardware component that dispenses cash. More recently, Diebold Nixdorf has observed a spate of black box attacks that incorporated parts of the company’s proprietary software.

13.11.2020 - 14:47 [ Dave DeCamp / Antiwar.com ]

Philippines Extends Military Pact Allowing US Troops in the Country

The Obama administration started challenging China’s claims to islands in the South China Sea by sailing warships near them, maneuvers known as Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs).

13.11.2020 - 14:42 [ antikrieg.com ]

Philippinen verlängern Militärpakt und erlauben US-Truppen Aufenthalten im Land

Es ist nicht zu erwarten, dass Joe Biden die Haltung Washingtons in Bezug auf die Ansprüche Pekings auf das Südchinesische Meer aufweichen wird. Während der letzten Präsidentschaftsdebatte prahlte Biden mit der harten Haltung der Obama-Regierung in Bezug auf Chinas Ansprüche auf die umstrittenen Gewässer.


13.11.2020 - 14:13 [ France24 ]

Morocco sends troops to Western Saraha border to end Polisario ‚provocations‘

Rabat controls 80 percent of the territory, including its phosphate deposits and its lucrative ocean fisheries.

13.11.2020 - 12:41 [ Lou Dobbs / Twitter ]

Dominion Voting Systems: Toronto based @dominionvoting was rejected by Texas Secretary of State in 2019 for major flaws in their software. Why was it used this election in 6 battleground states and 22 others?

#MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

13.11.2020 - 12:30 [ NYBooks.com ]

Who Owns Our Voting Machines?

(November 2020)

These “black boxes” have required both election officials and the public to take on faith that the machines are programmed to capture voter intent, not subvert it. When researchers have attempted to examine the computer code, they have been threatened with lawsuits by the election vendors. (…)

These include machines that can be reprogrammed remotely or in person by surreptitiously (and easily) inserting fraudulent media cards or thumb drives, as researchers have shown over and over again.

Meanwhile, despite claims to the contrary by election vendors, it’s been demonstrated that ballot scanners in precincts in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Florida use wireless modems that connect to the Internet. (…)

These vulnerabilities—and others—inject doubt into the public’s perception of election integrity. That doubt is compounded by the fact that the three major election vendors in the United States—Election Systems and Software, Hart InterCivic, and Dominion—are owned by private equity. Together, they account for about 80 percent of all election equipment used in the United States.

13.11.2020 - 12:14 [ justthenews.com ]

Michigan county flips back to Trump, following repair of voting software glitch

(November 6, 2020)

Addressing the alleged software glitch, Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox said Friday during a press conference that „47 counties [in Michigan] use this same software in the same capacity.“

13.11.2020 - 12:12 [ apnews.com ]

Officials: Clerk error behind county results favoring Biden

The Department of State said Antrim and many other counties in Michigan use the Dominion Voting Systems election management system and ballot tabulators. The tabulators are programmed to scan hand-marked paper ballots.

13.11.2020 - 11:40 [ Politico.com ]

Cause of Election Day glitch in Georgia counties still unexplained

(11/04/2020 01:55 PM EST
Updated: 11/12/2020 10:28 PM EST)

The supervisor, Marcia Ridley of the Spalding County Board of Elections, had initially attributed the problem to a vendor’s 11th-hour update to the equipment. But log files for the devices — electronic poll books that poll workers use to sign in voters at precincts — show that no such update occurred to the devices the night before Election Day, Ridley said in a statement to POLITICO on Thursday. However, she said she stands by her previous statements last week that a representative for the election technology vendor, Dominion Voting Systems, told her office that it had uploaded some kind of update the night before the election and that this had created the glitch.

13.11.2020 - 11:28 [ theGuardian.com ]

‚They think they are above the law‘: the firms that own America‘s voting system


The result is a small network of companies that have near-monopolies on election services, such as building voting machines. Across the spectrum, private vendors have long histories of errors that affected elections, of obstructing politicians and the public from seeking information, of corruption, suspect foreign influence, false statements of security and business dishonesty. (…)

The party narrative is that Democrats are trying to use the federal government to take over state and local elections; the political angle is that recognizing vulnerabilities or flaws in the election system could raise doubts about the legitimacy of the party’s – and Donald Trump’s – victory in 2016.

Raskin’s bill could affect at least two of the largest election companies. Dominion Voting Systems, which is the second-largest voting machine vendor in the US, is based in both the US and Canada.


Due to that statement and a litany of other scandals – such as leaving an internet-facing server unprotected and revealing the source code for its machines or by installing unapproved software patches on its machines just before an election – that company, Diebold, sold off the election-machine portion of its company in 2009.

13.11.2020 - 11:20 [ Dominion Voting ]

Election 2020: Setting the Record Straight

Edison Research has also categorically denied any claims that their data suggests any voting irregularities, including vote switching.

When asked if the company had noticed these or any other anomalies in the voting data, Edison Research President Larry Rosin told The Dispatch Fact Check, „Edison Research created no such report and we are not aware of any voter fraud.“

13.11.2020 - 11:15 [ ZDF ]

USA: Kein Wahlbetrug durch Computer

„Es gibt keine Belege dafür, dass ein Abstimmungssystem Stimmen gelöscht oder verändert hätte – oder auf irgendwelche Weise kompromittiert worden wäre.“

So hieß es in einer Mitteilung am Donnerstag, die unter anderen von Vertretern der Cybersicherheitsagentur des Heimatschutzministeriums sowie der Vereinigungen der Wahlleiter der Bundesstaaten herausgegeben wurde.

13.11.2020 - 11:10 [ theHill.com ]

Voting machine company denies Trump claims about software issues

Dominion Voting Systems, a Denver-based company that supplies voting machines across the United States, on Thursday rejected President Trump’s claim that it had „deleted“ millions of votes in favor of the president.

Earlier in the day, the president said on Twitter that Dominion had struck a total of 2.7 million Trump votes from its machines, including 221,000 in Pennsylvania that he claims were instead tallied for now-President-elect Joe Biden.

13.11.2020 - 10:37 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Nach Ungarns Ankündigung: Auch Polen will EU-Etat blockieren

Der EU droht mitten in der Corona-Krise eine neue Zerreißprobe: Nach Ungarn hat nun auch Polen angekündigt, nicht für den geplanten EU-Haushalt zu stimmen. Hintergrund ist der schwelende Streit um den Rechtsstaatsmechanismus.