Archiv: Raffinerien / refineries

01.09.2024 - 16:45 [ ]

Drones attack two Russian power plants and Moscow refinery – videos, photos

As usual, the Russian authorities say that „there were no casualties or damage, no fire occurred“.

At the same time, Russian Telegram channels posted photos and videos taken by local residents showing the strikes at the plant.

01.09.2024 - 16:32 [ Washington Post ]

Ukrainian drone targets Moscow oil refinery

Video shows the moment Ukrainian drones targeted an oil refinery in Moscow region on Sept. 1, in what appeared to be one of the largest Ukrainian drone attacks on Russia yet.

24.06.2023 - 14:14 [ @Cen4infoRes / Nitter ]

12. A video shows the moment an oil refinery in Voronezh exploded. A helicopter appears to have flown over the area moments before.

01.05.2023 - 10:01 [ ]

A war for our age: how the battle for Sudan is being fuelled by forces far beyond its borders

In this conflict frontiers have no significance, control of resources is the primary prize, with forces arising in borderlands seeking their revenge on once contemptuous metropolitan elites. Trafficking networks across swathes of desert are extensions of the “battlespace”, and almost innumerable actors with an axe to grind or an agenda to pursue vastly outnumber those who seek to stop the fighting.

All of this happens in a shadowy penumbra defined by backroom deals, obscure alignments of interests, brutal realpolitik and disinformation. The poor and the weak and the unarmed suffer most, as ever.

29.01.2023 - 08:05 [ Haaretz ]

Bomb-carrying Drones Strike Defense Facility in Isfahan Overnight, Iran Says

The attack came as a refinery fire separately broke out in the country‘s northwest and a 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck nearby, killing two people

11.01.2020 - 15:49 [ Jacobin agazine ]

“This Strike Is Uniting the Resistance Against Macron”

A government bid to cut back pensions has pitched France into its longest strike in decades. But as one railworker organizer tells Jacobin, the dispute is about more than retirement insurance — it’s about stopping Emmanuel Macron’s whole agenda.

11.01.2020 - 15:40 [ Tagesschau ]

Frankreich: Ringen um den Renten-Kompromiss

Den 38. Tag in Folge wird ein großer Teil der Züge nicht verkehren, und in Paris wird man sich nur eingeschränkt mit der Metro fortbewegen können. Auch Raffinerien und Treibstofflager sollen weiter blockiert werden. Außerdem haben die sieben Gewerkschaften, die die Rentenreform frontal bekämpfen, zu Kundgebungen aufgerufen. Es ist bereits der fünfte nationale Protesttag.

01.01.2020 - 19:42 [ EHA News ‏/ Twitter ]

New general strike call in #France… ▪️The French General Confederation of Labour (CGT) called on workers to occupy all oil facilites and fuel depots in the country between January 7 and January 10 – Le Monde –

01.01.2020 - 19:34 [ ]

French Unions Vow No Surrender In Month-long Strike

Far-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon, head of the France Unbowed (LFI) party, added on Twitter: „These are not (New Year) wishes but a declaration of war to the millions of French who refuse his reform.“

Already another day of mass protests is set for January 9, when teachers, dockers, hospital workers and other public sector employees are expected to join transport workers by striking for the day.

Energy workers have also called for a three-day blockade of the country‘s oil refineries and fuel depots starting January 7, raising the spectre of petrol shortages.

07.08.2019 - 02:51 [ Wikipedia ]


Dominica ist Mitglied im Wirtschaftsbündnis Petrocaribe, wodurch die Insel venezolanisches Erdöl zu Vorzugspreisen erhält und Mitglied im Bündnis ALBA. Dominica will gemeinsam mit Venezuela auf der Insel eine Raffinerie errichten und im Bereich der geothermischen Energiegewinnung sowie der Wasserkraftnutzung zusammenarbeiten.

25.07.2019 - 19:25 [ ]

Somebody Blew Up the Pipeline to Syria’s Main Oil Terminal: Oil embargo of the country now backed by sabotage of key oil infrastructure


Experts confirm that the attack was a well-planned operation. Pipes are at a depth of dozens meters underwater. Such a difficult mining mission can be completed only by trained and well-equipped specs. This fact excludes the operating of the irregular militants.

25.07.2019 - 19:20 [ ]

Oil Pipelines Sabotaged In Syria

(24.06.2019) The network carries crude oil from the coast to tankers at the port of Banias. The port city houses one of Syria’s two refineries. The other is located in Homs, in central Syria.

Last month U.S.-led forces blew up three oil tankers in Syria in the latest push against the Syrian government which is fighting rebel groups in their last remaining stronghold in Syria, in Idlib.

Syria is heavily dependent on crude oil imports through the Mediterranean, with a lot of the oil coming from Iran.

04.02.2019 - 10:58 [ ]

Crude Realities of Venezuela‘s Future

(1.2.2019) USA being the largest buyers of Venezuelan heavy crude tightening all screws around Maduro. Madura seems adamant and expecting some help from Russia or Iran to bail him out of the situation, but that seems unlikely under the current circumstances. PDVSA being the special purpose vehicle for Maduro seems running out of fuel very soon and will not be able to support Maduro very long. China is withholding business ties and ongoing Refinery project JVs with PDVSA in the situations . Under this circumstances , all roads for Maduro are coming to an end.

07.07.2018 - 23:57 [ Portal ]

Milliardenkredit aus China für staatliches Erdölunternehmen in Venezuela

Der venezolanische Finanzminister Simon Zerpa lobte die bilateralen Beziehungen und sagte, die Präsidenten von China, Präsident Xi Jinping, und Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, hätten erst kürzlich in einem Gespräch ihren Willen bekundet, die Beziehungen weiter zu verstärken.

11.06.2018 - 14:29 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

France: Farmers launch blockade of oil refinery in Grandpuits

Farmers launched a four-day blockade at the Grandpuits oil refinery on Sunday, to protest against the import of palm oil for use in fuel at the expense of locally-produced biofuels.

11.06.2018 - 12:12 [ Reuters ]

UPDATE 3-French farmers block refineries, fuel depots over palm oil imports

French farmers have blocked access to oil depots and at least three refineries using tonnes of onions, wood and rubble as part of a three-day protest over plans to allow Total to use imported palm oil at a biofuel plant.

11.06.2018 - 12:06 [ ]

In den Schlagzeilen | Raffinerien und Tanklager: Blockaden beginnen

Unter dem Stichwort #Save LesAgri riefen die erste landwirtschaftliche Gewerkschaft, die FNSEA und die Young Farmers (JA) ihre Mitglieder dazu auf, 14 strategische Standorte für drei Tage zu besetzen. „Wir wollen, dass die Regierung konsequent ist und dass Die Importe werden nach den gleichen Standards gemacht, sonst wird die französische Landwirtschaft verschwinden „, sagte Samuel Vandaele, Generalsekretär der JA.

15.05.2018 - 09:07 [ ]

Venezuela: US-Ölkonzern Conoco will Erdölraffinerien in der Karibik beschlagnahmen

Hintergrund ist eine Entscheidung der Internationalen Handelskammer vom 25. April, die dem Unternehmen eine Entschädigungszahlung in Höhe von zwei Milliarden US-Dollar für gebrochene Verträge und ausgebliebenen Profite zugesprochen hat. Das Unternehmen hatte eine Entschädigung von 22 Milliarden US-Dollar beantragt. Der Konzern hatte sich im Jahr 2007 im Rahmen der Verstaatlichungspolitik des damaligen Präsidenten Hugo Chavez aus Venezuela zurückziehen müssen.