Archiv: Damascus / Damaskus

21.02.2024 - 16:53 [ BBC News / ]

News at 3PM: MPs will vote on a #Gaza ceasefire following a debate. A Trident missile test has failed once more. The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is responding to queries at PMQs. MSF reports Israeli shelling of its #Gaza shelter. Syrian outlets report three deaths in Damascus due to Israeli missiles. Julian #Assange contests US extradition. #JulianAssange #BBC #News

21.10.2021 - 02:40 [ Haaretz ]

The Deadly Bombing in Syria Threatens to Drag Turkey and Russia Into a Military Confrontation

It appears that Turkey, despite the commitments it made to Russia, not only finds it very hard to impose its will on the militias but is in no hurry to do so. It sees control of Idlib as a bargaining chip it can use to win concessions from Moscow over other parts of Syria. Turkey argues that Russia hasn’t kept its end of the bargain to evacuate Kurdish forces from the border area between it and Syria, in particular from the cities of Manbij and Tell Rifaat. Thus, in response to Moscow’s demands to expel militants from Idlib, Ankara is demanding that the Russians move ahead with their pa

21.10.2021 - 02:32 [ ]

Bus bombs kill 14 in Syria capital; shells elsewhere kill 10

Shortly after the Damascus bombings, government shells landed in a rebel-held town in northern Syria, killing at least 10 people, four of them children. The attack, part of the government campaign to regain control of areas still in opposition hands, was the worst violence in the region since a truce in March last year was negotiated by Turkey and Russia, allies of the opposition and Syrian government, respectively.

08.03.2020 - 14:42 [ PressTV ]

Syria reopens Damascus-Aleppo highway to traffic

Dozens of buses arrived in Aleppo province from Damascus, Homs, Hama, Lattakia and Tartous governorates as a number of buses also left Aleppo through the western entrance of Aleppo, al-Nasr roundabout and the beginning of Aleppo-Damascus highway, according to SANA.

19.02.2020 - 21:03 [ Reuters ]

Syria‘s Aleppo airport receives first scheduled flight in eight years

The reopening of the airport comes days after the Russian-backed Syrian army said it had seized rural areas northwest of Aleppo, a major strategic gain in weeks of bombing of the last rebel bastion in northwestern Syria.

15.10.2019 - 06:52 [ Ian56 ‏/ Twitter ]

Syrian Army to enter several SDF-held areas in north Syria to protect against Turkey‘s invasion Latest: SDF units are to be disbanded & merged with Russian controlled forces. Talks on future limited autonomy for Kurds will be held with the Syrian gov

14.10.2019 - 06:22 [ ]

Kurds strike deal with Damascus for gov‘t force entry of north Syria towns: officials

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES) announced the deal with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad‘s government in a Sunday evening statement.

“This deployment occurred through coordination and agreement with the Self-Administration Authority for Northern and Eastern Syria and the Syrian Democratic Forces,” the statement said.

14.10.2019 - 06:19 [ ]

Kurds announce deal with Damascus as Turkey pushes deep into Syria

Syria‘s Kurds have announced a groundbreaking deal with Damascus on a Syrian troop deployment near the border with Turkey, as Ankara presses a deadly cross-border offensive that has sparked an international outcry.

The announcement on Sunday came as the United States ordered the withdrawal of almost its entire ground force in Syria.

08.10.2019 - 22:43 [ ]

Geplante Offensive: Syrien warnt die Türkei

Al-Makdad rief die Kurden zudem auf, an die Seite der Regierung in Damaskus zurückzukommen und sich nicht „selbst in die Hölle zu stürzen“, nachdem die Kurden von den USA im Stich gelassen worden seien.

Der Kommandant der von Kurden dominierten Syrischen Demokratischen Kräfte (SDF), Maslum Abdi, teilte mit, dass eine Partnerschaft mit Syriens Präsident Baschar al-Assad eine mögliche Option sei.

08.10.2019 - 22:37 [ George Galloway / ]

Between Washington‘s rock & Ankara‘s hard place, Kurds had better choose Damascus

The US should never have been there in the first place (though reading Hillary Clinton‘s late-night response to Trump it is clearer than ever that the world dodged more than a bullet when she failed to win the presidency).

The Kurdish people should have never placed their fate in the hands of a far off and thoroughly unreliable US “ally” which has picked them up only to put them back on the shelf so many times before. Syrian Kurds belong to Syria and it is with their Syrian neighbours and government that the SDF should have been in alliance.

08.10.2019 - 22:28 [ ]

Syrian Kurds hint at possible talks with Damascus amid US troops withdrawal

“At that time we may hold talks with Damascus or the Russian side to fill the void or block the Turkish attack, so this may develop and there could be meetings and contacts in case of a vacuum,” he added.

A senior Syrian government official, in return, said Damascus is ready to welcome Syria‘s Kurds back into the fold after Washington left them to face Turkish military threats alone.

08.10.2019 - 16:02 [ Sputnik ]

Kurds in Syria Ready to Negotiate With Damascus as Turkish Operation Looming – Official

„In order for the AANES to continue to safeguard the people‘s rights and play a role in all Syria, an agreement with Damascus is necessary. This is why we have repeatedly tried, either directly or through Russia, to hold dialogue with Damascus and reach a political agreement to end the Syrian crisis and confront the agendas seeking the division of the Syrian territory“, Badran Jiakurd, an adviser to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, said.

26.08.2019 - 22:31 [ Jason Ditz / ]

Netanyahu greift Irak, Syrien und Libanon an in verzweifeltem Versuch, Wählerstimmen zu erhalten

In der Tat, da die Wahl Israels weniger als einen Monat entfernt ist und Premierminister Netanyahu und seine Verbündeten in den meisten Umfragen einen erheblichen Rückstand aufweisen, scheint es, dass die Politik darin besteht, ihre Angriffe in der gesamten Region zu eskalieren, in der Hoffnung, mehr Stimmen aus der kriegslüsternen Rechten zu bekommen.

19.01.2019 - 00:14 [ Iran Daily ]

Syrian minister: Rail link to Iran, Iraq, Damascus‘ priority

He noted that once the construction of the railroad is completed, Iraqis will be able to travel to different parts of Iran and Syria and exchange goods with Syrian cities, including the port of Latakia.

The Syrian minister added following its completion, the railway network will be linked to those of Central Asia as well as China and Russia.

14.01.2019 - 17:22 [ German Foreign Policy ]

„Rebellen“ (II)

Zur Begründung hieß es, es drohe eine humanitäre Katastrophe. Das traf auf den geplanten Angriff auf Idlib mutmaßlich ebenso zu wie auf den Krieg zur Rückeroberung von Mossul und Raqqa, an dem sich Berlin allerdings aktiv beteiligt hatte; die Bundeswehr hatte unter anderem wichtige Aufklärungsdaten beschafft. Während Berlin Druck ausübte, um die Niederwerfung der Jihadisten in Idlib zu verhindern, drohten die USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich gar mit Luftangriffen ( berichtete [3]). Der erfolgreiche Versuch, die Region Idlib weiter der Kontrolle der Regierung in Damaskus zu entziehen, ist in der Öffentlichkeit stets damit begründet worden, man müsse dort ehrbare „Rebellen“ vor dem Zugriff der Regierungstruppen schützen.

13.01.2019 - 16:44 [ Press TV ]

Top Syrian official visits Saudi Arabia as Syria-Arab ties warm up after long deep freeze: Report

(9.1.2019) Syria’s National Security chief Major General Ali Mamlouk has reportedly paid a visit to Saudi Arabia, amid promising signs that the incumbent Damascus government led by President Bashar al-Assad is being admitted back into the Arab world after nearly eight years of foreign-sponsored militancy.

02.09.2018 - 15:44 [ Press TV ]

Iraq, Russia, Iran, Syria military chiefs discuss security, intel cooperation

The commanders from the four countries, which have joint operation rooms to coordinate the fight against the Daesh terror group, attended the conference on Saturday.

The Iraqi Defense Ministry said it had received delegations led by deputy chiefs of staff to „strengthen cooperation and coordination in terms of security and intelligence among these countries.“

02.09.2018 - 08:17 [ ]

Explosionen auf Militärflughafen bei Damaskus

Unter Berufung auf militärische Quellen berichtete die Staatsagentur Sana, dass ein Kurzschluss in einem Munitionsdepot die Explosionen ausgelöst haben soll. Zuvor war über einen möglichen israelischen Luftangriff spekuliert worden.

13.07.2018 - 18:13 [ Sputnik ]

Kurds Share Oil With Syrian Gov‘t as Part of a ‚Working Deal‘ – Source

An oil production agreement signed by the Syrian government and the Kurds is working, a well-informed source has told Sputnik.

In keeping with the accord, inked a few months ago, “the Kurds are extracting 50,000 barrels of crude each day at al-Rmeilan and Jabsah oilfields.

09.05.2018 - 16:47 [ AP Archive / Twitter ]

Iranian official tells Assad that US and allies have been defeated in Syria

(30 Apr 2018) Syrian President Bashar Assad met a visiting Iranian official in Damascus on Monday who claimed what he called „the project“ of the United States and its allies in Syria had been defeated. Alaeddin Boroujerdi, who heads Iran‘s parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy, spoke hours after reports of a missile attack that killed dozens of Iranian fighters in northern Syria on Monday.

07.05.2018 - 20:27 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Syrian Army, Palestinian forces enter Yarmouk Camp after massive push into ISIS pocket

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), alongside their Palestinian allies, continued their field operations inside the southern districts of Damascus on Sunday.

Led by their Republican Guard, the Syrian Arab Army managed to score a big advance inside the Yarmouk Camp, liberating a large part of the northwestern corridor of this historically Palestinian district.

05.05.2018 - 14:50 [ Al-Masdar News ]

First glimpses from ISIS controlled Yarmouk Camp

As depicted in the photos below, the war has taken a great toll on the Yarmouk Camp, as most of the buildings in this district have been destroyed by the brutal battles that have taken place over the last seven years of this war.

24.04.2018 - 11:04 [ Al-Masdar News ]

ISIS in serious trouble as Syrian, Palestinian troops storm several axes in southern Damascus

In the coming hours, the Syrian Arab Army’s elite Tiger Forces are expected to begin their long-awaited assault on the Yarmouk Camp, which will mean the Islamic State will be under attack from one of the most important axes in southern Damascus.

24.04.2018 - 11:03 [ ]

Syrische Armee bombardiert Rebellen bei Damaskus

(23.4.2018) Die syrische Armee hat heute eine Rebellenenklave bei Damaskus bombardiert und kommt der Rückeroberung der gesamten Hauptstadtregion immer näher. Ziel sei ein von islamistischen Aufständischen gehaltenes Gebiet, berichteten das staatliche Fernsehen und die der Opposition nahe stehende Syrische Beobachtungsgruppe für Menschenrechte mit Sitz in Großbritannien.

21.04.2018 - 22:58 [ ]


Butcher of Damascus. Gasser of children. Baby Killer of Syria. Tool of Moscow. Cruel despot. Monster. These are all names the western media and politicians routinely heap on Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. He has now become the top Mideast villain, the man we love to hate.

21.04.2018 - 22:53 [ Eric Margolis / ]

Doktor Tod aus Damaskus?

Mittelost-Führer, die der US-Linie folgen und Israel freundlich gesinnt sind, werden von der amerikanischen Regierung und ihren zunehmend gezähmten Medien immer wieder als „Staatsmänner“ oder „Präsident“ bezeichnet. Es gibt den guten alten Präsidenten Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Ägypten, den Militärdiktator, der die einzige Demokratie dieser Nation zerstörte und ihr eine eiserne Herrschaft aufzwang. Aber wir werden von den US-Medien nie von den politischen Morden, den Verschwundenen, den Geheimgefängnissen und den Folterungen in Ägypten hören. Oder dass Ägypten seit der Ära von Anwar Sadat und Nachfolger Hosni Mubarak einer der drakonischsten Polizeistaaten der Welt ist.

17.04.2018 - 16:32 [ Times of Israel ]

After Ghouta, Syrian army eyes rebels in Daraa, on Israel’s border

(15.4.2018) Regime forces expected to target area that was the cradle of uprising and a stronghold for Western-backed non-jihadist rebels

17.04.2018 - 16:27 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Breaking: 1,000 militants prepare to leave Ad-Dumayr city in northeast Damascus as evacuation deal goes into effect

Reports have begun to emerge from Syrian state media (SANA) claiming that over one thousand rebel fighters are preparing to evacuate the city of Ad-Dumayr in northeastern Damascus province.

The militants are noted to all belong to the Jaysh al-Islam faction – a group which has seen its forces recently ejected from other areas east of the Syrian capital.

17.04.2018 - 10:02 [ Peto Lucem / Twitter ]

NEW MAP: Military situation in southern #Damascus. Syrian Government Forces and allied Palestinian militias are gathering their forces in staging areas.

A large scale offensive against #ISIS in #Yarmouk Camp and Al- #Qadam districts is expected to commence soon. #Syria

17.04.2018 - 09:58 [ Peto Lucem / Twitter ]

NEW MAP: Syrian Government Forces have secured the entire East- #Ghouta area near the capital #Damascus. This probably marks the most decisive victory in this war, which made the redeployment of sev. 10K troops possible. #Syria

11.04.2018 - 07:41 [ Hands off Syria / Facebook ]

Vanessa Beeley: „Before you believe the #CNN warmongers in #Damascus. Their poster boy of war, Frederick Pleitgen was with me when we visited a terrorist chemical weapons lab in #Irbin Eastern #Ghouta two days ago.

(7.4.2018) He does not mention it in his sensationalist report „live“ from Damascus.
Nor does he mention the estimated 3500 plus #prisoners being held by Jaish Al-Islam terrorists in their „repentance“ prisons, many women and children among them who are very probably now being murdered to produce the last ditch attempt #chemical weapon attack – #UK is already posturing that they will attack Syria if this CW attack is proven…and we know what proof means to these criminals.“

08.04.2018 - 04:01 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Syrian Army reaches southern outskirts of Douma after major advance

According to military source in Damascus, the Syrian Arab Army has managed to reach the southern outskirts of Douma and should be able to reach the first buildings inside the town by Sunday evening.

In addition to their advance in southern Douma, the Syrian Arab Army was also able to capture several points at the western axis of the town.

08.04.2018 - 02:56 [ ]

Syrian Army Launches Ground Assault On Jaysh al-Islam In Duma (Map, Video, Photos)

Syrian pro-government sources reported that warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) had destroyed more than 300 positions of Jaysh al-Islam, including the main headquarter, communication networks and ammo depots, in Duma district over the last 24 hours.
Meanwhile, Jaysh al-Islam continued shelling the government-held districts of Damascus. Five civilians were killed and more than thirty others were injured in Jaysh al-Islam shelling, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency.

02.04.2018 - 04:32 [ ]

Syrien Letzte Rebellenmiliz stimmt Abzug aus Ost-Ghuta zu

In Syrien kontrolliert Machthaber Assad erstmals seit 2012 wieder die gesamte Region um die Hauptstadt Damaskus. Die letzten islamistischen Kämpfer, die in Ost-Ghuta noch Stellungen hielten, gaben auf.