Daily Archives: 3. Oktober 2022

03.10.2022 - 19:49 [ Wikileaks / Twitter ]

On 8 October thousands will join together to form a #HumanChain to #SurroundParliament to free Julian Assange – Be part of history and join this once in a lifetime event

Details: https://dontextraditeassange.com/human-chain/ #SurroundParliamentAssange #SurroundParliament #FreeAssangeNOW

03.10.2022 - 18:11 [ Ansa.it ]

Confindustria calls for authoritative new govt ASAP

„We hope for a government with authoritative, competent and irreproachable ministers as soon as possible“.
Brothers of Italy (FdI) leader Giorgio Meloni, who looks set to become the next premier after her right-wing party spearheaded the right coalition to victory, is currently holding a series of meetings on the make-up of the new executive.

03.10.2022 - 17:33 [ Haaretz ]

The Trojan Horse That Is Destroying Israel

It would be interesting to know whether there will ever be a moment when supporters of the two-state solution will acknowledge that it is unfeasible, and when they will internalize that Israel is a binational state. After all, no official declaration will be issued. There will never be an official declaration. The Israeli government will not announce “in shock, with great sadness and deep sorrow,” as in Eitan Haber’s announcement of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the death of the two-state solution, the death of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state and its rebirth from the ashes as a binational apartheid state.

03.10.2022 - 17:13 [ Mirror.co.uk ]

Tory MP ‚submits letter‘ calling for Liz Truss confidence vote amid backbench rebellion

The unnamed member of the parliamentary Conservative party told Bloomberg political editor Kitty Donaldson that they had handed in their letter to the 1922 committee on Sunday night.

While Tory MPs say letters have been going in for more than a week, this may be the first report of an MP personally admitting they have sent one themself.

Current rules give Liz Truss until next September before she can be ousted – but these could be changed by MPs.

03.10.2022 - 17:03 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Rebel Tories demand MORE U-turns on ‚mini-Budget‘ after plan to axe top 45p tax rate is ditched: Liz Truss CANCELS visit as ‚contrite‘ Kwasi Kwarteng vows he WON‘T quit ahead of crunch speech – while PM‘s ally says he warned Chancellor of market meltdown

– Prime Minister Liz Truss and Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng backtracked amid threat of losing Commons vote

03.10.2022 - 16:24 [ ORF.at ]

Ex-General Petraeus: So würde die NATO auf A-Bombe reagieren

Er habe zwar nicht kürzlich mit dem US-Sicherheitsberater Jake Sullivan gesprochen, aber die USA hätten Russland über mehrere Kanäle ihre starke Antwort auf einen möglichen Einsatz taktischer Atomwaffen mitgeteilt.

03.10.2022 - 16:16 [ Radio Utopie ]

McChrystal raus, Petraeus degradiert: Die “Warlord AG” Afghanistan bekommt einen neuen Geschäftsführer


Der Präsident der Republik USA, Barack Obama, zitiert seinen Afghanistan-Kommandeur Stanley McChrystal erst nach Washington, um ihn dort zu feuern. Angeblich geht es um harsche Worte gegen die zivile Regierung im „Rolling Stone“. Am gleichen Tag erscheint ein Bericht des Kongress-Unterausschusses für Nationale Sicherheit und Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, welcher unter der Überschrift „Die Warlord AG“ minutiös belegt, dass die Militärs des von den USA angeführten Nordatlantikpaktes jeden einzelnen Versorgungstransport in ihre Besatzungszone von Kriegsfürsten bewachen lassen, Milizen finanzieren und dass diese Gelder eine „signifikante potentielle Quelle für die Finanzierung der Taliban“ darstellen.

Dann stellt sich der Präsident in die mittwöchentliche Abendsonne – sein Generalstabschef Michael Mullen darf am Rande stehen – und verkündet die Degradierung seines bisherigen Militärdiktators David Petraeus vom Chef des Zentralkommandos zum Nachfolger seines bisherigen Untergebenen McChrystals in Afghanistan.

03.10.2022 - 15:54 [ theGuardian.com ]

Petraeus: US would destroy Russia’s troops if Putin uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine

Petraeus said that he had not spoken to national security adviser Jake Sullivan on the likely US response to nuclear escalation from Russia, which administration officials have said has been repeatedly communicated to Moscow.

03.10.2022 - 15:50 [ theHill.com ]

Petraeus predicts US would lead NATO response to ‘take out’ Russian forces if Putin uses nuclear weapon


During an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Petraeus told co-anchor Jonathan Karl that western powers have to take Russia’s nuclear weapons threats seriously, noting National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan’s recent remarks that US officials have warned the Moscow of “catastrophic consequences” if the Kremlin deploys nuclear weapons.

03.10.2022 - 15:42 [ theHill.com ]

Biden adviser: US in private talks with Russia over nuclear weapons to avoid public ‘tit for tat’


Sullivan on Sunday said the U.S. has been in contact with senior Russian officials “frequently” over the last few months, and as recently as in the last few days — despite worries since the start of the war that the U.S. was struggling to get in touch with Moscow.

03.10.2022 - 15:17 [ TelesurEnglish.net ]

Brazil Deserves the Right to Be Happy: Lula Da Silva

„In 2018, I couldn’t vote because I was in jail for being a victim of a lie. Four years later, I’m voting with full recognition of my freedom and the possibility of being president again so that this country can return to normal,“Lula said, recalling that he remained in prison for 580 days as a result of a political persecution orchestrated by conservative elites.

03.10.2022 - 14:19 [ Amerika21.de ]

Wahlen in Brasilien: Lula gewinnt ersten Durchgang, Stichwahl am 30.Oktober

Brasília. Mit 48,43 Prozent der Stimmen schlägt der linke Präsidentschaftskandidat Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva seinen Konkurrenten Jair Bolsonaro. Beide werden am 30. Oktober zur Stichwahl gegeneinander antreten.

Bolsonaro konnte insgesamt 43,2 Prozent der Stimmen für sich gewinnen.