#Berlin #wahl
Daily Archives: 24. Mai 2022
Pannen und Unregelmäßigkeiten – Bundeswahlleiter: Wahlwiederholung in sechs Berliner Wahlkreisen unumgänglich
In der Nacht zum Dienstag war für die Landeswahlleitung die Frist ausgelaufen, eine ergänzende Stellungnahme zu den Pannen bei der vergangenen Berlin-Wahl abzugeben. Sie musste darin dem Landesverfassungsgericht darlegen, wie sie die Wahl vorbereitet und durchgeführt hat. Es geht unter anderem um die Frage, wie es zu falschen und fehlenden Stimmzetteln in einzelnen Wahllokalen kommen konnte, zur zeitweisen Schließung der Lokale und zur Offenhaltung von Lokalen nach 18 Uhr. Die Liste der Pannen ist lang.
Affenpocken treffen unsere Regierenden nicht unvorbereitet: Ausbruch wurde schon 2021 geübt
Das Übungsszenario stellte eine globale Pandemie mit einem ungewöhnlichen Stamm des Affenpockenvirus dar, der zunächst in dem fiktiven Land Brinia auftritt und sich schließlich weltweit ausbreitet. Der Angriff mit dem Virus, der sich als Biowaffe von Terroristen herausstellen sollte, war im Szenario für Mai 2022 vorgesehen. Das ist zufällig der Monat im dem sich die Affenpocken tatsächlich in Europa verbreiteten.
Scholz will Bundeswehreinsatz im Niger verlängern
Biden says US will use force to defend Taiwan if China invades
He warned that China is already „flirting with danger by flying so close and all the maneuvers they are undertaking (in Taiwan‘s ADIZ).“ The president said that although the U.S. is committed to the ‚one China‘ policy, it does not mean that China has the „jurisdiction to go in and use force to take over Taiwan.“
Biden pledged that the U.S. „stands firmly with Japan and other nations not to let that happen.“
Japan hosts Quad summit seeking unity on countering China
Leaders of Japan, India, Australia and the United States met in Tokyo on Tuesday, looking to put China on notice as it expands its military and economic influence in the region.
The summit of the grouping known as the Quad comes a day after U.S. President Joe Biden said Washington would be ready to intervene militarily to defend Taiwan, prompting China to accuse him of „playing with fire“.
Tuesday‘s gathering is expected to produce fewer fireworks but still be clearly directed at China.
Pentagon, CENTCOM Deny Reports US Refueling Planes Took Part in Israel Iran-Strike Drill
According to Buccino, the fuel tankers simulated refueling two US F-15s and four Israeli F-16s. The timing of the refueling exercise was coincidental, Buccino said.
“There is no direct US military involvement in that exercise,” Buccino said, referring to “Chariots of Fire.”
Pentagon spokesman Maj. Rob Lodewick also denied that the Department of Defense was “directly participating” in the exercise, according to the report.
“A small number of personnel from across US Central Command are observing portions of the exercise,” Lodewick added.
Report: In 1st, US refuelers to take part in major Israeli drill for strike on Iran
According to the unsourced report, the US Air Force will serve as a complementary force, with refueling planes drilling with Israeli fighter jets as they simulate entering Iranian territory and carrying out repeated strikes.
The unprecedented Israel- US aerial collaboration in a drill simulating a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities is seen as a potential message to Iran amid long-stalled negotiations in Vienna over a return to the 2015 nuclear deal, a possibility Israel has repeatedly voiced its objection to, warning it would lead to “a more violent, more volatile Middle East.”
Israeli military to hold large-scale drill simulating widescale strike on Iran
Gantz is slated to meet with his American counterpart, Lloyd Austin, on Thursday at the Pentagon in Washington. Meanwhile, Michael Kurilla, head of the United States Central Command (CENTCOM), arrived in Israel on Tuesday for his first official visit.
A Warning From Israel‘s Left
We shouldn’t downplay the threat posed by a return to power by Netanyahu, a criminal defendant who caused great damage to the fabric of Israeli life, undermined its democratic institutions, eroded its values and is willing to cooperate with Kahanists to regain power. But this threat should not obscure the substance of Rinawie Zoabi’s arguments, which deserve serious attention. Not every abomination can be koshered by citing Netanyahu, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotric
Pentagon working on plans to send troops to protect US Embassy in Kyiv
“Some of the things that may have been out there in the media, those are planning efforts that are underway at a relatively low level,” Milley told reporters at the Pentagon, seeming to refer to the Journal’s report.
Such plans “have not yet made it to [Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin] or myself for that matter, for refinement of courses of action and what’s needed,” he noted.
Pentagon Weighs Deploying Special Forces to Guard Kyiv Embassy
President Biden has yet to be presented with the proposal.