Daily Archives: 28. Februar 2020

28.02.2020 - 23:53 [ Ray McGovern / Antiwar.com ]

Queen’s Counsel Charges vs. Assange „Significantly Overwrought“

We are about to see how malleable the British Court system is to diktat from Washington. Will the British embrace the flimsiest of circumstantial “evidence” from U.S. security services that have axes to grind?

Will British officials turn their back on 800 years of progress on the human rights wrested from King John at Runnymede? Are there today no “English Nobles” to thwart the obscene “legal” proceedings aimed at extraditing WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to a US prison for publishing the truth about US and UK war crimes?

28.02.2020 - 23:33 [ Andrew P. Napolitano / Antiwar.com ]

Punishing the Free Speech of Julian Assange

WikiLeaks revealed – in partnership with major international publications, including the two involved in the Pentagon Papers Case – videos of American troops murdering civilians and celebrating the murders (a war crime) as well as documentary proof of American complicity in torture (also a war crime).

28.02.2020 - 23:17 [ Antiwar.com ]

First They Came for Assange…

So, mainstream American publishers – of newspapers, online sites, and even cable news producers – really ought to brush up on their Evelyn Beatrice Hall; you know her oft-quoted, but rarely practiced profession: „I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.“

Ultimately, it matters not whether one likes Assange, shares his worldview, or even approves of his tactics. The name of the civil libertarian game must instead be a press-sovereignty solidarity that transcends the person of Mr. Assange. Love him or hate him; like WikiLeaks or loathe it; the most powerful American press organizations must close ranks with Assange.

28.02.2020 - 20:02 [ Radio Utopie ]

Gewaltensammlung in Hanau: Eine öffentliche Anklage gegen den Staat

Der Status nach elf toten bzw ermordeten Menschen am 19. Februar 2020 in Hanau:

28.02.2020 - 19:15 [ France24 ]

France summons Mali envoy in dispute over ‚false‘ remarks about soldiers

France on Thursday summoned Mali’s ambassador after dismissing as “false” and “unacceptable” his claims of rowdy behaviour by French soldiers helping the West African nation combat an Islamic insurgency.

Toumani Djime Diallo was summoned to the foreign ministry, where “we expressed our indignation at his baseless and shocking remarks on behalf of an allied country in the fight against terrorism,” the ministry told AFP.

28.02.2020 - 18:35 [ USA Today ]

‚Mini-moon‘ the size of a car discovered orbiting Earth. But it won‘t be there for long.

After billions of years, it looks like the moon found some temporary company in the form of a „mini-moon“ that recently entered the Earth‘s orbit.

The discovery was made the night of Feb. 15 by Senior Research Specialist Kacper Wierzchos and Research Specialist Theodore Pruyne, both with the Catalina Sky Survey at the University of Arizona College of Science.

28.02.2020 - 18:25 [ TASS ]

Facial recognition technology to be used at football match in St Petersburg

The system will be deployed at the entrance to the first tier of Block D with seats for active fans

28.02.2020 - 15:03 [ Kreml - Kremlin.ru ]

Telephone conversation with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreements reached in 2018 and 2019. They stressed that the priority task was to fight international terrorist groups.

Both sides reaffirmed that it was necessary to adopt additional measures in order to normalise the situation in northwestern Syria. They agreed to step up the corresponding interagency consultations and to examine the possibility of soon holding a meeting at the highest level.

28.02.2020 - 14:50 [ Tagesschau ]

Syrien-Konflikt: NATO stellt sich hinter Türkei

Die NATO hat den Luftangriff auf türkische Soldaten in Syrien als „rücksichtslos“ verurteilt. Russland und Syrien müssten ihre Offensive in Idlib stoppen, sagte Generalsekretär Stoltenberg nach einem Sondertreffen.

28.02.2020 - 14:49 [ Hurriyet ]

Erdoğan, Putin agree to meet soon after deadly Idlib attack

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin exchanged a phone call on February 28 and agreed to meet in-person very soon and to discuss new measures to de-escalate tension in the Idlib province of Syria as the Syrian regime killed 33 Turkish troops in an attack.

28.02.2020 - 14:47 [ CNN ]

Tensions escalate between Kremlin and Ankara after dozens of Turkish troops killed in Syria

In the past, an error would be confessed. A phone call between Moscow and Ankara would calm tensions. Instead, Russia is doubling down on how the Turkish troops were close to terrorists at the time of the attack. They are sending cruise-missile-capable ships to the region. The danger with deals between strongmen is that they depend on personal pragmatism or chemistry.

28.02.2020 - 14:45 [ CNN ]

At least 33 Turkish soldiers killed in an air attack by Syrian regime, Turkish governor says

The attack comes days before a Turkish deadline on Syrian government troops to withdraw from areas recaptured in recent months from rebels in northwest Syria.

Turkey, which backs some Syrian anti-government fighters, condemned the Syrian attack as a „nefarious attack against heroic soldiers in Idlib who were there to ensure our national security.“

28.02.2020 - 14:28 [ JRE Clips / Youtube ]

Jimmy Dore: Bernie Has to Over-Win Or They’ll Cheat Him


Taken from JRE #1412 w/Jimmy Dore: https://youtu.be/amx14K9N5CY

28.02.2020 - 13:55 [ Wikipedia ]

List of 2020 Democratic Party automatic delegates

This list tracks the presumed support (based on endorsements) for given candidates among the 775 unpledged delegates (commonly known as superdelegates, and referred to in the 2020 election cycle as ‚automatic delegates‚[1]) who will be eligible to cast a vote at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, which is to be held on July 13–16, 2020 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

28.02.2020 - 13:26 [ theHill.com ]

Centrist Democrats insist Sanders would need delegate majority to win

But several Sanders critics said they would probably try to deny the Vermont independent the nomination if he fails to reach the required 1,991 delegates on the first ballot at the convention in July, even if he has more than any other candidate.

If a candidate does not secure a majority of pledged delegates on the first ballot, so-called superdelegates — members of Congress and other party officials — would be able to cast votes for any candidate during subsequent rounds.

28.02.2020 - 12:53 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Fires Campaign Strategist After He Was Caught Calling Him a ‘Danger to Israel’

In the recordings, published by Israel‘s Channel 12 News on Thursday — less than a week before Israelis head to the polls — the strategist was heard telling an anonymous source that his boss might „endanger the people of Israel,“ and that he „doesn‘t have the guts to strike in Iran.“

The adviser to the former army chief was also heard saying that a Kahol Lavan lawmaker had harshly criticized the leader of her party. „She [Knesset member Omer Yankelevich of Kahol Lavan] says that he‘s stupid and a total loser and that he shouldn‘t be prime minister.“

28.02.2020 - 12:44 [ @Weusedtoknowst1 / Twitter ]

The results are still unofficial: The state party must certify the results by Saturday, the day of the South Carolina primary. And the Sanders campaign says it has already asked the Democratic National Committee to step in and review the recount process in Iowa.

28.02.2020 - 12:37 [ BleedingHeartland.com ]

Iowa Democrats should not certify inaccurate caucus results

Ethan Corey and Daniel Nichanian have been pointing out for weeks that no one entered numbers from Des Moines County precinct 3 into the system. Corey spoke to a volunteer in the county who said that precinct had about 140 fewer caucus-goers than the official results (from the Winneshiek precinct) would suggest.

Bleeding Heartland flagged this issue in a post published on February 19. This week, I’ve repeatedly emailed IDP leaders trying to find out whether the party’s operating committee or SCC will direct someone to enter the proper numbers from Des Moines County precinct 3. I have received no reply whatsoever, not even “no comment.”

28.02.2020 - 12:33 [ Taniel / Twitter ]

(That error alone is nearly half of Sanders‘s current deficit.)

But I‘m not sure if this is a new error [as tweet above indicates] or if it was already here; it‘s already in my saved notes from a few iterations ago.

link to verify for yourself: https://results.thecaucuses.org

28.02.2020 - 12:29 [ @fathippy2 / Twitter ]

Can someone explain how they have recounted NL6/Madison (Johnson)?? They have literally reversed the recanvass and given the delegate back to Warren on 104 vs Sanders on 107??? They have even reduced Warren from 105 to 104 to boot!! Its half an SDE

28.02.2020 - 12:26 [ theHill.com ]

Delegate count unchanged after Iowa caucus recount completed

Recount administration recounted preference cards from 23 unique precincts, 14 requested by the Buttigieg campaign and 10 requested by the Sanders campaign, on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to a statement released by the Iowa Democratic Party.

The final state delegate equivalent totals have Buttigieg at 562.954 and Sanders at 562.021.

28.02.2020 - 11:34 [ teleSUR ]

Costa Rican Indigenous Denounce Govt Inaction Regarding Murders

The Indigenous peoples of Bröran de Terraba and Bribri de Salitres in Costa Rica denounced Thursday the lack of action by the state regarding the violence committed against their communities and the murder of their leaders.

28.02.2020 - 06:19 [ theHill.com ]

Poll: Two-thirds of voters say billionaires should pay a wealth tax

The survey found majority support for such a tax among Democrats and independents, at 85 percent and 66 percent, respectively. Republicans were more divided, with 53 percent saying the ultra-rich should not be subjected to an additional tax and 47 percent in favor.

28.02.2020 - 06:02 [ theIntercept.com ]

Bernie Sanders’s Fight Against Trump, the GOP, the Democratic Establishment, and Corporate Media

This week on Intercepted: As Bloomberg launches a massive attack ad campaign against Sanders ahead of the South Carolina and Super Tuesday primaries, Sanders is facing a multipronged battle against the most powerful political and economic forces in the country.

28.02.2020 - 00:05 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Prioritäten des Pentagon

Zur Abwehr derartiger „hybrider Bedrohungen“ habe die EU bereits „ein starkes Bündnis“ mobilisiert; es setze sich aus „Journalisten, Faktenprüfern, Plattformen, Regierungen, nationalen Behörden, Forschern und der Zivilgesellschaft“ zusammen.