Daily Archives: 9. Dezember 2019

09.12.2019 - 21:36 [ Radio Utopie ]

Journalist.innen für Julian Assange

Journalist.innen weltweit haben sich endlich dazu aufgerafft gegen die politische Verfolgung des Mitbegründers von Wikileaks organisiert Stellung zu beziehen.

Julian Assange, langähriger Kopf von WikiLeaks und damaliger Mitbegründer in Berlin, ist derzeit der bekannteste politische Gefangene der Welt.

09.12.2019 - 20:31 [ speak-up-for-assange.org ]

Journalists Speak Up for Julian Assange

Julian Assange, founder and publisher of WikiLeaks, is currently detained in Belmarsh high-security prison in the United Kingdom and faces extradition to the United States and criminal prosecution under the Espionage Act. He risks up to 175 years imprisonment for his part in making public the leak of US military documents from Afghanistan and Iraq, and a trove of US State Department cables. The ‘War Diaries’ provided evidence that the US Government misled the public about activities in Afghanistan and Iraq and committed war crimes. WikiLeaks partnered with a wide range of media organizations worldwide that republished the War Diaries and embassy cables. The legal action underway against Mr Assange sets an extremely dangerous precedent for journalists, media organizations and the freedom of the press.

We, journalists and journalistic organizations around the globe, express our grave concern for Mr Assange’s wellbeing, for his continued detention and for the draconian espionage charges.

09.12.2019 - 19:58 [ Represent.us ]

Unbreaking America: Divided We Fall

In just 9 minutes, Michael Douglas shows how America’s political system has been hijacked to ensure those with power keep it – and how the anti-corruption movement can stop it.

09.12.2019 - 19:37 [ Washington Post ]

The Afghanistan Papers – A secret history of the war: At war with the truth

A confidential trove of government documents obtained by The Washington Post reveals that senior U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign, making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding unmistakable evidence the war had become unwinnable.

The documents were generated by a federal project examining the root failures of the longest armed conflict in U.S. history. They include more than 2,000 pages of previously unpublished notes of interviews with people who played a direct role in the war, from generals and diplomats to aid workers and Afghan officials.

09.12.2019 - 19:33 [ theHill.com ]

Documents show US leaders misled public on progress in Afghanistan War: report

Senior U.S. officials knowingly lied to the public about their progress throughout the 18-year war in Afghanistan, consistently painting a rosier picture of the state of the war than they knew to be true, according to a cache of documents obtained by the Washington Post.

In private interviews conducted by a watchdog that span the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations – which the Post obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request — U.S. officials frequently acknowledged a lack of understanding, strategy and progress in a war they regularly described publicly as being on the cusp of success.

09.12.2019 - 19:20 [ France24.com ]

Macron welcomes Putin, Zelensky for Ukraine peace talks in Paris

After a three-year freeze in negotiations over the conflict between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, a meeting is set for Monday at France‘s Élysée Palace.

09.12.2019 - 19:13 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Ukraine-Gipfel in Paris: Hoffnung auf Annäherung

Selenskyj und Putin trafen zunächst mit dem französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in Einzelgesprächen zusammen. Geplant ist auch ein Vier-Augen-Gespräch von Putin und Selenskyj.

09.12.2019 - 11:18 [ teleSUR ]

‚A Song for Colombia‘ Gathers Thousands as Protests Continue

Since the beginning of the national strike, on Nov. 21 artists have played an active role in the demonstrations, not only musicians but from all artistic genres. Demonstrators are rallying against economic plans – such as a rise in the pension age and a cut to the minimum wage for young people, as well what they say is a lack of government action to stop corruption and the murder of hundreds of human rights activists.

09.12.2019 - 11:08 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Polizei in Chile schießt auf Menschenrechtsbeobachter, Tausende Menschen verletzt

Neben ihrer wichtigen Arbeit als Beobachter bei Demonstrationen ist das INDH auch in den Kommissariaten unterwegs, um sicherzustellen, dass sich die Polizei auch dort an die gesetzlichen Vorgaben hält und die Rechte von Festgenommenen gewahrt werden. Durch ihre gelben Anoraks sind sie für Protestierende und Sicherheitskräfte bei Protesten gleichermaßen klar erkennbar.

09.12.2019 - 06:23 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

Are you willing to fight for a person you don’t know as much as you’re willing to fight for yourself?

09.12.2019 - 06:21 [ Ynetnews.com ]

Biden calls Sanders’ pitch to leverage Israel aid ‘bizarre’

Joe Biden said Saturday that it is “bizarre” for Bernie Sanders to propose withholding U.S. military aid from Israel if the government there doesn’t moderate its treatment of Palestinians.

The remarks highlight a nuanced but significant distinction between the Democratic presidential contenders.

09.12.2019 - 06:14 [ Haaretz ]

From Now On, Every Palestinian Is an anti-Semite

The plague is spreading. Under cover of the (just) war against anti-Semitism, Europe and the United States silence every voice daring to criticize Israel. Under cover of this war, they are undermining their freedom of speech. Incredibly, this new phenomenon is not triggering any protest, as one would expect. Laws labeling anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism and the anti-occupation movement as anti-Semitic, are passed with overwhelming majorities.

09.12.2019 - 06:04 [ Fefe.de ]

Bei Umfragen ist ja immer wichtig, dass man die Fragen gesehen hat.

„Wie schätzen Sie das ein: Gewinnt die SPD eher mit einem ideologischen Linkskurs oder eher mit einem pragmatisch-rationalen Mitte-Kurs“

Damit hat Forsa nicht nur diese Umfrage ruiniert. Auch zukünftige Umfragen können sie sich eigentlich auch direkt sparen.

09.12.2019 - 05:59 [ ORF.at ]

Finnland: Sanna Marin wird neue Regierungschefin

Die Entwicklungen in Helsinki sind für den Rest Europas auch deshalb von Bedeutung, weil Finnland noch bis Ende des Jahres den EU-Ratsvorsitz innehat. Am 1. Jänner übernimmt Kroatien.

09.12.2019 - 01:01 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Sonderwirtschaftszone Donezk-Luhansk

Dazu hat der OAOEV, dem zahlreiche Spitzenkonzerne der deutschen Industrie angehören, so etwa Volkswagen, Daimler und BMW, Bayer und BASF, die Deutsche Bahn und die Deutsche Bank, einen Katalog von zunächst acht Maßnahmen vorgelegt. In einem ersten Schritt soll im kommenden Jahr eine internationale Geberkonferenz abgehalten werden, um den „ersten, akuten Finanzbedarf von mindestens drei Milliarden Euro“ zu stillen.