Vier Friedensaktivist*innen wurden gestern in der Berufungsverhandlung wegen Hausfriedensbruch zu je 30 Tagessätzen verurteilt, weil sie im September 2016 die Startbahn des Atomwaffenlagers Büchel besetzt haben.
Daily Archives: 28. September 2019
Gegen Kriegsplanungen im Ruhrgebiet
Die Bandbreite der Waffen, über die in Essen diskutiert werden soll, reicht bis zu Nuklearsprengköpfen. Laut Vorbereitungsmanuskript werden den Teilnehmenden ganz neue »nichttödliche« und tödliche Möglichkeiten für den Kriegseinsatz vorgestellt. Gesponsert wird das alles von Airbus, Lockheed Martin, Thales-Raytheon Systems, Northrop Grumman und weiteren international agierenden Rüstungskonzernen.
Stephan Ernst war nie inaktiv: Lübcke-Nachfolger im Amt
Die antifaschistische Recherchegruppe Exif veröffentlichte am Donnerstag im Internet Fotos von Ernst und H. bei der Anreise zur AfD-Demonstration am 1. September 2018 in Chemnitz.
Forschungsprojekt zu Polizeigewalt: Dunkelfeld beleuchtet
Angesichts des Anzeigeverhaltens gehen die Forscher von einem Dunkelfeld an unrechtmäßiger Polizeigewalt aus, das rund fünf- bis sechsmal so groß ist wie das offiziell erfasste Ausmaß. Das würde bedeuten: Statt 2.000 sind es tatsächlich über 10.000 Fälle pro Jahr.
Marine fehlen Schiffe und Personal für neue Aufgaben #Marine #Bundeswehr
Verbündete und Partner – Verteidigungsministerin Kramp-Karrenbauer @akk trifft ihren US-Amtskollegen @EsperDoD im Pentagon in #Washington. Themen u.a. Afghanistan, NATO/EU-Zusammenarbeit und die Lage am Golf.
In talks with new German defense chief, Esper repeats US demand that Berlin boost military spending
STUTTGART, Germany — When the new U.S. and German defense chiefs held high-level talks in Washington this week, Defense Secretary Mark Esper wasted no time getting to his main point — the dollars and cents of defense spending.
The British-flagged merchant vessel Stena Impero en route to Dubai after being released by Iran. Images from a @RoyalNavy Wildcat helicopter operating from @HMS_MONTROSE which is patrolling the Gulf as part of the International Maritime Security Construct
‘Almost a spy’: Transcript and video of Trump’s remarks at private U.N. event about whistleblower
„So the whistleblower came out and said nothing. Said: ‘A couple of people told me he had a conversation with Ukraine.’ We’re at war. These people are sick. They’re sick. And nobody’s called it out like I do. I don’t understand. People are afraid to call it out. They’re afraid to say that the press is crooked. We have a crooked press. We have a dishonest media. So now they’re devastated, but they’ll always find something. I’m sure there’ll be something they’ll find in this report that will suit their lie. But basically that person never saw the report, never saw the call. Never saw the call. Heard something, and decided that he or she or whoever the hell it is — sort of like, almost, a spy.“
I listened to dozens of Obama’s calls. Trump knows that’s perfectly normal.
As a former intelligence officer who was detailed to the White House Situation Room, I listened to more of President Barack Obama’s calls with world leaders than I can remember. I would often joke with friends about trying to make small talk with German Chancellor Angela Merkel while she waited for Obama to come to the line. More somberly, I remember speaking with Zelensky’s predecessor, Petro Poroshenko, moments after he learned of the downing of the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane in Ukraine in the early days of his government. Sometimes, our foreign counterparts would put us on the line with their chief executives before Obama was ready; we’d greet them and explain why there was a delay.
.@RepPressley: „In these difficult times, I‘m often asked if I‘m growing cynical or apathetic. My response is always the same: I don‘t have the luxury. We don‘t have the luxury.“ #NARAL50
In defence of the people: The only problem with democracy is that there is not enough of it.
The very word possessed such talismanic power that you could even get away with attacking whole countries and killing all kinds of people just so the ones who survived could have democracy.
Then these gatekeepers of good manners lost a referendum (Brexit) and an election (Trump) and decided that democracy was totally passé. The volte-face they performed was rather breathtaking in its coordination, like a little shoal of well-disciplined fish avoiding troubled waters with mindless accuracy.
Gespräche im Weißen Haus: Der Präsident am Telefon – wer hört mit?
Alles in allem erfahren also regelmäßig zwischen 20 und 30 Regierungsmitarbeiter, was der Präsident mit anderen Regierungschefs bespricht.
Spies and the White House have a history of running wild without congressional oversight
For decades now, the evolving role of congressional oversight of US intelligence has involved major clashes and scandals, from the Iran-Contra affair of the 1980s to the intelligence abuses that led to the 2003 war in Iraq.
Central to all of these clashes are attempts by intelligence agencies, the president and the executive branch to withhold damning information from Congress. Another common element is the use of civilians to carry out presidential or intelligence agency agendas.
Iraqi Prime Minister agrees to open Al Qaim crossing at Syrian border
On the Syrian side it connects with the Al Bukamal border crossing point in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor and is controlled from the Syrian side of the border.
There are currently three crossings at the Iraqi-Syrian border: Rabia, also referred to as Al-Yarubiyah, located in Syria’s Al Hasakah province controlled by Kurdish-led forces and the At Tanf crossing located in an area controlled by US forces in Syria.
„No place for violence, intimidation or fraud“’ in Afghan elections: UN chief
The United Nations Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), published a tweet on Friday noting the announced closure of 445 more polling stations on election day: “Transparency key to credibility”, the mission said. “Imperative to clarify where these Polling Centres are located – voters have a right to vote and need to know”.
What I Didn‘t Find in Africa
(2003) Did the Bush administration manipulate intelligence about Saddam Hussein‘s weapons programs to justify an invasion of Iraq?
Based on my experience with the administration in the months leading up to the war, I have little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq‘s nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.
Joseph Wilson, Who Challenged Iraq War Narrative, Dies at 69
He contradicted a statement in President George W. Bush’s State of the Union address. A week later, his wife at the time, Valerie Plame, was outed as a C.I.A. agent.
22 Millionen verlorene E-Mails der Bush-Regierung aus der Zeit des Irak-Krieges wieder aufgetaucht
(15.12.2009) Die E-Mails datierten von 2003 bis 2005 und waren „falsch beschriftet und galten als effektiv verloren“ teilte das National Security Archive nach Auskunft einer Forschungsgruppe der George Washington University mit…
2004 veröffentlichte Wilson sein autobiografisches politisches Buch „The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife‘s CIA Identity: A Diplomat‘s Memoir.“
Kurt Volker, Trump’s Envoy for Ukraine, Resigns
Mr. Volker, who told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday that he was stepping down, offered no public explanation but a person informed about his decision said he concluded that it was impossible to be effective in his assignment given the developments of recent days.
Kurt Volker: Donald Trumps Ukraine-Sondergesandter tritt zurück
Volker gehört zu fünf Mitarbeitern des Außenministeriums, die die Demokraten im Repräsentantenhaus im Rahmen ihrer Untersuchungen für ein mögliches Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen US-Präsident Donald Trump vorgeladen haben.
USA now wants India to rapidly lift Kashmir restrictions
Trump met separately this week with both Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, who are both due to address the UN General Assembly on Friday.
Ukraine-Affäre: US-Demokraten fordern Dokumente von Pompeo
Die Vorsitzenden des Auswärtigen Ausschusses sowie des Geheimdienst- und des Kontrollausschusses stellten eine sogenannte Subpoena aus, also eine rechtlich verbindliche Aufforderung, das Material zu übermitteln.
U.S. House panel to hear from inspector general on whistleblower complaint
A U.S. House of Representatives committee will hear closed-door testimony from the intelligence community’s inspector general on Oct. 4, a congressional official said on Friday.
House Democrats subpoena Pompeo for Ukraine documents
The House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight Committees which announced the subpoena also scheduled depositions for five State Department officials over the next two weeks, including former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, Ambassador Kurt Volker, the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine, and Ambassador Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union.