Daily Archives: 23. April 2019

23.04.2019 - 17:57 [ Claire Fox ‏/ Twitter ]

For those of you asking about – dare I say it – my ‚political journey‘ after this morning‘s announcement that I am standing as a candidate for @brexitparty_uk, I recently confessed all to @giles_fraser on his @unherd #Confessions podcast. Listen in and get the backstory….

23.04.2019 - 17:25 [ The Brexit Party ‏/ Twitter ]

„Don‘t get me wrong, I‘m from the left. If you sat Nigel and I down, I am not going to agree with them on any range of questions. But the question now is whether we are going to let democracy be overturned.“ – @Fox_Claire on why she is standing for The Brexit Party.

23.04.2019 - 17:22 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Farage reveals new Brexit Party candidates including an SBS officer who won the military‘s second highest medal, an ex-Communist and a charity worker – as Tories predict a wipeout

– Nigel Farage announced five more candidates for his Brexit Party european election fight next month
– Ex-Marine James Glancy awarded Gallantry Cross for fighting in Afghanistan during three tours of country
– Ex-Revolutionary Communist Party member Claire Fox will stand but doesn‘t agree with Farage on much
– Moral Maze star said: ‚Don‘t get me wrong, I‘m from the left. But the question now is whether we are going to let democracy be overturned‘
– A smoked salmon millionaire, an ex-NHS worker and a charity boss also among the five new candidates

23.04.2019 - 17:14 [ BrexitCentral.com ]

It is decades of ceding sovereignty to Brussels that is making the Brexit process so difficult

But, not a word from Remainers about these matters – and no recognition that it is precisely that cession of sovereign powers to Brussels – a fateful step endorsed by Euro-enthusiasts – that makes the divorce so difficult. The fact that we cannot simply say “we’re leaving” will confirm to many voters how right they were to vote for escaping shackles that are proving so difficult to cast off.

23.04.2019 - 16:52 [ Independent.co.uk ]

The Independent Group will back Theresa May in any vote of confidence, says Heidi Allen

The new Independent Group of MPs has agreed to back Theresa May in any vote of no confidence, one of its most prominent members has said.

In an exclusive interview with The Independent, former Conservative MP Heidi Allen said the group – which also consists of eight Labour MPs – had decided not to do anything that would facilitate a general election.

23.04.2019 - 16:48 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Tory MPs Supporting Brexit Party, 1922 Rule Change Rumoured

Sources within the 1922 Committee suggest that there is a fair chance the executive will endorse a rule change tonight allowing a fresh challenge if a third of the parliamentary party indicates they will support it – effectively raising the threshold in terms of numbers of MPs required and removing the one challenge-a-year rule. Alternatively the 12 month challenge delay period could be reduced to six months – meaning the next leadership challenge would be on from June 3rd.

23.04.2019 - 16:44 [ Independent.co.uk ]

Brexit news – live: Senior Tory MP demands Theresa May resign ‚today‘, as EU withdrawal talks with Labour resume

Theresa May should announce her resignation as prime minister „today“ in order to break the Brexit impasse, a senior Conservative has said.

Nigel Evans, secretary of the Tory backbench 1922 committee, told the Today programme that new leadership was needed, warning that the process „can‘t start soon enough“.

23.04.2019 - 16:37 [ BBC ]

Donald Trump‘s state visit to the UK set for 3 June

The president and First Lady Melania Trump will be guests of the Queen and attend a ceremony in Portsmouth to mark 75 years since the D-Day landings.

He will also have official talks with the prime minister at Downing Street.

23.04.2019 - 16:04 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER TERRORKRIEG: Seine Dynamik des Schreckens

(13. Mai 2015)

Das Wort „terror“ ist lateinisch und bedeutet ins Deutsche übersetzt „Schrecken“. Der vom Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, George Bush Junior, am 20. September 2001 vor dem Kongress ausgerufene weltweite und zeitlich unbegrenzte „war on terror“ ist somit in seiner Begrifflichkeit bereits aus zwei Sprachen zusammengesetzt und vielfältig übersetzbar – z.B. durch „Krieg mit Schrecken“ (entsprechend „on purpose“, „mit Absicht“).

Da Krieg aber unzweifelhaft selbst Schrecken verursacht, ergibt sich bereits in dieser Begriffsstruktur des heute vierzehnjährigen Krieges eine perpuitive, sich selbst erzeugende und multiplizierende Dynamik, in der „Schrecken gegen Schrecken“ kämpft und so alle (para)militärischen Erfolge und Misserfolge irrelevant werden, da es jedesmal den gleichen Gewinner gibt. Vergleichbar wäre dies mit einer Kreislaufbewegung in einer Art „Dynamo des Schreckens“, mit Krieg und Terror als den beiden Polen des gleichen Magneten.

Dabei kann diese Kreislaufbewegung nie zu einem Ende führen. Denn auch wenn man nun „Terror“ bzw „Terrorismus“ entsprechend der heute allgemein adaptierten Auffassung als asymmetrische Kriegführung definiert, gelangt man zur Definition des „war on terror“ als einem „Krieg gegen asymmetrische Kriegführung“, also einem „Krieg gegen Krieg“, der sogar im Falle von Niederlagen als Sieger hervorgeht, weil er gegen sich selbst geführt wird und so nie endgültig gewonnen oder verloren, sondern nur ewig weiter geführt werden kann.

23.04.2019 - 15:31 [ apnews.com ]

The Latest: New Zealand: No intel linking Sri Lanka bombings

The office of New Zealand’s prime minister says she is aware of comments linking Sri Lanka’s Easter bombings to the mosque attacks in Christchurch, though it hasn’t “seen any intelligence upon which such an assessment might be based.”

The statement came Tuesday after Sri Lanka’s minister of defense, Ruwan Wijewardene, made the claim to Parliament, without offering evidence.

23.04.2019 - 15:30 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

ISIS claim responsibility for Sri Lanka bombing as officials say it was retaliation for Christchurch mosque shootings and attack on a FOURTH hotel failed – as CCTV emerges of church bomber

‚The preliminary investigations have revealed that what happened in Sri Lanka [on Sunday] was in retaliation for the attack against Muslims in Christchurch,‘ state minister of defence Ruwan Wijewardene told parliament today.

23.04.2019 - 10:53 [ junge Welt ]

Libyen – Haftar trumpft auf

Dessen Regime unter General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi gehört zu Haftars wichtigsten und zuverlässigsten Unterstützern. Hauptsächlich von dort und aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten kommen nach Erkenntnissen der UNO die Waffen, die trotz eines 2011 vom Sicherheitsrat beschlossenen Embargos an Haftars Truppen geliefert werden. Die Rechnungen zahlt zu einem großen Teil Saudi-Arabien.

23.04.2019 - 10:35 [ Nick Turse / Common Dreams ]

No Need to Whisper, AFRICOM Isn‘t Listening In

Any media monitoring service working for U.S. Africa Command, the umbrella organization for American military activity on the African continent, would obviously notice that outburst and provide a “clip” of this article to the command.

23.04.2019 - 10:06 [ The Jerusalem Post ]

Will defense ties increase between Israel and the Ukraine?

Israel has been selling military equipment to Ukraine for over two decades, and with the election of Jewish comedian and novice politician Volodymyr Zelensky, there is a good chance to increase defense ties between the two countries.

23.04.2019 - 09:53 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Präsident von Mexiko macht umstrittene Bildungsreform rückgängig

Die von Ex-Präsident Peña Nieto vorangetriebene Reform hatte während seiner Amtszeit zu monatelangen Diskussionen und teilweise erbittertem Widerstand geführt, den die Regierung mit allen Mitteln zu beenden versuchte. Es kam zu zahlreichen Verhaftungen. Im Jahr 2016 wurden in Nochixtlan im Bundesstaat Oaxaca zehn Menschen getötet und 60 verletzt, als Polizisten mit Schusswaffen gegen Demonstrierende vorgingen.

23.04.2019 - 07:41 [ Haaretz ]

2020 Democrats Promise to Re-enter the Iran Deal, and Israel Is Concerned

Officials who have spoken with Haaretz in recent weeks described a “political nightmare scenario” in which Israel is dragged into the presidential race because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials will make comments about the Iran deal, at the same time as Trump and the eventual Democratic nominee will spar over its fate.

23.04.2019 - 07:24 [ CNN ]

Takeaways from Bernie Sanders‘ CNN town hall

Sanders conceded that his decades of consistency on economic issues does not extend to his approach on foreign policy.

„I was rightfully criticized the last time around because I didn‘t pay as much attention as I might,“ Sanders said.

23.04.2019 - 07:17 [ Times of Israel ]

Bernie Sanders: Israel now run by Netanyahu’s ‘racist government’

“What I believe is not radical,” Sanders said. “I just believe that the United States should deal with the Middle East on a level playing field basis. In other words, the goal must be to try to bring people together and not just support one country, which is now run by a right-wing — dare I say — racist government.”

23.04.2019 - 06:59 [ New York Times ]

‘These Attacks Could Target Catholic Churches’: The Warning That Sri Lankan Officials Failed to Heed

„Foreign intelligence has informed that Mohammed Cassim Mohamed Zaharan alias Zaharan Hashmi the leader of the National Thowheeth Jama’ath and his followers are planning suicide attacks in this country.“

23.04.2019 - 06:52 [ CNN ]

Could the Sri Lanka bombings have been stopped?

Intelligence services in India and the US told Sri Lanka of the threat in early April, officials said. One memo compiled by Sri Lankan security officials was so specific that it even gave a list of suspects. In the runup to the holiest day in the Christian calendar, the warnings seemed to increase in frequency and urgency.

But none made any difference.

23.04.2019 - 06:50 [ BBC ]

Sri Lanka attacks: Authorities face scrutiny over advance warnings

He said information passed to police included a warning from a foreign intelligence agency about possible attacks by the group, as well as names of members.

US media quote Sri Lankan officials as saying both Indian and US intelligence had warned the country about a threat in early April.

It was not clear on Monday whether Mr Sirisena had been made aware of the warnings.

23.04.2019 - 06:46 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Sri Lanka‘s social media ban enters second day as authorities try to block ‚mischievous attempts to spread rumours‘ in wake of bombings

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, Viber, Snapchat and Facebook Messenger were all shut down in Sri Lanka after Sunday‘s co-ordinated attacks.

23.04.2019 - 06:15 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Notstand in Sri Lanka: Hinweise vor Anschlagsserie unbeachtet

Wieso haben die Sicherheitsbehörden von Sri Lanka dann nichts unternommen, um dies zu verhindern, fragte gestern der Erzbischof von Colombo, Kardinal Malcolm Ranjith, bei einem Treffen von Vertretern verschiedener Religionen in seiner Residenz in Colombo. Da könne man sich doch nur an den Kopf fassen, wenn man sich klar macht, dass all diese Opfer verhindert hätten verhindert werden können, sagte er.