Daily Archives: 11. Dezember 2018

11.12.2018 - 23:29 [ Dan El Rojo / Twitter ]

Tory so-called ‚rebels‘: all mouth and no trousers. Craven and pathetic.


11.12.2018 - 23:25 [ Sky News ]

Why Labour is hesitating to pull the trigger on a vote to remove Theresa May

Some within the Labour Party also believe their political enemies want the party to table a vote, only to lose it, weakening Mr Corbyn in the process and pushing the party closer to backing a second referendum.

There‘s also the chance that Mrs May could be toppled by her own party, angry at her decision to delay the crucial Brexit vote, leading some to call for the Labour leader to hold back.

11.12.2018 - 23:21 [ theSun.co.uk ]

NEIN, PRIME MINISTER! Theresa May ramps up No Deal planning as Merkel shoots down her Brexit deal hopes

A No10 spokesman said: „The Prime Minister set out the view of Parliament that the backstop must only be temporary.

„They agreed that they will stay in close touch on this in order to get the deal over the line.“

But shortly afterwards, the German leader told her allies there is no chance of renegotiating the deal.

11.12.2018 - 23:08 [ theSun.co.uk ]

‚STOP BREXIT‘ PLOT: Remainers launch bid to force a second Brexit referendum by twisting Jeremy Corbyn’s arm to back it

Politicians from the Lib Dems, Greens, SNP and Plaid Cymru have written to the Labour boss begging him to move a motion of no confidence in Theresa May

11.12.2018 - 23:02 [ Spiked ]

A damning verdict on British politics

The court usually takes many months to consider its decisions. The fact that this ruling was issued the day before the planned meaningful vote on Theresa May’s Withdrawal Deal, and was resolved far more efficiently than other cases, suggests that the court knew full well it was playing a political role.

In many ways, the reaction to the decision was much more illuminating than the decision itself. When it was announced, some Remainers rejoiced as though they had been given permission to keep Britain in the EU.

11.12.2018 - 22:57 [ Zeit.de ]

Kein Disziplinarverfahren gegen Hans-Georg Maaßen

Maaßen war von Seehofer in den einstweiligen Ruhestand versetzt worden, nachdem bekannt geworden war, dass dieser vor internationalen Geheimdienstmitarbeitern eine Rede gehalten hatte, in der er von teilweise linksradikalen Kräften in der SPD gesprochen und sich selbst als Kritiker einer naiven und linken Ausländer- und Sicherheitspolitik bezeichnet hatte.

11.12.2018 - 22:56 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Berater in Ministerien: Externe Expertise

Die Bundesregierung investiert kräftig in die Unterstützung durch externe Berater. Trotz mehr als 20.000 eigener Beschäftigter setzt die Regierung auf Sachverstand von außen.

In den vergangenen fünf Jahren hat die Bundesregierung mindestens 716 Millionen Euro für externe Berater ausgegeben.

11.12.2018 - 22:51 [ BBC Politics / Twitter ]

UK PM Theresa May arrives in Berlin for talks with Germany‘s Angela Merkel aimed at rescuing her #Brexit deal

11.12.2018 - 21:07 [ Yonhap ]

Korea-U.S. MOU on sharing satellite data

Kim Sang-kyun, head of the National Institute of Environmental Research‘s (NIER) environment satellite center, announces at the second government complex in Sejong, central South Korea, on Dec. 11, 2018, that NIER and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will sign a memorandum of understanding on sharing data from their geostationary pollution-monitoring satellites to be launched in 2020.

11.12.2018 - 18:58 [ Press TV ]

UK top in Europe for number of life sentence prisoners: Study

Results of the new report by the Prison Reform Trust published in The Independent newspaper on Tuesday showed that UK prisons were already home to 8,554 inmates with life sentences, more than France, Germany and Italy combined.

The figure also exceeds the total number of life sentence prisoners in Russia and Turkey, said the report.

11.12.2018 - 18:17 [ Moon of Alabama / antikrieg.com ]

William Blum ist gestorben

William Blum starb gestern im Alter von 85 Jahren. Er hat seit Ende der 1960er Jahre über die Verbrechen der US-Regierung geschrieben. Ich habe viele, viele seiner Arbeiten gelesen und von seinem Wissen profitiert. Ich mochte besonders seinen trockenen Humor oder sein Lachen, dass er über sie gestreut hat.

11.12.2018 - 18:07 [ Jason Ditz / Antiwar.com ]

US Hopes for an Afghan Peace Deal by April Appear Dim

… This all combines into a lot of push-back against getting a deal done in the next few months, and combining that with the administration’s constant interest in blaming Pakistan when the war is going badly, it’s hard to envision everyone coming to a reasonable realization that the Afghan War is better off ending sooner, rather than later.

11.12.2018 - 18:04 [ Jason Ditz / antiwar.com ]

US-Hoffnungen auf einen afghanischen Friedensvertrag bis April scheinen vage

… Dieses alles spricht dagegen, dass es in den nächsten Monaten zu einem Abkommen kommt, und in Kombination mit dem ständigen Bestreben der Regierung, Pakistan die Schuld zu geben, wenn der Krieg schlecht läuft, lässt sich schwer vorzustellen, dass jeder zu der vernünftigen Erkenntnis kommt, dass der Afghanistankrieg besser früher als später zu Ende gehen sollte.

11.12.2018 - 15:43 [ teleSUR ]

Venezuela, Russia Begin Defense Training Exercises

„We must tell the people of Venezuela and the entire world that just as we are cooperating in various areas of development for both peoples, we are also preparing to defend Venezuela to the last extent when necessary,“ said Padrino.

11.12.2018 - 15:11 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Uruguay lehnt Asyl für Perus Ex-Präsident Alan García ab

García war Mitte November für eine Anhörung im Rahmen der Korruptionsermittlungen gegen ihn nach Peru gereist, die angesichts neuer Erkenntnisse jedoch kurzfristig ausgesetzt wurde. Die Staatsanwaltschaft gab bekannt, die Ermittlungen ausweiten zu wollen. García werden Geldwäsche und geheime Absprachen vorgeworfen. So soll er gegen die Zahlung einer Summe von acht Millionen US-Dollar den Auftrag für den Bau der U-Bahnlinie 1 Metro Lima an das brasilianische Bauunternehmen Odebrecht vergeben haben.

11.12.2018 - 13:01 [ Paul Embery , firefighter. Trade union official. Socialist. Pro-Brexit. Blue Labour / Twitter ]

The battle lines are drawn. Technocracy versus democracy. Choose a side.

11.12.2018 - 12:55 [ Dawn Foster, Staff Writer - @JacobinMag. Columnist - @Guardian / Twitter ]

Is there anything to be said for just abolishing England.


11.12.2018 - 12:32 [ Parliamentlive.tv ]

House of Commons: Tuesday 11 December 2018


Emergency Debate: Government‘s management of the meaningful vote debate

11.12.2018 - 12:16 [ UK House of Commons / Twitter ]

One urgent question today in the Commons. @YvetteCooperMP – Government’s duty under section 13 of the EU Withdrawal Act if no deal is reached by the 21st January. No statements.

11.12.2018 - 12:15 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Letters: Theresa May has lost credibility with Parliament, the Conservative party and the electorate

SIR – I do not know where the backstop starts, but I do know where the buck stops. Mrs May must resign.

Christopher L Cruden
London SW3

11.12.2018 - 12:06 [ UK House of Commons / Twitter ]

Today in the Commons, MPs will hold an emergency debate on the Government’s management of the meaningful vote debate. More details of today‘s business in the #OrderPaper

11.12.2018 - 12:01 [ Sky News ]

Tuesday‘s national newspaper front pages

Sky News takes a look at the stories making a splash in Tuesday‘s national newspapers.

11.12.2018 - 11:54 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

We cannot continue to be led through Brexit by a mule flogging a dead horse

You know that it’s a momentous day in our history when the best sense is spoken by the Right Honourable Member for Bolsover. Dennis Skinner may be eighty-six years old, but he spoke with the raging fire of youth as he jabbed a finger at the Prime Minister in the Commons and told her that the EU would use the chaos she had just unleashed against any other country that dared to leave. “Margaret Thatcher had a word for it. F.R.I.T,” he spat out the letters one by one. “She’s frit.”

11.12.2018 - 11:30 [ .Zeit.de ]

Gelbwesten in Frankreich: Emmanuel Macron in der Falle der Wütenden

Am vergangenen Wochenende waren wieder mehr als 100.000 Menschen in Frankreich auf die Straße gegangen, und nach wie vor halten laut Umfragen drei von vier Franzosen den Protest für legitim. Eine rekordverdächtige Zahl: Protesten beispielsweise der kampferprobten Eisenbahner oder auch von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern stimmte meist nur weniger als jeder zweite Franzose zu.

11.12.2018 - 11:27 [ Ruptly / Twitter ]

France: Juncker warns ‘no room whatsoever‘ for Brexit deal renegotiation

Published on Dec 11, 2018

11.12.2018 - 11:22 [ Catherine Nicholson / Twitter ]

some timings today… #May – #Merkel meeting 1pm CET in Berlin May – #Tusk 5pm in Brussels May – #Juncker 7pmish in Brussels Then back to London… and back again to Brussels on Thursday for the summit

(now enriched with extra-added #Brexit) #carbonfootprint #airmiles

11.12.2018 - 11:13 [ Express.co.uk ]

BREXIT LIVE: May in Europe to BEG Juncker and Merkel for EU concessions to salvage deal

The Prime Minister will meet EU President Jean-Claude Juncker this evening but not before she has met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for breakfast in the Hague.

11.12.2018 - 04:31 [ Daily Sabah ]

Second drillship expected to arrive in Mediterranean by end of January

After gas discoveries sped up in the region over the last decade, the regional countries have concluded bilateral maritime border demarcation agreements with the Greek Cypriot administration. For example, in 2010, Israel hammered out an accord demarcating maritime borders with Cyprus. The deal had naval security implications and set an official separation of hydrocarbon reserves claimed by Israel and Greek Cypriots who had already done the same with Egypt and Lebanon in 2003 and 2007, respectively.

11.12.2018 - 03:56 [ Cyprus Mail ]

Cyprus hosted secret US helicopter base for four years, ‘no comment’ says govt

The Cyprus base was established a year after the Libya Benghazi attack in which four Americans and the ambassador at the time were killed by a mob, which later prompted criticism of the Obama administration for the fact no one could get to them on time.

11.12.2018 - 03:26 [ ZeroHedge ]

Free Gas Over Yemen‘s Skies: Saudi Jets Refueled By American Taxpayers Due To „Accounting Errors“

“It is clear that the Department has not lived up to its obligation to keep Congress appropriately informed or its responsibility to secure timely reimbursement,” Sen. Reed told The Atlantic. “U.S.-provided aerial refueling assistance was provided to the Saudi-led coalition for more than 3.5 years, activities that likely cost tens of millions of dollars. We must ensure that U.S. taxpayers are fully reimbursed for that support.”

So it‘s clear that not only has the United States given the Saudis a „free pass“ politically while tens of thousands of Yemeni civilians have been massacred over the years, but has literally been funding the Saudi military machine for free, despite Riyadh‘s immense oil wealth.

11.12.2018 - 03:03 [ Fefes Blog ]

Die Open Knowledge Foundation stellt alle Gesetzblätter offen ins Internet.

Mal gucken, wie lange es dauert, bis ihnen Milliarden-Raubmordkopier-Forderungen ins Haus flattern. Inhaltlich haben sie natürlich völlig Recht. Das ist absolut unglaublich, dass ein privatwirtschaftlicher Verlag entscheiden kann, wer die Gesetzblätter lesen kann und wer nicht.

11.12.2018 - 02:48 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Konzeption und Fähigkeitsprofil: Bundeswehr-Umbau für den Neuen Kalten Krieg

Wichtige Vorarbeiten hierzu wurden bereits im Jahr 2017 veröffentlicht, die dann in die „Konzeption der Bundeswehr“ (KdB) vom 20. Juli 2018 und das „Fähigkeitsprofil der Bundeswehr“ (Fäpro), das am 3. September 2018 von Generalinspekteur Eberhard Zorn unterzeichnet wurde, einflossen.

11.12.2018 - 02:40 [ BBC ]

Nasa‘s Voyager 2 probe ‚leaves the Solar System‘

Decades and billions of kilometres. Voyager 1 departed Earth on 5 September 1977, a few days after its sister spacecraft, Voyager 2.

The pair‘s primary objective was to survey the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – a task they completed in 1989.

11.12.2018 - 00:42 [ Beth Rigby ‏/ Twitter ]

So, that was today. Tomorrow: May on her European tour (do you remember Cameron did that once to try and get a better deal with EU). She goes to The Hague, Brussels and Berlin. 1/

11.12.2018 - 00:22 [ Donald Tusk / Twitter ]

I have decided to call #EUCO on #Brexit (Art. 50) on Thursday. We will not renegotiate the deal, including the backstop, but we are ready to discuss how to facilitate UK ratification. As time is running out, we will also discuss our preparedness for a no-deal scenario.

11.12.2018 - 00:00 [ Sky News / Youtube ]

House of Commons speaker labels Theresa May ‚deeply discourteous‘ for delaying Brexit deal vote