Daily Archives: 16. November 2018

16.11.2018 - 21:30 [ CNN ]

Israel heading for early elections after turbulent week for Netanyahu

Israel will pick a date for early elections on Sunday, a source close to a key minister told CNN, following a turbulent week for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that saw key government resignations and calls for an early vote.

16.11.2018 - 21:29 [ theGuardian.com ]

Israel set for early elections after cabinet breaks up, source says

Israel is due to hold elections early next year after the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, lost his defence minister and talks broke down in his coalition government on Friday, a source close to the cabinet told the Guardian.

16.11.2018 - 21:18 [ John McDonnell, Abgeordneter im britischen House of Commons ‏/ Twitter ]

We are at a historic moment of potential change, with the opportunity for the left to build a majoritarian base for the ideas and ideals that will take the Labour Party with a radical programme into government.

16.11.2018 - 21:02 [ sz ‏/ Youtube ]

If Labour is elected we should insist that Assange is released from his incarceration

16.11.2018 - 20:59 [ Democracy Now! / Youtube ]

Exclusive: WikiLeaks Lawyer Warns U.S. Charges Against Assange Endanger Press Freedom Worldwide

The news broke on Thursday night just hours after The Wall Street Journal reported the Justice Department was planning to prosecute Assange.

16.11.2018 - 20:58 [ Sky.com ]

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange charged in secret, US court document suggests

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been named by mistake in a US court document, leading to suggestions he may have been charged in secret.

The Australian‘s name appeared twice in a court filing from a prosecutor in Virginia in a case involving a man accused of coercing a minor for sex.

16.11.2018 - 20:42 [ Kurier.at ]

Brexit-Debakel: Misstrauensvotum gegen May am Dienstag erwartet

Die nächste Hiobsbotschaft für Theresa May hat nicht lange auf sich warten lassen.

16.11.2018 - 20:41 [ derStandard.at ]

Genügend Stimmen für Misstrauensvotum gegen May beisammen

Nach zahlreichen Rücktritten im Kabinett folgt nun die nächste Hiobsbotschaft für die britische Premierministerin. Die 48 Unterschriften seien laut Insidern gesammelt – derstandard.at/2000091453381/May-steht-im-Parlament-fast-allein-da-bleibt

16.11.2018 - 20:37 [ Reuters ]

Enough letters to trigger vote of no confidence in PM May: BrexitCentral editor

the editor of BrexitCentral said on Friday, citing a single source who he said was always previously reliable.

16.11.2018 - 20:27 [ Express.co.uk ]

BREXIT BOMBSHELL: BBC‘s Laura Kuenssberg REVEALS the REAL reason Dominic Raab resigned

In a special podcast, Laura Kuenssberg explained that she had visited Mr Raab at his south-west London home following his departure, and that the deal had been significantly changed without his knowledge. She said: “Here’s an intriguing thing – what’s been suggested to me is that there’s quite a big difference between the October draft of the withdrawal deal and the bit about the future relationship, and the bit that emerged yesterday.

16.11.2018 - 20:16 [ Nachrichten.at ]

Stephen Barclay ist neuer Brexit-Minister

Allerdings werde May die letzten Tage der Verhandlungen mit der EU selbst leiten, wie der Sprecher am Freitag sagte. Barclay, der bei dem Referendum 2016 für den Brexit gestimmt hatte, solle sich darum kümmern, den Ausstiegsvertrag durchs Londoner Parlament zu bringen.

16.11.2018 - 20:10 [ NewStatesman.com ]

In Stephen Barclay, Brexiteers finally get their cabinet minister for no deal

That much, of course, is obvious – we know that Michael Gove was Theresa May’s first choice for the role. That Barclay was the next best Leaver willing to take the job reflects the breadth and depth of opposition to the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal among the surviving members of her cabinet and Conservative MPs.

16.11.2018 - 16:16 [ Granma ]

Lateinamerika: Der Krieg, den sie uns aufzwingen

Die Aktionen gegen die Symbole des Sozialismus in Lateinamerika und gegen alles, was an die Taten der progressiven Regierungen in der Region erinnert, haben in den letzten Monaten zugenommen, genauso wie die Angriffe und Drohungen gegen Personen, gegen soziale und politische Führer. Der Faschismus nimmt seinen Flug auf und gedeiht auf den Schultern der Krise der traditionellen Parteien, den Irrtümern der Linken und der erbitterten konterrevolutionären Kampagne der Kommunikationsmedien, wahrhaftige Parteien der Rechten im Dienst der lateinamerikanischen Oligarchie und der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten.

16.11.2018 - 16:06 [ Granma ]

Kuba: Erklärung des Ministeriums für Gesundheit

Das Gesundheitsministerium der Republik Kuba, das den solidarischen und humanistischen Prinzipien verpflichtet ist, die seit 55 Jahren die kubanische Zusammenarbeit bestimmt haben, nimmt seit Anfang August 2013 am Programm Más Medicos para Brasil (Mehr Ärzte für Brasilien) teil. Die Initiative, die von Dilma Rousseff ausging, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt Präsidentin Brasiliens war, hatte das edle Ziel, gemäß dem Prinzip der universellen Gesundheitsversorgung, wie sie die Weltgesundheitsorganisation unterstützt, die medizinische Versorgung für den größten Teril der brasilianischen Bevölkerung sicherzustellen.

Dieses Programm sah vor, dass brasilianische und ausländische Ärzte in armen und entlegenen Gebieten des Landes arbeiten sollten.

16.11.2018 - 15:43 [ Reuters ]

UK‘s Gove says he has confidence in PM May

Senior Eurosceptic minister Michael Gove said on Friday he had confidence in Prime Minister Theresa May and was focused on working for a good deal for Britain as it leaves the European Union.

16.11.2018 - 07:33 [ inews.co.uk ]

Jacob Rees-Mogg’s letter of no confidence in Theresa May – full text

“Regrettably, this is not the situation, therefore, in accordance with the relevant rules and procedures of the Conservative Party and the 1922 Committee this is a formal letter of No Confidence in the Leader of the Party, the Rt Hon Theresa May.

“I am copying this letter to the Prime Minister and the Chief Whip, and although I understand that it is possible for the correspondence to remain confidential I shall be making it public.”

16.11.2018 - 07:31 [ inews.co.uk ]

‘This is not a coup’: Jacob Rees-Mogg submits letter of no confidence in a bid to oust Theresa May as Tory leader

Speaking outside the meeting, he denied that it was a “coup” and said that it was not about his own ambition, adding: “I am no putting my name forward for leadership.”

He said that there was “swathes of talent” in the party, referencing Dominic Raab, David David, Esther Mcvey and Boris Johnson.

He did, however, say that he thinks the next Tory leader should be a Leave backer, unlike Mrs May.

16.11.2018 - 07:26 [ Express.co.uk ]

The moment Rees-Mogg puts final nail in May‘s coffin? Parliament falls DEATHLY silent

THE Commons fell silent on Thursday when prominent Tory backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg threatened Theresa May directly and claimed he will write a letter of no confidence in the Prime Minister over her controversial Brexit draft agreement.

16.11.2018 - 06:59 [ theTimes.co.uk ]

Brexit crisis: Angela Merkel kills hopes of more EU concessions

The German chancellor said that a no-deal Brexit would be the “worst and most chaotic scenario” but clearly signalled her reluctance to yield more ground to the British side.

“We have a document on the table that Britain and the remaining 27 EU states have agreed,” Mrs Merkel said in Potsdam. “There is, as far as I am concerned, no question of further bargaining at present.”

16.11.2018 - 06:51 [ BBC ]

Theresa May under pressure after Gove rejects Brexit secretary job

Theresa May will continue to sell her Brexit withdrawal deal on Friday, as cabinet minister Michael Gove is understood to be considering quitting.

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said she understood Mr Gove had rejected the PM‘s offer to make him Brexit secretary, because Mrs May would not let him renegotiate the deal.

16.11.2018 - 06:48 [ theSun.co.uk ]

FOSTER‘S FURY: DUP threatens to bring down Government over ‘humiliating’ Brexit deal

Arlene Foster, leader of DUP, flew to London to warn Theresa May over her current Brexit plans

The DUP leader said there would be „consequences“ for Mrs May if she put forward a deal which threatened to break up the United Kingdom.

16.11.2018 - 06:43 [ CNN ]

Theresa May hit by bombshell resignations over Brexit deal

Two Cabinet ministers, two junior ministers and two parliamentary aides had quit by the time May stepped into the House of Commons to present the draft agreement approved by her Cabinet late on Wednesday.

16.11.2018 - 06:40 [ sbs.com.au ]

Defiant Theresa May fights rebellion over Brexit deal as ministers quit

Prime Minister Theresa May is facing a mutiny in her ranks as Eurosceptic MP Jacob Rees-Mogg pushes for a no confidence motion and four ministers quit.

16.11.2018 - 06:35 [ BBC ]

Minister apologises for inventing Brexit stat on air

ustice Minister Rory Stewart has apologised after making up a Brexit statistic whilst on BBC Radio 5 Live.

Speaking with Emma Barnett, he claimed 80 per cent of the British public supported the prime minister’s Brexit deal.

Pressed by Emma as to where he had got the information, he said: “I’m producing a number to illustrate what I believe”.

16.11.2018 - 06:27 [ Express.co.uk ]

Brexit deal opinion polls latest: THIS is how British public feel about Theresa May‘s deal

The agreement has not been accepted by the British public polls show.

Four in ten (42 percent) of Britons oppose the deal, whilst only 19 percent are in favour of it.

The remaining 39 percent answered, “don’t know”.

16.11.2018 - 06:26 [ oe24.at ]

May unter Druck: Rücktritts-Flut nach Brexit-Abkommen

Zuvor waren am Donnerstag aus Protest gegen den Deal bereits Brexit-Minister Dominic Raab und der Nordirland-Staatssekretär Shailesh Vara zurückgetreten.

Unmittelbar nach dem Rücktritt des britischen Brexit-Minister Dominic Raab hat auch die Brexit-Staatssekretärin Suella Braverman ihren Hut genommen.

16.11.2018 - 06:12 [ New York Times ]

Are You Ready for the Nanoinfluencers?

That is the term (“nanos” for short) used by companies to describe people who have as few as 1,000 followers and are willing to advertise products on social media.

Their lack of fame is one of the qualities that make them approachable. When they recommend a shampoo or a lotion or a furniture brand on Instagram, their word seems as genuine as advice from a friend.

Brands enjoy working with them partly because they are easy to deal with.

16.11.2018 - 05:55 [ Washington Examiner ]

Broward and Hillsborough Counties fail — or refuse — to submit recount totals that would have expanded GOP margins in Florida

Republicans Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott would have seen their margins in the governor and Senate races increase had county officials in two Democratic counties met the recount deadline Thursday. In Hillsborough County, the officials were perfectly clear: They flatly refused to submit the recounted numbers even though they had them on time.

16.11.2018 - 05:55 [ NDR ]

CDU: Netzwerke und Spin-Doktoren der Kandidaten

Ein solch offenes Rennen um den CDU-Parteivorsitz hat es in der Geschichte der CDU noch nicht gegeben. Generalsekretärin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn und der frühere Unionsfraktionschef Friedrich Merz gelten als die aussichtreichsten Bewerber. Sie präsentieren sich auf acht Regionalkonferenzen den CDU-Mitgliedern, die erste davon am Donnerstag in Lübeck.

16.11.2018 - 05:52 [ DocumentaryFR3AK / Youtube ]

Fahrenheit 9/11

Fahrenheit 9/11 is a 2004 documentary film by American filmmaker, director and political commentator Michael Moore. The film takes a critical look at the presidency of George W. Bush, the War on Terror, and its coverage in the news media. The film is the highest grossing documentary of all time.

16.11.2018 - 05:50 [ Ronald A. Klain / Washington Post ]

What’s the matter with Florida?

As the general counsel of Al Gore’s 2000 recount effort in Florida, I’m often asked this question about the Senate and gubernatorial recounts now going on there: Why does “this” keep happening in Florida?

16.11.2018 - 04:59 [ RT Deutsch ]

„Wir bleiben neutral!“ – Österreich lehnt Beteiligung an EU-Armee strikt ab

Das österreichische Verteidigungsministerium hat eine Beteiligung des Landes an einer möglichen EU-Armee ausgeschlossen. Die österreichische Verfassungslage stehe der Idee einer europäischen Armee entgegen, sagte nach Informationen des Kurier der Sprecher des Verteidigungsministers Mario Kunasek (FPÖ).

16.11.2018 - 03:04 [ WSWS ]

Baden-Württemberg: Grüne Landesregierung schikaniert ausländische Studierende

Im Mai 2017 hat die grün-schwarze Landesregierung in Baden-Württemberg Studiengebühren von 1500 Euro pro Semester für Studierende aus dem Nicht-EU-Ausland eingeführt. Der Vorschlag für das Gesetz kam von der Landesministerin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, Theresia Bauer (Grüne). Nachdem die Bewerberzahlen bereits für das Wintersemester 2017/18 um 21 Prozent zurückgegangen waren, werden nun die weitreichenden Konsequenzen der Maßnahme immer deutlicher bemerkbar. In diesem Semester melden zahlreiche Hochschulen Exmatrikulationen und weiter sinkende Bewerberzahlen.

16.11.2018 - 02:53 [ NOAA Satellites / Twitter ]

NEW! @NOAA‘s #GOES17 satellite sent us its very first images of Alaska, Hawaii and the Pacific! Now that GOES-17 has reached its new orbital home at 137.2°W, we can see the Last Frontier and Aloha State like never before!

See more GOES-17 images here:

16.11.2018 - 02:38 [ PressTV ]

US discusses plan to create ‘Arab NATO’ with Qatar

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets with Qatari Defense Minister Khalid al-Attiyah in Washington over a US plan to create a NATO-like Arab military alliance as Washington pushes for an end to a diplomatic rift between Doha an a Saudi-led quartet in favor of an alliance against Iran.

16.11.2018 - 02:17 [ CBS News ]

SpaceX launches Qatari communications satellite

Es‘hailSat‘s first satellite entered service in December 2013 and currently provides television content, business communications and other telecommunications services. Es‘hail 2 features high-speed Ku- and Ka-band transponders, a military communications payload and sophisticated anti-jamming capabilities.

It also features the first Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation — AMSAT — payload to fly aboard a geostationary satellite, providing coverage stretching from Brazil to Thailand.

16.11.2018 - 01:31 [ ORF ]

Netanjahu unter Druck: Israels Premier sagt Wien-Besuch ab

Netanjahu wurde erst vergangene Woche als Gast in Wien von Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) angekündigt. Neben der Teilnahme an der Antisemitismuskonferenz waren auch bilaterale Gespräche geplant. An der Konferenz werden hochrangige Vertreter von jüdischen Gemeinden weltweit und Persönlichkeiten aus Politik und Wissenschaft teilnehmen.

16.11.2018 - 01:26 [ TechCrunch ]

Uber joins Linux Foundation, cementing commitment to open-source tools

Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin was certainly happy to welcome Uber into the fold. “Their expertise will be instrumental for our projects as we continue to advance open solutions for cloud native technologies, deep learning, data visualization and other technologies that are critical to businesses today,” Zemlin said in a statement.

16.11.2018 - 01:13 [ Reuters ]

Mexico overturns law meant to regulate troops in drug war

Mexico’s highest court on Thursday overturned a contentious new security law aimed at regulating the long-time use of the military against drug cartels, a day after the president-elect’s team said it was impossible to pull troops from the streets.

16.11.2018 - 00:54 [ Reuters ]

California judge orders next Monsanto weed-killer cancer trial for March

The order by Superior Court Judge Ioana Petrou in Oakland, California, comes on the heels of a $289 million verdict in the first glyphosate trial in San Francisco, in which a jury found Monsanto liable for causing a school groundskeeper’s cancer.