Archiv: Kamerun / Cameroon

27.12.2023 - 10:52 [ Wikipedia ]

International recognition of the State of Palestine: No diplomatic recognition

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01.09.2023 - 04:05 [ ]

Kagame, Biya sack Rwandan, Cameroonian military chiefs after soldiers seized power in Niger, Gabon

The Rwandan leader, known for his brutal crackdown on the media and opposition, also retired 83 senior officers, 06 junior officers and 86 senior non-commissioned officers, 678 end-of-contract officers, while 160 were discharged on medical grounds discharges,” the statement said.

In Cameroon, Mr Biya, who spends most of his time in Switzerland, is also not leaving his grip on the country to chance as he immediately shuffled the officers in the army, air force and marine.

The sweeping changes in Cameroon and Rwanda came barely hours after the coup in Gabon, where President Ali Bongo Ondimba was toppled and placed under house arrest by soldiers. Both leaders did not reference the coups in Niger and Gabon in their respective decisions.

31.08.2023 - 18:39 [ Internationaler Währungsfonds / International Monetary Fund ]

What is the CFA franc zone?

The CFA franc zone consists of 14 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, each affiliated with one of two monetary unions. Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte D’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo comprise the West African Economic and Monetary Union, or WAEMU, founded in 1994 to build on the foundation of the West African Monetary Union, founded in 1973. The remaining six countries — Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon — comprise the Central African Economic and Monetary Union, or CAEMC.

These two unions maintain the same currency, the CFA franc, which stands for Communauté Financière Africaine (African Financial Community) within WAEMU and Coopération Financière en Afrique Centrale (Financial Cooperation in Central Africa) within CAEMC. WAEMU and CAEMC account for 14 percent of Africa’s population and 12 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP).

20.04.2021 - 20:06 [ ]

Volatility in store for Chad‘s oil industry after president‘s death

Despite its oil wealth, Chad has been facing an enormous debt burden. Global Commodity trading house Glencore is one of the largest creditors to Chad through an oil-for-cash loan. Last year, the Chadian government requested that Glencore suspend payments on its oil-for-cash loan. The oil producer now also relies on oil-for-cash loadings from Chinese creditors.

Chad holds around 1.5 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, according to BP‘s Energy Outlook 2020, making it the 10th-largest oil reserve holder in Africa. Oil accounts for almost 90% of the country‘s export revenues.

20.04.2021 - 20:00 [ ]

Chad denies sale plans for export pipeline

(March 5, 2021)

SHT acquired a 25% stake in the Doba consortium from Chevron in 2014 for $1.3 billion. ExxonMobil and Malaysia’s Petronas also hold equity in the upstream and pipeline assets. Both foreign companies were considering sales in 2020, according to reports.

20.04.2021 - 19:42 [ ]

Chad: Hardline rule, poverty and oil

(April 13, 2021)

In 2003 Chad began to export oil to an Atlantic terminal through a pipeline built across neighbouring Cameroon.

20.04.2021 - 19:07 [ Radio Utopie ]

Tschad: Chronologie der French Connection

(16. Februar 2008)

Um die Ereignisse der letzten Wochen in einer der vielen ex-Kolonien Frankreichs plausibel und zusammenhängend für die Wächter der Öffentlicheit zu machen, veröffentlichen wir eine Dokumentation mit 48 öffentlich zugänglichen allgemeinen Quellen. Wir haben Szenarien einfliessen lassen, um oft taktische und für den Betrachter verwirrende Äusserungen der beteiligten Akteure in einen subjektiven Zusammenhang als einen möglichen Vorgang hinter dem Vorhang zu setzen.
Starten wir die Suche in einer Stadt, der einst unübersichtliche, geschichtenreichen Gassen und Häuserschluchten das Herz zusammennähten und die heute zu einer innen noch ein bisschen rauschenden, aber mehr und mehr dunkler werdenden Ansammlung von Zwiebelschalen rund um die noch mächtigen Flure des Elysée-Palastes geworden ist.

Paris: …

01.06.2019 - 06:22 [ Wikipedia ]

CFA franc

The currency has been criticized for making economic planning for the developing countries of French West Africa all but impossible since the CFA‘s value is pegged to the euro (whose monetary policy is set by the European Central Bank).[3] Others disagree and argue that the CFA „helps stabilize the national currencies of Franc Zone member-countries and greatly facilitates the flow of exports and imports between France and the member-countries“.[4] The European Union‘s own assessment of the CFA‘s link to the euro, carried out in 2008, noted that „benefits from economic integration within each of the two monetary unions of the CFA franc zone, and even more so between them, remained remarkably low“ but that „the peg to the French franc and, since 1999, to the euro as exchange rate anchor is usually found to have had favourable effects in the region in terms of macroeconomic stability“

01.06.2019 - 06:20 [ Spiked ]

French colonialism lives on in Africa

CFA franc. These two words probably do not mean much to most readers, but they encapsulate one of the world’s most enduring – and little-known – economic experiments. In the simplest possible terms, the CFA franc is a currency used by 14 countries of Western and Central Africa, all of which are former French colonies.

18.05.2019 - 00:00 [ Haaretz ]

Arming Dictators, Equipping Pariahs: Alarming Picture of Israel‘s Arms Sales

A thorough report by Amnesty International is harshly critical of Israel’s policies on arms exports. According to the report written in Hebrew by the organization’s Israeli branch, Israeli companies continue to export weapons to countries that systematically violate human rights. Israeli-made weapons are also found in the hands of armies and organizations committing war crimes. The report points to eight such countries that have received arms from Israel in recent years.

07.04.2019 - 13:28 [ Radio Utopie ]

Tschad: Chronologie der French Connection

(16. Februar 2008)

August 2006:
Der seit 1990 durch einen Putsch mit Hilfe Frankreichs an die Macht gekommene Diktator Idriss Deby verlangt eine Erhöhung der Anteile am Ölprofit auf 60% (bis zum damaligen Zeitpunkt 20%). Er spricht von „Krümeln“, die der Tschad (sprich: er) bis dahin von den Energiemonolen bekommen habe.
Daraufhin geschieht Folgendes: das ehrenwerte US-Magazin “Forbes” zeigt sich plötzlich so erschüttert, dass es den Tschad als “korruptestes Land der Welt” bezeichnet und die höchst ehrenwerte Weltbank sperrt dem Tschad (also Deby) die Konten. (10)

Oktober 2006:
Die “Union of Forces for Democracy and Development” (UFDD) wird gegründet.
Ziel der „Tschad-Rebellen“: Sturz von Deby (12).
Anführer: der ehemalige Botschafter in Saudi-Arabien, General Mahamat Nouri, bis 2004 Minister von Deby und 1990 ebenfalls mit französischer Hilfe an die Macht gekommen (13).
Hauptquartier: Libreville, Gabun, ebenfalls ex-Kolonie von Frankreich. (5)
Ungefähr im gleichen Zeitraum gründet sich in Sudan, Provinz Darfur, die Guerillatruppe „Armee der Volkskräfte“ – „mit tschadischer Unterstützung“, wie es heisst. (14)

17.02.2019 - 21:27 [ Junge Welt ]

Abschottung als Entwicklungshilfe

An den undemokratischen Zuständen in Ägypten stören sich weder EU noch Bundesregierung. Diktator Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi lässt das Parlament derzeit an einem Gesetz arbeiten, das ihm die Präsidentschaft bis 2034 garantieren soll. Regelmäßig gibt es Berichte von schwersten Menschenrechtsverbrechen. Auch im Hinblick auf alle anderen Staaten, deren Polizeiorganisationen zwecks Flüchtlingsabwehr von Deutschland oder EU gesponsert werden, berichten etwa Amnesty International und Human Rights Watch von immer wiederkehrenden willkürlichen Festnahmen, Folter und Zensur.